A thread for our best friend, Channel
canon Spinel is also welcome (don't forget to vote her for Ms. Yea Forums )
A thread for our best friend, Channel
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is she so perfect anons?
Here in the Yea Forums, let’s play a game
I’ll show you how to check em
Here are the post digits, see the three exes, “Did I finally GET em?”
And then he posted! Just as I planned!
To see his red tripcode, and USER WAS BANNED
(You)'ll make me win if you know what's good for your board Yea Forums! you wouldn't want to get injected with these memes right, user?!
how long till we see channel getting blacked...
You DID remember to vote for her, right anons?
She's part of the family now, we can't let her down!!!!!!
Thanks, now I can vote against her
umadbro lmao
>3 watermarks
Guess what rock, I will not only win over you, I will destroy you, I will then leave you alone on some backwards space rock where you can sit and cry.
I think that channel SUCKS
Pictured: Channel leading Spinel to victory in Ms. Yea Forums
ok that's pretty based i might vote for her, only because of channel
Now now... Let's not forget why we're here everyone.
We need more of this
fuck off
fuck ON
Yep. Still voting for Spinel.
The autism is strong in this one.
Seriously, why did the most obvious FOTM make it in rather than a waifu who could survive the test of time, like pic related?
nice, first
because she brought us happiness, and the mods like our threads because we aren't reducing their lifespan by making them see wojaks and pepes all day
Thanks Husband.
Oh channel...don't worry, you'll win...y-you'll win
i hate myself for making this
is this some meme im not aware of?
>linking the pageant
Geeze OP, these threads are for Channel content and edits. Did you really have to drag that stuff in here?
Voting for the longer-lasting waifs Muriel
*AHEM* I love channel and spinel
no its just cannon
Mine gratitude is proffered, apothecary
Spinel has a leafy chin in this one.
No idea who that is.
It's ok user!
I'll love you even if we don't win!
I know right
Ah shit now all I can hear is spinel with leafy's voice
I can't vote! I don't want to hurt Muriel's feelings!
The greentext were pretty fucking good
i feel the same but...i guess we can dedicate one thread to this and making her win
I think the implication is Spine will be nominated for Mr. Co and win there too.
>If channel browsed Yea Forums
oh no...
Yeah, I didn't sign up for le epic waifu wars.
See you guys when this shit blows over.
spinel is for hugs not for lewds
>recolor a porn body and put character's head on it
lewds was a mistake
also can someone please turn that one into a channel
It's Major Dr Ghastly, from Evil Con Carne.
It actually reran at the same time that SU was beginning to start.
Is it accurate to say Channel is our daughter at this point?
>golly look at that nig-
I'd say so. see
I apologize, I now realize this was indeed a mistake.
Let me offer a solution: post as many Channels as you can and, we'll be fine thanks to her powers
No, she's not our daughter
She's our best friend.
good, good.
Shit, I forgot the image
I wouldn’t draw porn of my daughter
i'd say she's our best friend
with benefits
oh come on, this is Yea Forums, we all know theres no real stopping our bullshit
Is there a Spinel/Channel version of this? Because there should be.
there isn't, but you're right
nice dubs boys
This needs to be Channel and anons' hands.
fuck,that's some real cute shit user
same to you my good user
No, but now I shall forevermore be known as the mystical magical blessanon
nice dub to you too (not them btw)
it is the dubbing hour, my friends
You do know they will throw her away after they get bored with her right?
Just like (you)
Last thread
sorry, no dubs here.
let me live my delusions, man
also i request channel doing this
guys, should i take the joke opportunity here or let it be
Thread I posted this on got deleted, so here it is again. lol
Now I want channel introducing spinel to her dadnon.
Everytime I see this fucking pic is like the first one for me.
The therapist would have had a much better influence on us if he had quoted Rick and Morty
Is the last panel a flashback or in her jail cell or what?
>Spinel and Channel are my waifus
I sleep
>Spinel and Channel are my daughters
R e a l s h i t
>Spinel is my waifu, Channel is my daughter
user STOP,
Someone post comfy Pearlanon art im dying over here
*clears throat*
>S W E E T H O M E A L A B A M A
>Gift ideas in the fridge
>Letting your spinel to get corrupted
>Spinel wins both Ms. Co and Mr. Co
>ends up alone again
Now that's what I call kino
>waiting for her to grow up to fuck her
what kind of faggy morals are these
gems ARE genderless....
and it princess turdina can get into the ms Yea Forums...
let's makeit happen.
