I'm Super Pumped for Infected: Deathbringer

Can't wait to see Donna Troy destroy all the people who have wronged her. What do you guys think? Are you excited too??

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Other urls found in this thread:

diarrheaworldstarhiphop.tumblr.com/tagged/zoe quinn/

Fuck off, Zoe.
Go murder someone else. Maybe Disney will hire you to direct Female Thor 2.

We literally just did evil Donna (albeit possible future Donna) last year did we not? This is fucking shit, and no I don't care about Zoe's drama, but I know she can't write either. Donna can't catch a break

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Why people/writers hate Donna so much?
Fuck the only media doing anything good with Donna is fucking Titans lol

Because writers have a hard enough time writing for Wonder Woman. You expect them to know what to do with her copies/sidekicks? Artemis at least lucked out on Outlaws

There's always been an evil Donna. (See: Dark Angel)
Kinda wish they'd bring her back actually.

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I’m excited. Ben Oliver is a fantastic artist, and Zoe Quinn did a great job on Goddess Mode. I’m a mark for BWL so all this infected stuff has me hyped!

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......okay I'm starting to believe these shill rumors

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Ignore her
Don't give her power
Just calmly report DC about her actions and do nothing else

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Poor sap probably doesn't know who Zoe is.

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These images aren't funny and aren't gonna accomplish anything
Just inform DC about how much of a horrible human being Zoe is and let everything do the rest
Do not give her martyr points
Let her own cruelty collapse on her

Zoe is NOT RESPONSIBLE you fucking losers!!!
HE made the choice to kill himself. SHE didn't do anything. She just spoke out against him!!
Maybe if he wasn't an abuser, he would still be alive and making video games!
What the fuck is WRONG with you people?!

They're not meant to be funny. And yes they will accomplish something.

Have sex, losers.

Even with that aside
Zoe is a horrible horrible human being
>Here's a goddamn transgender furry who works for Titmouse, openly critiquing her abusive actions without being a retard about it, for pages and pages: ON TUMBLR:

diarrheaworldstarhiphop.tumblr.com/tagged/zoe quinn/

Also wasn't it confirmed in chat logs that SHE mentally abused him?

>Also wasn't it confirmed in chat logs that SHE mentally abused him?

None of that is true. HE was the abusive one.

No they fucking won't
For fucks sakes, watch the Baron Underbheit episode of Venture Bros Season 2
You act like the "revolutionaries" who think petty pranks will do jack shit


These memes are being tweeted at DC, Warner Bros, and AT&T every time they post something on Twitter. DC may not care, Warner may not care, but AT&T sure as fuck cares. This is making all of them look bad, and if people keep tweeting them at AT&T, they're more likely to bring the hammer down on DC. They don't want to be anywhere near this kind of controversy.

Make a fucking infograph instead
Cite sources on said infograph
When these 50-60 year olds see those images, they won't understand the context of it at a glance

That's not even a real site. It's click bait garbage. You might as well link an article to the Daily Stormer. All of this is far right, white supremacist bullshit.

I didn't make the memes, I'm just helping to spread them on the internet every time the subject is brought up.

I think I've been on this site too long. I can't tell what's ironic and what isn't anymore.

It was this or BiC (and I fucking hate that site)
Website aside
The source is there
It counts
Whether your like it or not

They're pretty shit memes though dude. Like, I'm thinking back to 2014 and some of the early memes there (like the 5 Guys meme) were actually funny. These ones are just pedantic.

There is NO PROOF in the article. The person who wrote it probably just hates Zoe. SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!

>Thinking Yea Forums doesn't already know about Quinn and her bullshit
No, you're fucking spamming this shit we already know
You admitted its not funny anyways so for fucks sakes, stop giving her attention, and just notify Warner and AT&T about Quinn's bullcrap like an actual adult
If Tennapel can get Second Coming cancelled from DC because "muh religious feelings" (and even I'm Christian by the way) people can get Quinn to be cancelled if we just handle this responsibly

I have to agree they're pretty shit memes. But like, what? Maybe if Zoe hadn't written a long blog post accusing Alec of sexual abuse (which she even said she'd forgiven him for and was behind her now) then maybe he wouldn't have had his entire livelihood ripped away from him? Maybe then he wouldn't have killed himself? Like I agree, people who're saying Zoe's a murderer are fucking wrong. It's closer to manslaughter if anything. But come on now, the dude died for no fucking good reason and it wouldn't have happened if Zoe had just kept her fat mouth shut.

Even if you don't take into account what happened
Are you seriously gonna ignore this?
See Whether or not Quinn led to that man's death is legit or not, she's still a terrible, abusive human being

Five Guys.

Have sex, incels.

I've never understood that as an insult. Like if you're an incel doesn't that mean you're never having sex? Or am I overthinking this?

I have no dog in this fight but the fact that DC announced Zoe was going to write a comic called 'The Infected: Deathbringer' right after she #MeTooed some guy to suicide is fucking funny.

Same but I think that user is baiting.

Probably but it's impossible to tell anymore.

>Yea Forums has avoided talking about many many comics in the past
>Gives this one attention because e-drama and a witch wrote it
I hate you guys so damn much

If Zoe fucking Quinn hadn't shown up and decided to make a thread shilling her bullshit comic, we wouldn't be talking about it. But since she did, we're going to focus on what an evil person she is.

If Cernovich can get Gunn fired
If people can get Gunn rehired
If Second Coming was forced to change publishers
There's a chance Quinn can be fired

It's easier to shitpost about drama than have a meaningful discussion on actually good material. But that's not exactly limited to Yea Forums to be fair.

>He thinks OP is a serious shill
Are you dense?
Its an obvious stealth thread to talk about E-Celeb crap to avoid this thread being deleted by pretending its about the comic itself
Its been done before and will be done again and again

Technically this isn't proof but it is evidence. I did some digging and apparently the writer of that article has a video of whoever leaked this going through their DMs but it has all their contact info and name and shit on it and they can't release it because then their anonymity would be blown. I actually told the writer she should see if she can censor it and then release it in order to verify the whole thing but that hasn't happened yet.

Also did I enter a fucking time-loop or something? It's 5 years later and we're still bitching about Quinn. Did we learn nothing from the last time this shit happened?

>people can get Gunn rehired
This didn't happen. Disney regretted their decision immediately after caving to Cernovich's bitching but they couldn't rehire Gunn without looking like duped jackasses. They waited it out until the heat died down.

Second Coming's move was because DC is afraid to put in any controversial material after Batdick and Doug TenNapel sent thousands of fundies after them.

We should get her fired.

You call it a stealth thread, I see it as an obvious shill thread probably made by Quinn herself.

If Zoe hadn't fucking killed someone, she'd be wallowing away in irrelevance. If she wanted attention so badly that someone had to die to give it to her, we'll give her attention. But it won't be the kind she wants.

>We should get her fired.
You won't, but have a good time making her look good in your attempt.


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>obvious shill thread
user, if shills existed, we would've had dozens of comics nobody heard of being popped up here
Yea Forums is already keen on controversy
We've had stealth threads for Luke Weber, Alt Hero discussion, etc in the disguise of shill threads
We've talked about John K controversy while pretending the thread was about Ren & Stimpy

I think it's because discussion gets either shut down or drowned out by people who think Zoe's a saint on other sites. As a result whenever a stealth thread (like this one) slips past the mods everyone here piles in and the whole thing becomes a massive mess before it either gets so big it gets autosaged in an hour or the mods delete it.

I've heard a lot about how good the original, golden age Wonder Woman comics are. Do they hold up at all?