ITT: Channel edits and edit requests. Spinelposters welcome.
Channel edits: Tuesday trial
Other urls found in this thread:
Channel is BASED
and so are we
It's a good day
I want to see her become Ms. Yea Forums, anons. I need this
No one cared who I was until I edited the mask.
Me too.
i unironically need her to win.
She's too precious to lose
read this in the most metal voice you anons can, its even better that way
My god I love these threads!
I'll be really sad when they will end.....
if she looses we riot
Can you edit/coloring this?!?!?!?!?!
>greater than wojakposter
every time. holy fuck that entire greentext was a goldmine of hilarity
It's ok, nothing last forever...
But, we can do our best to make her ms Yea Forums she deserves it.
Once she wins and after everything is over.
We'll realize.
The real channel were the friends we made along the way
If she loses I will feel very happy for the user's who support the winning waifu and will be happy our girl got this far. My for her does not need to be validated by a poll. This is all just an expression of love. And if other user's love for their girl is stronger than ours. That's fine. We'll just need to love her more.
fuck off
precious cinnamon roll
Thank you user!
Usually I'm sad for a moment knowing nothing last forever and that maybe one day we could forget our waifus.
And so, If there is nothing but what we make in this board and in our lives for Spinel, Anons...let us make good threads about Spinel and make her win!
also im just assuming its archive making the screencaps
no you fuck off we're happy here
Someone please make her doing a dabstika
Next battle is against tinkerbell huh...
it's not gonna be easy, but i believe in her...WE NEED TO GIVE CHANNEL OUR ENERGY!
>nothing last forever and that maybe one day we could forget our waifus
Things only last as long as you want them to. I want my love for Channel and Spinel to last forever. To keep her in my heart, even when I'm not thinking of her for the rest of my life. That if I ever see her smile again for some reason, I'll feel the same as I do today. Happy.
Spinel: 58.9%*1165 = 686 votes
Tinkerbell: 66.5%*1090 = 725 votes
I'm not feeling too good about next round
Sorry but my loyalty has been to thicc fairies since I was young
oh no...don't say that user...
when can we vote again?...
>Things only last as long as you want them to. I want my love for Channel and Spinel to last forever. To keep her in my heart, even when I'm not thinking of her for the rest of my life. That if I ever see her smile again for some reason, I'll feel the same as I do today. Happy.
Same user! Same!
I'm building a Spinel real life size doll!
And I will love her and keep her in my room so nobody could see her!
You user are my only ally in this!
For Spinel!
If there is nothing but what we make in this board and in our lives for Spinel, Anons...let us make good threads about Spinel!
i understand...we each have our waifus...
Round 1 theme
>Spinel is the most voted
>Tinkerbell is the second most voted
Guys... Can we do this?
I wish I wasn't at work so I can celebrate with you guys and doodle for you.
>TFW all my canidates in this tourny are ded
You are too good for us. I love you.
We have something no other waifu has. Sure they're lewd, or funny, or entertaining, or are in good shows, and Spinel has all of that in spades. But the thing that gives us victory, what will bring her to the top. She's our friend. And we're each other's friends! We can pull through, I just know it!
Sorry to dissappoint but I'm not the one making the caps
I save all images posted in these threads using an image downloader
It's automatic so I dont have to be here all the time
it's ok user, the party will continue until you get back, and once you do, it's gonna be an even better party. We'll be waiting for (You)
tis fine
well whoever makes the caps you know what must be done
you know the drill
I will not fail her.
I will not fail (You)
You're right. As long as one of us is there to get those dubs, we'll find a way!
I've done my part.
Remember anons, whether she wins or loses, atleast we showed her that she's loved.
now then, in the words of "chrono trigger the musical"
It's okay, focus on your work day, and have a safe one Pearlanon.
I've done my part, we must all pitch in and get Spinel past Tinkerbell. I have faith in the collective love of Spinel and Channel.
Don't forget to support Peridot just to piss them off!
have a nice day user, do your best at work and so will we, when we come back we'll celebrate together, thanks for inspiring us drawfags
can we get a channel edit of her doing that dance were she looks to the side after she reforms
debemos ganar por canal
Suena horrible jaja. Voten por Spinel
How long do we have until the voting closes?!
it really does, and what's worse i forgot the pic, so it was even less funny
Requesting this but with Channel and Spinel
I'm scared for Spinel's chances in this pageant. From what I've heard, people are garnering outside help to bolster votes for their girls. Should we do the same? Maybe call for another temporary truce between reddit and tumbler to help our girl out? I just don't want to see Spinel, or her little sister, become sad again.