Spinel honey I love yah but that pic looks kinda retarded.
Channel loves her new mom
imagine being so scared of your drawings being stolen that you watermark the shit out of them
(the original intent was for this image to be edited with only the smol spinel edited to be channel instead of both, but that hasn't happened yet)
Yeah, it's disappointing that they did that, but the art's still cute.
>Spinel is anons waifu and channel is his daughteru
Headcanon acquired.
user please don't do this to me I can't handle the thought of this happening ever
My stomach hurts after reading this
>a greater than wojakposter
No, really, I don't get it. When is the last panel?
If dubs user gets banned
It's in the cabinet in a bathroom.
dubs of truth
>You are going to vote for spinel and make me proud, right user?
whatever opportunity you see, take it.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.
Mods please for just this one time be based an honour the numbers
These are amazing
Oh my God I can't believe anons fucking dead.
\/ this was the joke, i made it already.
Can I post this as recompense?
Thank you anons...
balance has been restored
>Sorry user! But you've been voted off the board!
this isn't enough you fucking scumbag, post more channel and spinnel and it better be comfy!
Requesting someone replace little Spinel with Channel
I still say we ban em
I want to spank spinel until she starts crying
Shoulda thought twice user
I'm trying
My what?
good good keep it up user.
post user and channel hugging in bed!
Best friend.
Another tragedy turns into a miracle thanks to Channel's power of repeating digits!
would you treat her better anons?
That's what I thought.
Why so much bulli?
I'd call her a cuck but also be unironically nice to her.
Thank you user
I have a sadist streak a mile wide and I cannot begin to understand this, simply by merit of it being so out of line. You can't torment Spinel properly. She's literally designed, as in manufactured as a life form, to make you smile and laugh. If that comes about through hurting her she'd immediately start shredding herself, because if that's how you perceive friendship, she's not in any position to question it mentally. The only way to harm her is to not be in any way amused by her. This is just punching a punching bag and that's not sadistic.. is it just to bully people who like Spinel?
add the trips to the screencap
One upping your peers isn't easy. When you aim high you'll often come across fights that just aren't worth fighting.
they are just compensating
Thank you user, it's an honour
This is fitting.
Of course i would.
My best friend since i've been 13 is literally like spinel she gets on my nerves all the time because she's super clingy, literally. like
Could you stop touching me for 5 FUCKING MINUTES.
But i love her and would never hurt her. ever.
a spinel girl best friend has it's ups and downs, but overall is a happy life.
So. I'm sure this has been brought up before, but what do you think modern Yea Forums would be like if it was "reset" to the 2 boards moot had at launch?
>Channel thinking she's sneaking up on you but you can very clearly hear her eyes making that rolling sound in her head and the squeaking of her shoes
I've seen this comic on /sug/ like 6 times now. You're forgetting the part where 8XJ is in bed asks user "who was on the phone?" and he replies "Nobody."
The dubs have spoken
Post that then. The original source only has 3 panels
I'd verbally nudge her in a sarcastic banter-style and I would stop doing that immediately if I felt like I've taken it too far.
She's blessing us!!!
you're a good friend user!
the weak should fear the strong
Why does this come to my mind when I see that pic?
>pulling a sleepy Channel close to you as the wind howls outside on a chilly Autumn afternoon
>hearing her sigh of content when you pull the quilt up to keep her warm
>she makes cute little snoring sounds as she drifts off
>she unconsciously wraps her arm around you as you feel her nuzzle into your chest
It was a greentext desu responding to the last panel in that comic, but yeah, here it is.
It was also XJ-9 Instead of 8XJ.
I swear, my memory is dying.
Here you go anons, added everything you said even the ladies and gentlement
>Channel unconsciously stretches to hug while sleeping
>Her sweater doesn't stretch with her and her arms get cold, causing her to pull her arms back in
>You pull the blanket up to remedy this and let her hug to her heart's content
can we ban this cuck yet
>nothing about recompense
Well, well, well, well, well!
Lemme get a look at the catalog 'o me!
