What does Yea Forums think of "The Big Mouth" Netflix cartoon?

What does Yea Forums think of "The Big Mouth" Netflix cartoon?

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I try not to think about it

It gets a laugh out of me.

It's degenerate.

Only one thing matters.

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I don’t

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Season 1 > Season 2 > the Season 3 teaser.

Prognosis: not gonna make it

It's definitely a hate or love kinda series. I can see why someone would despise this shit but I can't help but get a kick out of it sometimes.

>the literal monster is the least ugly character of the show

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Not much luckycentury made a post few days ago and no one cared.

My question is was puberty really like this because half of this didn't happen I never any boys getting that young like Nick here?

It's funny, but it's got that Nick Kroll thing where all the jokes are said out loud then repeated a few times. It's not noticeable at first, but repeat watches get really grating when the show refuses to move on from one joke to another.

Netflix is giving it 6 to 8 seasons
But for some reason can't build a trailer per season

>My question is was puberty really like this because half of this didn't happen I never any boys getting that young like Nick here?

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Its a real mix bag and a break down of it using plot lines I won´t do since people just want to talk about the commentary components. Though I will say the larger plot components are pretty alright, though the pillow fucking must die please.

personally a lot of what it has to say is interesting, even some ¨lessons¨ we wouldn´t see outside such a show.

Once read an article about a mans experience growing up with a genetic disorder that caused rapid onset puberty since he was born.

the show using unique issues to talk a broader range when it comes to puberty is a good idea from where I´m standing

It has one good idea but the jokes are bad the characters are boring and unlikeable and I wish everyone involved was dead.

>What does Yea Forums think of "The Big Mouth" Netflix cartoon?

We want to fuck the Hormone Monstress.
I think that pretty much covers it.

a depression kitty is fine too

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No it isn't.

It's unfunny, unrelatable, and ugly as shit. I have no idea why anyone enjoys it.

Its a show about 12yo's and their genitals
I don't want to touch that with a 10ft pole

Says the guy who posts on Yea Forums lmao you fucking disgusting incel

I diagnose this thread as cancer. will we ever have a non Yea Forumstrarion thread for big mouth.

Season 2 > Season 1

Both seasons are horribly unfunny and cringeworthy a lot of the time, but there are some good jokes here and there, more so in season 2.

Art style is ugly and flat.

Too many annoying characters and jokes that go on too long. It's mainly Coach Steve, Jay, and the little hormone monster.

World is inconsistent and some inclusions don't make sense. How is the ghost of Duke Ellington relevant to anything? Switch him with another ghost or supernatural being and it's the same. Might as well just drop them entirely and focus more on the kids. The hormone monsters seem to abide by different rules in different episodes. Sometimes they can affect the physical world and sometimes other people can see them, but there's never a consistent answer.

Voice casting isn't great for the kids, they all sound like they're 40.

Connie is the best thing about the show.

Overall it's WATCHABLE, but I really only can bring myself to use it as background noise if I run out of good shows.

What I mean is they just started puberty
But thier acting like high schoolers or university freshmen, like Nick who at age 11/12 go around touching girls boobs like that!

>non Yea Forumstrarion
What does that even mean. People who like your shit show?


You know user even the steven universe threads can talk about the good an bad without others seething at each others (sometimes, rarely, u know what I mean)

condensed judaism in cartoon form. Not even meming, look up the credits.

Cool kids?

hideous, disgusting not even fappable despite full frontal nudity

So many fucking jokes about cumming and porn and cocks that it's reverse shock value, I end up being surprised when a joke not about sex actually makes it in. I really don't get how this type of humor can be the entire show though, even South Park and Family Guy are nowhere near this sex obsessed.