What's beautiful to you? Do you have trouble depicting it the way you'd like in your comic, but find something else is easier, such as comical ugliness?
I've been hovering the threads the past few weeks and I gotta say, i'm hyper impressed with the overall quality on the artists and writers in /hyw/ compared to 4 years ago. No disrepct either, guys that stuck around like the dewd have some nice flow on their pages now. I'll share some of my work/webcomic later too. I remember getting a bit sad that my contact infor was no longer in the drive file, although I think thats because a new sheet was made.
Oh that cover extremely appeals to my tastes. Link?
Brody Barnes
I'm just glad you're back!
Luis Gomez
>nyamo on saturday night
Kayden Reyes
that was just a cover for an anthology and I believe it was available in albuquerque con pyshically only, chack 656comics.com for the next one with zombies and there may be info about the tex mex one
my current work is in anterra chronicles tapas.io/series/Anterra-Chronicles and exeivier on instagram. really wish to do more stuff like pic related tho.
(OP) >What's beautiful to you? Do you have trouble depicting it the way you'd like in your comic, but find something else is easier, such as comical ugliness? Girls. Girls are pretty, but they are very hard to draw. I dont 'get' conventionally cute stuff. If i try to draw cute girls or cute animals, i get warped creatures. But for some reason i can make ugly things cute, which is why i gravitate towards monsters.
Dr. Cannonfodder for sure. He is older and comes from a different time. He is certifiably insane though, so i wouldnt put much stock behind it. In my world you have to actually be mad to be a mad scientist. You cant just be an asshole with a degree. (Except Dr. Evil Ass.)
>what's beautiful to you, depiction in comic i pick up moods or atmospheres in photos and save them. they're particular and usually lonely in setting. mimicking them may or not be difficult in the comic style because i'm working within constraints, but it's not impossible. when it works i'm happy.
also... continuing digging thru old art. here's a sillycuteweird i did when 16. characters were a different variation, but i was exploring similar themes.
Had to upload only 3 pages last Friday instead of 4, the 4th page starts a new chapter. I'll be uploading 5 pages for the new chapter this week to make up for that.
>What's beautiful to you? Do you have trouble depicting it the way you'd like in your comic, but find something else is easier, such as comical ugliness? I like weird, borderline surrealist imagery, but my need for strict consistency manifests as grittiness. I want my world to look like The Fifth Element, but it ends up looking like Mass Effect.
Hunter Cox
>I want my world to look like The Fifth Element, but it ends up looking like Mass Effect. That must be frustrating. I know I prefer the former but I have no idea how I would actually separate the two visually
Brayden Bailey
Looks nice, but what's the story?
Cooper Collins
gray alien dood has a cute fluffy alien girl as his sidekick and he goes around being a general scummy piece of shit in a weird space world and the art is good
Ryan Barnes
How do you come up with an idea for a webcomic
Parker Adams
for all of us it just happened if you don't have one, count yourself lucky: you don't have to make a webcomic.
This is actually the best way to come up with ideas. Autism and personality disorders will do that.
Chase Johnson
You just need to have a story you want to tell. Or jokes you want to tell. Or sequential art you want to show off.
This might sound dumb, but if you don't have an idea for a comic, it might be that you don't actually want to make a comic.
Owen Gutierrez
for the comic or just this chapter?
Asher Flores
Jesus fuck the actual drawing process is a lot more time consuming than I had anticipated. My drawings aren't even that great, despite the overinflated image I've grown to build of myself as an artist in the past 2 years or so (during which I've barely drawn at all lol). It's both demoralizing and humbling but I'm hopeful, though it'll take me some time to gain momentum. I've come to draw at least a bit every day ever since I've officially grown sick of videogames, so that's a nice start That, and I've literally just begun drawing my first panel that I've already realized that, shit, I gotta actually put down some concept art first, dummy
new page. I'm really glad to finally be done with the boring scene. when he was just wandering around in the shop doing chores it was excruciating to draw, but now that I'm getting to the fun stuff its a much better go of it
>you're fucking good Ahhh that boosts my ego, thank you
Carson Hernandez
at APCs anyway. Wanna show us what else you got?
Austin Bell
me too, man. Hopefully I can maintain the momentum and finish this damn thing before I'm 200 years old
Xavier Gray
So I am at a loss and I'm starting to get frustrated. How the hell do I get clean line work? At this point i honestly cant tell if I am just this inept, or if there is something wrong with my clip studio settings. Because my shit still looks like Tails Gets Trolled. All I want is sharp geometric look and everything always comes out pixally and shit. Not to mention i can never get the fill bucket to cooperate with me, fucking up my lines even worse. Everything just always looks so flat and MS paint tier. What am I doing wrong? For a little while, it felt like was improving, now it kinda feels like I am stagnating.
Okay there's a few things it doesn't look like you're using your stabilizer if you are, to make nice angular straight lines you'll want to either take it off or move a little more slowly at the corners (stabilizer rounds off corners in a way you don't want) learn how to use the straight line tool(s), and use them judiciously (shift-draw doesn't work as well on CSP because it goes to maximum pressure-thickness. you ARE using pressure sensitivity, right?) your LINES are plenty clean and neat, they're about the neatest thing you have, so I wouldn't worry about the anti-aliasing or whatever (change the color margin of the magic wand tool if you want to select slightly into the gray pixels of anti-aliased lines, and make sure whatever you're using to color does the same thing. having the lines on a separate layer will make it impossible to ruin them with coloring.
basically your issues seem to be geometric in nature due to having loose, wobbly models. Shapes look random, inconsistent, widths vary all over the place... you should spend more time in your sketch phase making things even (like a tube, making sure its width is the same as it goes, unless it's broadening due to perspective) make sure lines that should be parallel (like the left and right side of something box-shaped) ARE parallel, etc.
I believe these were okayed by the creators. correct me if I'm wrong.
Fishergirl: Enslaved by Azu. Wears a simple servant's kimono and receives condescending headpats.
Azu: Throws an embarrassing tantrum inside a telekinetic bubble.
Gasolia: ???
Arachne: ???
Aiden Rodriguez
I have pressure sensitivity turned on, and honestly i dont think i have ever used straight line tools... which explains a lot. I do uses a separate layer for my lines as well. Also I have been using a stabilizer, because that seemed like something that I would want. Shows what I know.
I think i just needed to hear that it was my ineptitude because i am tired of constantly fiddling around with my settings.
oh right, she's genie of the ring try drawing something like this. see how the material looks thin but you can see the width of the band anything thick would hurt on your finger
use vector layer for lineart use raster layer for painting
Brandon Sanchez
>What's beautiful to you? Simplicity. Like fairy tales. Round things are appealing too.