Blue Diamond rather
I didn't expect Blue Diamond to make it past round 1 but now I'm feeling kek'd
any channel lewds?
This post is a false flag:
Why do you care so much? This thread isn't even about the pageant anyway.
Actually, I really am concerned. That's why I'm asking here.
Honestly? I can't really say. Its just a feeling that gripped me this morning. I know none of this really matters, but seeing Spinel win would mean so much cute art of her winning the pageant, looking so happy and loved... is it wrong to want that for her?
Also, when losing out on 110000000 get, I felt real bad or her there.
They are already on it. We might need outside of Yea Forums help.
but that's cheating
Oh god, are you implying what i think you are
We should be flattered that they feel so threatened about our girl.
as much as i hate reddit we may need their help
Show me the rules.
I already did earlier. Scroll up.
I never thought of it that way....
No we don't, we can handle this on our own. We'll find a way!
In our darkest hour, we call upon the aid of a long forgotten foe.
We have called for truces before. This isn't about our pasts, its about HER future.
You're right tho
youre right, guys we need to swallow our pride vegeta style, we gotta ask em for help, for her
I'm disappointed in you all. You're really so scared you wanna go get help? Is our own love not enough for her to get the top spot?!
we should be setting the example for our girl, and getting other anons on our side rather than look for free upboats from reddit and co
yes, but dont you get it, they'll have the NUMBERS against us, we need the NUMBERS to win, love alone might not cut it
We are Spinel's friends!
And we never give up on this amazing gem!
As long as one of us is there to get those dubs
Shameful user, just shameful. What would she think? Trying to get outside help, that's just a disgrace to her name. It's not about winning or losing. It's about a show of love.
I know its a show of love, but im looking at this from a big picture perspective, look at the good channel has done all of us in these threads, the good she could do to Yea Forums would be unrivaled, im doing this because i think she NEEDS to win
How long do we have to vote, user?
Perhaps we can see how this round goes. If it ends up being too close for comfort then we know we will need help. there are currently other fandoms plotting against our girl, and its frightening. So if she loses and falls off the chart, right into despair, its on your heads.
Even from afar she looks like a Sonic OC
I....I...i just don't know anymore.
>What would she think?
She would think it was great that we put aside our differences, found others who also love her, and combined our love with theirs to help her rise above all the conspiracies to bring her down. We WOULD be using the power of love to help her
You weren't supposed to look at that frame for more than 0.0001 seconds, user.
Why must you hurt me like this.
I-I tried my best user
He's got a point.
also checked
There's 24 hours for every round. Round 2 just started.
Would the effort required to edit this to channel (including the names on the caps) be prohibitive enough that it can't be done?
Is he right? Did you guys actually do it? We don't need them
Now we need art of spinel in this pose
Someone's already done it.
There's actually one but I don't have it
I won't believe the supposed intent of that post until I see a link or screen cap of said informant.
I didnt... did anyone else?
Read the replies, someone already did it
I've seen a few different versions of spinel drawn in this pose.
Checked, we got this.
Nice, i didn't see it until now.
>vegeta style
thanks for the info user
Speaking of Sonic Spinel
Round 2 is live
>tfw we've struck fear on them that they start plotting conspiracies for A STUPID NOWHERE PAGEANT
Mr.x gon' give it to Spinel
Channel Gmod model when?
I require to see said greentext
Your dubs demand it, here it is
Blessed checked and keked
I made this for memes:
and it doesn't have to be just the GETs mind you
>Hmph! Let's see how he likes my wojak
i can't believe i missed that thread
So you're just gonna post this without the video, huh?
i don't get it, but i enjoyed it quite a bit.
real nice edit user
I looked up SU discords and checked the reasonably sized ones. No mention of the tourney
Well there you go. we can't let her down do it user...become an hero
not an hero that we deserve.
but an hero we need.
Reminder that anyone asking for reddit and discord is a falseflagger trying to discredit our girl's victory. Any request for outside assistance is a raid and should be reported.
The only numbers we need are GETS and we have those
Believe in Channel
do what? her innocence has been proved.
We're clean
Any drawfags present?
