How's Your Webcomic? #595

the last one. he had a power labeled Suplex and you did all kinds of different grab and throw moves

Another page. I will resist the urge to post the next three as I do them I guess.

Remove the price tag bro.

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this is sum good shit my dude

Nice decap!

When's your catfight page?

...Has anyone read it yet?

so needy. some of us are busy drawing
I love your writing, man.

Decaps are Zain´s bread n butter.
Also, catfight will come when the stars align in the right position. Around the weekend. Before next wednesday for sure.

Il let you know when I do. Reading takes more time than comic-reading.

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I know I'm needy. I can't help it. I just hate working on something just to have it die off into the void. I've dropped so many projects because no one but me cared about them.

Like the Trespasser. I stopped writing it because I was completely demoralized. I got a notification from tapas saying that it was picked as a feature for a week for their staff's pick section. I think well neat, I guess I am a good writer after all to have been picked. Then a week goes by and the numbers just flatline and I think well fuck, if this is what it's like with the support of being a staff pick I might as well just quit. So I did.

I don't think anyone on tapas actually picks staff picks. I think its just randomized. I can't see any other reason why they would pick Trespasser. Clearly no one liked it given the sub/view count.


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