Post your husbandos
Attached: RonMillionaire.png (703x540, 332K)
Attached: cab.jpg (900x880, 196K)
There is but one correct answer.
Attached: Aaravos.png (1018x1080, 787K)
He's college educated
Attached: Yea.png (1920x1080, 749K)
look at those trophies
Attached: 1379127766200 (2 MB GIF)co-src.gif (450x352, 2M)
What episode is this from?
When he adopts a pet Amoeba named Spot
And is never once shown/talked about
Attached: Spot.jpg (225x224, 8K)
Aw yeah!
Attached: thumbnail_8901004127617754918.jpg (400x300, 48K)
He's so sweet and he's really come a long way
Attached: 6EyQNmB_d.jpg (640x524, 25K)
Attached: Raver Jack.png (1699x1665, 2.2M)
Attached: 50 Shades of Chat.jpg (1131x640, 43K)
The only man deserves him
Attached: venturebros-brock.jpg (400x267, 44K)
Attached: cGTXUu8.jpg (2000x3000, 806K)
someone fuse them together so i don't have to pick
i love him so much Yea Forums
Attached: Dtavcw6V4AAegWp.jpg (1200x975, 94K)
Best Batboy.
I can't wait until best girl and other best boy come back.
Attached: RiP Jason.jpg (749x1175, 148K)
He's basically me without the genki girl obsessed with me
Attached: todd.jpg (462x418, 24K)
No one said anything about actually being good enough for you husbando. Also no. The Monarch is for Gary.
Excellent taste.
Attached: D2A38697-EB28-49E7-8731-198E970AD73C.jpg (680x456, 55K)
Never knew I needed this
Attached: Demongo-sj.png (995x559, 330K)
I think he just need someone can hug him while telling him you understand and love him.
Attached: tumblr_nam2rqoQeO1rruufoo1_1280.jpg (512x640, 56K)