I'd like to request a side by side of best friend spinel and punished spinel each showing how they do up one side of their hair. I think it'd be cute.
We should believe in this user.
Any more Aryan Spinel?
of course! here you go user, a punished verstion i made
just for (You)!
I feel like I used the dubs for a good cause.
Thank you, user, this is fucking amazing
the cure for the salt
Thanks Doc, you always know what I need.
Please post the screencap
>If this post gets dub user gets banned for posting this
Think doc can connect me to a pharmacist for a hookup of Spinel winning ms. Yea Forums?
ευχαριστώ γιατρό
Requesting Spinel or Channel making an artist try to kill themselves
The cartoons Spinel is inspired by are a bit older, but that idea sounds familiar
I think that channel SUCKS
fake and gay. you're beaten first by
[/spoiler] P
>more anons to join the superior opinion
based, this does not SUCK
>You're about to shoot yourself in the head
>She puts her head next to yours
>Pull the trigger user
>We'll be together forever
Gensokyo portal Channel when?
Is it just me or is Jannel working hard on the Ms. Yea Forums thread? It's just me, I think.
Oh shit. Did I miss something big?
Jannels have been very nice to us lately they take care of any the rapist that comes in the thread!
AND they honor the dubs...
We won the first round! Don't forget to vote for round 2
Not much user...except
>The Dark Tournament Arc HAS BEGUN
we need a channel using the spirit gun to CHECK EM'
if thr drawfriends are here: requesting this but with Channel, Punished Spinel, Yotsuba, Spinel and Punished Channel respectively
I'm no master screencap-maker but there were some parts missing that I loved.
Can we all agree not to tell reddit about the contest? I mean it's pointless to ask since I feel like the haters are going to do it themselves to falseflag.
im sorry user im bad at still images
i can do this after a few request i have tho.
>88 get
he's smiling on us
Right? Also: do you guys think that we're actually winning some anons over on this board?
Now we just need a gif of Channel fucking Lapis in the ass
Lunchtime doodle.
Special gift for I just wanted to thank you all for being such great, inspiring people and putting a smile on my face every time I look at this thread.
Have a great rest of your day.
>On model with skirt and stripes
Probably not, but Spinel is.
Thank you for this amazing drawing user, you're amazing
This is both cute and genius Pearlanon, nicely drawn and good word play. I hope the rest of your work day goes great, quickly, and smoothly. Now if only we could get a different type of sucking image.
i can finally pretend im having lunch with chanel!
I think that this SU-
Fuck you user, why are you so godamn nice all the time you're making me love you, stop it.
>he countered suckanon
good job, end that fucking tsundere
I think that pearlanon ROCKS
No user, thank you! I can only be so supportive and inspiring because of great people like you creating beautiful things. Never stop buddy. And I promise I'll do my best to keep up with you.
Bless your sweet soul pearlanon
Jesus christ was that one GET a prophecy?
>all the anons in that thread talking about getting cucked by/tfed into the spinel fandom
spinel drunk on the battlefield
what was the other reply?
Where are the replies?
Dont let her down bros
>hiding replies
Which merc would be the best friend for Spinel?
Autistic rocket man
heavy is basically just bald steven, so...
I want Spinel Adventure (or Spinel Adventure 2) to be an actual game. Or maybe a model hack. Speaking of which, has anyone done a 3D Spinel model?
>tfw my best friend is unironically jealous im spending so much time drawing channel and laughing at the threads
channel cucking powers are starting to reach the real world
yeah some user did a scary but cool model of spinel, and even made her pose to memes hopefully he'll post them
Channel is our only friend now
>Having real life friends
Be careful user, you might anger her
I have no idea why it's even allowed, seems like a lot of extra work for them, but more power to them I suppose
Does alcohol even affect Gems?
Well they have SOME kind of digestive system, seeing as how they can eat and poop.
>channel is cucking people in real life
This might be getting out of hand, our collective love is giving her strength
How long until someone makes the news by murdering their friends for Spinel
i wonder if the poop stones.
Wait that works?
Forgive me friends
Now that's good scrumpy!
i have stopped talking to all my friends because i spend all my time watching the SU movie/ channel threads/editing
>not watching the movie with your friends
Don't make me post the confederate soldier x anne frank greentext
it's ok, channel and each other are the only friends we need
but what if she pulls off a Soviet Russia on you?
