Still no info of thundercats roar and animaniacs 2020

>still no info of thundercats roar and animaniacs 2020
Why WB are so incompetent

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you want Thundercats Roar to ever see the light of day again

Goddamn it i fucking love tits. Tits are fucking rad.

anyone who doesn't like tits is just subhuman. You can prefer ass but you at least need to appreciate tits to some degree.

AT&T/Warner sold their stake in Hulu, which Animaniacs was supposed to air on. That probably threw a wrench in production.

Tits don't smell horrible so of course they're well liked by everyone

>no good thundercats roar porn of her being thicc like this in that simple cute style
i wanna die

Who would ever endorse garbage like this?

Attached: Thunder Cats ROAR.webm (1280x720, 367K)

Shut up timbox

Tits are nothing more than a fake ass.

So I can laugh at how bad it will be.

He made up a lie on the spot so even he doesn't believe that

I can't tell if this is official or a parody of how bad it's drawn and animated
it's so bad it has to be official

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Time Warner never got Thundercats right from the word GO.

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posting a blessed image

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Maybe because when they announce things, they get showered with criticism long before the premiere. Mao Mao came out of nowhere and it's quite well-liked (not doing great in ratings, though).
On the other hand, I might be giving them too much credit for thinking that they have some sort of coherent strategy with alternative scenarios in case of fuckups.

You're giving them too much credit, after Adventure Time's early season success there was a view that you could be successful by emulating its style and use an established property to hook an audience. It didn't work and the backlash gave WB cold feet.

ass is good too but its are fucking awsome.

Lord almighty, just shut up already Famicom.

Yea Forums cartoon in calarts style when

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They're sedentary

because maybe thundercats will be good this time.

you have no real friends with none of them ever told you this hairstyle sucks ass, Victor

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The Animaniacs reboot is set to be revealed at AnimeJapan 2020 in March 2020 since the Japanese (TMS) are calling the shots on that one.
This was being handled by the Japanese Hulu which is own by NTV rather then Disney but since September 3rd 2019 NTV sold the Japanese Hulu branch to Disney so there is a wrench somewhere in there.

>has that saved

>my bullshit post got deleted
>I know! I'll just post it again! Surely nobody will notice!

Thats not bullshit, it's already been proven as fact.


haha wouldn’t it be funny if Mumm-Ra made them have sex with each other right then and there? you know, as a joke

i get it they want a quirky silly cartoon and plenty of people will like this cartoon despite how trash it looks, but damn if it isnt the most offensive thing to the source material and any of its fans.

It might ironically be good. Unlikely, but there's some kind of chance.

>the most offensive thing to the source material and any of its fans

Thundercats was another shitty cashgrab toy commercial following in the wake of Masters of The Universe, only remembered for literally being another 80's cartoon. it has no dignity or fans to offend.

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While tits and ass and hips are great nothing will ever match up to the perfection that is a good personality


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This, desu. the only old fans Roar could offend are the ones of the anime rip off, and you were much better off just watching anime.
I think people are less mad that it's disrespectful to the source material, but rather it being another poorly animated cartoon created by hackjobs who use reddit and twitter too much and are probably gonna pander to some low percentage minority to gain brownie points to work on real shows. It'll probably do well enough with kids to warrant 2-3 seasons and maybe an app or two, but it will quickly be forgotten when the next big animation trend hits and will only ever be mentioned by a small, but loyal subreddit that states its the best piece of fiction ever made and Yea Forums "REMEMBER THIS?" threads in 4-7 years. Might even see a small revival when some big youtuber mentions it or makes a review on it.


>ut rather it being another poorly animated cartoon created by hackjobs

This right here.
Even if it was an original IP, I'd still be hating on it because it looks horrid.
That is the artstyle of a shitty bumper between episodes, not the artstyle of an actual season long series

Thundercats was represented in the new CN closing bumper.

shouldve made it an adult swim show in this style instead

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still waiting.
watch it be unironically good.
remember when Yea Forums shat on rise of tnmt before it even come out?

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Shit on my chest and call me Sally. A megamilk I didn't have, that's a rare occurrence.

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It reminds me of something you might see on MTV in the 90s. I could see this airing right next to Aeon Flux, The Maxx and The Head

Can someone post some of the better fan redesigns for the Thundercats?

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No. Garbage shows are a dime a dozen. A typical garbage show would not have got this level of backlash. This enraged a ton of people, including normie adults who don't even watch cartoons any more, because the classic show is beloved by millions. What angered people is that it desecrated the original.

>i want a shantee cartoon but also want to complain about something.png

That looks way better than I expected it to. However the original Thundercats OP also looked incredible compared to the actual show, so my skepticism remains.
Is that fucking Man-Thing?

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Either that, or Swamp Thing. I honestly have no idea, but the filename suggests I found it on booru, which is most likely the Yea Forumsllection.

I collect certain things. Megamilks is one of them.

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Why you people look down on toyetic cartoons? What makes them inherently bad to you?

It just shows that the creators cared about doing things that at least looked cool and could appeal to the demographic instead of this Roar abomination. There is at least some care.

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It IS Man-Thing.

I've never read Swamp Thing, or Man Thing for that matter, so I'll take your word for it.

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Dude I'm dead serious here. Go and Google or Yahoo or whatever...JUST LOOK HIM UP.

So this is canned and would be released in 5 years and people is going to watch it ironically.

I want Cheetara to crush my penis.

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That's a cute Cheetara

Hopefully not that style one

what animators think doesn't matter, they're just the laborers who do shit on contract. nothing anybody says will change the fact that the original show was indeed a cynical animated commercial to push toys which wasn't even good.

Catgirl and Doggirl Cafe.

yes, that one.

you faggot.

>Design is shit
>Add milkers
>Design becomes better




>off model tits
can't wait for better smut.


We totes love the original and know it by heart.
t. Manbun McGee

but nobody loves the original. otherwise the first reboot wouldn't have been shit.

And the ass is a piece of meme anatomy.

If the opinion of artists or people who liked the original doesn't matter, all tv show animation are cynical marketing to make money. At least the original one left an impression and has fans even if it was just because of cool character designs, and without it Roar wouldn't even exist.

So I don't get looking down toyetic shows when all these cartoons are products.

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Fucking NICE.

Thundercats Roar got cancelled along with Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs due to backlash by fans

I wanna cut off Victor Courtright's stupid pineapple hair.

