So you know how people joke on here about how if classic shit heroes like Matter Eater Lad and Colour Kid applied their...

So you know how people joke on here about how if classic shit heroes like Matter Eater Lad and Colour Kid applied their powers properly, they'd be godlike?

Is Sue "formerly the girl who turns invisible because being seen is the menfolk's job" Storm an example of the writers taking that idea and going wild? She's easily one of the deadliest (not most powerful, but absolutely killiest) heroes on the market right now.

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any power can be godlike if done correctly. on the flipside, any "broken" power/ability can underperform if the user is an idiot

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>Susan, I said SHUT UP!

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Okay but going from "invisibility" to "tiny forcefield that just cut your heart off from the rest of your circulatory system now drown in your own blood you tool" is a bit much

Not sure this applies to Sue, her forcefields were added later on because invisibility is such a dud power.

I thought the forcefields were supposed to be an extension of how she do the no see

it was, but from a meta narrative stand point they were added so she could do things aside from just not be seen

Now she can color change too

how come this hasn't gone pymp slap levels of infamy?

desu expanding her powerset to forcefields was a great idea. Sue's biggest issue for a lot of early FF was that she did almost nothing; her actual usefulness to the team began and ended with "turn invisible and hide in a fight" and "fail at sneaking around and get captured". Her forcefields getting overpowered is just the result of fanboys looking at her powers and realizing from a logical standpoint she should be the most insanely overpowered member of the team.

It was a mind controlled Sue and it was an arc that didn't really influence anything after, while Hank then attacked the Avengers after slapping Jan.
Not saying Reed doesn't deserve some shit for that (Peter Parker also threw a pregnant Mary Jane into a wall), but Hank's "fall" was multi-faceted.

because sue is a thot

Could Due defeat Superman, or he no sells the forcefield to the brain or heart?

Because FF and Spider-Man are two of the most famous and successful comic franchises in Marvel's history and Hank Pym was a second-rate nobody in a team literally made for characters who couldn't sell their own series whose only notable moment is slapping his wife.

Sue is a Thot don't forget Namor..


Iirc someone with telekinesis has tried that before on him and it didn't work it just kind of hurt.

She changes into a blackiee?

She could take him out in a sneak attack. In a white room encounter where neither have surprise and they have knowledge of each other, Sue is ash or a bloody smear (depending on whether he uses heat vision or just a punch) before she can form a thought.

Because Mind Control. It's worth noting, in the aftermath of the Trial of Hank Pym, Iron Man drove himself to distraction trying to prove Hank's head was being fucked with when he sicced Salvation-1 on the Avengers, and slapped Janet.

>sue can pull off a reverse exodia on anyone
i want to see this.

Waid's recent mini has her bending light or some shit to make herself look different, up to changing her hair color.

Thot patrol

But could Sue cut the circulation of to my dick so I wouldn't get hard as diamonds everytime I see her in a skintight suit?

>pull off a reverse exodia
I don’t think that’s quite as accurate as you may think.

Her powers should have been gravity manipulation from the get go

it make more sense than "invisible cosmic force"

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How would gravity affect lasers?

>What are black holes

Super strong innards. He could probably tank it but it would hurt like a bitch and greatly weaken him

it also helps that Sue isnt a fucking sociopath so she usually uses them for battering or barriers instead of leaping right to embolism

How would Sue be immune to the black hole?

Gravity can bend light, and a powerful gravity field can warp a laser around it and change its direction in a noticeable way if it's strong enough. Gravity, however, it's the weakest of the fundamental forces (aside from the "weak" force), and there are larger interactions that can bend light much more drastically (like atmospheric density and whatnot).

She isn't, she can basically act as a black hole.

How many Gs would it take to be able to negate/block lasers then?

This part escapes me as I have an empirical understanding of fundamental physics, but you wouldn't actually need much, since photons are massless and therefore they're very liable to distortion under a small field. However, to negate or fully bend a laser around the subject (in this case Sue), she'd need to replicate the density mass of a small black hole to create a Schwarzschild radius strong enough to do that. And I say "replicate" since generating a small hole of the size of a person could potentially absorb everything around its event horizon, so it has to be strong enough to bend light but not too strong to pull massive objects around her.
So tl;dr, some 4-dimensional shenanigans that only affect photons around her, and then occasionally "anti-gravitons" that repel anything outside a generated field.

Oh that explains that bullshit
Nice dubs tho

Namor and Doom made use of her black hole.

She blew up a Celestial with her mind so yeah.

Shouldn't you be sleeping, Tommy?
It was very mild light manipulation that Valeria taught her to be fair, and it gave her a headache due to the strain, so it's not like she's Mystique now.

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God I should finish reading gwnpool


You know, Reed has been called out on his neglectful, cold-blooded behavior towards Sue numerous times. When's Sue ever going to get called out for being a homewrecking whore?

>When's Sue ever going to get called out for being a homewrecking whore?
I don't know, probably the moment she actually starts doing any of this you bizarrely accuse her of doing.