What are some genuinely good comics?

What are some genuinely good comics?

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Moonshadow, reading through it right now but enjoying it so far.
Eisner's Contract with God trilogy.
Usagi Yojimbo.
Beautiful Darkness and Beauty, both done by the same team.

>genuinely good
Hard Boiled
Mesmo Delivery
The Incal
V For Vendetta

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Depends on who's judging. There are a lot of comics I don't think are very good that make top 100 lists everywhere.

Just give some recommendations for comics you think are good

The Goon.

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Usagi Yojimbo.
Mirage TMNT Vol.1. Specifically The first issues, Northampton, Return to New York, and City at War. IDW TMNT is good in general.

The Mignolaverse(Happy birthday Mike Mignola)
Brubaker and Phillips books
The late Darwyn Cooke's Parker
Sin City
Richard Corben's horror stuff
Old Spidey comics
Moebius comics, like Arzach

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The Adventures of Tintin
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
From Hell
Top 10
Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery
The Multiversity: Pax Americana
DC: The New Frontier
The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: Year One
Daredevil: Born Again
Sin City: The Hard Goodbye
The Nao of Brown
Love and Rockets
Alack Sinner
I'll add more later.

This is great, especially if you like your Chinese history/folklore

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>Beautiful Darkness and Beauty
seconded, by the Kerascoet team, also Miss Don't Touch Me and Satania
I'd add these
- Blast
- The Adventures of Jerome Katzmeier 01 - The Walls Have Teeth (Europe Comics) written and drawn by Francois Boucq
- Corto Maltese - Ballad of the Salt Sea
- several works by Frederik Peeters, eg: Aama series, and Pachyderme
and these webcomics:
- Digger
- The Redtail's Dream
- Vattu (ongoing)
- Stand Still, Stay Silent (ongoing)
- most of the works by Ryan Armand, example: Great
see also

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Any of Hickman’s marvel work
Immortal Hulk
New X-Men
All star super man
Wolverine and the X-men
Unstoppable wasp

Need I continue?

everything Yang has done is great

half those are bad

Love & Rockets

>Frederik Peeters
I've always found his work lacking. I've read Aama, Pachyderme, Sandcastle, and Koma, and they're almost great. Almost.

I hate Fairyland
Mouse Guard
Atomic Robo
The Goon

Pic related

I fucking love this one so damn much

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The old Savage Sword of Conan series.

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It's alright.

this is your brain on capes

Fucking BASED. Best comic of the 70s

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Bump because I’m reading the goon now and I like it so far
Reminds me of bone but darker


Savage sword was amazing as fuck.
The cimmeria chapters were Conan gets his father sword are the best shit, you can't prove me wrong.

Not even kidding. Got it as a gift from someone and now I just kinda want more. It also helped I pretended it was part of the Starfox universe

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A Man Called Kev

Not OP that's fir sure. It's just alright.

Les Nombrils

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I find strange that nobody mentioned Corto Maltese yet. Maybe it's me, but no comic ever come close to it in being able to make me feel a melancholic sense of adventure and prideful sadness.

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There is one man who reigns over cape comics.

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I hate Corto Maltese because it's bland, boring and massively overrated by people who kept telling me to read it.

No, it's not alright. Misogyny and homophobia are NEVER alright you fucking piece of shit

>The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
A thousand times this

Sell me on Luther Arkwright.


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Absolutely perfect series.

Honestly I can't believe Starman isn't thought of as an epic masterpiece the way Sandman or Cerebus is. It is just as dense, just as original, just as complete.

I think the issue is that there is a drop in quality when Jack goes to space and Tony Harris leaves but this drop in quality can be exaggerated a bit in retrospect. It goes from a 10/10 to an 9/10 for a few arcs and that comes back to stick the 10/10 landing perfectly. It's like how everyone says Back to the Future 3 is "the bad one" when it's really awesome but just not as perfect as the first two.

Also fuck DC for the terrible inaccessible way they've collected (and not collected) it.

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Well at least now they're releasing the new massive 1500+ pages omnis.
Starman felt like it was written for me specifically when I read it, and I'm damn glad it exists.

>IDW TMNT is good in general
Until the last few arcs and counting

Agreed. Plus I was young enough when i read it that Robinson showed me a lot of cool stuff through Jack like Tod Browning's Freaks.

For me it was Wesley Dodds.

Fuck me, and the Bulletman arc. And anything with Bobo. And literally every Times Past issue. I have to read this series again.

Yes. Rereading the series gives you a completely different perspective on the Talking with David issues.

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Starman from 1951 was Batman wasn't? I feel like Robinson meant to retcon and get to that at some point but never did.