>the "toy commercial" complaint

There's nothing wrong with a show being a toy commercial if the toys are actually good.
Transformers was two toys in one
MOTU all had fun action features to play with
GI Joe had the appeal or being smaller, cheaper toys, but with more articulation than similar toys of the day
TMNT just fell back on absolutely crazy, eye catching toy designs to hook kids

But then Thundercats gave us these

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I tend to look down on them because a show made primarily to sell ad space can have a unified creative vision behind it, while toy commercials will always be toy commercials first and watchable television second.
There have been great toy commercials (War Planets comes to mind), but they're an exceptional minority of said programming.

Oh and here's a reminder. Thundercats 2011 actually had really good ratings, but it wasn't selling enough toys, so it was canceled and turned into Legends of Chima because Lego makes money.

CN really only cares about marketability over quality cartoons lately.

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Roar is obviously a cynical easy-to-produce cash grab so don’t try to act proud when you’re the thousandth person to point out the original was a toy commercial.

wait, really?
I always saw the Thundercats similarities in Chima, but I never knew it literally WAS repackaged Thundercats

it is how you get good shows and toy run they feed on one another. Too much shit now is so far off that it is impossible to get folks to sign on.

Yeah. And they had the gall to give Chima an early morning timeslot so the kids it's trying to appeal to can't watch it in the morning.

To be fair Thundercats (2011)'s writing wasn't up to the standard of its animation and character designs. I'd be surprised if the ratings were stil good by episode six.

I can completely understand waiting for High Guardian spice for few reasons but I refuse to believe there are people unironically excited for this reboot.

Is that AshesG

Cheetara’s hair is truly one of the worst things about this.

All the California animator people on Twitter shitting on the original and pretending to be excited for Roar was my favorite part of the initial controversy.

Yes it is

Studio execs learned how to use the internet and the vitriol scared the crap out of them. The show seems to be from the same mold as TTGo and that show is doing phenomenal amidst the almost one-one internet backlash that Thundercats got.

>There's nothing wrong with a show being a toy commercial if the toys are actually good.
false. cartoons for kids that are nothing more than promotonial material is despicable and cynical. good creative direction is what saves these kind of shows. He-Man is a role model and Skeletor is a fun villain. Lion-O was dull and MummRa is evil for the sake of it.
incidentally, the latter is one of the reasons why the 2002 reboot of MOTU didn't work, Skeletor was evil-for-evil's-sake and He-Man was unremarkable.

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Milks are good for the bones and the boners too

>Roar is obviously a cynical easy-to-produce cash grab
with the vastly important difference that they're making fun of it, and that's the right sentiment. Thundercats is stupid so they'll have fun with it and the designs look like they'll lend themselves for good cartoony fun (if the animation for the actual show is anything like the intro) and it already makes it the better show and reboot.

and where were those "fans" of the original? why weren't they asking for a reboot before Roar's announcement even came out? the backlash was disingenuous, just an excuse to shitpost on social media.

>with the vastly important difference that they're making fun of it, and that's the right sentiment.
God forbid modern western entertainment is ever sincere about something. Roar is going to be an obnoxious piece of shit and not “good cartoony fun”.

Are you being payed or something?


Thank you. I thought something was wrong there.

The Chad Toy commercial
>Designs created to appeal to the targeted demographic - honest attempts to be cool or beautiful
>Toys let children create their own adventures and have fun outside of the animated show
>Detailed character sheets that show that the artists put a lot of thought and care
>Characters are flat stereotypes, but meant to be cool
>Capable of taking seriously even the dumbest premises without forgetting humor
>Even if the writting is not spetacular, manages to become iconic, and people can remember it´s major lines and mottos decades later

The Virgin Modern Reboot
>Desings are ugly despite the bigger budget, creators see beauty as something toxic, can´t appeal to children or the original creators
>Instead of toys, its main goal is sell adspace and apps (apps that are used to mine information from the kids and parents to sell to other souless corporations) - brings nothing to the kids
>Character design is deliberatly bad, as if the designer wanted to show that he didn´t really cared
>Characters are flat stereotypes, but are all meant to be dumb and childish
>Prides itself on being self aware and winking to the audience, while being unoriginal and bringing nothing new to the table, tries to paint it as cool not realizing that nothing made out of pure spite can resonate with people
>Only exist because of the original show, won´t be remembered on the following decades

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God you know exactly why they rewrote Cheetara to be a bulldyke.

Don't forget
>Toy Commercial is made to make the children happy. Rather than to make the animators and writers happy. This means it either dies as the staff off themselves from torturous hours and deadlines or try to find and give meaning to their work to be proud of, IE making said children happy and give them heroes.

>God forbid modern western entertainment is ever sincere about something
who said they aren't? new shows and reboots today want to be sincerely zany and facetious and the audience response has been overwhelmingly positive. it's why the quippy MCU rules the roost and the grimdark DCEU is a failure.

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well ok then, also nice trip

How many times do you think they said “Oof” and “Yikes” when trying to redesign her?

Roar is trash. Post more 2011 wilykit while i dont have access to my computer.

I love it when I watch something that always winks at the camera like an annoying tard who says puns “ironically”. Also Roar is obviously not going to be anything like the shows in that pic.

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Why would a studio that recently produced films like the last Unicorn and the The Hobbit, care about the original worlds they were creating?

...Oh wait.

SU AND Super Hero girls are not facetious, and even the MCU knows when to play things straight.

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Cash grab or not, the original Thundercats was an original IP that sold on it's own merits. It never piggybacked on the name of a previous Thundercats, because it was the FIRST. It blazed it's own trail.

There's nothing worth merit in taking the name of an existing IP, and twisting it into a hideous parody of itself. There's nothing original or unique about that. It won't be selling any toys either.


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It's the most transparent cope. You see it in shitty sequels and remakes for games too.

>bu bu bu the original was bad TOO!

>Designs created to appeal to the targeted demographic - honest attempts to be cool or beautiful
if that were anything close to true, characters like Orko and Snarf wouldn't exist to remind us that we have to take the blonde bob cut stripper and the gray panther man seriously

>Toys let children create their own adventures and have fun outside of the animated show
if that was the case, none of these toy commercials would exist. if all you need was the toys then the show is expendable.

>Detailed character sheets that show that the artists put a lot of thought and care
pic related. a lot of care, indeed.

>Characters are flat stereotypes, but meant to be cool
again, Snarf and Orko.

