Snoy ruins everything
Snoy ruins everything
This is legit corporate-mandated propaganda lmao
Disney cult continues
>snoy got best animated movie
>dc got a golden lion
>Logan nominated as best screen0lay
>Disney cannot win even when they use black people as a lame boost
Oh nonono mousefags
>Mouseshills take a break from DCuck threads to make Snoy threads
Disney needs its own board
fuck didney and their trash current state. Like c'mon bro, they are sitting on piles and piles of cash, but for this one movie you can't do a deal that doesn't give you a golden coinstream. Bloody wankers
I'm convinced this is all one shill.
>rich actor sad he won't get Disney bucks
Who the fuck cares. Get a life and stop worshiping companies and fictional entities, retard
Except BP won like 3 Oscars
What family????
Who has he interacted with a lot except for Stark? No one, that's who.
Cope and crymore.
It is actually disney's fault for being greedy assholes.
wtf i love entertainment monopolies now
Oh yes and the 3 are suicide squad oscar tier
He's not even Spider-Man
You wanna know who the real Spider-Man is?
Stunt actors and performers who risk death, injury and permanent severe limps EVERY DAY, not some pampered pretty boy who stands around for the maskless shots and cries into the camera
I can't wait until another fucking MCU film comes out and everyone slobs its knob anyway.
Sony did nothing wrong.
Consume product
>I don't think Tony would've done what he did if he didn't know you were gonna be here when he was gone.
>Moving goalposts
I swear Holland is more fanboy of RDJ than his Spider-Man of Tony Stark.
> Lizzie will never get to play with Spiderman.
He sounds like a bitch. Who the fuck cares?
Sony offered them 25%.
Disney turned them down.
oh, that's how this bullshit got through the "sony" filter. Holland is a mediocre actor that rode the MCU wave. Keep crying faggots.
>mysterio reveal who is spiderman
>spiderman leaves MCU
coincidence ?
In the words of tiny stank, iron manlet.
A Bloo bloo bloo.
Fuck off Yea Forums.
t. Marvelfag
It's obviously, painfully obviously bait.
Why are moviefags on this board so fucking dumb?
>spidey in mcu = still a boy
>spidey leaves mcu = became a man
Sony literally done nothing wrong
This ploy to turn fans against Sony failed. Disney will just have to give Sony money if they want Spider-Man. Which they will, because their other heroes can't cut it.
And I like Black Panther! But Chad can't carry the Avengers.
boy looks like soyn is paying ot for shillwork today. Maybe they should focus more on making a better then half-assed movie.
Except that's not what the deal Disney proposed was, and Sony didn't answer for like 6 months before declining. And Lee's daughter abused him and wanted his money, even managed to steal some of it.
meh...Disney Spiderman was pretty boring.
>Marveldrones cry about Sony when in his last movie Spider-Man eluded responsibility as much as possible until it was thrust into him and Aunt May even had to pack his suit for him.
In Civil War he said something like "If you have the power and do nothing, when the bad things happen, they happen because of you". And this time he was all "Nah, I don't wanna do this, someone else'll step up".
So what will they do if Spider-Man is out of the MCU? Will they make a joke about him being off the grid after his identity was blown, or are they not even allowed to do that?
This is a tangent but fuck Logan.
Logan is a great "old sad cowboy" movie and a terrible Wolverine movie.
The level of bleakness and "everything we ever did is pointless and our old sins come back to haunt us" in Logan is straight out of the Wild Bunch, Unforgiven, etc. Mangold loves that shit. Watch 3:10 to Yuma, where the main character is a weary man full of regret whose triumphant moment (handed to him by the villain) is ruined because a henchman mindlessly blows him away.
Mangold lives for sad cowboy movies and he got to make the ultimate sad cowboy movie with Logan. And he shit all over continuity doing so. I hate that film, not because it's a bad movie, but because he made a great movie with somebody else's characters so he could fulfill his sad cowboy fetish with the most studio dollars possible.
The Wolverine is a better Wolverine movie.
Yeah man fuck Snoy
Snoy is for fucking asshats.
Fucking Snoy snobs
>including the money-grubbing opinion of Stan's abusive daughter who hired the guy that sold his blood
It's still a thousand times better than Old Man Logan. Mark Millar is just an even more juvenile Ennis.
Snoy's Foy and Sòy
So people are bitching about Disney winning and also when they lose? When will the bitching stop?
How fucking greedy can sony be
>The corporation you worship is WAY worse than the corporation I worship!
to be fair, a co-financing deal means they put in more too.
>Sony literally done nothing wrong
How quickly we forget...
>Spiderverse has an Oscar and is widely praised
>Venom made bank
>A Spidey/Venom team movie would make bank
So is he gonna play Spider-Man is Sony movies, or is he not allowed?
>if you don't like this deal than you're a sony fanboy
>Venom made bank
Yeah but it was trash
But it made bank. That's whats important to this deal.
No one should give a fuck about the deal. It has literally no effect on our lives outside of who makes what movie.
you're right, this thread should be in Yea Forums
But I still don't trust Snoy with this franchise
Sure Sony did fuck up with Spider-Man but at least they treat him like Spider-Man and not Iron Boy
Look, I'm not a huge fan of iron boy either, but at least those movies are fun to watch.
Oh no my precious corporation how will I go on
Go back to Yea Forums Nintendofags
>Brand Icon Explains How Much he Likes His Job and that His Co-Workers and Company Strongly Desire That Sony Make A Deal
On one hand it'd be very unfortunate if they had to remove Spiderman permanently from the MCU, on the other hand I can't say I feel sad for Disney. It's kinda the thing. I like a lot of movies Disney produces but I can't stand them as a company and I can't say I'd be sad if something took them down a notch.