Cyberfrog Is Shipping!

Deal with it anti-cg Hail WarCampaign!

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Other urls found in this thread:

How will they ever recover?

wasn't it supposed to ship weeks ago?

They won't

What are they up to now? 50%? 60?

Not high enough.

They'll read the book, like it, and then have to pretend they hate it and then criticize how this one woman's fingernail looks off so therefore the art sucks too.

lol this

>My team-up cover gets delivered before the chromium ones.

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That sounds like all of Yea Forums

>someone is supposed to do something
>they do
Quite impressive.

>there are still people pretending the art of Iron Sight wasn't awful when Meyer himself has admitted on cheaping out on the artist

And that has anything to do with EVS how?

That's still a thing?
I thought everyone backstabbed each other and moved on?

Things have kinda split into two camps, but original CG is still clearly the larger one.

so what's the official "Comicsgate" power level it goes from

>Those Trump Bunny comics
>Iron Sights and Jaw Breakers

the bunny comics aren't CG

Battletoad is literally the only good thing to come out of CG.

It seems like a gimmicky animal character from the 90's.

Waid getting his ass sued off is also CG kino.

Fuck War Campaign and fuck Ro Kumar kahbib

It is. I remember it from the adverts in my Vampirella comics back in the day

Lmaooo who gives a shit (marks/yokels/incels ;)

I agree if it forces Waid to stay at marvel longer, it’s one good thing they did

the problem is that gator comics are incredibly expensive. considering japanese doujins have 30 pages and are like 5$~8$, theres no chance american comics can recover. i mean, 40 page comics for 25$ and shipping arent what people actually want and buy.

Most of them are cheap as hell; people just donate excessive money to them.

thats another problem. evs and dnc already have enough money, but still they only think of making a profit. and bragging about it is absolutely pointless. most doujin creators dont think of making money. they just want to make it and contribute to the scene.

the gator market isnt like doujin markets. its like a fanboy market where fanboys buy an expensive limited edition. it wont become like a talent pool.

I think EVS' artistic talent speaks for itself. It doesnt affect me in any way if people want to donate shit tons of money more than the amount he sells a product for.


>digest sized

EVS is live-streaming with Ya Boi Zack and Jon Malin right now. They're talking about Zoe Quinn and how SJWs deliberately use cancel culture to try and get people they don't like to kill themselves.

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>most doujin creators dont think of making money. they just want to make it and contribute to the scene.
most of them are 30+ year old NEETS with zero responsibilities
they don't even need to pay rent or any bills

Well, they're not wrong.

I hope Zoe Quinn and those three take each out with all four at a point of no recovery

Nothing you've said here makes any sense. What the fuck are you talking about?

Hes saying he hates everyone involved and hope they all somehow kill each other.

He's trying to be "le radical horseshoe guy", but nobody else comes close to being as much as a psychopath as Quinn.

An e-celeb idiot is an e-celeb idiot
No matter how slice it

>human beings are all the same
Imagine literally not being able to make distinctions between anything.

I don't consider outragefags to be human

Ironic, coming from someone with less developed skills than a toddler. You sound lile the kind of retard who spends an hour trying to slam the square peg in the round hole, because "WTF THEY'RE ALL SHAPES!"

I hate Quinn more than those three combined but I'm not going to ignore that I still hate those three to begin with

Make another thread when you can storytime the scans

After more than 9 months and several IndieGogos made for milking money Van Scammer finally ships this. I can already tell the verdict: Good Art, Terrible Story.

Have there been any reviews yet?

Who the hell is going to review this in earnest?
Or rather, who's going to give an honest review, then get lambasted because it doesn't agree with the CG circlejerk? Because let's face it, it doesn't look like a good product beyond the art (and it's just overstuffed DC house style, not exactly something unique), so whatever merits it might have will be hampered by the lousy writing.
Hundreds of indie comics out there and we're going to stop at this guy's snowflake comic book released several months after the initial goal, more expensive than it should be and tainted by their asshole politics? Come the fuck on.

Damn you sound really bitter

>Who the hell is going to review this in earnest?
Not everyone is a faggot like you.

>Who the hell is going to review this in earnest?
A good critic should be fair and impartial, even if they don't agree with the politics of the creator.

It shouldn't be hard for anyone who isn't deranged.
I have a hard time believing a comic book about a cybernetic amphibian is going to try to make profound political messages about contemporary society.

Srs question, why did he break up with Doug Tennapel

They were dating?

I'm never going to stop laughing at how bitter comicsgate is about Lim's Trump bunny comics exist, just another reason that comicsgate is the most retarded gate to happen. I don't know how they managed to outwhine SJWs but they did it.