>Do you have trouble depicting it the way you'd like in your comic, but find something else is easier, such as comical ugliness? None of that is in my comic. I hope my artstyle evolves towards it though, although I dont feel it would fit the current story.
Astounding, I love it.
Honestly just from that cover Id totally read a comic about this, sad it isnt your current one. But im still gotta try my current one.
You asked for critique on the discord, I have a lot of trouble giving that. Maybe, characters look a bit too rigid sometimes and the proportions are definitely off in some panels. The story so far is really exciting so I have no complaints.
Do you apply construction? For cute characters the classic anime route is big eyes and a smaller nose. Seems like noses are conventionally ugly somehow.
Which actually makes beautiful females with noticeable noses really interesting imo.
Consume fiction and non-fiction and feel wonder.
I enjoyed your blog, and I enjoy that tank even more. Its really good.
I remember you. I am interested in this, so if you post a link ill add it to... THE LIST.
This week is also busy and I wanna update my comic, but most surely ill do mine before monday.
A tantrum doesnt seem like an ultra punishment, Ill think about it more. But thats super acceptable. Today I got an idea for a lewd punishment which I might do if she loses that isnt really fetish tier so it works for my pure, uncorrupted, pure again soul.
*takes notes* the raster what.
Evan Mitchell
I do use construction. I just wonder if use enough. Only cute girls I have ever managed was Cole and Fishergirl, and they have some goblin moments pretty often.
Eli Baker
If it helps, you're getting a lot better. Look at how nice and boxy that snout is, and how even the teeth are! Nice and parallel. Now while you're feeling good about that, watch as I dash your hopes: unless the jaw is on some kind of slide hinge (like a nutcracker), it probably works on a normal rotating hinge (like a bear trap) right? So... that means when the jaw opens, the angle changes. Don't worry, you can handle this too.
draw the gesture in one layer then just draw the construction and final details in another layer
John Davis
Anything that seems too hard to draw is a lot easier if you do it at the sketch stage first. That's something it took me a long time to really understand.
Colton Walker
I am going to work on just a random non-comic drawing, and see if i can put some of this to work. I am going to attempt a completely different artstyle and use an excessive amount of construction. I think I had gotten complacent, and i need to exercise a little bit. Thanks guys for the help you guys.
Liam Baker
Keep at it Smacky!
Jacob Harris
Reposting the latest character "profiles" if they can even be called that.
I'm working on it, but I have a packed art schedule. Estella's defeat will come!.
>What's beautiful to you? So much honestly! From settings/environments that capture a lot of atmosphere to simplicity, to bold colors and designs, plush strong expressions... to name a little.
>Do you have trouble depicting it the way you'd like in your comic, but find something else is easier, such as comical ugliness? I've always found drawing environments difficult. I plan to spend a lot more time working on the backgrounds for Space Pack in an effort to strengthen the mood and emotions throughout the story.
When drawing random squares n shit, also try using ctrl+t along with the shape tool, and drawing in different layers. You can always just combine the layers later.
Im honestly curious about this one. Is... it a character? A representation of the previous kings? An actual being? Are we supposed to be left wondering?
I tend to say MUH CONSTRUCTION because I believe it helped me enormously at the start. I mean at worst, a perfectly constructed drawing would look rigid as hell, but the art should be perfect so its good to start.
I feel however that some styles arent favored by the construction approach, but still, sometimes you have to completely nail the basics in order to proceed. As for your case I agree your art has gotten noticeably better lately. Keep it up indeed.
Michael Ramirez
Is this any clearer ? I can fix the wobbly lines, just wanted to get something down.
I've worked on one thing so long I've forgotten how to have new ideas my visual repetoire or whatever its called or whatever is completely empty even though I've been consuming more varied media than in my past I have story ideas but I have no visual ideas to inform any characters
Dominic Carter
Post idea
Isaac Cox
yeah that's the way
Dylan Sullivan
Lincoln Sanchez
I'm not asking people to come up with ideas for me I'm asking how I can come up with my own again because I've forgotten
Brody James
Post some ideas then fag
Samuel Thompson
Why is there no webcomic of War being Glorious? Why is it always hell?
I often see works regarding War only done by veterans. So, probably that. I know some works were specifically done just to cope with the stress or pass the time.
Ayden Jenkins
War isn't glorious and depicting it as such is actively dangerous propaganda
Cooper Sanders
Okay i spent just a couple hours on this. Tried to use some heavy construction to try to make a vaguely realistic Drak and Gurk. I also used a vector layer and nixed the stabilization which seems to have worked wonders. I have noticed that i seem to get better results on the illustration canvas than the comic canvas, and i honestly dont know why. I have the both set to the same resolution, so i know that isnt a factor.
gnarly I don't understand what the canvases are you still have more to learn about animation but so far this is hugely improved, and I don't just mean because of the different style. you're putting a lot more attention into parts lining up.
Mason Peterson
I had been using 100. I set it down to 50 when i started that pic, and by the time i was done i had turned it down to 15.
Justin Perry
>you still have more to learn about animation what does that have to do with anything
Landon Parker
dude I use 6.
Noah Price
anatomy, sorry
Jose Rodriguez
Shiiiiieettt. I've had it set to 100 since day one. No wonder i have been having such a hard time.
Ethan Rodriguez
i use 50
Owen Ross
trying to come up with a cute witch / mystic character that lives in a cabin in the woods
I think I need to make her dress less sailor moon and more roman aristocrat
nnnno mate, the point is it evens out your curves. that's why it's hard to make jagged lines with the stabilizer on. and it has settings to change it so if you move more slowly it lessens the stabilization
William Bennett
Is that God damned Spec Ops: The Line.
Jacob Smith
Dear Yea Forums webcomic thread, how do you monetize a one-off/oneshot comic? Gumroad?
Aaron Cook
Do you guys ever like your traditional drawings look FAR much better than your digital drawings, especially if your tablet isn't one that lets you see your screen as you draw such as a Wacom tablet Intuos?
Matthew Wood
that was the case until i bought a display tablet. being able to connect my eyes and hands made the whole digital drawing process a lot less stressful, which in turn made me want to practice more, and that's what made the biggest difference
Cooper Carter
digital art has a learning curve but eventually it gets better, and I don't miss having to look through my hand with the x-ray vision I don't have.
Asher Edwards
hell no. My stickypad scribblings look like the work of a mad man. They old lady who empties my shred bin at work probably thinks I am schizo.
oh shit, I have to draw another? hook me up with detailed Arachne pics
Oliver Adams
How do y'all figure out posing and backgrounds? I'm having trouble putting my characters into a believable space.