Channel Anne Frank and confederate user threeway when?
you're too precious for this world.
I unironically hope you're happy
post it
one day, it will rise again.
this southern land will be independent.every square inch, from the swamps and bayous of Louisiana to the beaches of Florida to the Appalachian mountains in Georgia and Virginia and whatnot
fuck yankees
>people ITT think that Spinel/Channel, of all people, would approve of abandonment
Don't be like PD.
Reconcile, you fucks.
who are you talking to user?
who wants to abandon who?!
We'll be here to love and adore you when you get off. But for now work hard!
I go to look at porn for 10 minuets and suddenly there's anne frank pregs, the hell did i miss
>Ignoring your best friend for channel
That's some waifu love right there
We got no problem. We love harder than they ever could. In fact we'll love them all so hard they'll be begging for Spinel to win
>Spinel thinks abandonment is wrong
>I want to abandon my friends to be with Spinel
>mfw i fucked up
>implying his best friend irl isn't his hand.
a bet I think
Can you guys not go on Tumblr and ask for votes?
>All these fucks flexing with their real friends
Man you guys are lucky.
im not tho.
user, i have been talking with her.
for over a decade now. im not abandoning her, i just love channel
We're not doing that. Read the thread. We're against that falseflagging shit.
im not sure channel would want that...
she would be happier knowing we tried our best
Christ almighty is this what you chans are usually like without channel's magical redemption powers?
Don't worry user, you can get some too I'm sure of it!
>dubs of friendship
you can hang out with us instead user (-:
user... won't they (the redditfags) all be not exactly incredibly thrilled to see me... like this?
Ah it's OK. Everything's chill.
we're your friends now user
that's why we need her...shut up.
Some of us even have girlfriends and/or boyfriends.
dubs confirm
we can be friends if you want user.
based normanon
and this is why i was advocating so heavily for asking for help
based depraved bisexual
>Actual relationships
I'm fucking seething.
>Tfw kissless hugless virgin and Spinel is the only thing that has given me happiness within my life
ok, i laughed, i admit it.
that wast an old screencap
>TFW Have a boyfriend a friend who's so close he acts just like me and a bunch of other casual friends
>And now I have Spinel and Channel
My life is alright sometimes. I hope to share some of that feeling with the rest of you.
trust no one, not even yourself.
It's not depraved to enjoy sampling both sides of the food platter
it's okay, you're on the same level as the diamonds then :^)
these threads sure are weird.
I'm probably autistic enough to keep lurking, but not autistic enough to actually post in a thread like this.
wait a second...
69, nice
Go tell them they mean a lot to you!
imagine the endless fun you can have at Gmod
return to reddit you underaged loser
Spinel keeps me in the basement so she can make sure I'm safe. I'm so lucky to have a friend like Spinel.
user, do it. if it is for /ourgirl/ do it.
History only remembers the results.
Only Spinel can destroy Spinel
I thought we agreed that Amethyst is the Tumblr OC
>tfw not virgin or hugless and spinel is the only thing that has given me happiness in years
I, an official representative of the Spinel fanbase, have officially asked scary outsiders for help. Their votes are pouring in as we speak.
You may link to this post to validate your insane conspiracy theories.
Welcome to the turbo autismos, user!
Based spinelfriend helping antispinellosers cope with the lost
Last thread I requested this pic but fell asleep. Thank you to whoever drew this, I appreciate it and love you for it.
Here we are at round 2
Here we are at round 2, and we're done
Just a day ago, we were at the top
and now we're done
because of them.
Top of the poll, there we were.
When has it ever been easy?
Hasn't it always been hard to win?
When you post against the memes
there's always a fag around to falseflag.
That's why we've got to have each others, while we figure this out we must.
Because we are Spinel's friends
and we never give up, we never give up on best gem
As long as one of is posting to check those dubs
We'll find a way
to win again
that's who we are!
Here we are at round 2
Here we are at round 2, and we're done
Look at them, they're not even voting anymore
If we could have just stopped right there she'd be
totally fine
totally best
totally queen!
Even if it takes a thousand votes to win this we will!
They may not love her, but we do.
Believe me user, I've funposted longer
I've seen falseflagger shitposters who were stronger
and that's why I believe in us, and why I believe in her!
Because we are Spinel's friends
and we never give up, we never give up on best gem
As long as one of is posting to check those dubs
We'll find a way
to win again
that's who we are!