But I'm comicsgate, and I love President Thump.

Because TenNapel outsold his comic and EVS was jealous so he started calling TenNapel a homophobe and that "homophobia has no place in comicsgate." Pretty embarrassing but also no different from anything comicsgate has been doing for the past year. They're actually proud of running off most of the creators, especially the ones who actually delivered their comics on time.

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>I don't know how they managed to outwhine SJWs but they did it.
That's just an hyperbolic lie. And you are intentionally being disingenuous

Months ago.

>hyperbolic lie
No. It's been a whinefest since day one about fucking nothing. There were many things to talk about but the pointless superficial things were the least of their worries.

I can only assume whoever keeps posting things like that is a deranged tranny, because it's always overly dramatic, hyper emotional, and barely overlaps with reality.
Like, bitch, people just hate how SJWs have ruined comics. They've been ruined for so long now that people are barely upset by it; merely disappointed. There's not even anything left to be outraged over, since a big two writer turning out to be a gigantic cuck is 100% to already be expected.

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>Doug Tennapel is trad

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He also dabs on trannies.

Looks dumb. Congrats, I guess?

It looks great, visually.

How many pages is it?

There has been whining, but no where near what you claimed. This is why I called it an hyperbolic lie.


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IGG states shipping was supposed to be November 2018
Before Eefan decided to do five more variant covers for $50 a pop.

>Cyberfrog is Shipping!
They said the same thing in April
And August
If it really ships "now",
so the fuck what?

anyone got that video of ethan crying about "extreme extreme antisemitism" supposedly going on from some chat channel his fagparty brigaded?

Comicsgate (and I use that term sparingly) was great as a movement, if by movement you meant essentially saying "Go Fuck Yourselves" to the faggots who make most comics these days. It's not so great at making comics however, and besides that they often become the faggots they where supposedly fighting against, though perhaps of a slightly different breed

This looks like complete shit.
Are these books actually worth reading or is this just another book you are supposed to buy because you agree with the creator's ideology?
>"homophobia has no place in comicsgate."
What is comicsgate even about?
I was under the impression that it only existed to whine about minorities in comics but I have really only experienced it from the Yea Forums side so maybe I got the wrong impression or something.

It still amazes me these retards use the toilet emoji as their logo. Sums up Casualgate.

Comics in the 90s... You mean the ones that crashed the industry?

I could make an argument for Vertigo and a lot of great indie comics like Grendel, Hellboy, Sin City and the like but you just know that nigger was talking about stuff Youngblood.

I read your comment, but to the tune of "Running in the 90s". I'm sorry, I'm an Yea Forumsutist

The whining continues!

Cool can't wait to see it top all Marvel titles on the Diamond Ch- Oh wait casualgators don't understand how the industry works.

>comicsgate comic (there was never a gate for there to be a comicsgate)
>get almost a million $ in crowdfunding
>extremely late
>$40 for one issue, extremely overpriced
>it's some kind of lame battletoads ripoff
>gatekeeping out the ass
>"bringing back the glory of 1990s comics" (the worst era)

>manga (not even a fan of it)
>180 pages of shonen jump each week
>costs a dollar
>better art
>excellent platform for new artists

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Doug is putting out novel length stories and Et*n scrambles to release an issue barely before his promised deadline. Sad. Maybe if he spent more time with drawing and less time with politics and gossip, he could make a quality product normal would want to buy out of curiosity and not political interests.

Even if one gives a impartial review, Causalgaters will bitch if it isnt given a ten just for trying

>wasn't it supposed to ship weeks ago?

Original fulfillment date was November 2018.

>also comicsgate
>worshipping ecelebs
>platforming SJWs
>complaining without criticism
>extreme gayness
>their own brand of virtue signalling
>they can't even make comics

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the part I love most is that his claim to fame is making videos about fucking star wars the last jedi and then buying hundreds of dollars in merch so he can spend 3 hours in a youtube video defacing it. this is what he spent his backers' money on, instead of making a comic.

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It's kinda hilarious when you realize these people have yet to make any real 'change' in the comics industry.

>this is what he spent his backers' money on, instead of making a comic.

Actually EVS used his backers' money to buy a house. He posted it on twitter after he bought it and thanked his backers for funding the purchase.

this thread should be a great place to post everything I know about ethan van sciver, warcampaign, and comicsgate.

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haha what the fuck, how does a new house help new comics creators? what a jerk.

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>people start reporting his IGG because he has multiple unfulfilled campaigns up simultaneously
>suddenly the comic is shipping after almost a full year of customers being fucked around

>>wasn't it supposed to ship weeks ago?
>Original fulfillment date was November 2018.
>h-hail warcampaign?

