All the shitposting about this show and its characters over the years has made me forgot how beautiful Opal is.
All the shitposting about this show and its characters over the years has made me forgot how beautiful Opal is
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Nice to meet you.
I'm the only one who lost his shit when Opal appeared in the movie.
Plus, I didn't care when Steg appeared.
Definitely slept on. I'd love to hear more of her voice.
You're in luck! This came out today, it's the last one of the bunch.
From which show is she? Never seen her.
After all, Steg makes Stevonnie look like a cripple...
The giant woman episode of steven universe
I still haven't seen this movie. I'm glad she shows up.
You should, it's pretty good. Just don't go in expecting it to advance the story too much, it's more like a celebration of the characters though it leads into the antagonist's backstory (who is great as you can probably see from the catalog)
>Stevonnie is just a human with both a penis and vagina
>Steg is pure masculine sexuality able to turn lesbians straight, and too powerful for the show he had to be reserved for the movie
How did all the fusions just become more and more monsterous as the series went on. I understand the ones that are fused between several people, but 2 should form something stable looking.
The 3 Crystal Gems have more stable fusions because everyone else had less experience fusing.
why is opal so fucking dumb?
I love it
Why is Opal speaking through her nose? Is someone else voicing her?
No that's just Aimee Man's speaking voice.
Rhodonite is pretty stable as far as fusions go
So she is actually voice acting.
I just assumed that's her natural voice.
You know because the su cast never really change their voices.
Opal is a perfect little goldfish. A being of the moment with no past to weigh on her and no future to fret over. What good is memory to a being perfectly in balance and at peace with it's self?
Contrary to popular belief Pearl isn't that smart. She just educated herself daily for 6000 + years.
Della > pearl.
Opal > Spinel