Jeremiah Long
It IS a tournament after all. Im sure you will win if you dont bail.
Ethan Williams
Hell yes
Connor Hill
post art
Ayden Gonzalez
I usually start by making OCs that exist in some form of media that I like and then start making a backstory for them that could exist outside of that show/comic/game. Then I come up with parts of the OC's world and other characters in relation to their backstory and motivations and move on from there.
Oliver Wilson
WIP of Majo, hopefully done by the end of the week.
The love and dedication behind each line and word I see on mine and other comics. That's beautiful.
>Do you have trouble depicting it the way you'd like in your comic
Sometimes it's hard to think and display info in a vertical format. Specially for backgrounds. But it has its advantages as well.
Good! There are many narrative techniques that I'm eager to use, but only if I must. In this case I showed those events a bit later because I felt it'd hurt the pace at that moment.
Cleanfags, when will they learn? Also, forgot to mention that those Ellie colours, while kawaii, aren't canon.
I was kicked from the hyw discord due to inactivity like...a week after joining. I could try harder this time.
>If I try to draw cute girls or cute animals, I get warped creatures. You did a great job making Cole and Percy cute.
>I can make ugly things cute, which is why I gravitate towards monsters Drak and Gurk ARE adorable.
Even when ugly, they're still kind of cute.
Because it is. Even in works that take a more "noble knights jousting with honor" approach to war like Enemy Ace there's still the realization that war is a fucked-up thing where you're killing people whose only crime is fighting under a different flag and who you wouldn't have any problem with outside a war. Even superhero takes on war have moments where the characters realize that they're in a war.
You can't really depict what is an inglorious thing as glorious because when you do you aren't depicting that thing anymore.
Justin Butler
Then don't. A lot of depression era cartoons inhabit environments as surreal as they are.
Posted this in the last thread just as it died. Anyway, I love working with ink, but I've only just gotten into digital coloring. Fuck me digital anything is so hard; I might literally be a caveman
Uh... user? 200-500 dollars for a screen tablet is insanely low. They were 2000 in my day. The reviews look bad, so I'd stick with a non-screen tablet
Christian Howard
Yeah you're definitely good at drawing. Nothing to worry about.
Aaron Lewis
I remember liking Ben back in college before I realized what a tool he was. I actually didn't vote for Trump because Ben was a never Trumper. I put in a libertarian vote.
she doesn't really have pink hair? Nobody would kick you from the discord.. you must be in the bad one
Matthew Bailey
Snip snap goes the crab.
Tyler Clark
What's up with her face?
Lucas Smith
So my family convinced me to take the webcomic I was working on and self-publish it as a graphic novel.
I realize that it technically doesn't count as one anymore, but would it be wrong to post a link to it here?
I got some very nice advice and encouragement while I was sharing occasional updates here and I'd feel bad if I left anyone hanging regarding its progress.
this thread is for any comics, we just assume of course anyone is going to post theirs online. glad you're not just disappearing on us. Good luck publishing!
Levi James
>I remember liking Ben back in college before I realized what a tool he was. >I liked Ben until he roasted people I agree with Good for you, fag.
William Cox
>We can't trust Trump he's been a Democrat his whole life he's not going to build the wall. He won't give us tax cuts. He's all talk no walk
Evan Lee
Cool! Thanks, I didn't want to be rude. I've recently published a fantasy story that I've been working on. Had the idea in my head since January of 2018, but only built up the guts to actually start on it by November.
Almost a year and some sporadic appearances in these threads later, here I am feeling pretty proud of actually sticking through to the end.
but.. those are true. he is a democrat. that's why he's doing his best to make republicans look stupid, and then profit from all the strife and clickbaity media. That's not rocket science.
Lucas Gomez
He's building the wall and he's made tax cuts, which means he gets my vote 2020 when he goes to curbstomp Biden.
Zachary Taylor
Shapiro is a boomer showman. Victim of popularity. But I will recommend not engaging with the crabs, as you surely know--especially in politics.
Xavier Taylor
we don't actually want that, that's just to make us look bad. we have always had a wall, it doesn't work. also don't discuss this stuff on Yea Forums you're gonna get us banned
>he's made tax cuts No he hasn't, you actually paid more under Trump.
Landon Lewis
Bullying material.
>What's it about user?
Not im obviously, but its about a SPACE im guessing bounty hunter but its not clear yet I think guy whose ship breaks and he is left stranded in a weird ass planet where people are born defective and have to fuse with machines to survive. He goes on a quest with the local native genki girl in order to GTFO of there and I imagine he is gonna discover whats going on with that world in the meantime.
Elijah Anderson
>There are no tax cuts! You don't see the tax cuts! The lefty brain is a hell of a thing.
Jose Watson
>he's building the wall man repeats himself nervously for 4 years
What are some personality or physical traits from your characters that are inspired in yourself?
Leo Thomas
In that case, I was thinking a friendship contest where entrants draw the girls interacting as friends.
Hunter Smith
Spectro has my neuroticism and depression, Stardust my social alienation and confusion, and I'd like to think The Ray has my imagination.
Percy would love hanging out with Gas and would have great respect for her as a survivor since Thule pride themselves on living in inhospitable waters filled with country-sized leviathans.
I wonder what Gasolina would think about a museum? Percy is crazy about museums. She likes looking at old stuff.
Jace Anderson
Looking great! Choking triggers Azu Priest flashbacks... Really excited to see it complete.
I try to avoid that, but eh, I guess there is some. A few of Azu characteristics and relationship with her sister have some inspiration in myself. Also the one or two people who know me and read my comic said the Priest bitch-ass attitude reminds them of myself. I dont see it at all though.
>"I'm not the only one doing a self-insert, right?"
Justin Wilson
Where can I find a good screen tablet then?
Nathaniel Bennett
Nothing I can tell you that amazon can't tell you better. just look at the reviews.
Christian Thomas
You don't need to self-insert to see parts of yourself in a character you write. I strongly hope other people don't see me as Stardust.
Ian Edwards
I tried to make Tad as unlike me as possible, but i think i just channeled every negative trait i had into him. i used to be really fat so i made him fat. im also an impulsive, selfish asshole, so i guess there is that. we also both rock the goatee. i guess i am just thankful that i am no longer fat, im not short, and i never have to worry about going bald since i am hairier than teen wolf. he is also way older than me.
really he has more in common with Danny Devito than me.
Easton King
None. It's the dialogue that screws me up the most. I want to write what I'd say or give the plot information rather than what the characters would do.
Grayson Rivera
Asher Ramirez
Jeeze, you guys are pretty open about your faults.
Andrew Edwards
i wouldnt be here if i was well adjusted.
