
This fucking show is 10 years old today. What was the best/worst season of Archer?

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Worst would be anything past the 5th season. I couldn't even finish that one. Years later I go ogled the show and as surprised to see how much it fell. Even the writers want out of that mess. A coma? Seriously?

Xmen-ish Superhero Archer would be great....

>best 3 and 4
> good 1,2 and 6
>meh 7 and 5 (I like the final episodes of these)
the coma season are more a big weird experiment thad go for to long...
but at least for me the show never has a real "BAD" season (danger island in the more close)

I think Adam Reed is really into breaking sitcom comfort zone. Has to always change the setting and dynamic to prove the show's above average cheesy sitcom because he can't make new jokes anymore.

S01-S02 are pretty much interchangeable in terms of quality. Jokes are fresh, gags all land, tired concept (spies) gets reinvigorated with edgy humor and witty writing. Pretty much every character is notable, and they all work well together. Gives birth to movies like Kingsman and The Man from UNCLE.

S05 is where it all just goes tits-up, but, the reclamation of some original sparks in S06-S06 makes me think that they just didn’t really know what to do any more. Scenery changes are gimmicky in themselves, but when they’re all essentially tied to a coma that the main character’s in? Why even bother at that point. I’m amazed it’s been renewed again, because it sure as shit can’t be doing any numbers in a summer time slot over on FXX

>premiered 10 years ago
Definitely didn’t need to feel that feel today

Why try to stay fresh when you can throw away and start a new coma season :)

>Archer is a self-styled vigilante who insists he's a loner but was really ejected from his hero team for being impossible to work with. Uses his real name as his hero name but pays off the commissioner to do nothing and has no loved ones to be threatened by the openness of his identity. This is frequently brought up and he has no comeback for it.
>Mallory is his dead mother who he constantly envisions in times of need but she's just as shitty as all other iterations of Mallory.
>Krieger is his tech guy and is originally an amoral villain he basically enslaved to make gadgets under threat of real fucking superprison and he stresses the real fucking.
>Lana is a Wonder Woman parody. Defacto team leader and struggling new face since their Superman stand in was put out of commission by Archer's fuck up. Despite competence as a hero, she's seen as an unlikable personality by the media. Frequently assumed she's from some fantasy land like Wakanda or Themyscira when she's just American.
>Cheryl is the Jean Grey parody, telekinetic and believes she's also telepathic when really she's just imagining what others are thinking. Extremely powerful, extremely unreliable.
>Cyril is the green lantern power construct type, constantly shit talked for having the ability to create anything with his construct tool but also goes boring but efficient. Also team accountant.
>Pam is a wolverine parody. Basically a gross super strong hick with a healing factor. Frequently takes advantage of her inability to die to do stupid shit without real consequence.
>Can't think of anything for Ray. Northstar is ironically fitting given they're both gay olympic skiiers but I wouldn't want him to be just LOLTHEYREBOTHGAY. Granted that's sadly where his character pretty much went last season.
Superman stand in, was Barry until a not!kryptonite accident left him crippled and disfigured due to Archer. He comes back as a cyborg!Superman to get revenge on Archer.

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Dreamland was actually a pretty fresh change up.
Danger Island was a real fumble.
I was liking 1999 better.

Archer is Teen Titans Go! for a manchild.

Pretty much agree with all this. Though for me S3 was a highlight. The plots it introduced eventually fizzled out and went nowhere in later seasons, but it really took advantage of things the early seasons established and felt like it was ramping up toward something bigger. There was a greater degree of investment in both the espionage and the characters but I didnt think the humor suffered at all.

S4 they kinda started going the Frisky Dingo direction where they’re just kinda throwing shit at the wall and everything starts to feel more random. Some solid episodes but you could kinda see some of the show’s seems coming apart. Still enjoyable overall.

Then with 5 it went tits up. The first half of S5’s first episode is golden though, and almost works as a finale for the old version of the show. S1E1 to this point are collectively really, really solid.

Archer is Deadpool? Yikes. And I think Ray would be a animal communicator or demon socerer because he's the only pilot of the team. And Archer constantly interrupts dealing with demon.

Thinking what each sides of the road Venture Bros and Archer took... Really makes you think.

>Archer is deadpool
>Former cancer victim mercenary who's really good at killing people and constantly breaks the 4th wall
Wasn't he already?

Season 1, after that the charm wears off real quick and just becomes a catchphrase machine.

>Danger Zone
>Thats how you get Ants
>Tactical Turtleneck

You can really tell it was written by just one man.

I want an occult-themed Archer season where they're all part of a secret lodge.

How about Archer in prison? Like they implied in season 5.

*supermax prison*

Hm, only started watching it recently. I thought I'd hate it because Archer is such a cunt, but I guess that's the joke

6 was the worst, easily. They'd just run out of steam on the spy idea and going back to it after Vice did not work well at all. The genre jumping kept things fairly fresh and worked all right, I think. Coma dreams and all.

Best season of Archer was Frisky Dingo

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>10 years
I'm so old.

I can't hate any Archer season, honestly. I wasn't as happy with anything past season 5, but last season's episode hyped me for what's to come.

Also watch Lana be married to Cyril. Goddammit.

So I heard that Archer is the most accurate portrayal of James Bond yet, by that I mean the character of Archer.

1999 was great, i love space bullshit

Not really, due to being a modern protag Sterling Archer perpetually swerves back towards being human and likable in some respect to the cast and viewer. His derision of others is always kept comical, never played as genuine contempt.

Proper James is in fact just a straight up asshole. The common man took to him precisely because he was refined yet remorseless. An unapologetic power fantasy about how if (You) let go of your inhibitions the finer things in life would still float their way to you, money, women, power. James can choose to be decent, but that isn't him. He's a high functioning psychopath.

Best Season: Season 2
Worst Season: Season 8
Already a thing, it's called Frisky Dingo.

The show went to shit when he was in a never ending dream, stupid concept that got boring after a couple episodes

He woke up.

Fucking A tier bump dude

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Best Pam

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The Xtacles

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>ends with Archer becoming the new Superman stand in from space radiation

Archer always dates itself for me just by having named the agency Isis before that title became known for Islamic bullshit

ray can be a constantine expy(he was a priest) or a cyborg hero......and gay....and rednek....

Kinda went downhill after Archer Vice for me.

Seasons 1-2 and early 3 are all god tier. Everything else is meh tier to shit tier. God what the fuck happened to Reed?

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The show died at White Elephant.

The last season ended with Archer finally waking up.

Its because they canned the other project he had. So they essentially chained Adam Reed to Archer because it was their FX Golden child. IN a way Archer has become the Spongebob for the channel's animation block. The only one that worked.