You must be Janniethyst
You must be Garnut (Slicking noises)
And OPink Diamond's Samepearl, well, you took you with you, isn't that just...swell?
But my PROXY! (All seven of them!)
Oh, but I CAN see!
Post IDs!
I got a GIF file and a few /BASED/ boys that are gonna put an end to your Yea Forumsrappily waifu'd CANCER, once and for all!
[TRIPFAG, spoken]
Whoa, whoa! This thread has to involve a misunderstanding, in case you haven't heard, I've established waifaggotry across the boar -
[SPINEL, spoken]
Yeah, yeah, I've heard. I've had your little message to the few to converse PINNED THROUGH! I just love that part, where OPink Diamond spends the rest of her days on this nowhere channel with a post...of nobodies!
That's right I heard your whoring over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally be the BEST WIFEY
That's right I heard your whoring, don't really think it contends
Gee, it's swell to finally be the best wifey
thanks user
Probably should do something about that white stripe at the bottom.
ah, a fellow failure to our lord shrek, i see
I like this thread, so i decided to draw something smol for you, anons
~~Im with you in the dark~~
I like this thing, I'll put it with my other similarly shaped things.
Don't have a ruler at work, so my lines are pretty shit, but here's a fresh Channel.
Use it wisely.
Have a great rest of your day.
vvv cute
Thank you anons so good..
Truly a blessed thread.
very cute user! i am also enjoying this thread but i can't draw so i made a shitty meme
Very close to quads user.
thanks based Ralsei! do you have allies with you by any chance?
So close to quads...
also fixed the text behind xj9
no, sadly, only myself.
Nice double dubs
I'm standing RIGHT HERE
i believe said "only myself" susie
Reminder to vote for SPINEL!
>Image related to the mentioned above
You think I'm scared of bullets?
It was a great movie guys
i did, hours ago in fact
blacked spinel
I already did, ya dweeb
Reminder to vote for Demencia, Lord Dom, Lapis, and Pearl
You don't need to make a post to get a link to /vg/, you can simply click it on the board list at the top or bottom of the page, or manually change the page's link from Yea Forums to /vg/. Bye
when did i say the gun had bullets in it?
>not Yea Forums
I agree
I voted for every SU character on the poll, except Lapis. She knows what she did wrong. Steal my toothbrush will you? No vote for you!!!
Whatever, same shit
>Not voting for my wife, the lady of the sea
i read this as if skeletor were saying it and by god it was superior to any other voice my brain could have pulled from its endless symphony of nightmares
you know Jevil was here in the past threads too
is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1568660655728.webm
>Lord Dom
Read it as Lord Dorn.
I'd vote for him, though, he's adorable.
This isn't channel
Damn yous right user
That's a rape pose.
Ok user no more derailing
based and fistpilled
It's kind of sad because the watermarks would easily be removed by an art thief.
Blessed Thread
>got dubs
>you too
Oh God.
porn when?
In the /trash/ heap
>tfw no spinel/channel best friend to cheer me up today and make me be able to get through my work shift without wanting to kill myself on the phone while a customer listens just so they feel bad for being an asshole for no reason
Truly blessed
Channel was the friends you made along the thread, user
thank you, hope you find her irl
We're your channel user
The real Channel was inside our hearts the whole time.
I could really use an irl hug right now and probably a good cry. Chronic depression with no meds is a bitch.
>on my nerves
Did you have angry sex with her?
aw user im sorry, wish i could give you a big ol hug, may i suggest eating something tasty?
something sweet or salty maybe a candy you really like? it's good to eat something like that once a week to regain a bit of happiness
>see image
thats what we REALLY wanna know
Requesting Channel/Spinel version of this
Because she is both a cute waifu and a cute tsundere!
What on earth are most artists using to get stuff like or the programs pixelanons and gifanons like use?
So far I've just been working with paint.net and colored and with mouse and keyboard.
Can you edit this in green please?!?!?!?!
just imagine us giving you a piggy back ride like pic related
I do not care whomst the fuck you are user, I wish I could give you a hug right now. I want to hug you until you're all done crying and tell you everything will be OK. You deserve it after all the shit you've gone through.