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Batman wasn't around in the 1950's in the Post-Crisis continuity. Instead it was Doctor Mid-Nite and David

i really liked tomboy

fuck,i forgot the image,im not myself today

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Are you talking series, or stories?
for stories:
Cerebus: High Society
Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt
Daredevil: Born Again
Sandman: Season of the Mists
Earth X
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
New X-Men: E is for Extinction
Hulk: Future Imperfect
X-Men: Days of Future's Past
The Cartoon History of the Universe (Vol. 1-3)
Kingdom Come
Spider-Man: The Mysterious Planner Saga
Aliens: Female War Trilogy
Inhumans (1998)
Green Lantern: Rebirth
Green Lantern: Sinestro Crops War

For series/runs:
Niel Gaiman's Sandman
James Robinson's Starman
Kirby's New Gods
Lee/Kirby's Fantastic Four
Byrne's Fantastic Four
Hickman's Fantastic Four
Simonson's Thor
Morrison's New X-Men
Steranko's Captain America
Steranko's Nick Fury
Brubaker's Captain America
Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers/Secret Wars
Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man
Miller's Daredevil
Bendis' Daredevil
Brubaker's Daredevil
Kubert's Sgt. Rock/Out Army At War
Sims' Cerebus
Smith's Bone
Herge' Tintin
Kirkman's Invincible
Mignola's Hellboy
Miller's Sin City

Anya's Ghost and Be Prepared! by Vera Brosgol are both excellent.

>Corto Maltese
see agreed
I quite liked Spirou. The Diary of a Naive Young Man (2018) (Europe Comics)

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Where can I find this?


>no Doom Patrol


google? comixology, europecomics

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100 Bullets is a good read.


Shangri-La (2016)

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is everyone that cute on the inside?


Uh that's one way of describing this space sleaze

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Anyone got part 2?

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this guy knows what's going on.

Hard to consider it as dense as Cerebus when it's not even a 3rd as long as the whole thing and barely a third as long as the good part.

What do you think dense means?

Never got the appeal of Cerebus. I went in expecting something great and got embarrassing parody that Mad Magazine wouldn't touch. Even when I got to the "good part" it felt like more of the same shit only now it was centered around extremely dull local politics in a kingdom that was barely fleshed out and I was supposed to genuinely care about the boring ass main character.
Simm's crazy rants in the letter column are the only parts I don't regret reading.
Most of these are good.
I would also add Wagner's Grendel and Graham's Prophet.

not the ones you like

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Jonah Hex
The Spirit
Judge Dredd
Sensational She-Hulk
Jack Kirby and Stan Lee Fantastic Four
The Question
Paul Dini Zatanna

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MAX Punisher BORN is the greatest book I have ever read

Forgot to mention The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. But then again there is a lot of stuff I forgot to mention like Tintin, Watchmen, Usagi Yojimbo and so on.

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Corto Maltese had a lot of great shit, but it is incredibly flawed. There are definitely some neat techniques and great moments, especially in the later books.
I disagree. I tried to read Suicide Squad and The Spectre, but I found them lacking. Suicide Squad was kinda cool, but I ultimately lost interest.
I'm actually not a fan of early Morrison. For some of his series, like Animal Man and Doom Patrol, a lot of it is a bunch of crazy idea storylines that read like filler. He got better at completing/realizing his ideas later, but during the 80s and early 90s, his work isn't that good.

>that entire webpage

I don't think Duncan the Wonder Dog is very good. The rest are cool.

> I tried to read Suicide Squad and The Spectre, but I found them lacking
When you die Anubis will find your heart lacking you bitch.

Anubis is my bitch. Now, explain what makes an Ostrander comic great and not merely pretty good.

Nothing, they all suck lol look at this cuck shit a fucking fat black womyn who don't need no man is in charge?

I think you might be retarded

Look at this bitch
This is your big fucking hero

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Fuck the fuck off.

Post your hero

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Wow how i unexpected. Truly trolled epin style.

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Buddy 4 ever

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The image used here for Sin City is actually from Jim Steranko's Red Tide.

I'll be starting this one soon. I hope it's as good as you say.

Mind MGMT is quite good

It isn't, unless you FEEL it is.

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part 2 is animation

Good choice. This comic has aged like a fine vino


>Mesmo Delivery
I just did a google image search, I dig the art.
What's the story about?

My list, in no particular order:
Corto Maltese (especially: Ballad of the salt sea, Under the Sign of Capricorn, The Ethiopian, in Siberia and The Golden House of Samarkand). The animation adaptations are surprisingly good too.
Prophet by Graham
Alpha and Beta by Jens Harder
Dan Abnett's cosmic Marvel run
Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? by Geof Darrow
Black Monday Murder by Hicman... Please don't abandon that series you fucker!
Southern Bastards by Aaron
Murena by Dufaux
Stuff by Jodorowsky, although some of it has aged a bit.

Other stuff to check out:
Lazarus by Rucka
Chew by Layman
East of West by Hickman
Monstress by Liu
Southern Bastards by Aaron
Mainfest Destiny by Dingess

Nausicaa of the valley of the wind

Definitely Bone.