"Right. Okay. Let's put our heads together. There's gotta be some way to get them to vote Spinel."
"What if they need more exposure to our friend?"
"If we show them more fanart, eventually they'll love her!"
"Channel, you might be onto something! If every time they see new creative artwork they like Spinel more, we just need to show them all the love! One post at a time!"
"Are you serious?"
"That should take forever!"
"Exactly. So let's get started."
I have also asked outsiders for help.
I want to the disgraced Yea Forums fandom that shan't be named.
They were all too happy to help despite there being no horse characters in the poll.
Here we are in round two! YEAH! Here we are in round two and WE'RE DOOOOOOOOOOONE!
Help my Spinel keeps saying the gamer word in public.
That's alot of numbers user, I think you should just let her say it
I'd assume yes. I think there's an episode where amethyst gets sick from eating an old/bad burrito, so I think we can conclude from that is that what gems ingest does have some sort of effect on them.
ITT: a den of autists circlejerk around their waifu and admit that they forced a FOTM into the poll so they wouldn't have to cope with the harsh reality that their show sucks.
>Have friend that I know for 15 yrs
>They don't give a shot about Spinel or SU
At least I have you guys
ITT: a den of autists being nice and drawing pictures
I know a relationship wouldn't fix my life but sometimes I think it would be easier to get out of bed in the morning if I at least thought someone cared about me
>3 dubs and 1 trip
Yeah you should let her say the word, just one time
aw user you're making me sad, hope you can improve your life for the better, we'll be rooting for you. you can do it!
BASED literalwhoposter
I can't help but smile ear to ear every time I see this picture. I don't know the meme and I couldn't find a source, but the look on her face, the style of the artist, and the fact that I read the text in her voice just warms my soul.
She's so adorable.
Any drawfriends here?
Can we get a small comic where Channel is throwing a party, celebrating that mods/jannies are asleep so they can make a huge mess for them to clean up later, and then have Jannel show up in a guy fawkes mask (like the old EFG stuff from back in the day) and everyone stops for a moment before Jannel also starts making a mess and everyone is happy?
I think this is backfiring, Yea Forums doesn't understand sarcasm
are those strider glasses i see?
Thanks user, your dubs give me hope
Here user, have a Channel edit of it! You seemed to like it so much I couldn't help myself!
Now that the ones we summoned are joining in, it's all coming together
Please be joking
This is why people laugh at us
Hey friend you might wanna raise the bottom right hair piece a bit.
You can't convey sarcasm through text.
>responding to the falseflagger
>Not Gurren Lagann
you got dubs again!
See? channel was giving us a signal, a signal about you being able to do it!
I was until you asked me to be, and now im serious
You can, just not to people who can't read.
>"This drill is the drill that's going to fucking kill you Steven Universe!"
You can. In fact, that user did. The retards in the other thread are pretending.
I don't know anything about Homewhatever. Go watch Gurren Lagann, it's cool.
Aww, thanks user!
Please no glorified waifu wars, I just want to make Channel content.
I'll probably watch Gurren Lagann at some point in the future, right now im trying to stop getting distracted by everything and finish homestuck
You know how large forests sometimes need a controlled burn to stay healthy?
That's Yea Forums now. Just ride out the flames.
Is it just me or is this Blessanon guy not the same as the one from the last thread?
Had to make a throwaway account so my request asking for votes won't show up for a while. Fucking sucks bro
me on the left
Post Spinel ocs you've come across. I thought this one was pretty cute.
Requesting Firefighter Channel
What do you mean? There's only one Blessanon, and it's me. Obviously. The one and only Blessanon.
I'm about to fuck your shit up senpai.
I just slap on the name whenever I want to make an extra dumb post.
We need proof of this. Please take a screen cap of you asking for help. Names can be blurred/blanked if need be. Otherwise, you might just be a detractor trying to calm your opposition.
Why do we want her to win, so badly?!
what is this feeling it's like...i...i care? about something?
even if it is because of something like this it i want to care.
You mock me with your fallacies, impostor, but i appreciate the gesture
Based falseflag anons making people who care about cartoon polls feel better about themselves
This is why I can respect namefags but not tripfags. Because they know their name is communal property to have fun with. Like bouncing around a beach ball but the ball is made of stupid.