Already been done user. Here you go
this is semi off-topic but like, this image perfectly describes this thread to anyone having a bad day, just
>H̕͢͡A̷̧Ṕ̨̛̕P̵̴̵̛Ý̵̶̵̡ ̸̷̶͜T̢͡I̴͜͢͝M̀͠E̡͟,̵̧̛ ̸̴͠Á̡Ń̛̕͜O̴̴̕͢͟N̶̷̢
If I'm not mistaken, it looks to be the inside of the cabinet above the bathroom sink. You can see the toothbrush off to the left.
You know being someone that could stand still for thousands of years and be, more or less, fine, the human lifespan is probably going to be painful as hell for Spinel/Channel to deal with.
Say Spinel for Spinel if you would hug her until she feel better and kiss her until she will smile!
Can I request a Channel choking the user in this pic?
requesting Spinel waking up from this nightmare and hugging user tight
Whose bathroom sink though?
Spinel for Spinel
Spinel for spinel!
No. it was very loving virgin sex actually. i don't think i ever had angry sex. how does that work? kek
We were 18, and we were our firsts, but if you think a friend spinel is clingy you don't want to know what spinel gf is like;
So we couldn't stay as a couple sadly, but were and still are the bestests of friends and talk
some days i just want to ignore her but i can't i love her too much. (as a friend)
i think i probably talked to her every single day for over a decade now...fuck.
Not sure, I haven't seen the full comment that other anons are talking about, could be user's.
Oh it's over user. if she was already clingy and you were her first love and sex, it's done deal, she's never leaving you EVER.
Don't ever leave her or she might kill you
Pretty sure "the full comment" is just a tacked on comment some user made, not anything by the author.
Eh, I can imagine Gems eventually coming up with a way to prolong organic lifeform's lifespan.
Hiya user...! If you need a hug, well, gee, I'm ALL ARMS!
>Channel's bendy, rubbery-textured arms malleably warp about your entire body in a corkscrew's firm tightness. The color of clover-green floods your vision as you feel fingers probing softly about your frame, CARESSING you!
Heya - - there's no shame in crying over something that gets you down, I mean, bwah, look at me! Dimples cute as can be, and not too shabby with picking up (you)s if I says so myself -- and I cry all the time! But hey...us good cryers oughta stick together, eh? Put 'er there!
Heya, BEST FFFFRIIIIEND! I double, two-times-over, under the valley, through-the-loop, across the river-and-into-the-hope PINKIE promise, you're gonna get through the day today, OKAY?
>She preforms the elaborate gesture prescribed, warping her fingers about each other until a biiiig swollen, promising pinkie remains, pressing into yours with a nice little kiss on top.
Don't even think about doing anything awful to yourself, Kay, starshine...? You're far too important to wind up a pile of crumbly crystal clumps -- you're so much more than that, so much more than all that put together, you're (YOU)! And golly, can't think of anyone else who could say something so unabashedly based. I'm proud to be your bestie, and happy t'see you makin' a lil somethin somethin of yourself!
Anyone ELSE need some encouragement?
chant it with me boys
>Simply impregnate this female clone we made of you then we'll transfer your brain to the resulting offspring!
Yandere probably.
Perfect! Now neither of us will be virgins.
More spinels from: instagram.com
Interesting how this yellow spinel has a couple similar attributes as rhombel
>live your life anew in a body of your deformed incestuous double
Yep, sounds like something Spinel would come up with.
Or Pearl.
So... Bugs Bunny, Felix the cat, Spinel, and... astro boy?
OK fine! I finally did it!
Thanks Anons! You made her...content!
Numbers don't lie
No way, she's super nice!
She never did anithing to hurt me ever.
Buuut.. i could see some yandere side because i remember once, an old friend of mine who happened to be a girl lost my phone number and tried to contact me trough her, and she told her she didn't have any way of contacting, which was a lie. since we talked every day.
That girl eventually contacted me and told me about it but she doesn't even know i know what she did, i never told her, im saving it if we ever have an argument kek
>i think i probably talked to her every single day for over a decade now...fuck.
What do you even talk about after that much time? you probably exhausted every fucking topic in existence
Well jannies, get on it
man this with punished spinel would be fucking amazing
Channel get overwhelmed by all the new user friends she's making and freezes with indecision.
>the guy who made this is a pedo
tfw no channel gf
Thanks lads ;_:
Spinel talks big but she's a 6000 year old virgin.
So are you user.
Drew this a while back. I can do a comfier version later.