Yea Forumsmblr and Disneyshills were gloating that the book would never see the light of day because EVS is literally Hitler or something. Meanwhile Zoe Quinn's game is still in crowdfund limbo where it will remain forever more, and she's writing comic books for the big two that will never see a second printing.

What's the point of that if all his new Marvel content is terrible (which it is)?

This thread and the Crying About Ennis thread are making me love Yea Forums again

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>the emoji warcampaign uses for twitter is literally a toilet sign
>j-just a coincidence, bro
>h-hail ceaser

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>Richard Meyer uses Jawbreakers money to fund Iron Sights comic instead of finishing Jawbreakers and getting it fulfilled on time

>Ethan Van Sciver uses Cyberfrog money to buy a house instead of fulfilling Cyberfrog on time.

>Mitch and Elizabeth Breitwiser use Red Rooster money to start some sort of media brand marketing company in Little Rock instead of fulfilling Red Rooster on time

It seems like the only "comics gate" people making their comics and fulfilling them on time are the amateurs nobody gives much money to. The ex Marve/DC pros or their cronies like Meyer are the ones who can't get one comic out when they're supposed to and are blowing the cash they get on other bullshit (Doug TenNapel seems to be the lone exception).

he keeps saying the comic is being shipped now. he's been saying that since about june.

the only thing that has changed is his verbiage.

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>"oh, ethan has a youtube channel"
>check it out
>pic related
... uh, people give him money?

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>mein flanks

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>buying hundreds of dollars in merch so he can spend 3 hours in a youtube video defacing it.
Ha! Take THAT Disney!

the thing people paid you to do still hasn't been done, but that's ok. here's another video about SW:TLJ

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Comicsgators really hate manga. Richard, who praises Liefeld to high heavens, shit on Berserk for it's art.

Not surprised she hangs out with him

>"I don't have $40 to waste on a single issue of an indie comic, can I just get a digital copy?"
>"uh wow ok, I didn't ask you what you like I asked if I could have what I like"
thx for giving us professionalism and respect of the customers we've been lacking with the big 2, comicsgate.

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That bearded faggot from toilet campaign is shady as hell.

She panders to the lowest common denominator. Her blouses have started showing more and more cleavage and she uses S&M props in her videos.

How desperate can one be to find that landwhale attractive?

Good. I wish him continued success and hope he keeps on pissing off the retarded. Fuck Marvel and DC. Anything to destroy them is gold in my book.

>Ya Boi Zack

Why was he in the Charlottesville Alt-Right/Neo Nazi protest again? He never gave a clear answer on that.
Also, does he really have a muslim AND a jewish daughter?

no cute feet waifu
no buy

>Richard, who praises Liefeld to high heavens, shit on Berserk for it's art.

I almost had an aneurysm reading that.

I've noticed that too. She's a big hypocrite to boot.

I can see why you are being hyperbolic if that is what you constitute as whining.

I hope this Jacob Bradley is trolling because goddamn that's terrible on multiple levels.

Supposedly she was sexting another YouTuber and there are some lewd messages and photos of her out there somewhere.

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The content of this book doesn't really appeal to me, but if he's successful as an independent creator, maybe it will inspire people with other material to try to go independent as well.

Post it

What if it is good or successful?

First, the existence of fucking retards who over or underscore it for political reasons is a given. Given the political track record of most critics as seen in critics awards, I'd expect it to be underscored.

But that doesn't matter. Why the fuck are you caring about critics reviews in the first place?

I've never even heard of this guy and I follow EVS and Zack regularly.

ethan has already been proven to be hostile to other indie creators. in fact he doesn't have anything positive to say bout a single one of them. comicsgate shows no concern over this.

then you should be really worried what precident this sets. cg claims they are the alternative to the big two, but the hebehavior of their one lauded eceleb in control of their movement proves they are exactly the same.

You know how Kony 2012 just sold useless pins and t shirts right?
Comicsgate is the Kony 2012 of comics

SWC are faggots

See, I would've cared more had this been *before* the Caesar Cult began to basically police anybody affiliated with CG. That more than anything contributed to the splintering of the movement.

But don't worry guys- I'm sure the Caesar Cult will gladly praise even the weakest part of the story- because let's face it, the story's going to be the weakest part of the book. Sciver's got too good of a grasp on DC's House Style for the art to be truly poor.

These guys tried to say there comics are better than CG...But is about the same garbage

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so give neither attention
go to a library
find something good and make yourself happy

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Bloody hell this is on par as bad as Iron sights.

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I absolutely hate Berserk and think it is a boring drag but you have to be an intentional contrarian to whine about the art pre-boat.

