BIRDS OF PREY Test-Screening Leaks

>Harley Quinn narrates the movie and frequently breaks the fourth wall.
>Harley decides to become a good person after being dumped by the Joker.
>Black Mask is a sadistic mobster who is obsessed with art and implied to be gay.
>Victor Zsasz is a serial killer and Black Mask’s main enforcer. Black Mask flirts with him a lot.
>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.
>Black Mask tries to retrieve a valuable diamond, but things go wrong and Cass ends up swallowing it in order to later sell it to get her family out of the streets.
>Black Mask begins chasing Cass to cut the diamond out of her stomach, and Cass runs into Harley, who decides to protect her.
>Huntress infiltrated Black Mask’s organization to kill him to avenge her family, and begins searching for Cass to use her to get close to him.
>Black Canary is a retired vigilante turned nightclub singer who gets back into action to save Cass. She has the Canary Cry.
>Renee Montoya is a lesbian detective investigating Black Mask and finds out the diamond is actually a data drive with something Black Mask desperately wants, and presumes it to be criminal information.
>Eventually, Harley, Huntress, Black Canary and Montoya team up to protect Cass and together they defeat Black Mask and Zsasz.
>Movie ends with the revelation that the diamond contains Black Mask’s stolen dick pics.
>R-rated Tarantino-esque balls-to-the-walls action comedy.
>Not very faithful to the comics. Different origins, different personalities, different character dynamics, no costumes.
>Batman has been missing for a few years.
>Joker is Jared Leto’s version, created through a combination of stand-ins, sound-alikes and archive footage from SUICIDE SQUAD.
>Black Mask only wears a domino mask, never gets scarred.
>Test-audiences reportedly liked it very much, especially the villains, but WB executives are iffy and not very confident on the product they have.

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It's been >

Like the Joker, I thought just from the sounds of this, it would have no choice but to be garbage. Also like the Joker, I am now starting to see it can be executed in a way where it stands a chance. Skeptically interested.

>Movie ends with the revelation that the diamond contains Black Mask’s stolen dick pics.

That’s dumb as fuck.

>Black Mask is a sadistic mobster who is obsessed with art and implied to be gay.
>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.
What the fuck am I reading?

everyone said suicide squad was stupid yet it made more money than justice league

>>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.

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I read they were already doing reshoots.

That's DC for you

That doesn't mean it wasn't stupid

>R-rated Tarantino-esque
Oh nonononono....hww....

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Just for the final act action scene

They can't do much more because The Suicide Squad films like next week

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Thanks, I hate everything about this.

>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.
please be b8

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POC is a motor mouth street kid. MJ in Spider-man played by Zendaya had necktitude- movie studios still love to stereotype. and also they lack a good group of people that is in their to make art and not just to make money or gain power over people through sex and drugs which is why most movies are just not very good.

>Black Mask without the actual skull mask
I hate Hollywood so fucking much

Sounds kino.

>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth
Please don't be real

everything sounds like shit and i hope it isn't true
but hollywood being the shithole it this shit will be true

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>Movie ends with the revelation that the diamond contains Black Mask’s stolen dick pics.

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>Black Mask
>But without the mask
>also he’s gay, flamboyant, is insecure about the size of his dick & would never torture a woman to death because that’d be offensive

>>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.

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>but WB executives are iffy and not very confident on the product they have.
Good, they should listen to themselves.

sounds horrible

You guys just don't know the context that's all

Context makes everything better

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>Harley decides to become a good person
stoped reading there, it gonna be trash

>But user, she’ll be little Cass’s role model & teach her to leave abusive male figures in her life like BM & love herself instead!

In other news, remember back when Sionis was an actually intimdating villian?

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>the audiences liked it
>yes but will audiences like it?
Fucking classic WB.

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My uncles electronics repair business made more money than justice league and most of what they do is cleaning out cockroaches from ps4s.

Does anyone actually look forward to this frankenstein DCU?

Please just stop and start again in a few years with a Kevin Fiege.