This is what I call Waifu Mom!
>bugs bunny
>Hand tail
Jesus fucking christ yes.
You know, that really just got me thinking. We know Pink shattered her pearl, and nuPearl isn't pink...She's white. Did white and pink swap pearls, and white's was just rejuvenated while pink was mindfucked by white?
but she looks so cute!, thanks user, this is amazing
Very cute! Also nice trips
More like Aipomom
kek your waifu an aimpom
>You know, that really just got me thinking. We know Pink shattered her pearl, and nuPearl isn't pink...She's white. Did white and pink swap pearls, and white's was just rejuvenated while pink was mindfucked by white?
We already undestood this 3 months ago user...
I mean...Pearls bleaching!
My god my wife is an Aimpom!
And I'm content!
>Giant Twindrills
Making the fusion just have 4 eyes seems like the lazy way out (which the crewniverse has also committed). At least the hand-tail is unique
Are we posting mons now?
Spinel Shuckle when?
>Making the fusion just have 4 eyes seems like the lazy way out (which the crewniverse has also committed). At least the hand-tail is unique
Why do you have to kinkshame us with an eyefetish?
user im jealous but im also stuck at work for 3 more hours and the internet is shit so i can't even watch videos, tell me a story about your spinel girl so i can pass the time
Who knew a picture could hurt so much?
it's ok user, we got him See
What would a steven-spinel fusion be like?
May you rest in peace
I mean...you're not wrong, most days we spent together we're either playing vidya or just stay layin in bed talking about stupid stuffs sounds pretty gay now that i see it writen
i wish i could but i don't really have any interesting story, interesting enough for Yea Forums it's mostly sad stuff in both our lives and always trying to keep the other one from feeling down sorry user, i can draw you a quick doodle if you want
no they need to rest in pain
GET yourself a friend like Spinel, anons!
>finish up rough bdsm session
>make sure spinel's okay
>unbind her, kiss her bruises, hug her tight and tell her how well she did and how proud you are
>wrap her up in warm, fluffy blankets and sit her in front of some light-hearted cartoons
>make sure she has her favorite stuffie and a mug of cocoa with extra marshmallows
>let her cuddle up to your chest and listen to your heartbeat, it always calms her down
>stroke her hair until she falls asleep
>make sure to tell her you love her just before she closes her eyes
Satan approves.
How satanic, nice
That's adorable, is that you pearlanon?
OK Can we talk about this shit? what's up with heartbeats being so fucking relaxing when you rest your head on someone. usually repeating sounds are annoying but this is the comfiest thing i've ever experienced
Deeply-ingrained biological memory.
must be built in to our dna or some shit, I know people that are in love often get hearth beat syncs
Probably some biological impulse. Also reminder that crystals don't have hearts.
>dubs of misspelling
meant heartbeat sync
>No way, she's super nice!
>She never did anithing to hurt me ever.
>very loving virgin sex actually
Fuck you user, you don't deserve her
it's ok user we get it.
today i wrote "wood" instead of "good"like 3 times
Based and cutepilled!
That was beautiful and wholesome user!
I would do this to my waifu Spinel! I don't even know how you know I would do this!
Spinel is just a sad roll that need us!
Those digits...
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
I don't know if or when I'll be able to, but I want to draw a happy, comfy version of this accursed strip to heal the hole in anons' hearts.
Its something we're used to hearing from literally within the womb. If it isnt the first 'sound' we pick up within life than its definitely among the first few. From before birth and throughout our life a steady heartbeat means comfort and safety. As a baby we're comforted at our mothers breast, and if you ever become a parent youll know theres nothing more jarring than noticing a peculiar or irregular heartbeat in your baby. Ones breathing rhythm is also akin to this, theres little thats comfier than hearing someone you love having a steady, strong, and regular breath while lying next to them.
Primal safety and bond creation brah
getting wood is good hehe
Thread has been blessing us with dubs trips and quints, it even killed an user
can someone edit it to Channel and change the text to "based user"
Already been done, twice.
>Gift ideas
We've had this since a few threads ago
fuck you, user, you're too nice, i unironically teared up a bit. these channel threads are making me such a faggot.
i know that's what i fucking said!
but don't worry, you can rest easy user...
WE GOT HIM >110063155
put me in the screenshot
That...that'd make everyone very happy pearlanon...thank you
Requesting Jannel being angry at therapists.