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I thought a majority of comicsgate shitters were weebs like YellowFlash which would explain why they have an abysmal understanding on how comics work from production to history

Why is CG so nostalgic for trash from the 90s anyway?

>Comicsgate shows no concern over this
Because most people using the label at this point are vetted intensely by Ethan's own fans. A couple weeks back they declared war on that British guy who did the Patriotika vid. Headrest? Something like that, because he didn't lay the required amount of praise upon EVS or something.

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And than to B&W make up your minds you shitty hacks

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And now weak line work hmmm its almost similar to like that CG crap and just more lazy.

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Just buy things you actually like and stop buying things that supposedly piss of your enemies user. The people dropping $40 on a single floppy about a cartoon frog fighting evil are the only ones that give a shit.
There are plenty of indie comics out there that don't cost a fraction of that per issue, don't have any "forced diversity" and actually tell a decent story.
This is a scam to separate seething redpilled comic fans from their money by pretending to be on their side.
I guess they never grew out of XTREME bullshit.

See a pattern here?

If anything all of these indie books in the past few years are shit including Cyberfrog and the other fag shit.

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A lot of them are in their late 30's or early 40's and that was the style that was cool when they were just getting into comics.

> Dropping $40 on a comic book to own the Libs

Knock yourselves out

Personally I have nothing against EVS he is one of cape comics best modern artists. His work with Geoff Johns is a benchmark of modern comics. Its just when he opens his piehole he is a real jackass. DC might give him a job when this thing dries up but I doubt Marvel will. He could go on to just indie it out to the Trump/Fox News crowd and make a decent living I guess like Garrison does

I'm not trying to sound judgemental but it always surprised me that Yea Forums seemed to hate CG from the get go. Yea Forums(nel) has always seemed a bit of a "ROAR, ROAR, FIGHT THE POWER" kind of board, and since Marvel and DC had a monopoly on the industry I figured anything that could undermine them would've been welcomed here, and that's before we even get in to the whole SJW social phenomenon plaguing this and several other "nerd" industries

>Cyberfrog and the other fag shit.
You have not even read it yet

Where did you get the info that he was?

I feel like "comicsgate" or rather, Ethan's take on things has totally changed since the beginning.

It seemed like in the beginning, the whole SJW thing was only a small part of it. Like, it was just one facet of why he left. He seemed like he felt awkward and uncomfortable in the mainstream because of the politics, but along with that, he didn't seem to like the direction comics were going in. Even if you take the social political aspect out, a lot of the complaints centered around being tired of book reboots, books that die after a few issues, confusing events that leap from book to book, decades of back stories you need to catch up on to know what's going on, shady tactics of selling dozens of variants to bloat sales of books, and also hurting comic shops in the process, etc.

That much of it I agreed with, and EVS seemed like he wanted to pull a Todd McFarlane and explore a new avenue delivering comics to people, and he wanted to do that by launching a passion project and reviving a character he created some 25 years ago.

I thought that was a neat idea, and as a creator myself, I wanted to see how the crowd funding aspect worked out, and EVS's videos in the beginning were actually comic related. He'd do portfolio reviews, and talk to people about comics. He'd to commentaries on books he'd done with DC and Marvel, and pull out 90's Cyberfrog books and talk about what he wanted to do in the future with the character.

I thought that was great. It seemed like a fun character, and a lot of the information was good.

And then slowly the outrage crept in, and he realized that he could make shitloads more money bitching about Star Wars and SJW outrage and just telling people what they wanted to hear instead of actually working on comics. Though, since the Cyberfrog books finally actually came out, and he has them in his hands, he seems to have realized this was kind of a mistake and says it has reinvigorated him and made him way more excited about doing the comics.

A lotta people on this board don't read comics.

>>Mitch and Elizabeth Breitwiser use Red Rooster money to start some sort of media brand marketing company in Little Rock instead of fulfilling Red Rooster on time

Apparently the script for that one was completed in May of 2018. The campaign ended in August of 2018. And the book was supposed to ship March of 2019.

Mitch Briteweiser did an update on youtube and he's only drawn 20 pages so far. Of a 60 page book. This guy got all his money last August and has only drawn 20 pages. People won't be getting Red Rooster until 2021.

This is more of a non-comic reader problem.
Actual comic readers know that there are more choices than just Marvel, DC and some weirdly bullshit about a frog.
Only a complete mongoloid would even think the big two care about this at all.

>weirdly expensive bullshit
Left out a word like a retard.

I wonder where people keep getting that this was really that expensive.

Just the book opt-in was $25, I believe, which ended up being some 80+ pages according to him, and an Ashcan. On top of that, a stretch goal was another ash can, so even if you got the bare minimum, it ended up being 120-ish pages. That's not at all that expensive for that much content, especially considering its an indie project.

