Now that the dust has settled, how will MAD be remembered?
Now that the dust has settled, how will MAD be remembered?
It won't be
Fondly. Mostly because everyone stopped reading it decades ago.
This. People who still follow it are likely to be hardcore fans and everyone else probably think it stopped in the 90s or something.
Glumpf: The Magazine
>People who still follow it
Oh user...
uh oh! they made fun of Mr. President (our Leader and Elected Protector) once! SJW SHIT!!!!!!
>mad makes fun of obama
>it's ok
>mad makes fun of trump
That article is practically sucking Obongo off.
The Harvey Kurtzman era is all time classic comics work. Jack Davis, Wally Wood and Will Elder are some of the best cartoonists of all time. I really don't care about Mad Magazine following his departure. Anybody that loves comic books should read the first 28 issues he did for Mad.
In its prime, it was awesome. I still have the special issue about death that comes with a fake death certificate.
Old Mad was an equal opportunity offender. That's how satire should be done by sparing no one's feelings!
>how will MAD be remembered?
This thread will be more about Trump than it will be about MAD. That is their legacy.
>how will MAD be remembered?
as a short-lived satirical pulp.
Obama was a pretty boring guy compared to Drumpf.
>Obama was a pretty nice and cool guy compared to Trump
Well yeah, that too.
>pretty nice and cool guy
Like he said, boring.
the trump was nonstop living rent free in MAD Magazine and even earned himself a compilation book before MAD "died" and now are forced to publish anything else
Boring on reality TV, but that's not the same as a boring person. You'd have to have your mind rotted by cheap American television programming to actually think that way.
Wonderful trips.
>Implying any politician is showing his true personality to the public
I only recently subscribed so I'm disappointed they're getting cancelled.