There blaming us for "rigging" votes anyways and I don't see the problem with asking for votes
>But the ball is made of stupid
Im gonna use that at some point
I don't understand how "this character is just a popular fotm" and "this character is hated by everyone and needs to cheat to win" can both be true
>I don't see the problem with cheating
In the mind of a waifufag, all things are possible.
i feel like now would be a good time to direct you towards undertale's fanbase and those opposing it my friend
Great metaphor.
Everyone, find a tall tree and start climbing
How is it cheating though?
Channel's love has blessed me with $10
It's Ms. Yea Forums, not Ms. reddis/co/rdmblr
tell us the story user.
Why does anyone give a shit about this poll? Does the winner get to become a real girl?
This is great! We need to keep making and posting new content, even if its just edits. We need to spread the Spinel/Channel love. Its important to keep her momentum going, that way more people fall in love with her, all around the internet, and vote for her. She might have lost out on the last major get, but she can still become Queen!
Here, I found a blank spot in my sketchbook and I drew this last night because I was thinking about how sad she would be to lose again (If anyone wants to edit this into a Channel pic I would be honored.) Let not let her cry!
Forgot my pic!
Nigga it's Yea Forums, we're all autistic
Is there any specific rule that says people from reddit or Tumblr can't vote? There's already such a big cross-site visit anyways
Absolutely user!
also cute drawing! but don't let her cry godammit.
Not only does she become real, but YOU take her place in her universe
"we're all autistic down here"
wtf but then we can't be together, no deal
dubs confirm.
if i take her place what happens to her?! i don't want her to have my shitty life!
Not a phone poster but I'd really like a Channel bg I could use and for other anons too
What is the background of the image there
This image should have been in your introductory meme class, take notes next time
took me a sec, nice edit user
Bought a scratcher at the check out that had a 4 leaf clover on it simply because it reminded me of her. Won 10 buck. It was $3, so I guess I technically won $7, but I'll accept any gift she blesses me with.
That is so precious. I WANT A CHANNEL GIFT TOO! BBL, going to throw money at a cashier.
Cute Spinel.
Drawnon here taking request to celebrate the trailer
Draw Channel in a movie theater with some popcorn!
Channel version of this
Channel and Stevanon on a red carpet, surrounded by the crowd of cheering Yea Forums Anons.
How about Channel, but her weapon is designed to turn Anons into other Channels? She won't rest until half the world is Channels, each with a specific user to hold and cherish forever.
Channel and Jannel bonking user
Bless you, user. I'm going out with my gf tonight and won't be able to draw for you guys. We are lucky to have you and all the other drawfriends and editfriends.
I can't wait for pearlanon to come back and see that NOT ONLY
Have we won round 1
but also the Movie Trailer is out!
He'll be so happy.
also drawing request for some user last thread
or that her weapon makes bitter anons vote for her in the poll
If you guys could give me some visual references, I would appreciate it
The overlay is from the ending of Halo Reach, where your last mission is just to survive hopelessly
here's Spinel drawn by Ian Jones-Quartey/IanJQ!
I was thinking of this image when I asked for Channel in a movie theater if that helps.
Channel banishing the thot tinkerbell
Took about 20 minutes longer than I planed
Never played it but sounds kino.
and for that, channel has blessed you with dubs so that you can get even more (You)s for your work! well done user!
>not making that sweater a straight jacket disguised as a sweater
Missed opportunity
Do people prefer light or dark for unpunished Channel?
Have fun pearlanon we love you!
based coloranon. very cute
I love to see punished channel HAPPY!
Yes! YESS!! We need more unifying art like this. We need to spread it to the other sites and help promote voting for Spinel in the pageant... is there any way to see what the results for voting is right now? Or do we have to all wait?
I don't see her, but I'm sure she's as good as usual
Just have her whacking an user on the head with a hammer, with a second Channel standing behind her, smiling blissfully? user is in mid transformation from the hit.
Why is it that she looks really cute whenever she’s drinking something
If you mean like, in real time then...nope.
here's an almost colored version please use if it helps make her the winner.
I think lighter works better for her, but both are going up on the Mega. Thanks for coloring these user.
Here you go user, fresh from my ass, and made just for (You)
cute and good
I love it! Who was the user who had the account to the other sites? We need to get this stuff posted STAT!
seconding this one
Dear user, if you feel like it, could you draw a robot punished channel? i need some concept art for a gundam animation i want to make!
