Post some avengers level threats
Post some avengers level threats
Carol Malus Dienheim is very much an Avengers level threat. Probably bigger, honestly.
Immortal alchemist that not only has a boatload of powerful magical effects like mastery of the elements and creating magical shields, but even if you DO kill her she has a machine hidden away in her base that automatically downloads her memories and pops out a new homunculus body just as strong as the last one.
She can make her own magical gear, and basically has magic iron man armor as it is (called a Faust Robe) so if you give her any preptime you can expect her to make something that fucks you over specifically.
Her default mook are basically energy-golems called Alcanoise that dissolve all matter they touch into dust (including magically enchanted and otherwise 'invulnerable' materials) and they typically instantly kill any person they touch that isn't protected by magic.
Stronger mooks she makes, called Autoscorers, are basically combat dolls with funky powers. Some are JUST fast and strong and have magic attacks. But she has been proven to make ones that have 'philosophical' powers too. The example being that she equipped one autoscorer with Sword Breaker, making that autoscorer literally immune to swords at a concept, turning the fight into rock paper scissors. A similar version for hammers would automatically no-sell Mjolnir and Stormbreaker by nature.
Her ultimate goal is completing the Chateau de Tifauges, a big mechanical castle-thing that has the power to break down the Earth and everything on it into its individual atoms, cataloging everything as it does so, as a research tool that forms a perfectly accurate model of Earth and everything that was on it. So its important that she be stopped.
I was just thinking the other day that a lot of heroes in the MCU would have gotten fucked over by Mysterio's illusions, Peter only came out on top thanks to his spider-sense
Robots taking the red pill is a dangerous happening.
literally who can stop him?
Do people in this board even like the avengers movies?
what anime is this?
midget bolsheviks
>"I'm scarier than anything we're gonna meet in -this- forest."
makes you wonder what other forests are like in that world
shoop it to say 'thread'
Avengers level threat
>The writing
>Peter literally has a memento from Tony, someone who he looked up to very heavily
>Gives the only memento from Tony, to some guy he just met 2 days ago.
>Glasses don't tell him the bar he was in was a hologram, no Ben couldn't have fucked with them because he didn't have the tech to do that yet - the whole reason he needed the glasses was to make his tech more powerful so no
>News source believes some random fuckhead found Spiderman's identity. Even if it was a shady source, it's still kinda dumb imo
That might be more than even they can handle
Literally Thanos as a Disney Princess
I think MCU avengers could clear with mid diff while 616 could raw dog easily.
The warp
Maybe it'd be better for him if his neck wasn't so long
That'd just be the plot of the Beerus movie, only in reverse. Some scatterbrained idiot (who could nuke the world by sneezing) shows up and the Avengers have to keep him preoccupied until he leaves
Yeah honestly Goku solos everyone in the marvel universe with only minimal difficulty.
Honestly, the Alcanoise are probably more of a problem for the avengers than the Autoscorers are. Autoscorers are 'just' powerful opponents. Alcanoise are mooks by Symphogear standards because they have been fighting variations of Noise since season 1 by the thousands, but for everyone that is not a gear user Noise are INCREDIBLY lethal.
These things look dumb, but if The Hulk punches an Alcanoise, they have to chop off the Hulks arm very quickly or the Hulk dies.
Him being an avengers level threat implies there's any chance they could take him on. He's leagues above.
You are right on the MCU versions but wrong on the comic versions
If you're using the comic version that's not really a problem given the events of Immortal Hulk.
Thats probably true, just because Immortal Hulk doesn't even pretend to have any rules its follows anymore.
The next issue of Immortal Hulk could have Hulk travel back in time and fart so hard its what started the universe and that would be perfectly in keeping with the quality and consistency of Immortal Hulk thusfar.
Does he count?
Looks like a fucking video game
What went wrong?
Homeworld would be a fun enemy, if you play Homeworld by their capabilities and not their actual performance.
Roman Castevet?
On paper, Homeworld and its armies are pretty goddamn scary. The logistical advantages they have from an army that doesn't need to eat or breath, can shapeshift, has a boatload of built-in utility powers and has 'extra lives' and the ability to teleport their wounded away from the battlefield in seconds? Fighting them in a military conflict would be absolute hell.
Its just the way that the show is structured that makes them totally nonthreatening. We NEVER see Homeworld 'get serious' or really do more than dedicate a couple of gems to do a low importance mission.
>>Gives the only memento from Tony, to some guy he just met 2 days ago.
The whole point is that Peter doesn't see himself as deserving of the glasses while Beck is. Beck basically set himself up to be Tony but Better, coming from another world where he lost his family, sacrificing himself to save this planet he didn't know, etc. When Beck puts the glasses on in the bar, the camera deliberately lingers on Peter's face as a "holy shit, he looks like Tony with those on" realization.
>>Glasses don't tell him the bar he was in was a hologram
Because he never asked that, retard. Why would she just randomly spout it off?
>>News source believes some random fuckhead found Spider-Man's identity
You mean Mysterio? The guy who was praised by the media internationally for saving the world multiple times over and fought Spider-Man directly?
You're a fucking dipshit.
Oh lawd he comin'
What is this even from
Now THIS is an avengers-level threat right here!
The original Avengers Level Threat.
Accept no substitutes.
could Goku be pinned by Mjolnir? or would he be worthy
When he's in his base form he is said to be of pure heart, right? Maybe that means he could lift Mjolnir.
