the last one. he had a power labeled Suplex and you did all kinds of different grab and throw moves
How's Your Webcomic? #595
Another page. I will resist the urge to post the next three as I do them I guess.
Remove the price tag bro.
this is sum good shit my dude
Nice decap!
When's your catfight page?
...Has anyone read it yet?
so needy. some of us are busy drawing
I love your writing, man.
Decaps are Zain´s bread n butter.
Also, catfight will come when the stars align in the right position. Around the weekend. Before next wednesday for sure.
Il let you know when I do. Reading takes more time than comic-reading.
I know I'm needy. I can't help it. I just hate working on something just to have it die off into the void. I've dropped so many projects because no one but me cared about them.
Like the Trespasser. I stopped writing it because I was completely demoralized. I got a notification from tapas saying that it was picked as a feature for a week for their staff's pick section. I think well neat, I guess I am a good writer after all to have been picked. Then a week goes by and the numbers just flatline and I think well fuck, if this is what it's like with the support of being a staff pick I might as well just quit. So I did.
I don't think anyone on tapas actually picks staff picks. I think its just randomized. I can't see any other reason why they would pick Trespasser. Clearly no one liked it given the sub/view count.