>15 years in development hell.
>Eight directors come and gone.
>Countless drafts rejected.
>Completely retooled at least five times without success.
>Courted some of Hollywood's biggest stars and was rejected every single time.
Shit's cursed.
>15 years in development hell.
>Eight directors come and gone.
>Countless drafts rejected.
>Completely retooled at least five times without success.
>Courted some of Hollywood's biggest stars and was rejected every single time.
Shit's cursed.
Conceptually, it's very difficult to write a story around the Flash. Historically, writers have repeatedly struggled to make proper use of him due to the obscenely broken nature of his powers. Even without Speed Force bullshit or attosecond nonsense, in theory, most problems could be easily solved by him in the literal blink of an eye. He's just too powerful.
So power him down. It's been done before.
Powering him down may actually make for a more compelling story even in comics. When Wally started as Flash after crisis he could "barely" run at 1000 mph, right? And no one complains from the stories in that run.
I always felt that reaching the speed of light should be the Flash's power ceiling, and something that he is only able to do in very extreme circumstances.
Lately it's because Ezra Miller is a dick and for some reason someone thinks they should still try to make the JL lineup work just because WW and Aquaman worked.
Injustice 2, of all things, proved you can do action scenes focused around speedsters and do them well.
It's the same as Superman, give him a villain that can't be defeated through force but only by being clever or a good person. It's like he can easily defeat Trickster, but his great battle is to *redeem* Trickster, not just stop him from doing silly shit.
Or a villain who adequately nullifies some of his powers like half of his fucking Rogue gallery.
Flash's "infinity punch" irks my high school understanding of physics. Mass augments exponentially *up* to the speed of light and that's why you can't reach the speed of light, if you actually reach the speed of light you can't also use the exponential mass of the theory you're currently destroying.
>give him a villain that can't be defeated through force but only by being clever or a good person.
Like Mr. Mxyzptlk?
>Flash's "infinity punch" irks my high school understanding of physics. Mass augments exponentially *up* to the speed of light and that's why you can't reach the speed of light, if you actually reach the speed of light you can't also use the exponential mass of the theory you're currently destroying.
It's a fucking comic book, Green Lantern does similarly retarded shonen levels of shit. Ant-Man does impossible in real life shit with Pym Particles because it doesn't make sense. Your typical 8 year old knows this and is smart enough to not sperg about it.
Studios are always chasing the next big thing, and Warner thinks Miller is it.
why is it so difficult to make a good non-batman only dc movie?
Nono, nonono. Pym Particles and Lantern constructs are entirely made up bullshit, they aren't actively built up on an actual real life theory to justify them while simultaneously destroying it. You either use the exponential mass to justify Flash's strength and you can't reach the speed of light, or you can reach the speed of light and that theory doesn't exist in your made up world, you can't have it both ways and go "lol infinite mass". I rarely sperg about shit like that but here it's like they're actively trying to unsuspend your disbelief by using an extremely well known real life theory. And honestly knowing Morrison that's probably exactly what he was going for, that asshole.
Yeah Mixed Pickles is a good example. Prankster is another one.
You know, for all of its problems the CW show really did a good job in developing Barry's character, powers and rogues gallery.
At least for the first two seasons.
>miller is a dick
[citation needed]
Speed Force, ain't gonna explain shit. Physics just work differently on the comic book world.
The very concept of superpowers already doesn't make any sense from a scientific point of view, why would you sperg about the shit they can do with them? It's obvious that world doesn't work the same as our own.
>Physics just work differently on the comic book world.
But they don't, that's the fucking issue here, is that this one particular feat relies both on this one specific law of physics working the same way as in our world and not. It's some quantic cake eating/having bullshit.
You could just say Flash punches really fucking impossibly hard because he's impossibly fast and be done with it, but that's not where we are here, the characters in story use the real life physics law they're breaking to justify the feat.
It's because they never pick Jay Garrick.
Making someone run fast looks like shit every single time. No one has ever done it right.
Ezra= flash
cage = captain cold
matt berry = Grodd
jessica Chastain= Mommy Allen
>Barry using his police scientist skills gets Len Snart (cage) put in jail for a string of daring heists
>Barry working late at night gets hit by lightning
>his gf (Dakota Blue) visits him in hospital and mentions how quickly he's recovering
>Barry learns he has speed powers
>naming himself after his favorite golden age comic he read as a kid calls himself The Flash
>various super speed rescues
>Snart (in prison) gets a visitor who gives him a bday cake
>its his cold gun (he used during his heists)
>he escapes and becomes Captain Cold
>the person who got him out of jail hires him to steal a gem
>Cold gets it to the "mob boss" after escaping flash
>turns out its Gorilla Grodd
>Flash fights grodd both are hurt but grodd escapes
>Flash gets a psychic call from Gorilla city
>Flash and GF visit Gorilla city
>they learn all about Grodd and what the gem will do (gives the gorilla super duper psychic powers to take over world)
>flash and cold have to team up to stop Grodd
there WB...billion dollar just because the trailer will having talking apes and cool futuristic ape city.
While this is true the tv show demonstrates how they could do it.