
Aliencore edition
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Nice digits, LOSER

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This thread is for Rex Viper chads only

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What is aliencore

Albums that destroyed the metal genre:

>Metallica - Self-titled
>Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten
>Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
>At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
>Necrophagist - Epitaph
>Carcass - Heartwork
>Gorguts - Obscura
>Sepultura - Chaos A.D.
>Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve
>Burzum - Filosofem
>Ulver - Bergtatt – Et eeventyr i 5 capitler

list of good music

list of bad music

sage this early shit

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any /crusty technical deathgore/ man in

Bolt Thrower sucks

Fuck you I like it

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Based occvlt black metal riff fest

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Most embarrassing opinion ever posted

It is Negru-tier shilling

>Atmospheric Black Metal + Progressive Electronic
It works
It’s really good if you like celestial, druggy atmoshit

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Best blastings bro, you skipped Scattered Remnants last thread. Dont let me see it again

First for real /metal/

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>slaughter of the soul
These are all unironically classics. How can you hate Obscura specifically?

very cringey but hey at least hes doin what he wants . so respect

i forgot to put
in the bad music category

>nu and industrial good
Opinion discarded

effigy isnt even big?

it spawned an entire subgenre but aside that lol

idk what this is about but its very rare to ever see scattered remnants name dropped

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list of good music

list of bad music



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what do u guys think bout tbdm

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How did this boring band get so popular?

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It's accessible to tourists. Melodic, modern production and no shrieking vocals

Deflorate was their last good album

yea theres a few tracks i like after that but yea

very good most of the time.

okay i have expanded my horizons a bit and updated my list

list of good music

list of bad music

That album isn't boring though.

First two albums were really really good. Nocturnal was boring to me and I haven't listened to anything after that. Also listening to Mortician songs without the horror samples is a killable offense.

i loved deathmetal samples in middle school.

but now if theyre not less than 5 seconds im skipping thru it. specially if its fucking 3 minutes of a 1 minute song

technical brutal death metal?


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Dishonest riffs

pls rec more like youtube.com/watch?v=zvN9gs07rkE

Could I get some thrash recommendations?

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some guy online said sepultura was pretty good one time

their influence destroyed metal. The albums aren't necessarily bad. SOTS sucks though

There's not even that many good thrash albums

You've listened to none of them.

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i think everyone here has at least listened to blood money

What's wrong with Blood Money?

it's good, i'm just saying that everyone's heard it (you were calling him a pleb for not having heard it).

Are you this guy's secretary or are you just looking to be a big argumentative girl?

youtube.com/watch?v=piP9blaldYQ&ab_channel=DEATHFETISH Ahhh yes, the magickkk and the mysterry... of Banjo Kazooian black metal.

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Not this shit again.

the latter except male (male)

pls... recs...


How did Filosofem destroy black metal when everything posted here is some sort of derivative of Burzum? (i.e., keyboard wank, atmoshit, unneccesary prog shit)

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I don’t know bro. I’ve never listened to burzum song completely

black metal is the most normalfag shit though



Why did you reply to me?