Henry Lee
>aren't surprises better? You could spoiler text it.
Aiden Sanchez
>Spectro has my neuroticism and depression i hope muh dude Spectro will find peace one day :'(
Nathan Myers
one of my side characters is a literal caricature of myself i think everyone has some traits of myself though and it would be dead obvious on the what they are if i made more new comic series
Nicholas Hughes
I don't have any characters directly inspired by me, but a lot of my interests are shared among my characters. Like in Oni x Fox, Shintaro shares my fascination with aliens and conspiracies (though on a greater scale), Izuru is creative and likes art, Reiko appreciates reptiles, etc. It is unintentional when they share personality traits with me, but there are parts of myself I can see in a few characters and the way I write them. As for physical traits.... I actually wear some similar clothing as Space Pack characters haha
Samuel Davis
You're stupid if that's what you got out of that.
Sebastian Collins
Cool trips user. Also it tends to be easier to talk about faults than qualities. I dont think im very open about anything though.
>Danny Devito Fucking knew it.
Getting her skirt tied with psychic powers above her head and going nuclear.
Hoshi No Samidare is one of my favorite mangas.
>I actually wear some similar clothing as Space Pack characters haha Stylin on us. Team jacket for the win
Im sure he is gonna get to say "told ya" at least to the others, which cleanses the soul.
Anthony Rivera
You dress like a goth?
Jace Hill
>What's it about user? That may have been helpful to explain.
It's sci-fi, Luyten Gliese crash lands on a strange alien world that seems primitive, yet has advanced technology running through every aspect of it, even where it doesn't make sense. He meets local girl, T'yel who is curious about the world around her and this new man from the sky and together they set off to to try and find a way back home for Luyten.
I'm trying to go for a bit of a pulp sci-fi feel, lots of weird characters and locations and general adventure stuff.
James Barnes
What should I study to learn how to draw fight scenes in my own comics? Is there any good place to look for reference poses?
I didnt get to tell you last thread but I enjoyed the one you posted about people bitching about their jobs in private. R e l a t a b l e.
At some point while reading that manga I started crying and then I kinda never stopped.
Not him but I saved this, looks extremely useful. Thanks user.
Ian Adams
If Magi is down for it, sure. We'll have a title bout for Queen of HYW.
Though if you want to be specific, Earthfield's fire ninja girl won the first one so technically she should have to fight Rococo first, but I haven't seen Earthfield in these threads in forever so I guess it just defaults to Rococo as champion.
Zachary Lee
males, fundoshi/mawashi. females, none. that's how underwear works.
Jacob Cook
Hunter Allen
>Implying Azu doesn't have super frilly panties
Ryder Lee
As the story is directly inspired by my life and events that happened more or less recently in my country, the MC bears a lot of similarities with me.
Someone needs to tell him to get his character to fight Rococo.
Camden Nelson
That wouldnt really fit her character.
John Edwards
Panties with a skull on them?
Owen Garcia
If Helga lost to Coldfusion than wouldn't that mean Rococo's going to get curbstomped by whoever (probably Gasolina) wins?
Elijah Peterson
Im eating popcorn here.
Oh, a side note regarding her current get up which is rather irrelevant, her "skirt" is actually a bathrobe/bedrobe of sorts taken from the owners of that house they attacked. She just wanted to look regal. But an oni is an oni. Read muh comic
Samuel Richardson
I can't decide if I want to tell muh story as a webcomic or a game. I'm equally unskilled in both btw. And I don't want to make a webcomic and THEN a game because that always ends in disaster.
you could fuck around in the simplest stuff like ren'py and very simple gamemakers just to see if you enjoy simple programming and having characters talk and move aorund in those formats
you'll probably be like 'fuck this, ima just draw a comic', but then on occasion you can do a quick simple programmed animation or playable sequence or something
Henry Rivera
I have like 101-level knowledge of C and Python. Thanks for the advice, user.
Jason Barnes
Is it ever okay to copy and paste in your comic?
I have this scene i need to do with Dr. Cannonfodder standing in the middle of an army of Cannonbrawls. I was thinking of just drawing a single row, copying it and layering them over each other to make the army. Its like a half page spread, so not only would it be time consuming to do all those soldiers, but i fear i couldnt get it to look right if i have that many standing together and draw them all individually. Is that okay to do, or is that somehow dishonest or something?
Zachary Walker
It's particularly okay since they're robots you can also sometimes copy and paste in the sketch phase, and then rotate things around and then in the final state do it by hand, you'd still be saving yourself time
Gavin Howard
I would make a couple versions and then intersperse them. No one will expect you to make them all individually, but it will look very sloppy and offputting if they're all the same.
Landon Taylor
someone post that webcomic with a youtube video that's completely just copy and paste
Hardy is an absolute unit! What kind of creature is he anyway? I really like that you have all these fantasy races intermingled with each other, putting their nation above their species. Rarely ever get to see that.
also someone needs to make "Virgin Gasparro and Chad Chadwick"
Harshad Varma is a Goliath--giants with thick stone like dermal plates and boney growths. They are vegetarians, with teeth like herbivore dinosaurs, eating fungi, roots, and other subterranean flora.
They are styled after Hindu Indians. They were once a great and peaceful nation--but that just made them easy pickings for the Ottoman dwarves who nearly genocided them and seized their subterranean empire. Dauntina took the Goliaths in, and, ever since, Goliaths have been an integral part of the Dauntine Empire.
They are peaceful, normally, but they are quickly becoming... not that.
Hey, I'm about to write up the fight between Percy and Turbulancer and I was wondering if I could give Turbulancer some more attacks. I was thinking that it's lance arm could also function as a "turbulence" weapon. It can uncoil the lance and fire a blast of air or spin the uncoiled lance around like a tornado. It can also store pressurized air within the lance itself and release it, turning the lance into something like a pile driver.
What do you think?
Eli Edwards
That is straight up canon. I always said that it could manipulate air, but instead of avatar the last airbender, i pictured it more like shooting cyclones like Jasper Batt Jr in NMH2. So hell yes, do it!
Jacob Hernandez
already loving their relationship and it's just getting started
Austin Richardson
Sit on your webcomic gently
Jordan Walker
>discover amilova just now >excited because english/french/spanish dynamic interface sounds exactly what im looking for, also huge userbase >on a second thought see theres a shitton of bots promoting shit no one wants >comments and updates wasteland with a lot of 2012-2016 posts
those 20 minutes of me thinking there was an active reader website out there were nice I guess.
sucks, but yknow looking to the website to provide your readers is completely backwards thinking. we're supposed to be moving away from giving power and responsibility to ISPs, cable providers, etc and focusing on the product itself communicating directly with its userbase. Anyone who says otherwise is trying to leech off of your success and act as a middleman.
