Artists suffer so much

artists suffer so much
our life is so miserable
we are so depressed
why people dont value our work?

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Same here. At least being an artist you're able to do commissions. Try being a freelance fiction writer. The art world is suffering, OP.

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Because we have movies, television, and video games now. It's no longer ancient Greece where people found entertainment in goddamn poetry.

You can commission fics, you know.

bitch probably wants $15/hr. to make coffee

I hope her character arc gets a resolution in S2.

Because you guys act like you have a message when most of you guys are from sheltered little shitholes and know nothing about the real world. Don't preach to people who have real jobs, families, and/or actually academic degrees

Believe me they are the shit heads who turned down a lot of things for the "I'm to young for that" and look where they are now looking like purple lady here.

Didn't she sorta get one already by admitting she's not a city girl and that it's ok? I think she's not going to appear as often since there's little to do with her at this point, apart from than getting her some real friends and a real job. Sounds like series finale stuff.

Looking at the way BCG has been fairing, the series finale may be coming sooner than later.

Gloria marries Bill and becomes Cricket's new mom. Screencap this.

44 fucking 24, sad day

The only artists I actually buy stuff from are porn artists everyone else can suck it! there’s enough museums and google images to look at already

You do realize that's crikits friend your talking about. Now wouldn't that hbe awkward having your dad fuck your friends

Artist are insufferable. I went to college and was surrounded by them. All of them with bright eyes and delusions of "being discovered" and 99% of them didn't have the work ethnic, charisma, nor discipline to hack it. They'd all just sit around and say stupid shit like "Alright, Universe! I'm ready to be an artist now" and never do the dirty or mundane work that gives you the groundwork for higher skills. You can bet they did more than their fair share of bitching and moaning when things didn't go their way though.

I'm an artist, and even I don't value 99% of them.

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Come on, you know the answer to this.

Nose Thread?

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Sophisticated adults

Entitled Children

and to add to this, the 1% of artists who do hack it, and claw their way to a point of self-sustainability always seem to undermine themselves.

It's tragic, really.

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95% of everything is shit

t. wagecuck

>your just a wagecuck for working a real job!

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>i-im a real man!! with a real job!!! i work at wendys!!! so much more superior then those neets

>i work at wendys!!! so much more superior then those neets
Unironically those that work in fast food are indeed superior to NEETs.

I have a history degree and teach in a public high school. I get my pay check knowing I contribute to society in a positive way.

>has a degree and works in the school system
>still posting on 4channel
>still posting on Yea Forums
yeah right you fucking loser

>Public school
>contributing to society


You get points for History though, that's important. US public schools are a fucking joke.

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waiting to be discovered is always a fucking horrible way to go about becoming someone. you're explicitly leaving your career in the hands of a hypothetical person instead of making a name for yourself. it's the same shit as moving to LA as a waitress because maybe a famous producer will one day be your customer and you will impress them so much that they'll give you a role.

even making a bunch of fetish porn is a better way to become a famous artist

It worked for ICS. He's internet famous!

I don't need you to believe me

Still more an impact than your doodles and consistent pay. Just don't bitch about being poor and hated then I guess

I did make some good connections through college, mostly through my instructors who saw I wasn't a complete ponce.

Artists are also easy lays too. Got some good girl and boy pucci back then.

Disgusting, lost all anonymous respect for you now.

Shit user, I was a horny 19 year old user, 10+ years ago no less. What the hell did you expect?

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This might be a good thread to post this. I always wanted to make comics when I was younger but my family had a lot of bad things happen to us so I could never afford college. I decided to work manual labor for a year and a half in order to get a decent scholarship and I’m planning to use it to do foreign exchange in a Germanic country (not naming which one) where wage is live able and I can go to school. I’m already half way to to my goal, the problem with most “artists” is they don’t work for anything or produce absolute dog shit art. I love drawing cartoons but I actually don’t enjoy them much, that’s because most cartoons are shitty in art form and writing. Most people who want to become cartoonists have never read real literature once in their lives outside of what their high school made them read, didn’t take a single ap class, didn’t study the art or writing at all and don’t want to live the starving artist life style that it takes to maybe get to make something you want to make. It’s not about the money for me, ultimately my goal is to just make what I want in a quality I want and I’m okay with doing that as a side hobby while working some form of something. I’ve been doing literal back breaking work as an underweight barely legal adult to get to my goal and you have people who’ve never suffered tragically (which you really need to write a good story) or worked towards any long term goal in their lives.
The cartoon industry is filthy anyways and anyone with rich parents are more likely to have a shot at it than someone who is genuinely passionate about it.
That’s why mangaka deserve the upmost respect, they work for little to nothing in unbelievable house just because that’s what they like to do, is draw and make stories. Western society has very little idea on what true artist struggle looks like.

>posting on Yea Forums
please kill yourself

They say you never leave, user.

They're right.

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This what happens when you keep rejecting the boys in high school

You don't sound too bad most guys do that shit at 50

>implying there aren't college professors and biochemists shitposting in dragoncock threads on Yea Forums right this moment
I don't really care about the line of dialogue you and the other user have going on, but you need to keep in mind that reality is stranger than fiction

user,i just want to let you know that i respect you,whoever you are

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Hey thank you I really needed that right now :) made me smile

Get a real job

>Want to be an animator
>Try to keep up with drawing
>Still don't know how to start doing commssions
>I can't even advertise myself properly
>Consistency is the most difficult thing for me
How do I rectify my problems? I want to make it.

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>why people dont value our work?
people only care about the art when you're dead?

Learn how to present yourself, how to sell yourself