>falseflagging losers trying to ruin comfy threads with reddit and tumblr post
I just wanted to have fun on this board
I had this idea of smol channel and smol spinel dressed up as dinosaurs with corresponding colors. Maybe a green theropod and pink pterosaur.
Or, even better, channel dressed up as a green Godzilla and Spinel dressed up as a pink Rodan
are you not having fun user?! look at all the good stuff everyone is posting and the Channel Movie Team posted a trailer! that's a good reason to be happy!
We are here to love Channel and Spinel, user. But she was sad to miss out on the last epic get. Now she is lucky enough to make it into the Miss Yea Forums pageant, but she already has detractors trying to work against her. She needs love from all of us, and to do that, we need to work together. We do it for Her. We want to see her smile.
Don't worry user you can have fun in the V O I D.
the polls been up since like 11:30am est
Requesting channel edit
user, have you voted for spinel and peridot today?
I don't get why most artists draw innocent spinel hugging punished spinel instead of y'know someone else to be her friend.
Post the 9999999 incident...
*Snoooort* I didn't try to poison the earth dood it didn't happen, and by the way, White Diamond agrees with me she's like "This is nuts!"
Visual representation of her learning to love herself maybe?
I voted for Spinel, Peridot, Pearl, and Blue Diamond. I didn't vote for Lapis. She knows what she did wrong. Break my hairbrush will you? No vote for you!
Fuck I forgot to crop not like it wasn't a shitpost anyways
Can someone link me the poll?
based spining tops anime. remember when Moses split the sea using his beyblade?
it's canon.
you are a based user! let's represent our good girls!
it's ok it was funny anyways
I kinda want to record this, but it could be full of wierd accent and could not have the same tone of "Here we are in the future"
i don't think it's regular here we are in the future.
looks like that song bismuth sings
>those pink eyes and teeth
Correct, I'm not sure that's what he meant though
Well feel free to do it anyways, it would be fun
Remember to take good care of your Spinel. She needs you.
>read it with the music on the background
Fucking amazing user.
ok. that's pretty based.
So people are saying there's a trailer out for a whole Channel movie where Spinel is editted during the whole thing, but I've been looking everywhere and can't find it. Can I get a link anons?
are they still doing the channel movie? they've been dormant for threads so idk if they stopped or are still working on it.
Here you go user
here's Spinel drawn by Ian Jones-Quartey/IanJQ!
>You will never come back home after a long day to a Spinel to cuddle with
can you edit this!
Here's a better version
But what if Spinel could shrink herself and hide in my pocket while I'm at work?
7 is a lucky number after all, user. Blessed.
Spinel is flat.
That's called a gun, user.
>finish up rough bdsm session
>make sure spinel's okay
>unbind her, kiss her bruises, hug her tight and tell her how well she did and how proud you are
>wrap her up in warm, fluffy blankets and sit her in front of some light-hearted cartoons
>make sure she has her favorite stuffie and a mug of cocoa with extra marshmallows
>let her cuddle up to your chest and listen to your heartbeat, it always calms her down
>stroke her hair until she falls asleep
>make sure to tell her you love her just before she closes her eyes
>Leave her in the middle of the night and she realizes you gave her a fake phone number
>Do the exact same thing again next week
This always melts my heart oh my goodness
aw and you didn't post a photo?!
it would've been a good screenshot!
I wouldn't! She is just too pure for me to do this!
I gave her my number, my email, my credit card, my food, my house, my blood!
holy shit, that pic is adorable it almost makes me want to say it does not suck
>This always melts my heart oh my goodness
Based waifuchad!
>Not pussy destruction in a mating press
>A blood soaked Spinel stares vacantly into the void after one user literally exploded all over her
>What was in his pockets draped over her face
>She hears a disembodied "I love you!"
Both are good as long as you enjoy it.
Mating press is also my favorite.
Thank you very much!!
tfw had to connect to public wifi to post
>user dies in a car wreck and never comes home
>this will never happen to you
whats the point of living?
Someone has clearly never been on /his/ I see.
Live for her user
oof this one hurts
>whats the point of living?
worshipping Spinel!
