What triggers Yea Forums the most?

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natural light

Not having SJWs to complain about

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Live action remakes of animated properties.

The Vocaroo threads are dead.

I know jackshit about Star Trek, but I do know it was insanely progressive for its time so this hurts my soul.

Minorities of any kind being in a show or movie without a "reason"

The fact that we can't stream movies together anymore.

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And how it this not diverse?

We can, I forgot the site's name but it is possible

Please don't

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Please don't what? It wouldn't been diverse with, for example, only white Scottish people, but there you have plenty or different ethnicities. What's wrong?

Oh, it is.

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Sorry to break it to you, but nowadays, all white people are seen as the same ethnicity. I don't make the rules, but that's just how it is.

Yea Forums has PTSD from serving in the military?

>If everyone is vastly different from one another it's not diverse because they have the same skin tone.

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considering star trek was made in the 60s, the fact that they even had a black woman as part of the main cast was progressive as fuck. they also had the first interracial kiss on television.
fucking retards need to learn a bit about what they're complaining about before they complain.

On top of that, all white males are evil. All white straight male are also rapists or potential rapists. Don't forget that, or you will end up on #Metoo

What's stopping you from breaking da rules?

Bunny cops.

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People with PTSD from serving in the military aren't the only people who can be triggered, even in the literal sense.

This comic.

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I don't like it any more than you do.
Yeah, I hate when people complain about things that are decades old.
Oh, I do. Often. The problem is that white-supremacists of all levels and lefties BOTH see it that way. There are few who genuinely care when they aren't playing devils advocate.

>fucking retards need to learn a bit about what they're complaining about before they complain
That's asking a lot from a millenial.

*zoomer. Most millenials don't care.

Is there a reason Channers hate non whites so much. I've been lurking for nearly a year and still don't get it. Is it ironic or what?

Treating either of the above with basic levels of respect

Half ironic, a quarter unironic, a quarter "used to be ironic, but fell into being unironic"

Once upon a time fearless leader created a board to function as a containment board for that stuff

Containment boards never work. They just invite more of the kind of people to come and make it their home, their shit gets normalized, and the people who hate them just leave and go somewhere that is less shit instead of waging an eternal futile culture war against them, leaving them the new normal.

That's literally their tactic. Remember that stormfront forum leak? It's exactly what they do.

It's exactly the opposite

No way. I'm a high school teacher. Zoomers are WAY fucking into being SJWs. I can't mention any fucking old show or movie without them telling me how problematic it is. Most adults my own age are too tired to give a fuck.

t. Millennial

Easy Mode: Activated.

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Tom King.

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I hate the Middle story Conflict.

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Samurai Jack season 5
The Legend of Korra
Brian Michael Bendis

Marvel being "inclusive".

Unless you are conservatist. Then you're not progressive enough and get the fuck out.

Now where had we put our new drag queen costume for Wolverine?

The absolute STATE of entertainment media.

>minorities must be in charge of literally everything or else you're racist

Finally a chance to post this

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This board really reealllyy hates women.

Um... probably that money > story.

Lots of decisions happen that make no fucking sense except you'd lose the character/concept/whatever so you do some bullshit to keep it going.

Why doesn't Batman kill the Joker?

>it's a "main character does literally nothing wrong but everyone hates him because of some dumbass misunderstanding and everyone's a really dumb asshole for no reason" episode

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I just hate you

Anything related to Knull

Nothing wrong with that.

And you don't?

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heroes vs heroes


This is some HIBY tier workout

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women hate each other even more

The only people to understand women are women and they all hate each other
-Al bundy

If I understood women chances are I'd have even less positive things to say about them then.

Try the Gaypill user, it tastes fabulous.

"Bitches and niggas and jews"
-Abraham Lincoln


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The dissolving of the Austro-Hungarian empi...oh wait, you said Yea Forums, not /his/, my bad my bad

My favourite one from the legend

Speaking of progressive and OP's pic, Thomas the Tank Engine was actually very progressive for its time.

>SJWs complain about the lack of female steam engines
>steam engines, like most machinery, are usually addressed with feminine pronouns or occasionally given feminine names
>Awdry makes all his steam engines male

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Ironically, the problem isnt minorities themselves, it's white people obsessively blackwashing everything, which is disgusting as fuck.

at the moment, it's Spinel

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Our own inadequacies and self loathing.

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That's more of a Yea Forums problem. Chan as a whole fucking hates blacks/mexicans/etc.