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>can't have a villain torturing a woman
>let's offend gay people instead
You know what'd be nice? Make Black Mask a ruthless villain who gets his shit kicked in by powerful female characters. Then you'd make comic book fans, women, AND gay people happy.

It sounds like this was written by dykes who hate gay men

sounds fun

Oh my god if you hate what a twitter user s'id just call them a faggot over there you faggot.

I just know this is gonna be so dumb and political.

Has he done anything lately?

Why can't she ever catch a break? All I want is for her to be happy.

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Lesbian heroes kick the crap out of tiny-dicked toxic males: the movie

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>Make Black Mask a ruthless villain
They seem incapable of making an actual bad guy these days.

Literally what the fuck does the word politics mean anymore?

I mean, Black mask is going to be an over the top "fabulous" gay.

Victor Zsasz is going to be privileged white male bigot man and probably closet homo implied.

And all the female characters will be insufferable.

Welcome to modern audiences who don't care about the comics and Comic companies who desperately court them while movie studios clean up on the stupidity of both.

In an ideal world, this would crash and burn but it won't.

>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth

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Blue twitter check mark courting. That'll end up making some mad and some happy.

When movie studios change the properties they're adapting this much, I have to ask why they even bothered adapting something at all. If WB wanted a movie about four women kicking a weirdo gangster's ass, that's fine, but why drag superheroes into it? Especially superheroes who, apart from the lead, aren't even well known? Honestly, what is the fucking point?

And don't get me wrong, I get adaptations. I defended the original X-Men costumes because we had to take superheroes seriously again after Batman and Robin, great, fine. And when Fantastic Four fucked Galactus, at least you can reason he was still a giant planet eating space monster thing. I at least get that. But this is literally nothing like the comics. There is no point in calling this an adaptation beyond minor marketing help. I am at a loss in explaining this abomination.

Star power and marketing. The trailers for suicide squad were a lot better than justice league. Better use of music etc.

As if any actor would let a mask cover their beautiful face for the whole movie.

>Especially superheroes
Are you dumb? Superheroes are big. No one cares about a movie about women kicking a gangsters butt. They want superheroes.

Oh okay, so it’s made for normies. Why is anyone here surprised this point?

Tbh it comes off more like it's written by a committee of producers who have no idea what the fuck they're doing. This product somehow manages to offend everyone so I don't know who the hell would enjoy this. It's offensive to comic book fans because it shits all over lore and characters, it's offensive to gay people because the villain is a mid-90's gay stereotype with lame smol pp humor attached, and it should be offensive to women because it's acting like a limp-dicked ineffective villain requires an entire team of female heroes to deal with. Honestly this just fails on every conceivable level.

This basically sounds like they took Suicide Squad movie and said, lets make it sound dumber and edgier. TARANTINO-ESQUE! LOOK AT THESE COLOURS! LOOK!

Just be glad DC doesn't really do movie synergy like Marvel.

So they're pulling a Crispin Glover?

>Hey remember in Suicide Squad how we had Boomerang liking ponies for a silly joke.
>Let us base our whole movie around a silly joke.

You underestimate the taste of Harley fans. They'll eat this shit up and fap to it.

They clearly don't want just any superheroes considering the state DC is in right now. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman combined couldn't get butts into seats. Why does WB think this will do any better?

Audiences like Harley Quinn more than those three these days.

Welcome to Bizarro world where Marvel has made Guardians HUGE with people loving Rocket Racoon but DC can't even get people to like Batman.

Aquaman and Shazam both did very well (the latter relatively considering it was a month before Endgame), it's not that DC heroes don't get asses in seats it's that shitty movies made to cash in fast on the heels of Marvel don't get asses in seats.

>Aquaman and Shazam
God. If only Aquaman had flopped then DC might have gone back to the drawing board. But because it made a lot we have to have this frankenstein DCU of conflicting canon.

It might

Shazam did NOT do well.

>tripled its budget
>not doing well

Is it really any worse than early 2000's Marvel movies?

And you just know if this shit gets popular among normies that would be the new canon design, like with Harley "American Flag" Quinn.

