So a new big mouth trailer dropped

So a new big mouth trailer dropped

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pls leave

we got 2 threads about the other netflix cartoons, might as well have one for the 3rd

Somebody's needs to give me a metric how much money a Netflix exclusive makes. Like is it retention, how many concurrent watchers, opening week views?

End it

>October 4
Cant fucking wait. But does anybody knows anything about Bojack?

I'm assuming it's been canceled since no news about it has come about

And which ones are those?

Disenchantment and final space

You'd think someone would have spoken by now if it was canceled.

maybe not canceled ,but I guess a extended hiatus

not to mention we had like 100 SU threads the past month? and you're gonna bitch about ONE Big Mouth thread? fuck off you fucking baby.

>Cant fucking wait
I threw up a little

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this pedobait still a thing?

its go 3 more season to go

Final Space is a TBS/AS show

because shit like this anime is more popular

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Netflix notoriously keeps that info top secret.

I want to hate this show but i can't....except for the Coach.

back to Yea Forums schizo

Odds that they’ll finally show a girl’s genitals from the outside? I’m thinking 70:1. 100:1 for a white girl.

>dat new hormone monstress

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Atleast wait until you hear her say bubble bath first user

>Cousin on cousin?
>Mother on offspring
welp, it's official, Big Mouth is anime

first you,psycho.

It's about dam time

They gave Big Mouth up to 6 seasons from what I was reading

F is for Family is taking a long time too
so maybe there's hope

They're probably Canadian; Final Space airs as a Netflix Original in Canada

>toxic masculinity
>fuckability list
>I'm tired of being treated like an object!!1!
It's like they're trying to do the most generic, tacky, least creative thing. God.

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You'd think the makers of Rule34 made this ?

Call the series shit if you won't to but this is the boldest thing that has ever hit at mainstream company.

>>toxic masculinity
As a man myself we have created the beast everything is always fuck fuck fuck thicc
>>fuckability list
Same as I said above
>>I'm tired of being treated like an object!!1!
Don't women do it too?
>It's like they're trying to do the most generic, tacky, least creative thing. God.
No it's called SJW-ing

How are you incapable of understanding that it's tongue-in-cheek?

but Yea Forums is full of pedos

Nothing about the show is ironic or tongue in cheek. That’s why I fucking hate it.

Get this pedo crap out of my board


but let the wonder loli and all the other loli shit stay

>Get this pedo crap out of my board
But we like STU

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LMAO Incels like you don't know any better
and I don't remember any of the adults characters fucking the Pre-teens and teens under puberty ?


except it's not. anime doesn't get season 3.

>I think it's all the extra teeth
incestfags btfo

>assuming it's been cancelled

no way bojack got cancelled. it's fucking bojack horseman for christ's sake

That's some mighty powerful autism you've got there.

So it's another one of those international distribution ploys they love to pull. Going to be hilarious when they lose the rights to most of these "Originals" in a few years.

Why is baby ali wong pansexual

ITs coming out this sometime this fall.

pretty sure aggretsuko will

why is a 12 year old pansexual I know girls mature faster than boys but daaaaam

Don't expect it anytime soon, because the crew had a Union strike. Production will take way longer.

What about F is for Family?

It's coming out next year

Around January

sorry to say user, but you are a retard

what a disgusting art style

they have to if they look to much like children, some faggot would try to call it child porn.
How come no on is picking up on this !

So, society has died, if there was ever such a thing, but at least the adult oriented cartoons about child sexuality arf arf arf arf are funny.

12 is a pre-teen not much of a child
LMAO that's why there's puberty a starting


cuz rule34 boomer!


you don't seem like a Yea Forums native

I hope Gina gets more screentime. She kinda got fucked over last season, so it's nice that she's one of the girls seemingly.