>Capable of taking seriously even the dumbest premises without forgetting humor
a dumb premise will always lend itself to be humorous. this isn't exclusive to original show or reboots.

>Even if the writting is not spetacular, manages to become iconic, and people can remember it´s major lines and mottos decades later
MOTU had only 1 remarkable episode, the others are lost in the sea of Skeletor memes and gay He-Man jokes, and even the people responsible for said episodes hated writing them.

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you have no idea how much I heard this when netflix's Saint Seiya was released

Is it some sort desire to have something of their own that they hold contempt for anything older or do they just really want to make it in the industry so much that they consume whatever’s put out in hopes they’ll look good to a potential employer?

user, your points are pretty weak. Seriously "why the designated comedy reliefs are not cool"? And you are in the end defending changing all characters for Orkos and Snarf's and saying that this is better

Imagine being a wannabe animator. You got all these ideas for shows, but you end up working on a reboot/remake just to keep the lights on. That shit fills you with contempt. You have to put aside your dream project to work on something all these nostalgia-ridden assholes are going to think is worse than the original.

Well FUCK the original, man! I'm making something better! In fact, the original wasn't even good in the first place!

The whole thing is a mix of pride, frustration, and honestly, insecurity.

Bigger. I want her to knock herself out during a full sprint

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>knock herself out during a full sprint
>Not running into someone and KOing them with her chest

Yep, the best part about being a titfag is that you're immune to traps.

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.../d/ has busty boys threads every now and then y'know

Tits on lolis should be a bannable offense.

Oppai loli is patrician taste.

They're the equivalent of giving a shota a big dick.

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>not giving lolis big tits
>not giving shotas big dicks
I'm afraid your taste is multiple kinds of shit.

>oppai loli
You don't get to say that someone has shit taste

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loli with thicc thighs and wide hips are superior

>imagine being a kid that can give birth to another kid

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>Diluting and ignoring the purpose of both types is shit taste.
You have no rights to criticize taste of you unironically think that.

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>people cry about the cartoon not looking like the terrible anime one no one remembers because it was terrible as well but it had sex appeal oh lets give them sex appeal that will fix it oh yeah mommy milkers oh dont give the loli milkers good loli oppa oppa loli and thick loli cunny
anime rots the mind.

The purpose of both types is the age play. We're not pedophiles, attracted to flat chests and tiny dicks.

Are you okay?

>anime rots the mind
You're the one that's posting garbage.

anime is indeed terrible. by the admission of the people responsible for it it's terrible and they're caught in a vicious cycle that will never break, that is unless they all die in a fire.

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Manga/anime creators suffer from the same issue fantasy writers do with how all they consume is anime/manga and just end up repeating the same stuff over and over. They need to read/watch other stuff to widen their ideas/interests so they can draw upon more when making their own shit.

except fantasy writers have more tropes to trade on rather than schoolgirls shoved into everything. also their industry is still living in the 80's toy commercial period,

I think anime's biggest problem is the target demographic being herbivore men. If you don't know what the term means, it's basically the japanese equivalent of a numale but with incel traits

So? If the had the money every cartoon would have the same concept but they gotta pick and choose which ones to bet there money on.

Toys and merch is common for cartoons to thrive better and last to get more seasons to end a series. There was still action and story to have a worth watch show, i wont say it was the greatest but it was still entertaining.

One day they will be able to achieve amazing shows like Roar and OKKO, one day they might be able to achieve things like Emoji movie, one day they might see the light and realize that animation should be mainly for kids and appealing to different demographics is foolish, and also that sexy things are evil and wrong and shows should able to sell merch.

Until there they can only dream about being like us

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its sad that this would be a newgrounds thing if this was 2005.........................

if they keep the pace they might even achieve the level of filipinos

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I always laugh when Yea Forums tries to act like it knows anything about anime. There's more variety in a single season of anime than an entire year of western animation.

wait, so cool doesn't do the art?

>except fantasy writers have more tropes to trade on rather than schoolgirls shoved into everything
Just say you don't watch anime or read manga.

Not for that spinoff, no. IIRC it's just a 4koma series.

> adaptation of Mugen no Juunin. Manji is an immortal swordsman, who has been cursed with eternal life. He has grown tired of living with all the death he has created. He has no skills other then those of killing, thus he forms a plan to regain his mortality: he shall kill one hundred evil men for each good one he has killed. The old witch who afflicted Manji with immortality agrees to Manji's proposition and Manji is set on his path to kill one thousand evil men. On his journey he meets a young girl, Rin, who has her own vengeance to seek against the sword school whose members slaughtered Rin's family. Rin and Manji journey together, each hoping to find some kind of peace. In their way are many varied enemies. Rin and Manji are almost constantly under attack and must learn to live their lives, avoiding being consumed by revenge.

Holy shit, they did another and it's better than the previous one? Fucking amazing!

N-no I mean it's shit!! I-it should be a self aware.parody like Roar!! Am I not right user?

>if you remove all the sequels, some of which are even 5 seasons in, you get nothing but hyper addictive phone games shows, more copypaste light novel shit, bunch of "stuck in a video game fantasy rpg world" shit and a bunch of 'cute highschool girls doing x' shit

Attached: images (7).jpg (554x553, 89K)

What do you like, user? Does not a single show/OVA/Short/Movie interest you? Cause that stuff is all airing in the span of 12 weeks, and the following 12 weeks you get a whole new list.

What western shows are you digging?

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>>if you remove all the sequels, some of which are even 5 seasons in
Man, too bad that shit doesn't exist according to you.

>isekai where the MC is a natty wrestler instead of a otaku/bored salaryman/generic self-insert teenager

ok this one got my attention

The list has drama, detective shows, fantasy, scify, romance directed towards boys and girls, action, comedy, sports shows and even cooking.

You are defending Roar as a reboot coping TTG

With the shit designs and lazy art style, they could easily pull a Them's Fightin' Herds (google the games history if you don't know) make an entirely new show just by slightly altering things.

>what are signs of fertility and safe child bearing

Anons, you btfo her too hard. She is not coming back after that

I somehow doubt that.

>all the isekai shit in this list.
fuck off with your non-argument

>snarf has a rocket pack

>this picture has more ranged topics than everything thats going to start airing in japan in next 2 weeks.

>the only thing here that is not a complete todder show is rtmnt
nick wont start caring until spongebob stops printing money.