I don't understand BDSM at all. Like nigga you're both playing extreme pretend until one or both of you busts a fat nut what the fuck is all this aftercare oh-here-you-go-have-some-hot-cocoa-uwu-i-wuv-u bullshit. Having a safe word, okay, I get that. Shit can get too intense some time. But this is like, playing Cawadoody with your friend and calling him a fucking teamkilling killstealing piece of shit while you're both laughing and eating pizza and chugging down Mountain Dew Amped Red gaymer fuel, but then when the match is over, having a heartfelt moment where you reassure him that you're still his best bud and you don't actually think his mom is a disease ridden whore. Like damn what the fuck.
This belongs in a church window
nice copypasta
have a channel
Isn’t /his/ just blue /pol/?
someone draw channel clinging to user's lifeless body
>Have A channel
user im a collector i posses EVERY CHANNEL
not the one in my pocket that I will never share with anyone
Requesting this with user and channel
Name your price.
/his/ is something else entirely...
Hand over the channel and nobody gets hurt
Everyone thinks it's a great idea to have a relationship with a super powered nutjob who could completely wreck them by accident until they realize they can die over an argument about what you want to watch on tv.
>Implying she wouldn't want to watch anithing to make you happy.
I would want to be with Spinel even if it meant that I didn't live until the end of this very day, at least for a little while I would be happy
I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Who says I want to live anymore anyway? At least the short time I had with her would be something fun and make me think for a little while that it was worth living.
She must be MINE
Yeah this one kind of does hurt...I like the lighthearted ones better
Hand it over. That thing, your rare channel
Thanks it's not copypasta I legit do not understand.
Spinel would just do one of those making a diamond from your body things. Then you become a gem and feel the need to sing at inappropriate times.
Fair enough
I also have Channels that I have never posted
And they are all for me to enjoy
>there may be some channel sketches that pearlanon will never post
I will find you.
>ywn have access to pearlanon's porn stash
give it to me NOW
>spinel will never say this to you
>Spinel will never say THIS to you
Which will make it all the worse when diamond you has no memories or even personality in common with real you. And ends up leaving Spinel despite everything.
An assertive base form spinel hnnnnnggg!!!
Any more of these edits?
>Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?
I have this one
He does a good job of posting everything he draws, probably.
do you mean the porn he's drawn? I have most if not all of the SU NSFW he's done.
it helped a lot user.
hasn't he mentioned scrapping some drawings that he didn't like how they were coming out? they're gone now. like tears in the rain
God damn, "No Matter What" is fucking heartwrenching on a rewatch/relisten keeping Spinel in mind.
Meganon do you think you will ever stop being so based?
I think that’s partly why she freaked so bad when she saw the Rejuvenator: she recalled Steven singing No Matter What and believe he never meant it.
How big's ya foldah, user?
Here'ya, one poyilanon would probably ratha' you forget, that I just finished colorin'!
what's her favorite drink?
I guess, but that's something that all artists do, right? Scrap what they aren't satisfied with?
The day I'm not based is the day I'm dead and in the ground. May Spinel, Channel, and other gems be in the afterlife awaiting me.
losing waifufags' tears
Geez, Spinoil, you sure oar retohded.
Who would just do that? Who would just go and sing lies.
Spinel really walks right on the line of being cute and creepy doesn't she? I think it's the human teeth that cause that.
nice coloring job user. Background being darker makes her stand out more.
now i want to kiss her in the mouth
only spooky beyond this point
Spinel accidentally smothering you in your sleep because she loves you so much.
Tried my hand at editing. Not too good at it, gonna try to get better though. For her.
Not pearlanon but I save literally every drawing I do. Helps me see where I fucked up and where I started. Makes it easier to see a proper skill progression.
Telling Spinel you need some alone time so she pulls her gem out of her chest and gives it to you shortly before poofing.
Never asking to be alone again!
sounds canon.
what does it mean?
Spinel got quints in a previous Channel thread though, so that ruling is void.
Matching the curves of her heart shape?
plus our girl has so many dubs she might as well be immune to gets
the quads were also 3333
what the fuck
I was kidding
You have that one already
All good things come in threes
if our girl wins ms/co/ y'all better share all your hidden arts and crafts ya hear?
Three plus implying equals -
Wait that's not right.
There we go.
Wait, I've requested that eggscellent one. Was that ever posted?
not mine, though. she will remain in my pocket until her creases fall apart from taking her out and unfolding her when times get rough and I need a smile
please post the Eggcelent channel i don't have that one!
why is suckanon so desperate?
A Confederate victory in the Civil War would have saved pregnant Anne Frank