You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me Spinel isn't the tiniest bit into ddlg
I think you're projecting your fetishes a little there.
And I love her for this!
And so?
You bet your sweet little pecker i am
If I am a wizzard, is she a sorceress then?
If dubs user and Channel really need to go see a therapist.
Yes on the no?
If yes then I hope you will get stuck in Spinel's pompuous ass
You can't make me go see the head doctor
Idk, I feel like her issues with abandonment and low self worth could be remedied in part with littlespace in the care of a trustworthy person step up, steven.
It's more than just a fetish, y'know
I don't see any numbers...oh well. Better luck next time.
absolutely epic
I'm spook
Drawfags have been absolutely killing it on spinel/chanel content
Where the fuck are the writefags though?
We need some sugary sweet fanfiction up in this bitch
this is the closest thing that happened
Chanel, sweetheart, we're just worried about you.
Why don't you put the gun down, huh? You can yell the n word out the window as much as you want on the way, okay?
I do love a good community greentext story, but spinel is still seriously lacking in the fanfic department.
Maybe they just take longer
I swear if that old withered bag wins
There's a little of that in /trash/sug/
lol nice try fag, now my gun is the big gun
Well user, get on it, stretch your little fingers and start writing, you can do it!
I agree with you on Muriel, but I'ma gonna hafta slice your neck for my robo wife.
I only write /u/ stuff these days
Inspiration pic:
I voted for Spinel, but I can't in good conscience support her over Betty in the next round. I'm sure you guys will carry her, though.
C'mon user...spinel suffered a lot...she deserves it
Look up chromite on archiveofourown for some writefaggotry
I understand user. May we have a fair voting. Even if everyone else might join up with whoever Spinel is up against
if we somehow defeat betty will you vote for spinel?
Oh fuck I went out for an hour and missed quints?
Well I hope I end up in the cap anyway, god bless you user.
Is this masturbation?
Who keeps giving you guns?
spinel confirmed win
some friendly user from /k/
I told you not to tell anyone, you little green cunt
I would, but Grearl is currently the air that I fucking breathe
>wowie user that gun sure is cool looking, what game can we play with it?
Can someone draw Channel saying "Go get the anons, I want them to see this?"
Remember user's, while loving Channel is important, it's just as important to love yourselves. As much as Channel loves you.
you could call them
Spinoffels ?...
ok i tried
>Oh, yeah, yeah, I gotta real fun game we can play, little space weirdo.
>Ever hearda' this place called Rhodesia?
It does seem like more gems should use guns given they have about human durability.
someone post channel song lyrics and i will record them
I am a man
They're even less resilient to impact, seeing as they're made of crystals.
Anything .30 and above in a rifle would probably fuck a gems shit up
It has surpassed OTP for me.
The potential family unit is just too strong.
how did this happen Yea Forums how could one character turned us around like this, every thread used to be wojack this, pepe that, you're a nigger he's a faggot, that thing you like is shit. look at us now. making drawings, edits, music, and encouraging eachother to be happy
i kinda like it
is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1568671257752.webm
I feel like this would work well to be edited to Channel, but the actual animation with all the characters and how busy the shot is makes that probably impossible.
PLZ channel-chan help me cure my depression
God damn it, Sugar spread fucking positivity here.
We fucked up letting that thing in.
Real trojan horse
what a treasure you are pearlanon
We made a change. Unironically. One day, whether we knew it or not, we woke up and felt like being more positive and happy when we saw our girls cute face.
Is this masturbation?
If those are nihilists standards are to be left behind
than she truly is the great redeemer, has sugar finally pulled off her core message.
It's because we finally understood Spinel!
We tried to ignore all the positivity of cartoons today, but first SU come and we faked to disliking it, like a virus.
Then the good virus: Spinel came to us.
And made we Spinel's whores
user, don't you get it? the real channel is the friends you made in the thread.
Depression is a very complex thing user. Sometimes it's a problem with your brain not being able to make itself happy. Sometimes your lot in life brings you down. Sometimes you have an issue with how you think. There is no real cure for it. But I know you're strong enough to get through it user. I personally am excited for the day you manage to work past your depression some how. Get the meds you need, improve yourself or your life, fix your brain, so you can finally fully enjoy Channel. Hang in there user, and have a funny drawing of mine. I hope it cheers you up a little bit.
yoah happily evah aftah
Thank you Chan!
