You are celebrating their 45th anniversary later this year, right user?

You are celebrating their 45th anniversary later this year, right user?

Attached: 614B485F-05E3-4D86-B912-8FDD28E33A99.jpg (500x245, 43K)

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Why not, just waiting till after thanksgiving to start the holidays

If I live that long...


I'll listen to the Big bad Voodoo Daddy cover of Mr.Heat Miser to celebrate

Best version



Attached: wbwbwbwbwbwbwb.gif (338x200, 3.31M)


Attached: heatmiser.png (975x720, 785K)

>Doesn't have nearly as much style or grace
>His version of the song is so much slower and less catchy as a result
>is fat and a manlet

Heat Miser is worst brother

but hes got that fuck you attitude. thats all that matters

Why would the embodiment of heat live in the North Pole right next to the guy he hates the most?

>heat miser
>living in the north pole


>rhymes 'degrees' with 'degrees'

>ryhmes degrees with degrees

>rhymes DEGREES with DEGREES

I thought he rhymed ‘degrees’ with ‘a breeze’ in the original


he literally lives right next to Snow Miser in the sequel for some reason

Snow Miser rhymed 'degrees' with 'freeze'

oh I never watched the sequel, because sequels always ruin the originals.

We're never getting that Vergil and Dante in Hell DLC so just give it up

Oh my god that's a good one user.

>Heat Miser is worst brother
What did you expect?
He's too much

The Miser brothers were the gift we did not deserve, but got anyway.

Who do I have to kill to get a blu-ray box set of all the Rankin-Bass holiday specials instead of buying them individually where they're all packaged with Nestor the Long Eared Christmas Donkey

I too see you enjoy the best Santa origin story ever made

I mean if it weren't for them the special probably would have been forgotten or end up as one of the lesser known special's

I'm mister FROST faggot
I'm mister cum
I'm mister COCK sucker
I'm mister dick-in-the-bum

the sequel made me cry as a kid.
Fuck the Miser bros, that’s my greatest shame.

>The god awful remake still exists
Fuck you all

Attached: 1467159915996.png (587x427, 155K)

Like I wouldn't celebrate! Best Christmas special thanks to them.

Attached: Snow_Miser.jpg (320x238, 16K)

It's not really that remembered as is. They're about equally as good as everything else in the special.

Which is funny, it's shown up quite often every year on my local stations during the season

There's the live action version. The only positive is they're dressed like they're 1974.

Why doesn't this special get as much airtime as Rudolph and the Frosty cartoon?

whats the context behind this recording

I'm sure I've seen the guy playing Heat miser in something else. Not sure why they gave him a singing role here.

sure am

Attached: MV5BMzc5NTU3MDktODI4MC00NzlkLWJiYjAtYzM2NjgyYjA2ZmEyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_ (477x268, 21K)

I've never seen whatever cartoon this is from

The Year Without Santa Claus.

That might change, every year it gets memed more and more around the holidays.

Yeah. Hurry up and get your chilly ass here Snow Meiser, I'm sick of the heat.

Because its never on the major networks, just AMC.

Any good?

I'll be celebrating Snow Miesers anniversary, not that other fags

Same here. It might be seeing a surge in popularity though.

Better than some of those Rankin-Bass specials.

They're too much.

This may be the Florida Stockholm but
Eat shit frosty! Wouldn't trade this miserable humidity for the world.

Hear ye, hear ye

Never forget

year without a santa claus reanimated collab when

They call me the OP
I like my cocks black
Shitposting's quite a drag
(Hes a fag)


He’s the gay brother in Mrs. Doubtfire, and he also had a singing role in Mulan, since he played that dude with the fucked up eye.