As far as blackwashing goes, it's probably an even worse on Yea Forums.
And I don't know about you, but I can't tell if someone on Yea Forums is black or Mexican, but there's a 100% chance they're a white liberal tranny if they go "You hate minorities!"

Yea Forums is basically just /pol/ 2.

This is a /pol/ website.
But I was talking about the phenomena is blackwashing characters. I don't watch much television, but I'm pretty sure the phenomena of negrofying everyone (especially redheads) is more prominent in tv shows and adaptations than it is in comics.

>This is a /pol/ website.
What does that even mean?

>I'm pretty sure the phenomena of negrofying everyone (especially redheads) is more prominent in tv shows and adaptations than it is in comics.

the fact you're actually saying this with a straight face is evidence you've been in this bubble for too fucking long and been damaged by it

/pol/ has pretty much taken over the place for a good while, unfortunately.

It's a safe haven for racists and bigots

You will barely even be shunned, let alone made unwelcome or kicked out for it, despite it literally being against the rules of the site for the last 15~ years


>What does that even mean?
That whatever post you think is "/pol/" is just Yea Forums in general.
The chart keeps growing by the day. I don't even have the latest one, because it got difficult to keep up with.


Yea Forums got this way due to Stormfag raids, gamergate and the election. Not to say it was necessarily left leaning but most of the "offensive" stuff was done in irony. Nowadays a lot of it is seriousposting.

I remember the day I started noticing redheads getting replaced. When Ariel's actress was revealed I threw up in my mouth a little. For so long my little sister has wanted to see a big screen live action Ariel and this is what she got. When she heard the news I could see the tears in her eyes. She didn't say anything but I knew she was hurt. I will never forgive Disney for what they did.
And as for your /pol/ poimt. I agree, this site is pol whether you discorders like it or not. We here at Yea Forums are hardworking, American, Christian conservatives and we're damn proud of it.

Used to be ponies.

Now probably subtle /pol/.

Plot holes.
Ones that are so big and glaring that even blind people can see them.

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Most of the "pretending to be offended at stuff" was ironic as well, but now you have trannies unironically crying for mods to help save them from their own hurt feelings.

Yea Forums was always contrarian you dumb fag. The current stonetoss threads and what retards call /pol/ posting is a reaction to the influx of tumblr refugees/discord trannies who came here for SU shit and brought their absolute shit opinions with them

Have sex

Stupid people think "durr, diversity GOOD" and instead of leaving complex real-world issues to works that deal with that sort of thing in a mature and enlightening way, just make a character a token minority with no depth to them whatsoever, dust their hands off, and say they did a good job.

Only /pol/ crossboarders hate Miles for being the race he is, because he was handled well and respectfully. He's a good role model that alienates no one and bridges a gap.

Everyone with a brain hates shallow, terrible characters like America Chavez or Lady Thor, because they're poorly-written trainwrecks that drip with the authors' disdain for a certain group of people. No one wants to be hated by the protagonist of a hero comic.

No, you fucking normie

>Not wanting sex
I'd call you gay but even queers like sex.


Putting Peter in blackface and calling him a different name is not being "handled well and respectfully".

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Norman Osborn's COOM face.

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He was fine in the Ultimate universe, everything went to shit when they merged with 616

Miles was never good.
At his peak, he was nothing but "the billionth knockoff spider-person", except all his gimmicks were terrible.

Yeah but at least Ultimate was contained and had a semblance of continuity.

That's not "good", that's "such a trainwreck that the only good thing about it is that is wasn't actively ruining everything else around it at the time."

Pol. Unironically, because this place, since cartoons have become a dead medium, has become tumblr.2

>constant SU threads

Blame the janny.
Xhe's the ones unironically spamming soilent cuckverse threads.

He forgot the Jap dude who drives the ship.

With posts like that you're 1000x more of a faggot than any SUfag. Embarassing.

hell yeah

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The very existence of SU. Even when the show hasn't been airing for months you'll see people making threads about how much they hate it. Or even bring it up completely unprovoked in random threads that have nothing to do with the show. I don't even like it but some people on Yea Forums are seriously pooper peeved about it.

It's shit

I agree, but when you see people constantly posting conspiracy theories about how Sugar secretly bribed CN and 4channel to make it so that the show was popular here, shit starts getting stupid.

>Now probably subtle /pol/.
Subtle? Just look at the post right above you, though this looks like the scheduled /copol/ containment thread given the zero replies to that bullshit.

The only people who say that are the ones who haven’t “had sex.”

Legion Of Doom threadsbeing deleted

Anything positive said about Marvel Animation....after Avengers: EMH.

You are right, it was pretty rash of me to make that generalization.