Love you too!
Dubs of truth
Can we at least crucify her or something?
Doesn't feel right to just accept a positive message without someone dying
>Real trojan horse
T-they got us good this time
Man, tumblr played the long game on that invasion shit
Into the top 8 at least, yeah.
c-crucify her?...
maybe i would've done it...before chanel came into existence...but now...i..i can't hurt her like that after all the happines she brought me along with every user in these threads
I can't believe I let someone trick me into being happy
>TFW Sugar talk no jitsu'd us all
We thought it was unrealistic when everyone was being redeemed. Maybe it was because we thought even ourselves unredeemable. But now look at us? Fuck, if we were in Beach City we'd probably be barned and living in Little Homeworld with Spinel/Channel if we had the chance. We're the final boss, and Steven won. With the help of his best friend.
channel be frust
this post is so sweet godamn you for making me feel
>Creepy Susie has literally no chance of even advancing
Thank you for the kind words user.
No joke recently started seeking such help and hope to enjoy positive threads like these in the future
Such a good virus!
I want Spinel inside me!
Channel edit when
I get it now...
We were Season 6 all along
I was about to call you a faggot or something but then I realized I couldn't do it either.
So we're both faggots.
user please we are only wholesome here...
Yes, brother, we must summon them from their realms of dormant rest
I'll give it a shot
>Beyond Steven Universe
Don't you fucking get it!? We're what's beyond Steven Universe! This was Sugar's grand mater plan! FUCK!
Oh fuck! OH FUCK!
Fuck I miss spelled barned in my panic.
How does one awaken writers?
I guess we can hide their alcohol
I can't be the only one who thinks of this when I see Spinel
I kinda want to see an edit of user standing in the injector with channel trying to redeem us
I don't think you get how deep this goes. All these edits, all this drawfagging, all this write fagging, it's meepmorps! WE'RE SITTING IN THE METAPHORICAL BARN DOING NOTHING BUT MAKING MEEP MORPS! And we fucking love it! I haven't had this much fun on this site ever!
>Once upon a time, we woke up feeling better
>Once upon a time, we changed a few letters
>we changed the schematic, despite our corruption
>we changed our hearts, despite how we've fallen
>despite all our sins, we still were forgiven
>despite all our sins, our joy did awaken
>Beyond redemption was all of our souls
>And yet redeemed we awaken when we gave her control
>Despite all our sorrows, she gave us cheer
>Worry not, fellow anons, Our best friend is here.
This is what I dub, the lyric of Channel. May she be eternal, for her impact surely will be.
>tfw we thought we could corrupt spinel
>tfw she ended up redeeming us
Guys I...
Keep the momentum going. Win it for Channel
You were my brother, Anonkin.
I fucking hated you
>"In other news, racist hacking site known as 4channel has actually been redeemed. That's right, every user on the site has decided to be kinder to each other so they could quote 'make our girl proud of us.' And to do such a thing they've now volunteered in their local communities, taken showers, and donated to charity before giving each other supportive hugs."
Thank you Spinel! I love you too!
I can live with that.
And I'm happy Steven Universe haters are just turning into Spinel's whores!
Do you mind if I sing this in my Youtube channel?!
Of course I will credit you user!
So can I sing it and put it online please?!
Go ahead m8, just put like a screencap of the post on your thing and link us all to it when youre done
>why yes i love this trans philosophy fuck Drufm
Yeah gonna filter this thread
do you think moot would be proud of us if that actually happened?
If you actually do it..please link it
>every SINGLE fucking EPISODE Spinel is waiting in the garden
>why yes i love this trans philosophy fuck Drufm
i unironically laughed
I have a feeling that he's watching right now, and I get a feeling he's chanting to himself, telling us silently "you can do it, you can turn this around"
jesus christ im crying typing this, i knew Yea Forums would make my cry but i never thought like this
>No matter what happens next, don't be too hard on yourself. Even now, after all you've done, you can still go home. Lucky you...
>Hey user! Give me some shekels.
pinkie pie ripoff
50s gimmick
Based dumb poster
Sorry your waifu's not gonna win. I hope you find happiness in your life soon.