Ryder Wood
Is there a good japanese name database? I need a male name basically meaning smart and shady.
for fucks sake where have you been uploading these to cmonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Hi, I know I said last time I'll skip the intros but I can't. It seems rude to me. So, yeah, we finally arrived at the end of chapter 11. I'm done with this quite early, yeah? That's because I'm translating each finished chapter to Polish after it ends now... So yeah, please check the English, please.
>I'm going to write today and make a storyboard on the idea I've had for a year to finally start my comic >goes on Yea Forums I wanna lobotomize myself
It's definitely a great site. Good for looking up kanji you don't recognize, too, if you have the patience to do it by looking up radicals.
Christian Walker
draw backgrounds change the font to anything but comic sans
Xavier Turner
>draw backgrounds it's harder than you think when most of your panels are just face zooms. But I guess I need to work on that too haha >change the font to anything but comic sans I don't understand this meme
Aiden Thomas
>it's harder than you think when most of your panels are just face zooms every single panel in the two pages you've posted had plenty of space for backgrounds, especially page 2 where you left huge areas for backgrounds that you just filled with gradients. >I don't understand this meme That's okay, you don't have to make your comic easy on the eyes, but don't expect people to enjoy it.
David Long
I can understand the first complain. But being fixated on some meme related to this point is just silly. But if you want, recommend me another font available in MS paint by default.
Cooper Miller
Fonts are the same on all programs, if you want extra ones you have to add them to your computer. dafont.com/digital-strip.font Knock yourself out.
Jackson Brooks
What's wrong with comic sans?
Cameron Hughes
It's aesthetically ugly. It's overused, meaning the reader associates it to cheap products. It doesn't resemble anything close to real comic fonts.
Dylan Edwards
And the "Comic Book" font from blambot isn't overused?
Jeremiah Reyes
I can link you five others if you want, until you stop making excuses :)
I tried to do a "identify my font" from random comics that I liked, but they all gave me completely different results that looked nothing like the source material and I've been using the same "Comic Book" font for awhile. How are you supposed to know which one will look better on a page? Can you change the font without the viewer noticing or use multiple fonts on a single page?
Professional letterers from comics may use their own personal fonts, so you won't be able to identify them. >How are you supposed to know which one will look better on a page? Like picking the artstyle for your comic, it's up to what you feel is more appropriate; just avoid Comic Sans. >Can you change the font without the viewer noticing or use multiple fonts on a single page? The reader will definitely notice.
John Adams
>he dont use CC Wild Words
Julian Adams
nobody does
Brody Cook
>Professional letterers from comics may use their own personal fonts, so you won't be able to identify them. What's the point in doing something as tedious as that?
Oliver Gutierrez
>Can you... use multiple fonts on a single page?
You can, but unless you know what you're doing, it's not recommended.
You should stick to one standard font for dialogue throughout your comic. Sound effects and other things like signs can use a variety of different fonts, as long as they're appropriate.
Certain characters (for example robots, aliens or monsters) could have their own specific font for dialogue. But don't be tempted to give everyone and everything a unique font; special fonts only stand out because they're not the same as the standard baseline dialogue font.
>Fascination with aliens and conspiracies Oh no! Don't run at Area 51! The world still needs Space Pack!
>He's gonna get to say "told ya"
Yes and no. His thing is that he's right seeing the Stardust coming, wrong in how he deals with him.
>Getting her skirt tied with psychic powers above her head Hey, Fishermen have used every advantage possible to win fights since they were actual fishermen armed with nothing but their fists and wits!
Why is this fight over fonts when its abundantly clear sans-serif is both best font and best girl?
>it's harder than you think when most of your panels are just face zooms so then you should fix that in the planning phase. too many talking head roughly the same size = bad comic page. what's wrong with pulling out and doing a top down 3 quarter view? aside from difficulty? It's hard to tell where your characters are. I'm guessing from the maid it's a cafe or house?
Hudson Fisher
I can't draw, nor am I in a position to offer adequate compensation, but I'd like to collab with an artist here if they'd be interested in hearing a pitch about the story. The format would mostly be set up like Prequel: The Adventure, so there would be less drawings and reliance on panel layout, if that helps.
Julian Martin
shut up dummy
Levi Gray
what intros? a* nice relationship we usually just say 'marriage proposals' until*
Daniel Ward
Comic sans is great. it's literally made for comics.
Ryan Russell
Chris-chan pls
Cooper Reed
Okay. My Discord is Woodwoes#8984
Owen Carter
>Getting her skirt tied with psychic powers above her head
>THE LIST coveted! Its a comic associated with an album of music I've recorded. I plan to release them in full together once its all said and done. I still haven't settled on a title though. I like "Shorn by the Gate", but there's also "The Lounge Between" and "Magi Prota" which are some other names floating around
might be favorite page yet I should probably save time and just surrender
Brayden Richardson
she is too cute for this earth. i will make it my mission to nuke the planet just to create post apocalypse cuties. most of you will die, but that is a sacrifice i am willing to take.
Nolan Perry
this is a parasite apocalypse. some woims killed everyone.
Ryder Moore
mutant worms are a natural consequence of radiation. i have yet to see a problem that cant be solved by more radiation.
Nathan Jenkins
uh bump
Xavier Carter
No it’s not, but that’s a popular misconception.
Jose Peterson
Literally has "comic" in it's name
Nathan Ramirez
When does Gas get to beat up Arachne?
Ethan Collins
There's nothing in the rules that says you can't.
Lincoln Flores
Latest page for this week update. Azu returns after some years to visit her oni-chan.
I might wait until I have six pages done to post. Its a bit insane but I dont want to stop this whole scene midways.
Thats better than bailing out, although I feel its cooler if we fight to the bitter end.
Absolute cutie.
Im like 89 percent sure whatever you guys are imagining is way hotter than what I did but im happy you like.
... Today I actually considered returning to doing the words by hand myself, this time with extreme care and dedication.
>Today I actually considered returning to doing the words by hand myself, this time with extreme care and dedication. looks nice
Bentley Young
Which comic website is best comic website? (For posting)
Colton Ross
how do you draw an object that is tapering thinner as it approaches the viewer, but is also tilted toward the viewer so perspective is making it look wider as it approaches
Jacob Edwards
And here's our round 2 entry! Percy takes down Azu with an rnc! What do you guys think?
Also, the Percy vs Cole text story is almostttt done! I surprised myself how much I ended up writing. It's going to be about fifty pages total.
I'm not sure exactly what you're describing. You mean something tapering as it gets to the foreground? Like a swordpoint aimed at the viewer?