>what do you like
to see if production ig pulled their head of their asses to make a better season for physopass.
Fairy gone was okay so will watch season 2.
See how no guns life.

the 2 shows coming out of adult swim later this month.
those french fucks still got 2 whole shows after they finished peepoodo and lastman season 2 eventually.
whatever random surprised netlix could pop out like death love robots.

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12 weeks user. That all comes out in the span of 12 weeks.

These are what we're getting over here.

but the 2002 had good world building

>this picture has more ranged topics than everything thats going to start airing in japan in next 2 weeks.

>Self-aware comedy shows aimed at children

Jesus Christ, your fucking brain is broken.

of course I'm generalizing, retard.
I don't need to watch an entire season of anime shows to understand that it's nothing but FOTM shonen aka japanese capeshit, sequels, light novel crap that are just derivative of themselves, and good lord, all the transported-into-another-world shit.

>more ranged topics than everything thats going to start airing in japan in next 2 weeks.

>The list has drama, detective shows, fantasy, scify, romance directed towards boys and girls, action, comedy, sports shows and even cooking

Meanwhile all shows there are comedies.

>I don't watch anime
>but I know everything about anime
The math doesn't add up.

Meanwhile in the west you get children's comedies... And adult comedies. You're trying so fucking hard, but you're discrediting not even genres, but entire mediums and demographics.

>Shonen literally just means it's aimed at young boys
>Light Novels are just books and can be anything

The only particular genre you're bringing up are isekai.

why do they need a wall of text to explain what the show is about?

>He has no skills other then those of killing
>he shall kill one hundred evil men for each good one he has killed
ow the edge.

Most Light Novels are initially published on a japanese site that is their equivalent of where any autist can upload whatever they want

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>one paragraph
>a wall of text

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>Japanese writers have the ability to produce content online, and eventually have the content physically published, and then adapted into animation to be consumed by people across the globe

Jesus fucking Christ, you're acting like that's a bad thing.

You never read Blade? It's a classic.

not as broken as saying whatever you dont like will be gone in 12 weeks only to get replaced by the same shit because thats what sheep like

>snowpiecer the cartoon that was far too short
>apple and onion got cancelled because it was bad.
>backyard imagination shit but done poorly and wont touch whatever becca sugar has touched
>show about mexican folk lore
>more like summer summer fur bait.
I can take a shit on whatever i want. atleast i wont force myself eat shit defending "its from this one country so its better"

1. This is basically the story behind 50 Shades's publication and film adaptation.
2. Why doesn't this happen with western webcomics?

>I can take a shit on whatever i want. atleast i wont force myself eat shit defending "its from this one country so its better"
Has a single person here defended anime JUST because it's Japanese?
No? Oh, you're just making shit up again.

Dude, you started this conversation making the most hilariously ignorant broad generalizations, and now you're getting all defensive trying to pinhole anyone who disagrees with you as a weeaboo.


>The list has drama, detective shows, fantasy, scify, romance directed towards boys and girls, action, comedy, sports shows and even cooking.
no thanks, I'll watch the Chifusa show for the 10th fucking time.
then I'll watch some Summer Camp Island because it's a different show in the same genre of kids cartoons, not a copypaste of what was popular from older shows (i.e Green Naruto and Bakugeta)

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but it was boring. serious Skeletor was boring.
Filmation had a funny Skeletor and Nu-Ra has a self destructive Catra, it's why they're so popular.

so by your admission I just listed everything anime is?

jesus, that sad.

Yes, that's clearly what I meant you baiting faggot.

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Honest question. Are you genuinely retarded?

I'm not that user, but I have no idea where you even managed to segue this statement from.

I think you might be retarded.

how about saving all that info so it can be shown in the actual anime, instead of having to write it down? as if the show itself doesn't explain it and it needs to be preemptively told to the audience.

I dunno, maybe the sa-koo-gah got in the way of proper storytelling.

feel free to show other examples of things coming out that will be better than the west since anime has just as many problems if not more than western stuff. or would that be out of your comfort zone?
remember you lost the argument as soon as you tried to defend this and bring up other western shows because you didnt want to explain the issues.

before you posted the anichart shit the people in this thread knew issues with both ends but now im not allowed to criticize anything on the list of thing you said was better?

Attached: Your next reply will be "i dont know" or some other strawman.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

>how about saving all that info so it can be shown in the actual anime, instead of having to write it down?
Do you not fucking know what a summary is?
Do you think that they're not going to include all of that in the fucking show?

Why is it always the retards that start the fights?

Are seriously this desperate at grasping at straws that you’re criticizing a synopsis?

>anime is just homogeneous retreads of what's popular right now

user, I don't even have a clue as to what you're trying to prove anymore.
First you tried to say that anime was nothing but the same shows with the same tropes in them, then you tried to say that western networks have more variety than Japanese ones and then you tried to make everyone that disagreed with you a weeaboo because you're fucking insane.

If you don't like anime and you don't want to watch it that's fine, but don't try to pretend that you're some expert on the subject.

>since anime has just as many problems if not more than western stuff

It doesn't. Like, I am saying this in a manner of someone telling a child that 2 + 2 doesn't equal 5. Anime, in general, is simply better animated, more creative, and with more variety than anything the west is currently putting out. I definitely appreciate western animation, and am rooting for it to get quality productions, and I praise when we do, but you literally discounted countless shows because they didn't meet arbitrary subjective criticism, with those criticisms being "they're airing continuations of things, adaptations of things, and some of these shows feature genres I'm not a fan of."

What really makes this image is the patch of facial hair missing on one side of his mouth. Everything else about the picture isn't super bad on its own, but his asymmetrical beard brings everything together in a way that ligitmately makes him look like someone with mental deficiencies that needs a caretaker.

And I don't even give a shit about Thundercats.

And where did you get that from my post?

The dude's a fucking retard, bro. He's not even comprehending basic English.

I’ll know next time not to mess with the one-man fandom of ThunderCats Roar.

I think he understands English just fine, he just doesn't know how to read context.

The the funnier part is that's a pathetic attempt to defend Roar - the show that is so derivative that it's just a reboot from an 80s property, done as a copy of TTG.

>samefagging your own post
try harder.