>Just buy things you actually like
I followed this advice a few years back, which resulted in me no longer buying any comics on the stands because there's literally nothing good there anymore.

I did however contribute to Doug TenNapel's Earthworm Jim Indiegogo.

Actual comic readers only read webcomics now.
It's still sad that LCS aren't worth going to anymore.

>comicsgate shows no concern over this.
Creator beefs with each other are of no concern to me or you. In fact, that can actually lead to better competition and better products, if each creator is putting their beef to productive use.

The problem is when a creator has a beef with a CUSTOMER. That's where comicsgate is concerned.

>um they like, bullied someone who's name I can't remember. Trust me guys!
Why do you waste time spreading rumors that you clearly don't have any knowledge about?

My LCS has a tiny section for comics. The rest of the store is for board games and Funko Pops and tabletop miniatures and toys and t-shirts. I understand why it has be this way - comic books alone aren't going to keep their doors open.

so let me get this straight, people backed these guys an absolute shit ton of money to own the libs, and now there having people pay 40$ for a print? like i'll read cyberfrog to check it out online i guess, but so far they haven't done much for me to consider following there products never mind buying them, the last time i tried to read comics gate stuff it was that comic with the confederate flag lady and all that did was make me cringe and consider cathy cannuck/Be story grove a professional product.

What the fuck is this and why the fuck should I care?

As far as conspiracy theories go, this one is pretty retarded.

Without using any synonyms for redpilled or SJW do you mind telling me why anybody should care about this?
Because absolutely everything about it looks pretty shit on its own merits.

the only reason you should care is that people are taking the name of a cause and using it to scam money out of people. it should disgust you.

I bought the chromium one. I really don't care that it's late, but has he given an ETA of when the chromiums are shipping?
>just wondering, I'm a big fan of EVS since his new x-men days and still am.

originally when this started up i genuinely thought they cared about the state of comics and simply wanted to be independent from the main market which i found admirable, i didn't give them money, but about half way through too when they had all the money all of a sudden it wen't from "we just wan't too make comics" too "who cares where the money goes we made the libtards seeth" i've read a little of what they have and fucking frankly i'd rather go re read shapshifters than sit through more bullshit of
>politics in comics are cancer, but only when it's not our politics.

Don't spoil their narrative

Surely it is to own the libs not that they were fans of his rebirth run. Stop being a disingenuous faggot

What Comicsgate comics have been "political"?
He'll, even Alt-Hero has kept it to a bare minimum.

>damn near exactly a minute away from eachother
insulting people who have shown interest in the content but are dissuaded due to the asinine nature of outrage culture and cult like support isn't gonna win you any favors with me at least user, tell me what comics they have produced that you like, i've got the free time too look it up online and read them in my spare time, because what little i've seen and actually bothered reading doesn't make me wan't too continue doing so.

Some of the creators have been vocal about their political beliefs and that has irked people who don't like Trump.

I read cyberfrog back in the 90’s and loved it. Psyched to see it continue. Don’t care about comicsgate.

I'm talking about their comics.
There's a big difference between spaming your cuck views on Twitter, and taking time out of your actual comic to lecture the reader about male.privilege or whatever.

>i've got the free time too look it up online and read them in my spare time

bad news, cg is against piracy so none of their comics are available digitally.


I read every single CG comic digitally.
The reason you haven't read them is because they're banned on Yea Forums.

What is so good about it?
It looks like complete ass from the outside but I am curious.

so am i, and i'm still not getting an answer, i'll go back and read what cyberfrog has already been produced for the shit's and giggles while you, tell me what you think is worth reading.
i'll find them around.

Why did he need to be at Star Wars Celebration?

Silly fun. If you’re going into it looking for the next Watchmen you’ll be disappointed. If you like gory violence and randumb humor it’s for you. Well it was back then. Who knows about now.

why doesn't he just get help from his brother Noah, who's successfully self-published for over a decade

Why wouldn't he be allowed to go? Anyone who likes Star Wars is their target audience.

Wasn't the Vampirella gig just a cover? Don't they knock those off in a day, maybe two if it's really busy?

Holy fuck, EVS is the Inafune of comics

You literally arent. What about your post had anything to do with the actual content of any given comic?

I'll pass. That kind of thing relies a lot of art and the art looks like shit.

Objectively false.

That's not what I asked. Why he did NEED to be there? I'm asking that based on what was posted about him NEEDING to be at Star Wars Celebration.

He is a middle aged white outrage farmer. They are all in a love hate relationship with Star Wars.

>how dare you not be blindly supportive
and just like that i think i'll just keep reading cyberfrog.