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>Is it really any worse than early 2000's Marvel movies?
There was nothing wrong with early 2000s Marvel movies because it was clear they were there own thing.

I want at least 10 SJW/pol cry articles a day about Hollywood white washing the handicapped audience and taking away their heroes.

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LMAO I'd watch it

fuck's sake

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Everyone knew those Marvel movies weren't connected.

The next Wonder Woman film is basically retconning stuff said about her in BvS and Justice League, about her abandoning humanity. So even though it is same actress/character they are doing that.

>Batman has been missing for a few years.
So fucking stupid

Nigga this isn't DC, these characters are the DC characters in name only, this can be a fun movie, but it's an awful Birds of Prey movie

Get ready for synergy to ruin your character.

Just because all their movies do far have sucked ass. The only character that kinda sticked with audiences was Harley Quinn and wont you know, that changed her in comics for the worse.

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DCucks! DCucks! DCucks! DCucks! DCucks!



>modern audiences
This is literally what happened with superhero movies in the 2000's and before that nigga lol

This isn't marvel

Harley was already changed before the Suicide Squad movie from what I remember, you've got the Arkham games to blame for that.
Suicide Squad only solidified those changes even more.

>Cassandra Cain swallows Black Mask's dick pics
I'm sure this was unintentional.

Sometimes it can be the studio's doing. Ryan Reynolds wanted to be mask on for the majority of Deadpool 2 but the execs/writers wanted otherwise.

>The only character that kinda sticked with audiences was Harley Quinn
Her costume stuck. Most people couldn't tell you her character.

Don't worry they made him gay so SJWs wouldn't complain

Why do lesbians hate gay men?

>Most people couldn't tell you her character.
Her "character" was being random and unpredictable.

>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.

Goddamnit Carrie Kelly is RIGHT THERE for you to take a shit on instead!

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>changed her in comics for the worse
I just had a flashback. I was in a comic shop buying a few bits.

This 15 year old girl was browsing for comics. She asked for help from the late 30s (looks mid 40s) stereotypical comic book shop assistant man. He took her over to this section of Harley Quinn new 52 shit and started to talk about how epic and edgy she is.

The girl pointed at a copy of Brian Azzarello's Wonder Woman: Volume 1 Blood and asked what is that. And he went on a tirade of how shit it is. No one likes her, no one likes that mythology shit.

This girl walked out that shop with two volumes of that Harley Quinn series and a floppy (I forget which one) with one of the worst covers I have ever seen.

Haven't we heard all this already

Feels like someone's recycling a shitpost

>>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.

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Isn't this dumb leak posted all the time with no actual evidence to prove it's real?

3 times nothing is still nothing

Is this from deviantart or something?

>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.

How could they toss the essential part of Cassandras character out? Why use her and make something so completely different, that it doesn't share any similarity to her comic part and is essentially a totally different character? Is WB high?

>but WB executives are iffy and not very confident on the product they have.

Oh good, they're actually starting to learn. After they utterly destroy a few more DC properties it'll sink in and we'll start getting decent movies.

They could even just have it just be something he wears when torturing people to scare them, but not wearing it at all makes the name pointless.

thank you so much, DC.
for narrowing my options.

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Only in costume. Arkham Harley had none of the new 52 changes, if anything she was a mess because Joker died. Injustice had 'hero' Harley.

And you niggas pay good money for shit like this! You all deserve this fate! Anime will carry on your legacy.

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To be fair, DC does get in on it a bit.

DC used to at least care more about characterization than this though, outside of shit like Catwoman, and Suicide Squad would be considered Catwoman tier back then.

Does it really?

Disney should buy DC at this point

>Harley Quinn narrates the movie and frequently breaks the fourth wall.
Fucking stole this from Gwen Poole.

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Because name recognition user. You dumb nerds get excited when you see the name of a character you like, right? Nothing else matters.

It's working with Joker.

I'd be cautiously down for it if it didn't do what it does to Cass.

