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Stonetoss is Shmorky.
>reddit edits
Brevity is wit. And reddit isn't wit.
It's more /leftypol/ than reddit.
reddit edits are cancer
So /pol/ falseflagging as leftists to deflect criticisms about /pol/ with "BOTH SIDES" shit?
What is the symbol in panel 2? It looks like a trash can with an axe blade.
All stonetoss haters are faggots
Wanna know how I can tell you're a redditor
Wanna know how I can tell you're retarded
It's called The Faeces. It is the symbol of fascism.
it's a Fasces, an ancient symbol. Funnily enough both the terms faggot and fascists derive from it.
There's an antifa subreddit that focuses entirely on making Stonetoss edits. r/stonetossedits or something. Pretty sure this came from there
If Yea Forums can count to ten I will post my gf's nudes ITT
the most retarded ideologies in existence
The Fasces, a symbol around since Ancient Rome at least.
A symbol of unity, meaning that what might be weak and easily broken separately, are strong and unyielding together.
That version used to be all over American money, and it's still around in some places.
E Pluribus Unum ring any bells?
They're using the term Late Stage Capitalism unironically, I'd say that's a safe bet.
>Brevity is wit.
>t. Shakespeare
>communists: “fascism just exists to defend late-stage capitalism”
>capitalists: “communism and fascism are both authoritarian ideologies, they’re no different from one another in practice”
>fascists: “communism and capitalism are just two sides to the same Jewish materialist coin. Fascism presents a separate third position”
Politics is retarded once you realize 90% of political discourse is just arguing that two opposing sides are actually the same
Nobody wants to see nudes of any landwhale disgusting enough to date you.
Based centrist.
Is this the new B^U?
national transhumanism > libertarianism > fascism > >>> dog shit > conservatism = liberalism >>>> turd mountain >>>>>> communism > surely you are not being serious past this point > anarchy
>ironically spoken by a character who was the polar opposite of brief
>written by a writer who literally invented words to pad out his dialogue
Why do people never get the true point of this line?
That's not an accident
Ironically because brevity IS wit.
Well the important thing is that you've found a way to feel superior to all three.
Yes. I do feel superior to all three. Arguing with “cucks” and “chuds” on reddit is a hobby for pathetic losers. The world would be better if every politician and everyone who discussed politics or held strong political views were all sterilized and forced into their own community where they would produce things for regular people’s benefit
I am superior to all three. Fuck you
It's more like all ideologies in practice instead of just talk just turn into "hmm wait no what's the best thing for me personally only at this specific moment?"
A person with billions starts wanting either as close to Ancap as possible or better yet to just buy the government. Elected leaders and Communist leaders just want the rich guy's money or to be rich themselves. If someone doesn't have capital at that moment capitalism is bad, then of that changes next year capitalism is perfect. Fascism is great if you're the fascist leader than if someone starts stomping on your head instead suddenly fascism is bad.
Once you realize this, most "ideological debate" makes sense. People think "what's best for me right now?" well that's the best. Usually they're wrong or they don't think ahead. If their circumstances change or the system they thought would help them hurts them, they'll either flip on a dime or be so brainwashed or embarrassed about being wrong they'll double down and become fanatical no matter what. Rarely do people sit back and do evidence based analysis of what would actually be best for them now, in 5 years, in 10 years, 30 years, etc. and this would require hard work time and testing. Notice that I didn't even get into any ethical situations like supporting a system that's pretty okay for you and murders everyone and everything else because Yea Forums is full of angry psychopaths who would be happy to die if they could take everyone else out at the same time. What I'm saying is even totally selfish personal interest calculations are usually way off, they're kneejerk emotional reactions based on lazy assumptions spite propaganda you name it, this goes for everybody. It's why people all around the world elect a government then hate their government, or have revolutions to become their government then hate their governments.
no matter what dorky symbol you choose you'll never get my rocks, zoomers
Please stop bumping this thread. At least add a sage to all your posts
"Late-stage capitalism" is one of those terms that makes me instantly disregard anything someone says if they use it unironically
Post more Stonetoss he makes people seethe like you wouldn't believe
>>capitalists: “communism and fascism are both authoritarian ideologies, they’re no different from one another in practice”
Whew! This is funny because capitalism thrives in fascism and in truth, it requires a State to preserve its true nature (hence why the concept of "anarcho-capitalism" is deeply flawed).
More realistic version.
>national transhumanism > libertarianism > fascism
From the start this is retard tier, but I get the feeling you think this shit is feasible. LMAO
Tankies deserve a bullet.
That's 18 fucking words dude.
That's really not a lot and if you honestly think it is you should probably go back to school.
It is a shit edit though but not for that reason.
>hence why the concept of "anarcho-capitalism" is deeply flawed
All Anarchism is deeply flawed. Imagine thinking you could create a society with no hierarchy and actually have it survive in the real world. I have to laugh.