I haven't been talking about supporting any comic or not.
You said CG comics are hyper-political in the same way Marvel and DC comics are, which is objectively false.
I mean, its practically completely absent from pretty much every single one I've read, even stuff like Trump's Titans.

All of the covers I have seen look terrible and give me absolutely no hope for the inside art.

He was DC's primary cover artist for years because he's a good artist, and all of the inside art ( from what I've seen posted) looks like cover art.
I can think of a few things to criticize the comic about before even reading it, but trying to attack what seems to be the best thing about it makes you look like a disingenuous faggot.

DC books sold like shit compared to Marvel partly because of poor, unappealing covers

With few exceptions, DC books tend to sell much better than Marvel comics. That's because DC tends to cancel ones that don't do well, while Marvel tries to flood the market with as much utter shit as possible. This isn't anything new, and I'm not sure how you are possibly unaware of this.

I don't care what he has worked on in the past. I just know the covers look ugly and a quick Google search isn't exactly giving me confidence in his other shit.

He is a star wars fan? Literally says it every video he posts

I guess he didn't have anything more important to do.

this is an outright lie

Marvel consistently releases almost twice as many comics as DC, but barely has a higher market share, because the vast majority of their comics are trash that they keep pumping out anyway.
No amount of mental gymnastics will change that.

Don't they have a third more market share than DC do most of the time?

>wanting to read capeshit

Attached: tumblr_o6brwo8zkJ1sf24j2o1_1280.jpg (716x712, 126K)

Marvel has like twice the market share right now

no single marvel book outsells TWD, still. the industry really is just a river of sewage.

Its about 1/4th more, despite twice the number of comics.

ASM did. Hulk did.

don't be retarded, read Noah Van Sciver's comics instead

The level of self-aggrandizement here is nausea inducing.

remember when the queer shitlibs like Nicole Sund coopted gamergate?

Why not both?

I remain extremely pleased that after seeing the word "Comicsgate" over and over again for who knows how long, I've managed to sidestep all explanations of what it is. Or was. Just glancing from afar is more than enough.

Its just people complaining about the same SJW woke shit in comics that Yea Forums's been complaining about for a decade.

Comic con screwed EVS over. His printer booted him to the back of the queue

Imagine the Van Sciver Family Thanksgiving

its dumb that Ethan doesn't ask Noah to do a variant and give his bro a few thousand dollar paycheck and a larger audience
1,500 in one of his streams is more than buy Blammo regularly

holy shit they are actual brothers, poor EVS (though since they're mormons I have to assume they kinda like Evan better?)


is that what he's saying now? every couple of weeks it's a new excuse, always blaming the printers. amazing run of bad luck on printers, especially for a guy with enough money to build his own print shop from the ground up.

I think comicsgate failed in probably the biggest way that their original intention was "To prove that there's an audience for non-SJW comics". But all they do is just kickstart random comics with the comicsgate approval. It's not proving there's an audience, it's proving that there are whales and suckers who will pay 50+ for one 30-60 page comic (Color optional)

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their goals from the start never made sense. they wanted to make comics that weren't beholden to the new rotten standards of modern media, and they go find the two worst scumbags to lead them while claiming they have no leaders. richard himself proclaimed webcomics "aren't real comics."

They didnt have to prove anything in the first place.
Nobody buys SJW comics, no matter how hard DC and Marvel push them.

Anyone mention that umbrella guy (one of ethan's loser friends) was caught having his wife asking strangers for dick pics just a couple months ago?

Comicsgate is for literal cuckolds.

SJW comics might suck and sell for shit, but you know what sells even worse? Comicsgate's comics. They don't even practice what they preach with the "respecting the customers" bullshit either because EVS got caught blocking a ton of people who asked him for refunds months ago, he got caught doing it so much he had to backpedal and start refunding people.

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This books going to lead to this fat fuck getting sued out of his ass.

Does anyone remember when EVS raped 6,000,000 Jewish infants to death? I can't believe anyone still supports him after that.

He isn't allowed to take vacations sometimes like a regular person? He could probably write it off as a business expense since he talked about it on his channel.

>Imagine the Van Sciver Family Thanksgiving

no ethan, I'm not gonna pull any gay ops, they are immoral and pointless
you didn't get the largest crowd funded comic in history ethan, stop lying

>being a basedboy is a business expense now

EVS is Tommy Wiseau?

Tommy Wiseau actually has talent and dignity, so no.

He wasn’t in the rally, he was in town on the day it was on. Says it was a coincidence. Was passing through on his way to see a relation. Is that not a clear enough answer?