She sounds like the literal opposite of Cass.

ok retard

>Watching either

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>it'll sink in and we'll start getting decent movies.

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You've probably heard it all before because that's actually what fucking happens you goddamn moron

So hostile!

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You'll take your motormouth street kid and you'll like it user.

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How the fuck could they even apply this synergy to comics Cass

The character was literally mute in her first appearances.

Not to say the "we gotta protect this kid" angle doesn't work (just look at logan) but it feels like the kind of thing where nobody would bat an eye if you named her something completely different.

>comics cass gets her literal entire history retconned and she becomes this little chatty comedic relief kid
I can hear Judge user going nuclear from here

>Different origins, different personalities, different character dynamics, no costumes
then what's the point

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I'd be extremely worried if they hadn't already reintroduced Cass a little while ago. Took em long enough.


Harley pre SS movie
>she and the other two stooges (Deadshot and Boomerang) fucking with the new member of the week

Harley post SS movie:
>My mallet gives me super strength
>Introducing Rick Flag... IN ME! XD

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Name brand recognition.

>Not to say the "we gotta protect this kid" angle doesn't work (just look at logan) but it feels like the kind of thing where nobody would bat an eye if you named her something completely different.
Oh 100%. This is like how the CW shows name drop shit all the time despite being absolutely nothing like the actual comic it's based on. She's there so people can say they added another female Batman character into their universe.

>I can hear Judge user going nuclear from here
For his sake, I hope they never touch Lady Shiva.

Diamond plot is real

>wca gwenpool
better than giruhiru

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I agree, but you didn't hear this from me

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>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.
these fucking retards

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Well said user
It just doesn’t make sense in my mind how Renee, A Canary Cry, Cassbomination, and shit Harley couldn’t take I wish ””obi one was on instead” and “I cut myself” powers

*couldnt wipe the floor

how is it even a contest

>100million is nothing

Whew someone failed math


Had a "Year of the Villain" one-shot come out a few weeks ago. That's about it.

It also made more than Winter Soldier

>Cassfags just can't catch a break

> gay villain that flirts with his subordinate


>associating queerness with villainy
Hmm no sweetie, not a good look.

>Black Mask is a sadistic mobster who is obsessed with art and implied to be gay.
>Victor Zsasz is a serial killer and Black Mask’s main enforcer. Black Mask flirts with him a lot.
I’m sure this will go over well.

Please be bait.

It's all I want..


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but what a good feeling!

Nobody who owns a CBS would ever discourage someone in reading any run, especially when it comes to the younger readers.
Your story smells fishy.

I don’t read Batman but I heard that pre-Crisis Black Mask had the same origin of Hush.

>Nobody who owns a CBS would ever discourage someone in reading any run, especially when it comes to the younger readers.
The world is made up of all sorts of judgemental people with all kinds of opinions.

It did happen. And it kinda disgusted me.

it's shit

I mean those were test audiences, not general audience

>>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.
I'm going to hate how much praise this movie will get.

They wanted an Asian cause DIVERSITY

>You'll take your motormouth street kid and you'll like it user.
Deadpool 2 called! They want their fat kid back!

DC doesn't even have a say in this, it's all WB butchering DC.

You could have prevented this user

>Took CW LITERALLY ten tries to get a Black Canary
>Not even Dinah

Oh my fucking God
Got me.
Good on you. sir.

Ewan McGregor absolutely would.

>frequently breaks the fourth wall.
well, I'm out

Didn't she started the whole hero thing in Injustice 2?
Who stole it from Deadpool who stole it from She-Hulk who stole it from Impossible Man who stole it from Bugs Bunny who wasn't the first to do it since 4th wall breaking is a pretty old thing.

Also Gwenpool is Marvel just trying to make their own Harleyquinn with shitty results, only person who did something decent with her was Hastings and he's gone.

>>Black Mask is a sadistic mobster who is obsessed with art
>implied to be gay.
>Black Mask only wears a domino mask, never gets scarred.
>Movie ends with the revelation that the diamond contains Black Mask’s stolen dick pics.