Joshua Diaz
Hey Ardi, if Percy wins can she have Azu's armlet things as trophies?
Jonathan Davis
sure, but even more curiously, what if it's a cone? like a unicorn horn pointed at or nearly at the viewer
Carter Rogers
So i completely reworked all my settings in Clip Studio from what was suggested yesterday. I am still working on getting it tweaked just right. Its like i am having to relearn how to draw on this thing all together.
Although i do think my line work is looking a little bit better. Tell me what you think.
definitely better linework, good chum anatomy and shapes are already looking better too, but you have a way to go. The spiral lance looks great, the anatomical details of Tad's upper body, this is majorly improved.
There are tiny little things that you should be able to safely niggle with yourself as you go, and that's going to get you into good habits. It's all about MATCHING. So like, the two ends of the cylinder formed by the minigun's barrels should match. 2nd panel they don't, 4th panel they do (but then the angle of it doesn't agree with the angle of the rest of the forearm) or stuff like the way the shapes of the bone phalanges shift with each digit. The lengths agree with each other, but that's it. That's fine in the sketch phase, but then when you go to lineart it's worth slowing down and shaping them more carefully. That and tiny things about thinking in 3d, like not having teeth simply coming off of a jaw so the two look like they're both paper. It takes a while to get yourself into those habits, but they make the difference between art that looks cheap and art that's clearly trying also your angles and dynamic shots are getting better so feel proud there
Grayson Walker
Good to know its at least getting better. I can definitely go in and fix that stuff. Thanks for the help.
Joshua Thompson
And another one. Im actually skipping a page here. Might add some fixes there and there before uploading, its late now.
Oni bullying is punished by law. That aside, I love it! Im glad you didnt forget the abs, charm point.
>Hey Ardi, if Percy wins can she have Azu's armlet things as trophies? Absolutely, go for it. Ill have Azu take Percy´s bandana (I think thats the word?) if she happens to win, if you agree.
The linework looks cleaner. I need to see the finished product to have a shit opinion though.
That's totally fine. Fishermen switched to calling them kerchiefs back in the 50's as bandana became a term associated with criminals. Feel free to have her take the communicator pin attached to it as well.
Austin Walker
stabby stabby!
Josiah Roberts
..and Rau thinks she needs to be rescued.
Adam Lopez
Its a deal then! Ill try to post my entry this week too.
royal palace guards, trained for years to give their lives to protect the prince
one stabby girl
Id argue Rau is not wrong, although not in the way most would think, and her idea of Azu, while correct, is warped out of love and nostalgia.
I need to get Estella's defeat panels up here soon.
Elijah Morris
Thanks, Ardi! Great new pages, by the way! Azu kills those guys like it's nothing!
Xavier Morales
>what was suggested yesterday. I am still working on getting it tweaked just right. Its like i am having to relearn how to draw on this thing all together. Yeah, just take some time getting acquainted with the program and learning what some of the stuff does. Just look it up on google if you don't understand a setting, how a tool is used, or what some of the extra settings mean.
Check it out! I think this is something you'd like!
Robert Anderson
See I'm currently planning to use RenPy myself for my comic, but with actual pages and panels and all that shit instead of just sprites and backgrounds. Plus, you got the ability to add sound effects and music which greatly add to the immersion and overall "punch" of your work. I'm gonna sound pretentious but kinetic novels are the natural evolution of comics if you ask me. Immagine, a comic with sound and music! Your very own movie minus the animation, and these days with all the free resources avaiable it's easier than ever
Eli Russell
Colton Cox
A page from my upcoming comic titled “mythos” working on finishing the first chapter and uploading it all at once. Pages will be released biweekly and I’m debating keeping it in black and white or coloring it. On the one hand black and white will help me get it out faster but color would look better aesthetically
How are the dialogue/narration boxes on this page? I didn't know if there were any rules in placing them over each other, or when to place them outside of the frame so I just tried anyway.
*Bonnie is supposed to be flat as a plank, but it looks like she has large breasts here
Drak and Gurk. the most beautiful ship is a friendship.
Michael Parker
One that almost got made official but then the friends it was based on broke up
Gavin Robinson
Ah well there's nothing wrong with reminding us that you aren't hanging around the threads all the time. That way if there's something obvious that's been on everyone's lips, we know we might actually need to repeat it
Jaxon Young
definitely improved composition. no complaints
Justin Miller
some stuff man
Nicholas Bell
looks like bottomlighting to me. hnng
Jace Price
If I'm posting the pages regurarly I'm usually in most threads. But I'm usually just skimming through the text here.
Really, I find them quite easy because you can just name person some words literally. In western setting you have to puzzle things out to not give character a name that sounds like an existing word most of the time. ...That's why my characters don't have surnames.
Chase Robinson
I don't understand what can be first/last name.
Camden Campbell
than you look at the online name lists and if you don't find something you like you take some name and change a syllabe in it. You just have to remember the basics of japanese wording system.
It's not true 100% of the time, but Japanese sur names often seem to have something to do with geography/location. Take Tanaka for instance. Ta (田) is rice paddy and naka (中) means inside/in. Yamauchi is "mountain" and "inside", Nakamura is "inside" and "village". Sometimes animal names are combined with a location like Toriyama, which is "bird" and "mountain."
I feel given names are more difficult. They seem to sometimes refer to certain qualities or are certain nouns. Shizuka means quiet, Hanako is "flower" and "child". The "-ko" ending is frequently used in girls' first names, "-suke" and "-rou" are endings in boys' first names, but these endings obviously aren't in all boys' or girls' names.
But, there should be lists for both first and last names out there, though they often show more common names. You'll probably start to see some patterns in naming conventions if you look up these names in Japanese dictionaries, though.
Bentley Martinez
My comic is lacking in ships but I like to say to myself that its a harem around Tamamo, given how half the cast is into her.
There was also that guy who shipped Rau and the Priest here, no comments about it.
My heart, thats... violent, but also so cute. I thought he was into Izumi though.
I ship.
Im excited! And im glad you finished this, ill read it soon once i get over my current daily trauma. I was fearing you would leave that one unfinished. Writers tend to do that.
The placement is good, it doesnt bother the main view (Bonnie).
>I've worked on one thing so long I've forgotten how to have new ideas Don't I know it. Everything I can come up with is some expression of like 5 tropes I really, really like. >'verisimilitude'- life-likeness. What would make sense for this character to have? An action that the character will do (tinker with the car and break it accidentally, deliberately release an AI because a thinking being deserves to be free, etc)... what would a person who would do that look like? >how do they move? A hardass general who barely moves from that hands-behind-back pose. A creepy, dreamlike character who never opens his mouth even when he has a speech bubble. A springy character that's always in odd poses or far away from where he last was. >what mood should they give off? >and the line that I usually give in regards to creativity, have you taken one fact about thing and worked through the logical extensions of that yet?
getting a lot of time-outs on this host lately. thecomicseries is comicfury right?
