Well, batfags?

Well, batfags?

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what if I kill two killers

Why are you still reposting this?

Then you're weakening population faith in the law and feeding anarchy what will increase the number of violent crimes.

According to Marvel, Frank has killed enough people that he'd get a CDC entry regarding top causes of death. He'd be responsible for the vast majority of murders and firearm deaths in the nation. Frank Castle would be a statistically significant cause of death in the MU. And yet despite this crime, and this excludes super crime, still exists at such a rate that Frank finds it necessary to kill thousands of people every year, people whom have committed a very narrow selection of crimes. From this we can conclude that Frank Castle has a negligible effect on crime.

I don't know.why Batman argument feels like once you kill someone your going to go on a murder spree. It's all situational I mean a drunk driver isn't the same type of killer as a shooter.

Maybe make one exception Batman.

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Then its a hate crime against "people of crime"

his "if you kill a killer" implies that you're not a killer
thus if you, who has never killed a person, kill a killer for whatever "greater good" cause, the number of killers stays the same, but if you keep on killing, you're becoming the thing you're supposed to fight against, fighting fire with fire.
Ofc, eventually, killing enough killers might end up working out better than not killing them, since people in incarceration tend to not learn their lesson and will end up repeating their crime. Killing a killer lessens the amount of possible victims.

But then again, every human is capable of killing, it's within human nature, you don't have to already be a killer to do it. It's not a nice thing to kill others for petty reasons, but it's not something that can be completely removed from us, and it tends to be the low IQ individuals that love to kill each other for the most mundane of things like money and possessions. It might sound like some hippie shit, but as long as you have a healthy body and a warm set of clothes on you, there's absolutely nothing stopping you from living a fulfilling life, this consumeristic lifestyle has ruined life for the general population as they are forever running in a hamsterwheel trying to one up each other's material possessions and fulfilling their basic carnal desires until the day they die, existing for the sole purpose of existing, and only the fraction of population that is incredibly smart try to push humanity towards greatness.

Batman wouldn't have to kill anyone if they police just did their fucking job.

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I don’t think Batman ever said that

How many sidekicks has Punisher had? (Besides Alves who he not only didn't kill but has as close to a friendly relationship someone like Frank can have)

Both are good characters but for different reasons.

you havent seen his sidekicks because he kills them very fast

Well, there was Chip's son or maybe nephew? He died pretty quickly, kinda sad, it was neat seeing Frank bounce off other people.


But if I kill TWO killers than the number goes down by one.

Don't forget his sidekick child abuse


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What? There's no question here.
Both of them presented their argument.

>Liberals say you shouldn't kill people or it just makes you a killer too!
>Liberals then try to kill you

What did they mean by this?

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Yeah, duh.
Bad people don't cause crime. Crime is caused by lack of education, unemployment and poverty. Do you really think that if someone could get a steady job in an office, they would freeze their ass off on a street selling meth to junkies who would kill them for said meth in a heartbeat?

Batman puts people into Arkham where they can be rehabilitated, but most importantly he creates opportunities - he creates workplaces all over Gotham - Wayne Enterprises is one of the biggest employers in Gotham; he helps poor and needy get education with Martha Wayne Foundation, and his urban renewal program made living conditions better and rents lower.
The fact that he beats up muggers and terrorists is just one of the things he does.

ask murderman

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The problem is that people who hate batmans "no killing" rule are conflating reality with comic reality.
In reality if someone is imprisoned for life it's almost impossible for them to escape to kill again, in comics it's almost guaranteed.
However, in comics, killing a villain is just as temporary as jailing them, and almost never works. They either get resurrected, retconed, cloned or whatever.
Thus, the only thing that batman killing someone like the joker would do is damage his moral standing. and if the joker existed in reality he'd just be jailed before his kill count reached more then a dozen and kept far away from society

Comics are just a fae realm where everything is undying by virtue of being a living mass of concepts and ideals rather than living breathing people. Dying is just laying down and staying very still because your rival trapped you in a story with no way out. Death lasts only as long as it takes to figure out the loop hole, find a logic back door to slip through, or being 'dead' so long that you simply forget you were dead in the first place.

He wouldn't just be jailed, people like Joker would be actually fried in an electric chair.

Joker did get death penalty in a comic by Chuck Dixon once, after prosecution pushed to try him as a normal person instead of insane - but it was revealed he didn't do the crime he was sentenced for, and Batman proved his innocence. The issue is, this leaves an open question why the prosecution didn't just... do that again next time for a crime he DID commit. In any sensible world, Joker would be Kentucky Fried Chicken.

So comics are mythology, and heroes/villains are gods and demons?

If I recall, canonical explanation for why Joker wasn't in Dark Knight Rises is that he got electric chair for the crimes committed in The Dark Knight.

A fae is different from divinity. It's easy to mistake one for the other because both have impossible powers from the human perspective. Fae are more capricious and the rules random and follow the rules of a children's story book. Their morality has the same basis and consistency as such.

I guess you could say heroes and gods create the story through their actions. The fae reenact these events in cheap mockery for cheap temporary thrills. From the outside it looks like they are those gods, but they are merely playing at what others have lived. They have no sense of consequence or weight in their story for it is just a cheap game to them.

Consider Superman has the idea of his plot armor written in to the literal physical laws of his universe. There's an entire story about this being true. That is the mark of a fae. Superman is the idea of a hero. Not the hero itself.

>So the punisher killed joker and blamed it on superman...

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Gee, Bill...

What even is that second part? Is it just some bad translation? It’s just plain bizarre.

It's a Punisher quote

maybe batman should actually start killing since letting the crazy motherfuckers from arkaham alive only brought chaos and death.

"This is the only time I was ever sorry to see a criminal die!" - Batman.

I have a question and it’s something I mostly see on Yea Forums: why do people feel the need to pit Marvel against DC so much? The real life comic fans I know like and hate stuff from both companies instead of exclusively one.

Forget that, why should you pretend Marvel and DC are the only companies that exist anyways?

They don’t but I’m asking about why people feel the need to put Marvel against DC? And can only like stuff from one company.

Shitposting mostly. Like this thread.

No need for exceptions Batman, just do as I say and it will all be well

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So you want the league to go full authority/justice lords

But Gordon, what if Joker is boobytrapped?

If you kill 2 killers, then the world has one less killer.