Just stop

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your argument relies entirely on the technical and aesthetic side of animation, which isn't really a good argument regarding the quality of a show. the animation of the Filmation He-Man was extremely cheap but the characters and the franchise are still popular 3 decades later, One Piece had the most distinctive art style compared to Naruto and Bleach's more "realistic" designs, yet it's most popular of the three.
the animation part is not as important as the plot, theme and characters and that's why Boss Baby shat on the A Silent Voice.

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Okay. This one gave it away. Too obvious.

>Tits to big.

struck a nerve, huh?

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It even contradicts the earlier point of shiting on toy m franchines

>Yea Forums x
de-you all the posts you want it wont change a thing. There are 2 people aggressively half ass defending their shit powerpoint culture while everyone else literally dont care. i guess the thread will die now unless someone dumps lewds to salvage the coomer bait op.

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why did I find a galaxy tittymonster monster waifu in Victor & Valentino and not in an anime?

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Just fucking stop

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I mean, webcomics are being published as physical books. I also follow some published authors who started with fanfiction.

>shitting on the original thundercats
what's so weird about that

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>if the animation for the actual show is anything like the intro
so like the okko intro?

the intro was also off-model

I don't care about this stupid show I only came into this thread because of the titties.

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why is she so angry?

It's called being "tsundere", or as they call it in America, "hate-fucking".

I think they're legitimately scared.
I cannot think of a single show that got the backlash Thundercats did when the trailer happened, CalArts and all that shit had always been complained about and the complaints largely ignored because they weren't big enough to be noticeable, but fucking Thundercats? Wew lad was that a shitstorm, everyone who had any stake at all in the animation industry was going full damage control mode.

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This is the same dude who was defending the Twelve Forever creator for being a pedophile.

Wait, is he actually a pedophile?

Yes the Twelve forever creator is a pedo.
Also, not surprised, theres a reason why I don't trust guys who tend to act like they're clean and woke, even as a dirty leftist myself, if they seem to bash too much on others instead of trying to explain why their ideas are harmful, there's a huge possibility they are doing that for acting, and want to hide a big bag behind their backs.

Fake woke people are easy to catch because they're merciless, in order to put themselves as "good".

>T. A leftist dyke.

and how many shows in those coveted genres will be yet another isekai or have cute girls doing cute things AKA the stuff the obsessed weebs actually care about?

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sensible post

Diff user but I don't think we really want to play the "Character dynamic/really basic plot device" game. Not right now, certainly.

cool falseflag+samefag combo

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Alright, I was hoping for some source or actual evidence but thanks for your input I guess.

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You asking this in a thread about a reboot intentionally aping Teen Titans Go?

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10 out of 45 new shows are isekai or CGDCT, that's without counting OVA's, leftovers or movies.

>TTG is the first drastic animated reboot ever

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No, but I am telling you Thundercats: Roar is a derivative reboot made to capitalize on Teen Titans Go.

congratulations, you found the only shows that are going to get any meaningful traction.

>Japan is capable of producing a variety of content season after season, even if it doesn't get a rabid fanbase

Absolutely Based.

I guess that means that more than 3/4 of the season doesn't exist anymore.

Thanks for your retarded input.

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False, and even if it was true it doesn't prove a single point in your defense and your actual argument was already disbanded. You are also trying move goalposts

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>Fire Force and CopCraft are rocking faces
>MHA and OPM have been tearing shit up for awhile now.
>Madhouse just came out with a detective series where the MC's head is a fucking gun.
>T&B got a sequel recently.

user, The current big trend is hard hitting fantasized versions of occupations, largely relating to law enforcement and various forms of emergency responders and capeshit. Fantasy Isekai is holding on but it's lost a lot of steam.

As an aside who is this semen demon.

>Japan is capable of producing expensive padding

Keep moving that goalpost user.

they might as well not exist.

Wish our industry was capable of producing that level of padding.


Original thundercats are bad, but roar is even worse.

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Epic cashier anime when?

the pedo creator of twelve forever...
she likes 14 year old goth boys

That's already a thing

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Not same user, and ik the creator is a girl.

>the trend chasers and usual suspects are going to remain popular
>the rest will be little more than footnotes
the argument didn't change.

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Yet the variety of content still exists, and is there for you to enjoy. Do you only fucking watch Marvel movies, cause they're the most popular thing in theaters?

Oh no, there's like 13 shows that are following what is popular right now, what can I do?

Oh yeah, watch the other 40 fucking shows that are also coming out in that same season.

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>but it wasn't selling enough toys
What toys?

What kind do you think you retard?

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Did 2011 have any toys is what I'm asking.
A quick google search is all you needed to do to get answers

but those are boring, user.

Says fucking who?

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it's not my fault that the distinguished competition sucks and is only putting out more redundant versions of the popular stuff.

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>superhero movies are the only movies that exist
user, you are retarded.

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user, I don't go to the kinoplex in winter. it's fucking cold and it's oscar bait season = boring shite. I'm not gonna leave my bed to watch DC embarrass itself again with the fucking Joker.

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>Miscon will never get to make a cartoon in his style

>edgy Inspector Gadget
says me

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Good thing you're a fucking nobody.

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I like this image. It is a blatant act of mockery against the statements of the show's creators, who claim that no breasts and desexualited designs are advancing "Equality". Yet this picture, nay, ART reduces the female to a pair of tits which she obviously knows, but can't do anything about it.

10/10 wank, would debase again

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>tfw Roar stole your Thunder

(Season 2 premiered on same day Thundercats Roar was announced).

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Imagine thinking that ass smells bad.

rent free

I kinda like that snarf though, it's just a happy shitty doodle.

I think that investors got scared not the animators.

Snarf IS a rocket.

Attached: robo.png (500x573, 256K)

where have I seen this type of image before?

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You are comparing top tier anime series with garbage from the eighties.
Try that shit again using anime for toddlers. Try it again using shit that got cancelled.
Bad shit is bad, the medium doesn't matter.

isn't that image with Norm from the same guy?

Come on Victor, you're not fooling anyone.

>with garbage from the eighties.

No, I'm comparing anime with western animation that we have now.

Can someone post the copy pasta of Norm the Genie doing a stand up act to an audience that meanders for to long, has him forget details and tell the audience to fuck off and have it end with the pay off being "hey, wish for gay porn", even though the paragraph setup for it was completly unneeded.

western animation gets s2
western animation wins :^)

Spotted the California animator!

That reminds me, didn't the creator of Fist of the North Star make a manga about bankers?

stay retarded. trying to make a big, epic and serious story out of a 80's toy line for kids is what got us Bayformers.