>communists: “capitalism thrives in fascism and in truth, it requires a State to preserve its true nature (hence why the concept of "anarcho-capitalism" is deeply flawed)”
>capitalists: “communism and fascism are both authoritarian ideologies, they’re no different from one another in practice”
>fascists: “communism and capitalism are just two sides to the same Jewish materialist coin. Fascism presents a separate third position”
Politics is retarded once you realize 90% of political discourse is just arguing that two opposing sides are actually the same
Reminder that literally the second the capitalists are defeated the tanks will be turned on the ancoms.
Any leftist who talks about "Left-unity" can be safely discarded as a complete retard.
i don’t, because while libertarianism works early on, fascism is only successful for very brief periods and when war comes it’s all over for them
communism as written on paper could only work in small communes, and communism as shown in history has been terrible for it’s people
the truth is contained here a lot of politics is stuck in this perpetual cycle, where one total ideology doesn’t completely win over another and only certain ideas/aspects from each are picked out and used whenever the people seeking them find it most beneficial
Tankies were what was holding the political left together. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the liberal left has been all that remains and it has been losing ground ever since and is little more than a laughing stock now. There needs to be an authoritarian left to lend some authority to the civil rights activism of the liberal left. Liberal leftists still try to defeat fascism by waggling their fingers at it.
Tankies are also a massive laughing stock and a prime reason for people to hate communists.
One half of commies are genocidal statists, the other half are people who think anarchy is seriously applicable to the world. It’s no wonder you lot aren’t taken seeiously.
Liberals aren't leftists.
Tankies and Liberals aren't aligned in their goals, not even slightly.
Accept both sides are shit. You have to be a brainwashed goon to think otherwise. Stop being a child.
I don't think I get it.
There's some overlap on some social issues. On economics they are obviously very much opposed to each other.
tankies are functionally identical to liberals because the marxist-leninist state is indistinguishable from capitalist social democracy
This unironically. With the way no one gives a fuck about the DNC. Trump is locked.
If all politics are meaningless, then we should strive to create a society that's as nice as possible. What does the ideal society look like if we learn to stop fighting one another? Surely we should try and eliminate suffering and maximize joy
I wish leftists would keep their obsessive seething on /pol/ where they belong.
Yes, I to enjoy Candyland once upon a time.
god i fucking hope the jannies start banning political cartoon threads. /pol/ exists for a reason, and its to contain you retards.
US gov literally confiscated gold at the point of police guns in living memory.
yeah, but it goes both ways. "ice-pick a Trot" is a common saying in left-anarchist circles.
When will the God emperor open season on liberals? I for one have enough rounds for every brown faggot I know. Liberals are the cause of all things wrong in the world right now. Op is proof of that alone. Going out of his way to fuck up a legit funny comic by one of the only funny comic artists left all cuz the fag can't stand his echo chamber ruined. What a fucking snowflake.
Where've you been mate?
Police can literally take your money and keep it for no reason with no trial or charge right fucking now.
>"What do you need this money for anyway? No one innocent drives around with $200 in cash on them!"
>"You know, now that I think about it your car sure does smell like marijuana, I think this is drug money so I'm just gonna go ahead and keep it"
Postan some actually good political cartoons
HURR HURR ORANGE MAN BAD! God damn it libcuck, get over it. That doesn't even look like the president. Libtards are such shit artists who can't even meme properly.
The difference is that the tankies are an actual threat because they're not afraid to organize their use of force in an effective manner.
You're still right of course, which is why I don't reserve my derision of 'Left-unity' for proponents on the anarchist side of the isle.
Whether or not you agree with the politics, Brit political cartoons are a lot more visually interesting
There is absolutely nothing the britbongs can do better than us Americans. Nothing. Even this "visually appealing" garbage is just that, garbage. Stone toss is 10000 times better and makes better points.
Hence him wondering why the facist is on his side.
Imagine not understanding a simple comic.
This one image is funner and better than literally anything in this thread
>Brevity is wit, Reddit
See you could have made your point is lesser words
A spectre is haunting over both chans, the spectre of /leftypol/
Don't send reddit antifa trannies our way.
Those guys go on how Free Territory and Nestor Makhno were great but always forget how Soviet Union eventually destroyed it, they still use USSR propagana and defend it in discusions even Hodomor what really fucked over Free Territory guys.
>it is another nuance is the faggiest shit there is post
Any leftist can tell the SU was an overall force for good in Russia regardless of ideology. But fuck tankies.
Yea Forums bitches about /pol/because they want to pretend it's someone else with all the awful political opinions pushed onto others instead of themselves.
In truth, /pol/was never here, you just need to feel like it's an outsider instead of the same jerk off retarded autist talking to you about gems or voltron or some literally who capeshit in the next thread over.
I'm a right winger but you're a fucking retard if you think the Soviets were anything but a confirmation of my ideology instead of yours. They were the perfect bad guy.
>I'm a right winger
Opinion discarded. Getting into and staying in WW1 was the dumbest the world ever did and Lenin was unironically right to oppose it