Why the fuck did they pic Roman for this, It's nothing like him
if you're going to butcher a character just make him an OC
And don't waste Ewan on him

Sionis was the only reason i was interested in this movie but now i'm scared

Well...this doesn't sound good but not quite the trainwrec-

>>Black Mask only wears a domino mask, never gets scarred. that.

I can roll my eyes at female Deadpool grrrrurl power & dick pics but no fucking evil skull face?!?

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>Black Mask is a sadistic mobster who is obsessed with art
>implied to be gay.
>Black Mask only wears a domino mask, never gets scarred.
What? are you shitting me?
>Movie ends with the revelation that the diamond contains Black Mask’s stolen dick pics.
Just like that i loss my motivation to see this movie.

>Cass is a motormouth
Fucking hell man, should’ve just used Holly Robinson. She looked non white in Year One. Also could have had an avenue for Catwoman to show up in a sequel in a non-contrived way.

Harley was part of Batman’s rebellion in Injustice, she just got thrown off the rails when Joker showed up from the other universe.

Even Stephanie works, she could have been looking for her father but found Black Mask secret instead

>Harley was part of Batman’s rebellion in Injustice
Because Superman killed her Pudding
>she just got thrown off the rails when Joker showed up from the other universe.
Because her Pudding was back.

Hardly heroic.

>finds out the diamond is actually a data drive with something Black Mask desperately wants, and presumes it to be criminal information.
>dick pics
>Dudes avatar is dick Grayson
>Context makes everything better

Calling it now

Black Mask has some kind of crush/obsession with Night Wing or has nudes of Night Wing

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This is really good bait.

Add it to the list of horrible cash grab movies I won't see for quality reasons and be accused of sexism I guess.

Here's what we know for sure:
>female director
>producer is the actress playing Harley
>Black Canary is black
>Cassie Cain is a little fat girl
>Black Mask is gay
>the dick pic twist is real
That's all you need to know to be sure to avoid this movie.

Lay off the venom Bane, you're going to pop a vessel

>When movie studios change the properties they're adapting this much, I have to ask why they even bothered adapting something at all.

If this was The Sisterhood Squad or whatever, there's no built-in audience that is familiar with it. Sites and social media devoted to comic books and comic book movies wouldn't be gushing over every rumor or casting reveal and providing free publicity. You wouldn't have comic fans angry over the changes providing even more free publicity by bitching about it.

It's why movies like Battleship get made. Sure you could make any old movie about military vs. aliens, but sticking a name people are familiar with on it will give you more publicity, even if it's bad. People shitting on your movie isn't as bad as no one talking about it.

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>How the fuck could they even apply this synergy to comics Cass
>have her leave bat family because batman doesn't understand her
>she goes to harley because she the only one who understand her

Fuck off ladderfag

Sounds good.
>Jared Leto makes cameo
aaaaaaaaaand ruined.


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That would physically hurt me

Why not just called the movie Gotham City Sirens or just The Sirens if you not even bother to includes Babs and Helena?

But it does have Helena in it.

Huntress is in it. MEW is playing her.
They were talking about a Gotham City Sirens movie and I'm guessing decided against it so Poison Ivy and Catwoman would be free and prioritized for any future Batman appearances. So then they just changed the title to Birds of Prey and stuck Huntress and Black Canary in is my guess. Almost nothing about this sounds like a BoP story.

What constitutes a BoP story?

In my defense, your honor, I'm not very smart

Seethe more tranny.

The Birds.

>>Joker is Jared Leto’s version, created through a combination of stand-ins, sound-alikes and archive footage from SUICIDE SQUAD.
hunka hunka

Which you got with Huntress and Black Canary.

Barbara and Dinah running a team of Superheroines, at absolute bare minimum.

Investigation (usually by Oracle), Teamwork, and the girls going out with the intent to stop the bad guy nefarious plot.