>Tommy Wiseau actually has talent
Let's not go too far

I don’t know why the think they can get away with that. People weren’t investing in their other projects, they wanted to see Red Rooster come out. Scummy

I want to buy it, it looks like he out more effort in than he did with Bigfoot Bill, but the guy’s a little sellout cunt who ruined veggie tales

She was supposed to be lesbian but obviously that was a pretense

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he finished more than one project and he did it without doxxing anyone.

I don't care about Jews, I'm more upset that he burned down the Notre Dame cathedral just to "own the libs". That was really shitty of him.

cheaper to print and made looks the hands of Ethan much bigger.

>They decide to turn on tv
>Star Wars is on

>print your comic as a boutique item instead of an actual readable comic
>use cheap materials and cheap methods

That wasn't as bad as when comicsgaters crashed not just one, but two planes into the Twin Towers.
I thought that was in pretty poor taste.

Mitch claimed that Red Rooster has been something he's wanted to make for 10 years, but before the scripting phase he was asked "so what's the guy's secret identity, what's his name, what's he about?" Mitch's answer was "I don't know."
Mitch met up with Ethan Van Sciver a bit before Cyberfrog was announced, to do some talks about a collaboration, and Mitch was so creeped out by Ethan (he doesn't quite say why or how) that he canned the collab.
There's a lot more stories like that of people behind the scenes in comicsgate having mental breakdowns and screaming fits and hilariously retarded infighting over completely insignificant bullshit. These "pros" are just as much bickering little faggots as even the worst stereotype of a comic book dork that you can imagine. If only people knew how bad things really are in comicsgate. It probably won't get out until the whole thing collapses though, which will be very soon.

>my dad works for nintendo

when does the death bringer comic come out?
i want to see how zoe draws alec blowing his brians out.

the one question no one has an answer to is why these people feel the need to make a print version of a comic book now, instead of a webcomic. if they actually wanted to "save comics" they already have a plethora of free tools at their disposal right now, we live in the best era for writers and publishers imaginable, but comicsgate doesn't want to actually do this for the sake of telling stories or even providing better products.

That doesn't make money.

Probably for similar reasons why people prefer to read books instead of hundreds of webpages of text, and why people buy physical copies of webcomics.

This. They're making far more off of the suckers donating and clickbait vids than they ever would from the comics. If this was really about putting out a better product they would have been far more professional about it and on time.

I'm sure you're legitimately very upset over this comic that you totally spend money on shipping late.

What are you on about? Richard loves Berserk, said it had awesome "oh shit" moments.

>Rey appears on screen
>Ethan jumps on the TV, takes off his pants
>"EXECUTE ORDER 66!!!!" he yells while dropping his hot payload on the TV, chest ripping out from his Basedlo t shirt

Nah, I'm just laughing at the gaters bend over backwards defending people that don't give a shit about them and act passive aggressive to anyone who points it out.

>all these salty Yea Forumsmblr tears
So delicious.

More projection than a drive-in theatre.

She's bi. I only know that because she randomly blurted it out during a stream.

it would make money if they were willing to be patient and take the time to grow and foster their craft and/or new talent.

but that would take effort.

For me, it's ShittyWebComics.

If he's projecting then who is he bending over backwards to defend? Or do you not know what projection actually means and someone accused you of it before so you have to repeat it to other people?

>”REEEEEE SJW” he cries as he busts another load

>a fly by night shitposting blog is still putting out regular comics more often than a former big 2 comics pro who is now trying to prove himself with a new indie project that made more money than god and what was your point

He created a movie that brought joy and laughter to millions of people and he provided jobs for everyone involved in the production. He inspired his costar to write a book that became a bestseller and later a movie.

Has she actually dated another woman or is she "bi" the way that girls in college are bi because they enjoy the attention that they get from guys when they say that they like girls too?

EVS and Ya Boi both started off thinking that crowdfunding was just the way the industry was going. That was their initial thrust. But because they were working for themselves, they were free to say whatever they wanted, which made the bitchy outragefags go at them.
So NOW there's a political bent to it since the people who are attacking them are more often than not INDUSTRY people.

Is it normal for comic pages to do this? I have a few and only the really cheaply printed ones do this. Did EVS just save himself a nice little bundle on printing while rubbing his hands together, at the expense of his fans?

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>Ya Boi
shill spotted

Yea Forumsmblr will never not stop crying

wow, pages of 2 panels. we are dealing here with truly master storytelling.

That's his name

I love how comicsgate made this thread to white knight for one of their lame overdue books, and no one here cared and it just made comicsgate even more mad.

His name is richard, he wants to be called "ya boi zack" because he's a boomer who wishes he was still a teenager.