Sebastian Moore
heroic-ass girl. always drop the prize to save the guys.
Noah Jackson
>can't call the chief "chef" for fear of the audience seeing it as a typo and being taken out of the story >name him after an internet meme instead NO YOU FUCKING MADMAN, I MEANT CALL HIM "MATCHLOCK" OR "WAX" OR SOMETHING Also I wouldn't have expected the giant to be second in command, that's neat
I tell you what, I didn't into Hel x Kimchi at first, it was just supposed to be a joke that she was Pucca as fuck and he was not into that level of aggression. But a friend of mine said it was making her sad seeing Hel get rejected (even though Hel was undaunted and fine) and she shipped them. I wasn't planning to cave in by any stretch (friend ideas gooned my comic up enough as it is) but it planted the seed, and eventually the idea grew on me. Especially after Kimchi became more of a confident man and less of a 'moons at all the foxy ladies knowing nothing's gonna happen' kid. I ended up really liking the development they both went through as a result. Dimensions were gained. Hel learned how to consider others' feelings. Good stuff.
Mizu and Kaen would have been my favorite ship otherwise, but I did a terrible job writing their interactions. Gustav and Marka on the other hand...
so much for comicfury being the least shitty host anyway it's working now. I love this explanation of their guild system. Interesting though how he says they don't have a five-king system YET, suggesting they're meant to and expect to
Bentley Torres
Ah sorry if that was unclear, CURRENTLY they have the five-king system in place. Gats is talking about the past, before the five-king system was made.
Basically after the big war they made Clubs, and when some semblance of peace and order was established they formed the five-king system, but clubs still stuck around.
Nicholas Brooks
oh I don't know how I misunderstood that, it's clear as it is.
Eli Price
Anyone still use traditional media to create their comics?
Bentley Jenkins
I do.
Juan Lewis
What do you use to ink, brush, nib or fixed-width-technical-type pen? And do you letter by hand? I think 90% of digital lettering is an abomination. I've also noticed a lot of comic artists use digital brushes more like a pen, you know how you can tell the "speed" of a stroke? Really bumpy, inconsistent digital inking
Zachary Jones
I use a mix of brush and those sakura micron technical pens, or whatever they're called. Usually a mix of .03, .05, and .08.
I honestly think a lot of the inconsistency of linework just comes from either lack of confidence on the artist's part, which wouldn't make a difference if they're doing it traditionally or digitally (as evidenced by things like "feathered" sketchy strokes). I feel like with digital you need a lower skill bar, because if you fuck up with traditional media, there's way less allowance for fixing it without a lot of work.
Don't really feel the same way about lettering, though. Does hardly anyone hand-letter any more? There's a million fonts out there, so it isn't hard to find one that can work for you. Or worst case scenario, you can draw up all your own letters and characters and convert them to a font.
Jackson Gomez
>Does hardly anyone hand-letter any more? I do! >There's a million fonts out there true >so it isn't hard to find one that can work for you. You'd be really surprised. >Or worst case scenario, you can draw up all your own letters and characters and convert them to a font. It's not quite that simple but yeah multiple different paid services exist for this. I'm just in the middle of an embroiled discussion about this for a non-comic project. Spent hours looking.
Thomas Murphy
I hand letter, absolutely, my Ames guide is my best friend! Te percent of good digital lettering is the sort made up from the artists own handwriting, that looks the best imho. I think a background in using an ACTUAL brush would help those "sketchy" digital inkers, because those tablets are so much more forgiving full stop, the more flexible the tool the harder it is to master and the brush is the most flexible and absolutely the most versatile. Get a good Series 7 and some proper brush cleaner you're set for ten years +.
Jose Diaz
You are right! Though when I came across the idea for making this, I thought pairing Midori and Kisago would be funnier, haha
Matthew Torres
Why do you think the artist's handwriting is inherently better than using a pre-made font?
Dominic Sanchez
>Ames guide Que
Cameron Morris
My drawing, i do whatever i want. Fight me.
Asher Perry
It's a tool for measuring equally-spaced lines. Google it, it's hard to explain, you need a t-square, you put the Ames guide on it, turn the middle part with holes in it, put your pencil in the holes and kind of drag the Ames guide across the t-square with your pencil. Move t-square down and repeat. Because I think that lettering is as equally as important as the drawing--evidence of the artists hand really helps bring a coherency to a page if the page is also drawn traditionally. A traditionally drawn page with digital fonts is as jarring as the opposite. I just don't think your art and lettering can be separated, they're huge components and one without the other is...well, there's just "something" missing, you know?
Nicholas Sanders
Mmm, it's a mixed bag. I am mostly trying to crib from the X-Men, but the X-Men back when they actually provoked moral and ethical responses from their readers. My big thing with this is what if you have a minority who is simultaneously under threat but also has the capacity to be just as big of a threat?
Where it swerves from X-Men though is the lack of the blunt dichotomy brought about from Mags vs Prof. X. The social, moral, and ethical ramifications are still there but instead of dealing with hardliners who somehow have large followings, you get this amorphous blob of people just trying to fucking live their fucked up lives.
Which isn't to say that there isn't crime fighting organizations, there totally is, they just aren't representative of the average Transient. I am shifting the perspective of X-Men being sweet dudes with powers and shit to "What if instead these were effectively disabled people? Oh, and there was zero government safety nets for them, and a lot of people hate them because of what they can do." Which is logical, as a lot of Transients just go berserk, or ruin the lives of their families simply by existing. Often this means a ton of collateral damage.
Anyway, this is the final page of issue #2.
About half of this still needs to be inked and colored, and all of it needs to be lettered.
Thanks. I put a lot of time into thinking about this.
I hope that I can write and fund (or perhaps get picked up) long enough for these bigger societal issues to start to come into the mix. So far I've just been setting the table and putting in enough action to keep people entertained (at least I think so).
Noah Sullivan
>Oni bullying is punished by law. She looks like she's enjoying it tho
don't mean the same? like "television set"? I change it now!
Jason Perez
I like your style, it has pizzazz
David Ross
I'm just guessing what he means. in this context, it doesn't mean anything, but 'set' seems wrong. and just fyi nobody has said 'television set' in about 40 years.
suplex is a category of fighting moves, not a move, isn't it? like all the things we're talking about, back drops, flips, slams, aren't they all collectively 'suplex' or did Kirby lie to me?