And I say by Oracle, but that's not entirely necessary, I guess. But his sounds like a comedy of errors. So far and I doubt I'm wrong about this. This is a Harley Quinn movie with appearances by Black Canary and Huntress. What I was expecting was Black Canary, Huntress, and Montoya, to be investigating Black Mask and somehow get "stuck" with Harley Quinn helping them or somehow aligned for this particular story. Like a 48 hours kind of set up. Harley has the criminal conne... Like the Batman and Harley Quinn movie.

But Battleship bombed. Why would studios release bullcrap and expect just a name to sell it? You would think that the stories and characters that made the original work popular, i.e. the reason they bought the property for adaptation in the first place, would be the best marketing since they're already proven to be popular.

It would be worth it for the meltdown.

Which are not the protagonists.
It's like having World's Finest but Supes and Bats are secondary characters.

it was shit the moment Harley was confirmed and no Oracle

Hell Harley wanking is literally killing DC

What started the Harley push anyways?

Suicide Squad made money and a million thots dressed up as her for porn and halloween

I can't believe they are going to DOOM suicide squad 2 with this dumped fire

They were going so well with aquamen, Shazam and the joker

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And that's how Cass becomes Harley Jr.

>Nobody who owns a CBS would ever discourage someone in reading any run, especially when it comes to the younger readers.
There are CBS owners who refuse to pull titles that they personally don't like. CBS owners can be fucking idiots.

>Cassandra Cain is a motormouth street kid who works for Black Mask to support her family.
Fucking why? Just use Steph instead of Cass.

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Don't forget Harley being a fan favorite since B:TAS and the Arkham games, which is when things really started to take off.

>movie completely ducks on Cass learning how to speak and write english
>she's a motormouth instead

>she's only 8 years old
>when everyone wants to just see her as a fucking badass teenager and possibly even as Batgirl
>she isn't even the daughter of Lady Shiva and David Cain
>isn't even being trained to be an assassin
Literally They Just Didn't Care-tier.

>everyone said suicide squad was stupid yet it made more money than justice league
Justice league is shitty too.
what is your point?

>>associating queerness with villainy
>Hmm no sweetie, not a good look.

I liked that they put htis out expecting people to go like this.
nobody gave a fuck
then marvel announced Valkirye gonna be gay on next Thor Movie

>>the dick pic twist is real

I thought this was a damn joke

Women are simbiotic parasites and gays are inmune to them
>inb4 incel

Take your meds

now i kinda wanna see this 2bh

I'd rather have the blatina tumblr Steph if they want diversity than this abomination

>no costumes
why are retards trying so hard to hate costumes its a fucking superhero movie

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dc is good when is badass is bad when is wacky and we get this piece of shit wb and te exec smell a flop i wonder why

where the damn trailer at

I blame Felicity.

I hope someone do this

>Cass Cain

oh for fuck's sake

>Brian Azzarello's Wonder Woman: Volume 1 Blood

Fucking based
Azzarelo kill the Wonder Woman mythology
turned them into cold blood killers which makes the whole myth of the Amazon lose their meaning
fucking abomination
and made the Wonder Woman a fruit of a rape
not a "divine" creation made of clay
Simply pathetic like this last 10 years of comics in America

>>Black Mask without the actual skull mask

the actor needs to show her face

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Unless they're Based Hugo Weaving or Based Karl Urban.

Yeah and it was garbage because she helped nuke Metropolis and got a slap on the wrist and became pals with everyone. She even was upset when Dick died in the arkham breakout despite putting him in danger in the first place.

>dick pics
>its nude grayson
Post yfw

>Nobody who owns a CBS would ever discourage someone in reading any run
So in addition never having read a comic, like most of /co, you've also never stepped foot inside a LCS ( also like most of /co )?

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Karl Urban says hi.

>Harley Quinn narrates the movie and frequently breaks the fourth wall
Wolf of Wall Street should've been the end of this

>Test-audiences reportedly liked it very much, especially the villains, but WB executives are iffy and not very confident on the product they have.

6/10 would watch

>Same Deadpool 2 style plot thread of protecting an unlikable asshole kid from some evil gang/company

Bleagh. God I hate these types of plots, every time I watch em I just wanna shoot the kid.

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