31. GWENPOOL STRIKES BACK #1 (MARVEL) - 46,186 [73]

> 31. GWENPOOL STRIKES BACK #1 (MARVEL) - 46,186 [73]
Issue one and is already pulling poor numbers, even for a mini.

Will Marvel stop pushing ''I love memes'' writers and ''literally nobodycares'' characters and focus on making good books again?

inbefore '' The book would sell if it was Guriweaboo drawing it!'' those hacks cannot keep up with a monthly schedule even if their lives depended on that

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ya wish, normie writing is the future

Future Foundation sold the same and has already been cancelled.

Since when is 46k weak numbers?

Exactly, that was an on-going and is already cancelled with such numbers.

Gwenpool would be cancelled by this point as well if it was more than a mini.

And if you consider that an on-going book can be cancelled at issue 6 it really goes to show how little faith Marvel has on this book.

Which is good, this could be the beginning of a well needed purge for Marvel

Since books always make a ton of sales at issue 1 and then they sell way less issue by issue.

Since Gwenpool is pulling mediocre sales in the ''literally free money because is a #1 issue'' imagine how poor the sales will be by issue 3.

Really likely below 22k/cancellation numbers/collecting dust at stores

Retarded doom and gloom good to know

>Since books always make a ton of sales at issue 1 and then they sell way less issue by issue.
That's not how it works though, they sell high numbers because for the most part, they ship with variant covers. I don't think this series had variants beyond a single Gurihiru cover, it was all Dodsons. What you said is merely empirical estimations that are based on overall ignorance of the scene.
>Which is good, this could be the beginning of a well needed purge for Marvel
This is sad. You might want to check the sales for other miniseries right now for more known characters if you think this is actually doing poorly. Invisible Woman, for example (another miniseries with 5 issues) is pulling 26K at #2. Again, talking out of your ass.

>Really likely below 22k/cancellation numbers/collecting dust at stores
I think 22K is no longer cancellation numbers. Put that bar much lower. Probably 8K.

Either way the mini will be finished so you can scream about hacks all day long all you want.
Make me a taco

Leah will keep sucking dicks and getting more series to ruin

Cancellation numbers are likely more around 19k considering Champions got canned at 17 but either way Marvel seems to be taking the approach of commissioning 10-12 issues from the writer and cancelling it if the numbers are sub-19k by the time the first trade hits stores. FF getting canned is more likely either because of the new Annihilus event or some issue with Whitley.

I'm happy with this just being a mini, at least we know theres already an ending planned and it can't get cancelled

>Invisible Woman, for example (another miniseries with 5 issues) is pulling 26K at #2. Again, talking out of your ass.

Wow, a character that most people don't care about is selling poorly, how is that a good example again?

Man that book is already shit.
A fucking mini and by issue two there is a barely any plot on it.

Why aren't you making a thread about Punisher Kill Krew selling 24k issues or the power pack 1 off selling 14k or Loki selling 22k then.

The plot is that Gwenpool is trying to stay relevant, which was already apparent in issue one. Are you too dumb for comic books?

Punisher sells or not based on the writing, so is part of the normal Punisher cycle to have low sales now

What retarded logic is this? Because I don't care about making a thread about that?

How about this, if you are so ass blasted by this thread, why do you post on it?

That's barely an explanation on why she does stuff, besides that explanation the book is about nothing, no goals, no set up for anything, etc.

Is a bunch of one offs with no rhyme or reason as to why shit happens.

You clearly are new to this, MCU fanboy.

I seriously doubt an "MCU fanboy" would give two shits about Gwenpool. Stop projecting.

Well you specifically made a thread about how shipping 46,000 issues is the death of comics so I'm wondering why other stuff from this month that sold far worse under the same circumstances doesn't count.

Do you not understand metahumor?

Punisher is based and Power Pack was a one shot

>doesn't know how comics work
>doesn't know how sale numbers work
>thinks that throw away lines are an excuse for poor storytelling ''if they say that a character is sad and then they say that is not sad anymore, that's character development because they said so!''
>likes the character that is basically female Deadpool
>Deadpool, classic normie character

Yep, MCU drone detected

Did you see the art from the latest issue? It's obvious that Marvel doesn't care.

>Well you specifically made a thread about how shipping 46,000 issues is the death of comics

I never said that retard, learn how to read.

This is a low number for a number 1 is what I said, based on the fact that number 2 issues normally sell 50% less than issue 1 and issue 3 would sell even less.

Basically a number issue opening at #31 is terrible no matter how you try top paint it.

>Muh D lister character is meant to sell like shit!

Lets not forget that Marvel has been pushing merch out of this garbage character like funjko pops, Marvel Legends, overpriced japanese figures that no one buys if is a D lister, video game appearances, etc...

Despite all the push is still selling like crap

Has the Sex Sells issue come out yet?

>This is a low number for a number 1 is what I said, based on the fact that number 2 issues normally sell 50% less than issue 1 and issue 3 would sell even less.
That's NOT true dumbass, this only happens if said #1s ship with variant covers as I told you before. It won't drop noticeably, maybe 20% at most since this is a mini without variants. It will likely stay consistent.
>Basically a number issue opening at #31 is terrible no matter how you try top paint it.
Yeah faggot let's ignore the fact that the top 20 this month was stacked with 10 issues from Hickman, stuff from Absolute Carnage and Batman, pushing everything down with 70K+ sales. Goddamn it, this is why I hate arguing with clueless neckbeards.

Last week dawg, where you been

I thought when Marvel admitted that they added too much /pol/ into their bloody mix, they would;ve gone back to normal stories like in the 90's.
>Welp, back to anime.