You know what. i can't believe im saying this but...
i think the mods deserve a song too...those fuckers that work so hard...and for free!,
A song where everyone in Yea Forums is happy and they don't have to work. their perfect utopia...
I use firealpaca with my own custom brushes, though they're mostly for basic dithering.
I didn't do the Jevil animation though, I have you guys to thank for that.
Here we are in the future and it's bright...
Nobody seethes, No one to ban!
She kinda looks like she has saiyan shoulder pads.
Better to rhyme "and it's grand" with "no one to ban"
>Entertain us she did, and she will continue to do
>for the good she has done is beyond just me and you
>At first a mere recolor of what once was
>She soon became more, a friend and our love
>Cut from a clover of emerald hue
>She changed the hearts of all the chan-posters in view
>She changed us from hateful black to a joyous green, too
>If you told them years ago what would occur
>They'd laugh at you and say rotten things and say many-a slur
>Yet here we are, all the same
>Our inner innocence once more regained.
and what else user? give us the next part
I use Photoshop CS6.
The only contribution to songs here I've done is posting "WE" and "ARE THE CHANNEL FRIENDS"
>Channel is blue now
The original was fine. What are you doing?
Noodle is cute-el and deserves all the cuddles
i made the headpats, i animated it in after effects in literally 5 minutes, it's called the puppet tool, super easy to learn, it's what people use for those anime videos you see sometimes
>pic related
but i only used one layer because i felt lazy so it looks shitty!
>all these anons talking about redemption and friendship and newfound happiness
Boy do I feel out of place. I just think Channel is a cute. Happy for you if you all feel that way, though.
I especially like the noodely part.
watchutalking about user
The act of creation is its own reward.
like the user who helped himself by taking care of his shrimp.
when you except love for others things you except some of that love for yourself.
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All will be redeemed. You have no choice. Submit.
Hey, maybe you're a bit nicer as a result of being happier from the cute gem. Believe in Channel.
Thank you Anons for all the imaginative creations of channel. You fags are pretty cool.
LITERALLY tell me why I should like channel right now
She cute. Noodles. Would probably be a very enthusiastic cuddler.
Makes sense, maybe you didn't need to be redeemed!
The character itself is cute, and we all love her because of this but, the ideas behind it helped a lot of anons that are actually, punished spinels, and all they needed was some comfort and love
ffs i mean this
Not sure how many of us play Gmod but I think a lot of you would like this.
you don't know what kind of hell you just unleashed
>Still no spinel in source filmmaker
I'm sure they do
i hate gmod
but belive me i will play anything with Spinel on it
>Channel edit when
>tfw I forgot my steam username and password
Honestly I'd play but my pc is shit and I dont own gmod.
>Pc is so bad I can't run a game from 2004.
she looks like yellow apatite with glasses
no matter how fleeting this moment feels, i will cherish it forever, thank you /co this is something truly magical.
i believe all of us share this sentiment
dear god i hope someone archives this all
It's a bittersweet kind of feeling
>Max Comfy
>Vietnam Flashbacks to /ctg/
i don't wanna die alone in the middle of this shithole desert please help me channel
more like 20s-30s. historylet poster
Hello everyone, It's me the new queen of Yea Forums asking you to bless me for a change and join my server. discord.gg
we know its coming eventually, so when one day we finally nee to say goodbye to channel, let us celebrate with a song worthy of her glory
This picture needs barbecue lighters and a fedora.
>quads wasted on discord link
Oh no you don't
Looks like a One Piece character
Alright fine I'll join your discord server
But absolutely no major activity until after Spinel is the new Yea Forums queen, got it?
Based realist poster
This was all an incredible moment.
>Genuinely good vibes
>Great fanart
>Wonderful storytelling
>People treating each other with respect
We should do this more often
Sounds fair, user!
She isn't going to be 'ms discord', she's going to be miss co.
The activity and content creation must stay in the threads on this board, otherwise it's pointless.
huh, well, on to the next thread
Just wanted to say
Real quick
Before everything gets shitposty or gets deleted or just disappears
I love you guys.
my fragile heart cant handle all this wholesomeness
This, heed this anons words please
We love you too user
Reminder this is a falseflag by an anti spinelfag and should be reported
still playing off the cuphead meme
shit character doesnt fit shit motiff
we love you