>Kamen Rider Build
>Last time i watched KR was when Ghost was still being produced
>no idea there were new ones even though Ghost was in 2016
Fuck time went too fast
Gilgamesh, a popular antagonist from a weirdly huge anime franchise called Fate.
He is a summoned 'heroic spirit' version of Gilgamesh, the historical/mythological figure from mankinds oldest surviving story: The Epic of Gilgamesh. He is 2/3rds god, king of the world and rightful owner of all of its peoples and treasures.
So on top of being basically ancient sumerian Hercules, he has a kind of pocket dimension vault wherin all of the greatest treasures of the ancient world are stored. In Fate terms, this means he has the original copies of every magical item ever to exist on Earth, plus a couple of special exceptions that are not earthly in nature by are part of his legend anyway.
The weapon he is holding in that picture, Ea, fits that description in that it is a weapon of the gods that predates the invention of the concept of 'sword'. Its the weapon that the head of the sumerian pantheon used, during the sumerian creation myth, to cut the world in half forever into land and sky such that the two could never be joined again. Ea is referenced more than once as being an 'anti-world' scale weapon, and if Gil was sufficiently motivated he could theoretically use it to destroy the Earth entirely. He is unlikely to do so, however, because he owns the Earth and thus doesn't feel a strong urge to break it. He does feel, however, that in his absence there are entirely too many humans stinking up the place now and he could do with getting rid of most of them...
Fighting Gil is finnicky, because he has an enormous ego and generally won't throw his full powerlevels at you in the game because you are just some guy that he generally doesn't consider worthy of his attention at all until you surprise him, giving you a chance to blindside him and force him into a confrontation thats not to his advantage. The Avengers would have a MUCH more difficult time facing Gilgamesh because he would recognize them as powerful heroes from the start. Thor is a god, even!
He's everywhere at once for fucks sake
>Glasses don't tell him the bar he was in was a hologram
He didn’t ask.
Being a yearly franchise does that.
>dyke ra
Would a rampaging Caboose be considered enough of a threat?
No, but a helpful and friendly Caboose would be.
He'd unironically be a great Punisher villain.
Hot damn
>he didn't ask.
Hey, uh, remember that part of the movie where he was shown technology in the area around him, even when he didn't ask? That happened multiple times, so it's not like it was a startup thing either.
he is strongh, but he doesnt have a plan or something, he is kind of a one hero problem, you need something of a greater scale, gilgamesh surelly would be powerfull enought to fight the avengers (if he takes them seriously and dosent just fuck himself like he allways does)
but i think a whole grial war going on would be an averger level thread, the chaos and having so many powerhouses going around fighting between each other is something that would need the whole squad to control and would have a good excuse to show them all doing something
You mean the messages in his classmates' phones? Peter literally order the AI to not do that because "it's wrong". Maybe EDITH didn't show Peter the illusions at the bar because it was still following Peter's order of that being "wrong".
Yeah, but their infantry is almost entirely limited to melee-range combat.
Couldn't one hypothetically just dig into trenches and mow down each legion with firearms and ranged explosives?
Watching the Avengers deal with pic related would unironically be great.
None greater.
just keep him away from the water lol
>Hey, uh, remember that part of the movie where he was shown technology in the area around him, even when he didn't ask?
You're a goddamn moron.
EDITH says "Would you like to see what I can do?" as part of the initial start-up protocol Stark programmed. After Peter said yes, THEN she began explaining everything.
They have ranged attacks and artillery. They just prefer melee in a fight.
And, frankly, I can see why. Gems are WAY faster and more mobile than we are. We frequently see them jump up multiple floors or dash around at high speed. A couple of Jaspars could very likely storm a line of gunmen fast enough that the range advantage of guns stops being an advantage pretty damn quick.
But if you built an entrenched position designed to mow down anything that comes at it? They probably just blast you from space with a handship or something. Remember, Gems have artillery and its lasers.
Haven't seen the movie. What's the justification of Mysterio's fish bowl?
That right there is a glass dome complete with a heads-up display from the movie's MacGuffin, EDITH. The "actual" Mysterio costume in pic related is just an illusion.
Just saw this today, was pretty good.
He only deserves to be Frank Castle's enemy.
>my new skink character. He is a crocodile skink
skips halfway down the paragraph, ain't reading all that
>the gunman was arrested for second degree murder
Who is referring to
Another addition to Hank's family: Victor Mancha.
Nope. I loved the movie. Had a lot of fun watching it. I hope Sony and Marvel figure it out. And the movie was incredibly stupid in retrospect. Having the plot revolve around a Magguffin sucked. Having the entire story get dragged from beautiful European tourist attraction to wonderfully scenic European city of country scale felt out of place and forced. So much other stuff. But I enjoyed watching the movie in 4DX. The water spraying and the chairs were perfect.
Ragnorok was way better in 4DX though. Ragnorak was really like a roller coaster ride.especially the end where Hulk hangs on to the edge of Asgard. 4DX commercial yeah!
Based Ultron
Seething defense
>holding a baby, not wanting any trouble
Fist bump
Goku would stomp the Marvel universe. Only plausible answer for Goku from Marvel is Sentry, but even then that's pushing it.
The Root from Remnant: From the Ashes.
Doctor Destiny
Could they stop Eren in time?
but he called his son a fag
easily answered by 4.Nc3