>ctrl + f
>no final space
What did you think of tonight's showing "Descent into Darkness? It's the penultimate episode.
>ctrl + f
>no final space
What did you think of tonight's showing "Descent into Darkness? It's the penultimate episode.
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I haven’t watched it yet. Anyone have the mega?
Kimcartoon hasn't uploaded.
So I have no way to see it.
I think I like insane KVN better than the old one, and I'm a little disappointed that we won't get much of mommy Goodspeed being stuck with him.
Jannies kept deleting them for some reason. I need to catch up with season 2.
>Tribore's resistance ship has a huge red R insignia.
>looks like Team Rocket's R.
Feel kinda bad for the mascot guy.
also mega pls
Alright, which Titan is lying?
It made me seriously want to eat cookies.
I'm watching it rerun now I keep forgetting about them.
These female characters get worse each passing episode and I wonder if they realize it or not.
I'm okay with females because I'm not a faggot. But Tribore pisses me off.
You're heavily insinuating that if I find female characters badly written or annoying then I'm gay. Tribore is the only male character I'd put up there with the females on terms of shit ranking. Even S1 Gary was usually alright and KVN is somewhat passable in small doses.
So HUE was upstaged by AVA and then was a shit tiny bot until she got with him and made him better too? Why can't HUE be good on his own again?
>shes crying
fuck you
im done
I slept through it gotta rewatch it.
Felt like classic season 1. Hoping they get back on track if Season 3 comes. This season was mostly meh.
it was a really great episode. I hope we get a great finale episode too, it would make up for the rest of the season being mostly shit.
Tribore finally was useful, his fight with the family revenge guy was pretty fun
Mega mega
Kimcartoon is going full incompetent now
Bros, I think I want to run a starship over Gary's mom if you know what I mean. Help.
It’s on there now, so Kimcartoon is more competent than Yea Forums
>ctrl + f
>no final space
as it should you fucking shit eating monkey.
Might wanna watch this quickly before it dies.
found a download link for the episode on watchtvseries.io but no mega
that R chair was the only thing I liked about the episode
Anyone got the megas for episodes 6-10? I completely forgot about this series for a moment and I'd like to get back to watching it.
I don't want Tribore to die now.
Personally I would have left her to rot like I did me own mum..
So is Bolo evil then? or was this other titan just tricking Gary's mom?
obviously just tricking her
Here's everything.
>SEASON 1 (1080p WEB-DL):
>SEASON 2 (S02E01-12 1080p WEB-DL):
This contains the WEB-DL for today's episode.
Tribore is female sometimes.
do these not have audio?
God, Gary Locking his mom in a prison and subjecting her to Kevin's insanity avoidance is honestly pretty cathartic.
They do, what are you using?
I liked Cato and Ash's discussion about whether or not they should let KVN die. This season has made him a lot more tolerable just by having characters other than Gary express hate for him.
he also got more tolerable by caring about characters that aren't Gary, he literally sacrificed his sanity for Fox
Though I thought that would have more consequences, KVN only seemed a little bit more annoying than usual
It's probably going to get worse as time goes on, although I don't think we'll see the real consequences until next season. I noticed that his ramblings were kept to himself more while other characters ignored him.
Well, I guess we'll have to find out next week. Inb4 both of them are lying.