When is Yea Forums as a whole gonna get new material?

When is Yea Forums as a whole gonna get new material?

Attached: enoughwiththewojaks.png (680x457, 599K)


wrong board. Yea Forums doesn't do wojaks, or at least not as much as other boards.

Attached: we dont do that here.jpg (654x409, 132K)

Because Yea Forums mods delete wojak and pepe on sight.

Was this meant for r9k or someother board that actually uses wojak. I still don't know why people complain about them

make new stuff then

>To lazy to even edit the word wojak to match the pic
>Complains about wojak that gets hundreds of different edits and versions
basedjak is the only one I have an issue with and thats because its the only one really being spammed everywhere

op is lost, last wojack I've seen was months ago

>check out a Yea Forums thread on a game I'm interested in
>endless boomer and zoomer wojaks whenever someone disagrees with something
I can't believe it was all because of one guy

They're not as efficient as the ones on Yea Forums, but it's admirable work nonetheless

These are the offenders user. Yea Forums, despite it not making OC, is paradoxically last bastion for orginal shit on this website.

>>is paradoxically last bastion for orginal shit on this website.
>literally every OC is related to the next FOTM girl Yea Forumsfu for cumbrains to jack off to.

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good, if you want to see different stuff then get off your ass and draw/write it yourself

go bitch too Yea Forums Yea Forums /pol/ and /r9k/ there usually the ones who invent new variations with an absolute lack of creativity, always pushing the same garbage with the same punchline.

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meanwhile, on other boards...

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Thank god for small favors.

What on earth would compel someone to make this?

being a /pol/tard

>>check out a Yea Forums thread on a game I'm interested in
>>endless boomer and zoomer wojaks whenever someone disagrees with something
>I can't believe it was all because of one guy

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>anti-wojak poster thinks Yea Forums OC memes are better
>when it's been constantly filled with literal steven universe gemsona shit like this

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>anti-wojak poster thinks Yea Forums OC memes are better
Where did he say that, user?


You're being a retard, this whole thread is a passive aggressive swipe at wojak posters.

you either don't know what that word means or are just being a salty cunt my dear user. and op literally never implied that.

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For all this board's flaws, it has always resisted the wojak/pepe spam that has taken over many other boards

There's a channel gemsona general thread up right now, don't be retarded.

>channel poster gets passive aggressive when their SU OC gemsona is insulted
A bloo bloo bloo


Somebody telling them to have sex. The post replying to this one will say "dilate."

At least its something. Unlike that literal sameface shit.

Yea Forumstard

>it's been up for a week
>this means it's constant
you forgot too call me one of a slew of buzzwords that amount too
>thing i don't like

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>A bloo bloo bloo

Attached: Blooregard.png (308x597, 7K)

>At least its something.
Yep because spindel threads are significantly better than le wojack right?

at least it's not the same puritan larp garbage shoved down everyone's throats since the election tourist invasion.

Dilate. M-masaka!


I don't see your point. Both are bad, one is significantly, outstanding worse. The other one just makes you mad because GRRR STEVEN UNIVERSE REEEEEE.

The same type of autism that gibes deviantart autism threads their magic.

rent free actually

When newfags and tourists stop advertising that specific things troll them. So never.

>What on earth would compel someone to make this?

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Wojaks are the perfect strawman and Pepe are the perfect kind of smug, they will never go away as they are perfect shitposting material.



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The threads boil down to "wow I want to fuck X character" it really doesn't get anymore boring and repetitive then that. I remember at first it was emmy, but then spindle overtook her once Yea Forums got tired, and now emmy doesn't exist anymore. I know other boards have waifus, but it's never as bad as Yea Forums's due to them constantly pushing a FOTM every month.