Would Steven been able to redeem Kaguya, thus surpassing Naruto and his Talk no Jutsu?

Would Steven been able to redeem Kaguya, thus surpassing Naruto and his Talk no Jutsu?

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She doesn't have enough of a personality to Talk no Jutsu

No but Steg could dick her into submission.

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She wasn't talk no jutsu'd. She was pretty much the Kid Buu of Naruto. Being the final final villain. Also fuck Naruto with it's moon people shit. I can handle demon foxes and tailed beasts but fucking moon people c'mon.

>Also fuck Naruto with it's moon people shit. I can handle demon foxes and tailed beasts but fucking moon people c'mon.
It's a culture thing. Moon people are a thing in Japanese mythology. In Americaland terms, it'd be like saying "I can get behind leprechauns and banshees, but animated suits of armor? That's just ridiculous!"

Greg would be more than enough to handle her

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The moon people weren't the issue. The fact that it was a shitty anime that decided to add them in at the last second was.

And when you already had a perfectly fine final boss built up for hundreds of chapters

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Naruto was shit

She is easily distracted by pretty boys, should work.

This, literally. It's as if during the Cell games, Cell gets suprise killed for no reason and now fat mute Android 19 is the final boss

Moon people are a big thing in Japanese mythology. It's like elves or dwarves to us.

Naruto almost had the right idea, Kaguya didn’t need to be punched or talked but dicked down. In this scenario just throw the Murdercock in her general direction and things will sort themselves out.

Kagura was so last minute Naruto didn't even try to Talk no Jutsu her. She was literally the 1 character that was asking for it too.

>She was literally the 1 character that was asking for it too.
Not according to Naruto himself who said this a few minutes after crying for the guy who killed his parents.

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>Lex Luthor creates an army to take over the world
>Superman fights the army and Lex dies
>And then it turns out a dwarf/elf was behind the whole thing and is actually the final villain
Nah. It's still retarded. Naruto dropped the ball fucking hard and no amount of mental shenanigans can hide it's poor writing

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It dropped the ball during the goddamn chunnin arc so it was bad for quite a while before the ending.


It's good to know that there are other people out there that realize dick no jutsu is still the most potent.

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Father Son Murdercock should do it

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