Dominic Butler
I'm no wrestleologist, but I think a suplex is a particular type of throw. > did Kirby lie to me? what Kirby? Jack Kirby? Nintendo's Kirby?
Jaxson Nelson
So, if it comes down to Fishergirl what’s your plan for a friendship pic?
Charles Nelson
the last one. he had a power labeled Suplex and you did all kinds of different grab and throw moves
Camden Miller
Another page. I will resist the urge to post the next three as I do them I guess.
so needy. some of us are busy drawing I love your writing, man.
Julian Miller
Decaps are Zain´s bread n butter. Also, catfight will come when the stars align in the right position. Around the weekend. Before next wednesday for sure.
Il let you know when I do. Reading takes more time than comic-reading.
I know I'm needy. I can't help it. I just hate working on something just to have it die off into the void. I've dropped so many projects because no one but me cared about them.
Dominic Cook
Like the Trespasser. I stopped writing it because I was completely demoralized. I got a notification from tapas saying that it was picked as a feature for a week for their staff's pick section. I think well neat, I guess I am a good writer after all to have been picked. Then a week goes by and the numbers just flatline and I think well fuck, if this is what it's like with the support of being a staff pick I might as well just quit. So I did.
I don't think anyone on tapas actually picks staff picks. I think its just randomized. I can't see any other reason why they would pick Trespasser. Clearly no one liked it given the sub/view count.
Dude, tapas staff picks are made by the staff. That means someone on tapas liked your stuff.
Owen Torres
I know that's what they say but I don't believe them. It makes no sense for Trespasser to be good enough that some tapas tech becomes a fan only for it to crawl up views and subs.
Making some bookmark handouts for my comic. I had some illustrations from an unused cover concept and thought they might be of use in a different form. I'm going to add a QR code on the back that'll link directly back to the book.
the icons are good but you want them to be kinda lighter and more faded so they don't look like they're part of the letters. it's also a bad idea to have stronger contrast within the letters than the letters are themselves from the background. Makes them not even read as letters. also no they aren't crooked, but you don't need to ask us that, you can measure yourself. quickest and dirtiest way to do that is just to scroll the image to the edge of your canvas and see if it lines up
John Lee
>Makes them not even read as letters. Okay, so something like this would be better ? > also no they aren't crooked, My bad, it was just driving me crazy not being able to eye it.
I mean you can still have stripes, but maybe not so dark? I'm sure I've seen plenty of egyptian stuff that was darker-gold-on-regular-gold, yeah? (it's supposed to look egyptiany, right?)
It would also help if the outlines of the dish and lava lamp were lighter, and if the logo's letters had consistent thickness
Cooper Brown
>(it's supposed to look egyptiany, right?) Yeah. A lot of the gods and pharaohs had blue and gold stripes, and the main characters here would count as deities.
yeah I totally picked up on it actually if you made the stripes much more narrow, and follow the actual lines of the letters instead of being just horizontal stripes, it would work just fine I know this is a lot of work but your logo gets repeated a lot so it's worth working on.
Jordan King
>I know this is a lot of work It's fine. It's fun.
Mason Wright
So what's y'all view on Western Artist doing Anime art?
Good, more people should do it but they should avoid things like trying to use Japanese culture elements or use Japanese text if they're not familiar with the language.
Nathan Bell
please do do it. but do it well.
Jaxson Roberts
I just got finished reading it. Loved it. You made Cole and the Turbulancer so much more badass than I ever could have hoped. (You have Laminar Cannons, and here I am with one of my planned super weapons being the Super Sonic Air Guitar). The transformation sequence was great. I loved that you played up the knightly aesthetic. That is something i had always envisioned for Turbulancer, but kind of felt got lost in translation when I designed it. I also like that you actually got pretty close to the combiner explanation i had planned. I had a lore dump scripted for the next chapter. In universe there are engines tentatively named Aether Drives. They are essentially free energy devices that draw power form the surrounding air. Practically everything runs on them. The issue is, their power output is directly proportional to their size. So is their energy draw. Larger things need larger engines. When they get too large, they begin draining electrical energy from other sources, including your own nervous system, leading to seizures and death. The work around was multiple engines and multiple pilots to mitigate the energy draw. That being said, a single person can pilot a combiner at least for a short time with minimal health effects, though it is not up to its full potential. There is a character planned later based off Gao Gai Gar that pilots a combiner alone that is made of 20 individual drones. She manages out of pure fortitude but its extremely unstable, and she suffers some major health problems from it. You have to be extremely resilient to pilot a combiner solo.
I adore the title "Black Heart of Turbulancer". I am absolutely stealing that. You did my character justice. I could not ask for anything more.
I also loved the world building you put into it. I liked Percy's relationship with Winters. The fish bowl scene is brilliant. Percy has a proper mix of normal girl and totally alien. Stopwatch is too cute for this world. She needs a good confidence boost.
Good stuff! My taste is telling me to tweak proportions, but my knowledge of anatomy is only motivating about half of those. Mainly the neck thickness, lack of bulge at the knees and calves, and the way the legs seem to be scaled down. The facial features only ask me to tweak them out of personal taste of mine so that's not nearly as important. You're really getting good at fabric wrinkles too. I'm right at your stage when it comes to those.
Colton Bell
Thanks, I've been told that was one of my strengths. Didn't notice that part about the knees, that definitely needs fixing.
You might not be the best at backgrounds, but my good man, you are composing things well.
Jeremiah Jackson
New page finished I did a lot of new things here. For starters I made a custom font. I needed to stop using comic sans, so I made my own. Trying to get used to the new clip studio settings, so somethings here are pretty jank, but my stuff is always jank, so no big loss. Please tell me what you think.
I like the shape of the letters, but this custom font has awful leveling and kerning. see how there seems to be no space between 'off' and 'me' and then there does seem to be a space midway through 'matey' ? and how the heights of letters are just random compared to each other... curious which font making system you used
Michael Adams
I used caligraphr. i have no clue what i am doing with font making. I was totally winging it. My hand writing is notoriously terrible, so i was mostly trying to keep it legible.
Logan Green
well that much, you managed. each letter looks fine. All you have to do is modify it so they're level and the spaces between them are even, and you'll be right as rain.
Jeremiah Hughes
Will do. Thanks!
Evan Ramirez
>design character. he's a wizard where the hat is the main head so action poses get covered by his the brim. FUCK.
Juan Bell
hopefully that place lets you modify after you've been so kind as to pay them brims are a pain to work with, but if you work it out in the construction phase you CAN make it work, I promise.
Aiden Jenkins
not sure whether i should try to make my world internally consistent, or just toss in shit I think would make for a good story even if it guarantees some people will take the wrong message