I like my villains fabulous

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>absolutely no discussion animaniacs 2020 itt
The original post is bait and OP is a faggot

This. More people need to know that 90% of action shows get cancelled because of toy related reasons and not general ratings. At a talk Genndy said that the reason SymBionic Titan got cancelled was the studio had a choice to produce toys for either SBT or Generator Rex and they went with the latter.

I like to think that Roar is what you would have if you never hired the guys who made the pilot and just skipped to the scabs they hired to replace them.

I want to tell Tariq to just redo the second half of that season.


They don't make animators anymore. They just make storyboards who send it off to korea.

Haha, it must burn you up that people would rather watch a 30 minute toy commercial from 30 years ago than your butt-buddies totally subversive, stunning and brave reboot! Kids don't want to be excited, they want topical humour (that isn't mean spirited or makes fun of others misfortune) ripped from the headlines! Get ready to see Mumm-Ra run for president of Third Earth with a bad hair piece talking about building a wall to stop Ro-bears! Or how about out of date memes, like Lion-o dabbing or Cheetra making a troll face! Buzzfeed or the Marysue will do a puff piece on how awesome the new Cheetra is, and talk about how problematic the 80's and 2011's version were because they were attractive. Eventually Victor will be outed as a sex pest, but idiots like Nico Colaleo sweep it under the rug and look away to complain about how terrible, and problematic anime is.

Sorry, but you're just a wrong, ass blasted zoomer.

Sure it was one of the toy toons of the 80s. Everything was a toy commercial back then. As anyone with two braincells to rub together understands; that doesnt make Thundercats automatically bad.

And Thundercats had plenty of fans. The absolute rage coming from nearly every corner of the internet surrounding this piece of shit premiering gets that point across better than any argument I could make. I'm sure you're the type to think it's all rose tinted nostalgia goggles or whatever. It's not. The original Thundercats was fun, well animated, and a blew its competitors out of the water at the time.

If none of that was true, then Roar would have never even been considered as a property to be made. Same thing with He-man and She-ra.

You types think/pretend this stuff was shit back then, and had no fans, but you're just wrong. Remakes wouldnt even be considered if they were as bad as your disingenuously pretending. Now if we were talking about a Centurions, M.A.S.K Team, or Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors remake, you would have a point. We're not though, and your stereotypical DURRRR 80s THUNDERCATS BAD CAUSE ZOOMER REASONS is a retarded argument.

That's pretty much what I want as well. Kek.

Unfortunately No Man's Sky treatment will never apply to cartoons.

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>you faggot
says the fag who wants the ugly man to touch his penis

Show runners and their friends hated thundercat, so I doubt it be any good.

Good or not this snarky attitude is never good.

do it, go watch the 130 episodes of Thundercats and see how long your "nostalgia" takes you and if you're honestly implying that 80's cartoons didn't have episodes focusing on social issues, then you're wrong, they did. He-Man and She-Ra had plenty of them.

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Kill yourself, unironically, for shilling for this horrible shit. You and your fucking She-Ra bastards, too.

>if you're honestly implying that 80's cartoons didn't have episodes focusing on social issues, then you're wrong, they did. He-Man and She-Ra had plenty of them.
I concede there. The difference is they incorporated that stuff organically into the world and didn't call attention to it.

Why does Tygra have feathers on the side of his head?

>Sure it was one of the toy toons of the 80s
>that doesnt make Thundercats automatically bad.
>The original Thundercats was fun, well animated, and a blew its competitors out of the water at the time.
no it doesn't mean that Thundercats is bad, it means that it was unremarkable. specially next to the likes of He-Man, Transformers and TMNT and exemplified by the fact that nobody tuned in to watch the 2011 reboot.

>And Thundercats had plenty of fans
>The absolute rage coming from nearly every corner of the internet surrounding this piece of shit premiering gets that point across
the outrage was entirely dishonest, it was mostly a kneejerk reaction to the artstyle itself than an statement on the supposed "dishonor" to Thundercats and I posit the question again, where were the "fans" during the 2011 reboot? I'm sure we all understand that these shows live on toy sales so if Thundercats was such a hot property in the new millenium with torrents of fans waiting in the wings, then why did it fail?

>If none of that was true, then Roar would have never even been considered as a property to be made.
except that WB owns Thundercats and CN so another reboot to capitalize on the fact that TC is part of the Ether of 80's easily recognizable brand names, like the 2011 version, was inevitable.
and of course, the thinking behind Roar was entirely centered around the fact that comedy cartoons replaced toy-pushing action cartoons in popularity (i.e Animaniacs) so Roar therefore must also be a comedy cartoon, also in part because the action oriented 2011 reboot flopped and they don't want to run the same risk, also they can't let a recognizable name like Thundercats sit idle just because they can't. not when brand recognition can be exploited out of it.

>Same thing with He-man and She-ra.
well it's a good thing that She-Ra has a successful reboot that is a proper show with a proper story first and foremost. sadly, the same can't be said for He-Man.

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He is aufistic.

i fuckn hate tweening man

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is he always on doody?

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_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___

The fox or the cat?

They'd never get away with the stuff Animaniacs did in the 90's now. Either they make it as it was or let it rest.

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every time I think this won't be so bad, someone drags up the picture of this cock fondler and I want to burn the place to the ground.

Wouldn't that just be a Shortstack?

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Best Wilykit

big tits can get pretty smelly if she sweats a lot

A gal at a uni party told me one time she was back home and still pretty drunk she would just fondle her tits and laugh at how silly it was that she had them and how good they felt

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You have to really try to make the new Cheetara attractive. Just looks like they bolted balloons onto her chest.

Did Lauren even comment on the new PPG in anyway? We know Craig's not super fond of it.

Many a /fit/izen has tried that big sniff IRL and vomited on a woman's back.


coom coom

>tweening man
Everyone's favorite hero.


Remember the big cliffhanger "WOW, THIS SHOW IS ACTUALLY SHAKING THINGS UP!" moment of the first season was Pumyra revealing that... she was actually dead, had been dead all along, and was so angry at the Thundercats for not saving her from being killed that she teamed up with Mumm-Ra, the dude that, y'know, actually fucking killed her.


Remember when the show presented Lion-o as doing something right by deciding to have a "heroic last stand" when he could have fucking run, a move that would have doomed the planet had Panthro not picked that moment to show up and save the day?