It makes Yea Forumsmblr mad.
On second thought I think Yea Forumsmblr doesn't care anymore, only a few autismos are still mad about twitter drama a year ago.

Dunno. I stopped watching Midnight's Edge sometime after that. Ironically, like two streams before she was going off on how she doesn't like it when cartoons bring up a character's sexual preference for seemingly no reason

Actually it's because some SJW tried to dox him once and claimed his real name was Zach, and its been a running gag ever since.
But i think you already knew that, and are just intentionally lying.

Is it good? I've read some EVS stuff and liked that.

I liked iron sights.

>Good Art, Terrible Story.
Welcome to capes.

Did JerkDouglas draw this?

I trust Ya Boi will make an good review.

there are porn comics done by third worlders drawn better than Iron Shits. Reviewers are shit at creating content (see also RLM, AVGN)

This guy really doesn't learn from the mistakes of others or he is such an egomaniac that he thinks CG is his club.

No, not even close. They haven't whined so hard that they forced comic shops and publishers to break contract and reject creators out of fear.

Err, I meant "These Twitter psychos are going to illegal means try to ruin independent authors."

The passive aggressive salt and concern trolling In this thread is fucking hilarious.

>Richard Meyer uses Jawbreakers money to fund Iron Sights comic
No, he used his Patreon dedicated to funding his comics to fund Iron Sights, then an IGG to pay for printing and shipping. His Patreon was also targeted by Heather Antos back when she was an editor at Marvel, for some reason she thought mass reporting it would get it nuked. (he eventually shut it down because of Sargon getting kicked.)

>Random screencaps of backers asking for updates.
His IGG post has an update section full of updates and screenshots of his work, why aren't you showing that instead?

Why would you expect anything good from those hack fraud VHS repairmen?

Are you talking about Mark Waid?

Doug is based

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EVS was caught looking at Mike Millerss daughters giant jugs and thats why he left CG

>an EVS thread
Time to post this one again.

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That is also true. I was expecting a first comic ever kind of thing so I'm lenient.

I also like ashcan stories about vigilantism so it fits me. I also liked that movie frontieria, which was basically this but with cops that weren't bribed so much they sneezed dollar bills.

Yeah, he's a fag in denial

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I liked the story in Iron Sights, but it was unfortunately ruined by absolutely horrible art.

Waid, Willow Wilson, and Gail Simon.

One being for not liking a guy the other two for portraying Muslims "poorly." Its just crazy.

>hope he keeps on pissing off the retarded
What do you have against people who bought his comic?

What do you have against his comic?

post pic

Tell me about EVS. Why does he make trannies seethe so much?
He triggers Yea Forumsmblr almost as much as any given Stonetoss comic.

Because he is making loads of money despite being "cancelled"

Their "deplatforming" failed again.

>This is a scam to separate seething redpilled comic fans from their money by pretending to be on their side.
I don't get it.
Do you think EVS secretly loves SJWs in Marvel and DC, and is only pretending not to?

This but unironicallly.
It's just psychic vampires getting mad at other psychic vampires.

But why do outragefags hate cyberpepe so much?

I think the thing that drives them mad about that is that it proves there is a market and they can't do anything about it. It also proves that Marvel and DC could actually not be face planting in comics right now, that stores don't have to be dying right now, is they just put out content people want and changed up their distribution methods.

That is what really drives them nuts, that they are failing and it's their own fault.


He has a very crude personality. I saw a few videos from this guy and was surprised that someone so petty and unprofessional is a comic professional.

Because he's a mediocre artist who started trying to agressively shill hear when DnC did. Their both no talent assholes who haven't done anything but grift people for boring comics. I'm not a fan of the big two. I stick to indies and they just add nothing while whining about women and trannies.

>A year late
>Amount produced significantly disproportional to the amount of money received
>not a scam

Literally a male Anita

People actually got more pages than they were promised.

>t. Ranny

I always liked his art.
They dont make you a house cover artist if your art is bad.

stay mad loser


He's just an obsessive stalker that hates evs because he won't penetrate him.

This guy?

I thought they were permabanned.

There's two Twitter faggots that sperg out anywhere that talks about cg. One is called late night comics and amazing Adam. You always see them in the comments section of YouTube videos or on kiwifarms.

I don't go to either of those, I just remember this one guy would always show up after midnight on Yea Forums screaming about EVS in the most random threads, posting the exact same pictures with almost identical comments.

That's probably late night comics. Last I heard the fbi was called on him for threatening Billy Tucci.

The way you cunts lie does no favor to you.

Not remotely enough for the shitty price.

You wasted money on an overpriced book that kept being delayed to the point of making Inafune blush

I have not given any money, dumbass. Keep crying