Remember that Thundercats 2011 went to shit the minute after the pilot ended?

Because I remember, and I for one am sick and tired of people pretending that it was some glorious show killed in the cradle instead of a reasonably well-animated series with some of the worst writing Yea Forums has ever seen.

Roar looking like shit doesn't make 2011 any less of a clusterfuck that deserved to die.

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Shortstacks are usually adults, and often literal subhuman races like goblins or dwarfs. Doesn't fill the same niche as oppai loli.
Based "actually watched the fucking show" poster. When the best two episodes of your entire show are episode one and episode two, there's a problem.

The patrician choice

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Got to have something to look at when talking to them

started out trying to just be anti-cancel, then got into a two day argument with someone else until it was clear he was simply defending Julia. Then deleted the tweet chain when enough people called him out for defending Julia while also condemning others a year earlier.

Attached: nico.jpg (592x827, 93K)

>That No Longer Human movie
Might check that.

lol backtracked out of that one as fast as he could
fucking useless

did he not think people would put 2 and 2 together? "bad timing" my entire ass

"Update Thundercats " was a fine idea.

Then the 2011 writers went up their own asses with the idea of having the cast dislike and distrust one another, and portraying the cat society as basically deserving annihilation. It just clashed too hard with the source material.

Fucking hate that beard

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Bootleg Chris

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>editting out the beard, but not the shitty manbun

For what purpose?

I mean, it can be done

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>lol backtracked out of that one as fast as he could
No he didn't. Each post reiterated the same point: stop attacking someone you don't know and do something more productive instead. The only thing he 'backtracked' on was the initial aggressive approach of his comments.
And where did you get 'bad timing' from?

We twink now

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Congrats. You’ve turned him into a best friend character on a Disney sitcom.

What do you call this then

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Oh shit the Colonel

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Sorry I’m having to much fucking fun with this

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Last one bros

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Being fair here planned material almost always changes. It very likely would have changed about a dozen times as they progressed.

>still no info of thundercats roar
After the shit storm that was the announcement trailer, they probably don't want to remind people this is still happening. If anything, that's probably the 2nd smartest thing they could've done (first being not letting this get past the pitch phase). I'm assuming they already sunk a lot of money into this so they gotta make it back somehow. I'm also gonna assume that this show's gonna end up on Boomerang within a year of it's premiere.

This. I don't watch a lot of anime but there is a lot more variety out there than with cartoons since they occasionally take chances on something really strange or ambitious.
The plot seems to have very little to do with the book but I will still check it out.
The Usamaru manga adaptation is really good if you haven't read that.

The best fucking thing and it needs to catch on.
What would we even called them if they were to become their own fetish though?

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(glowing button intensifies)

Maybe, maybe not. Right off the bat they had Panthro thinking that everyone else was a punk and initially thinking Liono didn't deserve to lead because royalty didn't mean shit to him... and then he changed his mind because Liono found the Sword of Omens. Which still didn't mean the kid had experience or a good head on his shoulders, so that was a very clumsy resolution to the way they introduced him as someone going "I don't care if you're the prince, you're just a kid with no experience."

And yeah, Liono and Tygra loathing one another, with the whole messy Cheetara triangle thrown in.

And of course the Pumyra clusterfuck where she would rather side with her murderer than with a kid who literally had nothing to do with her murder, but who she figured didn't do enough to save her.

The stuff the said they had planned was basically doubling down on the bad ideas we saw. Maybe things could have been changed a lot to fix the problems instead, but just evaluating what we saw and learning that their plans weren't to actually do much that would have resolved the problems, I have to assume that these just weren't the right writers for the reboot. It's a shame, the rough concept of a kitchen sink Conan-meets-aliens-meets-cyborgs world with a team emphasis is nifty.

Not him but...
>well it's a good thing that She-Ra has a successful reboot
It being a Netflix makes the phrase “successful” questionable at best.
>that is a proper show with a proper story first and foremost.
Too bad it’s stuffed with Tumblr-approved LGBTQIABBQBYOBB crapola.

I wish more serious could attain "questionable" success like She-Ra. A confirmed number of episodes right off the bat, with the writers knowing exactly how much space they've got to tell a story in, and a clear plan drawn up well in advance by one showrunner (as opposed to the clusterfuck of a writing room that Voltron had).

I don't give two tugs of a dead pig's cock if it's successful by any other measure than being an enjoyable and complete story. The last He-Man reboot certainly wasn't a disaster by since it was meant to sell toys they weren't working toward a clear ending, just laying down as much railway track as possible until the toytrain died and the show ended with a whimper not a bang.

...fucking autocorrect

It smells like shit. Even a pretty girl's.

I am so fucking done with the West. Xi, send the nukes!

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>and exemplified by the fact that nobody tuned in to watch the 2011 reboot.

>so if Thundercats was such a hot property in the new millenium with torrents of fans waiting in the wings, then why did it fail?

We did. The show went to shit due to stereotypically bad reboot writing, and we stopped watching. It wasn't Thundercats, so much as some people's bad Thundercats fan-fiction. Even then, there's still people who wanted a season 2. Plus being cancelled by CN isn't necessarily a sign of people not liking a show. CN cancels good shows all the time without giving them much of a chance.

>the outrage was entirely dishonest, it was mostly a kneejerk reaction to the artstyle itself than an statement on the supposed "dishonor" to Thundercats

It wasn't. The outrage was entirely justified and completely honest. People were already sore that the 2011 show was poorly written. Now there's yet another soulless, cash-cow reboot that is shittily drawn, animated, AND written? Enough's enough with this shit.

>it's a good thing that She-Ra has a successful reboot that is a proper show with a proper story first and foremost.

Hah! "Successful". Completely debatable. Netflix doesn't release ratings numbers of shows, doesn't have the same knee-jerk cancellation reaction CN had/has, and is known to let shit shows get multiple seasons before cancellation.

There's no real indication your little she-ra fanfiction reboot is doing any better than the 2011 Thundercats did. In fact whenever I see threads on it, it has the same feel the 2011 Thundercats threads used to have.

Don't stop.

>why weren't they asking for a reboot before Roar's announcement even came out?
Because they already got one and it sucked. Sometimes it's better to just let good memories be good memories instead of sullying them.

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grimdark DCEU is pretentious and stupid as hell, while being ironically and unintentionally more facetious than MCU is.

Snyder had no fucking clue what he was doing and it showed not only in the movies, but his mouth.

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>Throwing around fanfic as an insult

Funny stuff.

If you didn't create it, of course it's fanfic, and if you did create it you probably borrowed from plenty of other things you read, watched, or heard.

Time will tell with She-Ra, but Thundercats had about as many episodes under its belt as She-Ra does now, and let me tell you, people were NOT as happy with it around here as folks seem to be with She-Ra. Pumyra siding with the guy that literally killed her was such a contrived twist that the little bit of "maybe it'll turn around" sentiment people still had pretty much evaporated on the spot.

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BUT not trannies...

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What's up with Cheetara's face and tits? Why are they so big?

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Ah, you wouldn't get it, Thundercats Roar is a very highbrow show that doesn't exist.

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why must they take away all femininity from female characters

Bruh, that ain't even in the top 10 of the shit wrong with that scene.

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Please do alimony courtright

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>fucking zoomers think their new cartoons are any less promo material for merchendise than ones in the 80s

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>cartoons for kids that are nothing more than promotonial material is despicable and cynical
even the fucking toys the cartoons is an ad for are worse

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maybe I should be glad no one remembers Tiger Sharks and Silver Hawks

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Silverhawks are well known among Latin Americans from the '80s and '90s.

Fuck you, Orko has a pretty cool design, he's like a FF black mage gremlin. Much better than anything SU

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People were calling the original Saint Seiya bad? Who were these faggots?

DFC is justice.

History revisionists.

That excuse is becoming as annoying as "it's just a cartoon". Especially since it's a bad excuse since they're shitting on themselves while shitting on the original. There's zero respect for either product.

How come he didn't follow his own advice about John K? Why does he randomly shit on Butch Hartman who did nothing?

This guy is such an obvious kiss ass. He brags every chance he gets about being in the industry.

Yeah, and Rise of TMNT is pretty bad. Not the worst Turtles have been, but a huge downgrade from NickTMNT.

>Gem monsters
Objectively false.

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Why couldn't they just make a new IP?
It was bad enough with how 2011 was handled holy fuck, it's been 8 years already. and now they just wanna stomp Thundercats into the ground even more.
I'm not going to say the original was some sort of hidden masyerpiece, because it wasn't. But what the fuck man?

Faust is behing the new TC? Guess she really is a a one trick pony

She's uninvolved, she means that she supports it.

What makes He-man or She-Ra any better or more distinct other than your personal preferences?
They were all toy commercials with the exact same focus and very similar styles and tropes. Same for a bunch of others including Transformers and G.I.Joe. Joe got 2 Hollywood movies, Transformers is still getting them, does that mean they were the best of them all? If you're gonna be contrarian and disingenuous for the sake of it then just eat shit and go away.

Just poking some fun, user.

See All the other 80s shows were more distinct because of the toys. You say yourself "they were all toy commercials with the exact same focus and similar styles and tropes."
So if the shows were all the same shit, then it's the toys that make or break the franchises. He-Man, Transformers, GI Joe and TMNT were all amazing toylines. Thundercats was a cheap attempt to cash in on what everyone else was doing better

>Lion-O instantly knows he will one day father large amounts of children with this small cat girl
>That actually happened in the show

Why did the writers forget about Lion-O's Tech interests? Why did the writers just hate Lion-O in general?

Do you have these in a higher res?

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there was constant Tygra wank.

someone liked to self insert, i guess

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Nice try, Chris Hansen.

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nice inspect element psycho

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The catgirl has no business being this lewd
You know the one I'm talking about

>replying to a two day old post
>thinking that I would spend the time to change that shit to win an argument on fucking Yea Forums

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He-Man started the whole trend of cartoons promoting toylines, everything that followed, Tranformers, Thundercats and TMNT was a reaction to MOTU, when it comes to sincere 80's nostalgia He-Man has the most clout of the toy commercials, plus TC is the biggest ripoff of He-Man out of TF and Ninja Turtles.

because Steven Universe wasn't designed to be a merch pushing blight. it's a cartoon with a story first and a beginning and end. in contrast, He-Man and She-ra didn't have a series finale because they weren't meant to ever end. their sole purpose was to promote and engage the audience in the brand, the same thing happened with the 2002 reboot.

SU doesn't live on toy sales so it can have a sprawling story and nuanced characters and an awesome movie. He-Man can't.

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Look at all those looping and lackluster animations!

go back to youtube.

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I'm not from there?

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LMAO post greentexts please

tits are pretty easy to fuck up though

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goddammit i knew those two were the same lady

there was one episode where the two of them were alone together for a long time so the blue one took her hat off and had gray hair so that they'd be differentiated i guess

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imagine the smell...

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Its still the same shit.
Only its for political reasons now instead of money reasons.

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can the sword of omens give me super sniffs

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I still have that...want me to clean and color it?

Because executives don't want to give creators their own original IPs. Especially when they already bought the license to existing properties for tons of $$$

>minimalistic character designs are a political statement
you complete and utter idiot.

WB owns Thundercats you retards.

yes, it's a political statement. otherwise they wouldn't have given it the gay calarts style that shows like steven universe have.

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tranny artists were a mistake, rope for them all and tumblr.

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This I can't stop playing with my mums boobs

Updated. Enjoy.

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this reminds me of armenfilm for some reason


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>muh men are snakes in the grass

because boyish women are superior

>T. Eddie Puss

It's from the Breaking the Rules comics by Croc.
Basically, Timmy wishes for a super cock to fuck some whores during the weekend, but Cosmo can't take him because he's staying at his mom's place for the weekend. Norm pops up and tries to trick Timmy into making a dumb rule-free wish, but Timmy just wishes that wishes from his godparents were rule free. Timmy then precedes to spend 5 issues fucking various girls from the show while trying to get his cock to calm down to no avail. Last issue ended with Veronica knocking him out with a bat and abducting him after he finished fucking Trixie.
That was quite a while ago, I believe he's been busy with other stuff since then.

Does anybody feel bad for her?

(Skip at 4:22)

warner and cn dont care about other show than teen titans go... just see the treatment for dcshg

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Based but reetarded coomer

>wanting to be immune to traps
What are you, fuckin gay?

Didn't they literally have end-of-episode PSAs talking about the message of the episode?

Yes. The G.I Joe PSAs even had a catchphrase.

As long as the body isn't boyish.

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Gays, in my Yea Forums?
Perish the thought!

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