Attached: Marvel Rising_ Initation Episode 1.jpg (853x480, 97K)

And if the next cover is any indication it's going to keep coming out for the entire run.

Stop pretending a number 1 selling over 40k issues is shit just because it's not going gangbusters like Ewing or Hickman.

>That's NOT true dumbass, this only happens if said #1s ship with variant covers as I told you before

A lot of comics can still sell a lot based only on hype and when it comes to multiple variants is normal for a book to sell over 100k, 200k and even 300k

This book ALSO had variants and was a #1 while being a DEADPOOL like book wether you like it or not, it still sold like crap for a first issue.

>''I-is not a Deadpool book at all! If you read the poorly written first book-''

Again, Deadpool costume ''pink because girls'' edition, lol randumb humor, the name that is basically ''like Deadpool but Gwenpool'' etc

Sex sells??? That must have been a really sexy book with a lot of fan service shots right!??

Is not like the book was just about lame jokes but they want to keep saying ''Is about SEX!!! SEX SALES!!! BUY IT!!!'' to bait people into reading a tame boring book, right??

This, post some of those ''Sex sells'' moments from Gwenpool.

Even Doraemon had loli action on it

>Yeah faggot let's ignore the fact that the top 20 this month was
That has nothing to do with Gwenpool not selling.
Gwenpool is a fucking comedy book so the target audience is not the same as any Hickmamn or Bat book you fucking man baby

People like comedies, they don't like comedies that are not funny like the Gwenpool books, even if it was Hackstings writing

>Has the Sex Sells issue come out yet?
>And if the next cover is any indication it's going to keep coming out for the entire run.
>Sex sells
>Sex= sexy

So that's why they gave Gwenpool the ''diaper'' look instead of a normal leotard, because... the book is about sexy stuff...

>A lot of comics can still sell a lot based only on hype and when it comes to multiple variants is normal for a book to sell over 100k, 200k and even 300k
UNTRUE, nowadays the only way they can break like this is if they have variants and are part of events. Are you seriously implying Gwenpool should've broken with 100K? Seriously?
>This book ALSO had variants and was a #1
Yeah, two variants, one from a literally who and the other by Gurihiru. You're demanding way too much from a miniseries by a D-list character with a new writer.

>That has nothing to do with Gwenpool not selling.
It does, because you said
>Basically a number issue opening at #31 is terrible no matter how you try top paint it
When only a few tiers above all the titles are heavy hitters. In fact, why aren't you saying shit about "Ghost-Spider" debuting so low, despite having a movie and cartoons and being in probably the SECOND relaunch since her main series was abandoned?

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>UNTRUE, nowadays the only way they can

THE WALKING DEAD kills your argument, that comic sells a ton whenever something cool or a dead happens, even after the show lost its hype.

No variants, no number ones

>THE WALKING DEAD kills your argument
You mean the last issue? THE VERY LAST ISSUE?

So you are. Gotcha.

I don't know user, no matter how you spin it, this is a book that ended up on #31 at issue 1.

When Gwenpool was a LITERALLY UNKNOWN character, her first issue sold way more than that.

>Are you seriously implying Gwenpool should've broken with 100K? Seriously?

Yes, like her first book, retard.

No, I mean random ass issues like how suddenly issue one hundred and something breaks in the top 5 on sales based on writing alone.

Every once in a while when WD was running, any random issue or trade out of nowhere would break records on sales.

So yeah, the zombies kill your argument

Where are the examples of all the sex that appears in Gwenpool?

Look at all those Marvel characters that nobody cares about NOT SELLING because nobody cares about them!

''But Miles just had-'' is a MOVIE, people that watch movies don't buy comic books.

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>Look at all those Marvel characters that nobody cares about NOT SELLING because nobody cares about them!
... 53K is a pretty good number and that's a one-shot in an event, you don't know what you're talking about.

>Black Cat #3 outsells Gwenpoo #1

You just made my argument, unless you try and pretend that Black Cat is a huge known seller lmao

>unless you try and pretend that Black Cat is a huge known seller lmao
It actually is, but for the wrong reasons (a truckload of variants).
Man, why the fuck do complete retards try and talk about numbers without understanding them?

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when will it stop

>Page 1
>Only a close up of a butt
>You cannot even see it clearly
>Probably on purpose because SJW writer
>SJW writer probably suggested the diaper look

Geeesh, but sure this is not the only example right? Because this doesn't even count unless you are so sad and lonely that ''not even an ass shot'' turns you on

Oh no, they turned her into Harley Quinn

So your reply is just to agree with my point that a low seller like black cat is outselling Gwenpool?

Yes, I know about the variant cover from Black Cat that was released months ago and has nothing to do with this conversation because I'm talking about the current mediocre and real sales from Black Cat... that are still better than Gwenpool

Those are numbers from months ago user, Black Cat sold like 90% less by issue two.

>a low seller like black cat
>literally disproving him by posting a screenshot where she's at the top EVER

She was still at the top 10 by next month (8°).

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>>literally disproving him by posting a screenshot where she's at the top EVER
>Screenshot from months ago
>Even admitting that it only got those numbers based on alternative covers bullshit
>Using as example the biggest alternative covers gimmick that inflate numbers in the last 5 years at least

Bringing that Black Cat is grasping at straws

>crazy face with goth lips
kinda prefer the moeshit one

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YOU brought her up first, not me. Fuck you.

Something that has not happened in decades and will not happen again.

Only with the biggest variant cover bullshit gimmick in the decade she got those numbers.

So yeah, your argument is still shit and a low seller like Black Cat #3 outsold Gwenpool #1

>YOU brought her up first, not me. Fuck you.

You brought OLD numbers when the CURRENT numbers didn't fit your argument, retard.

I don't remember her doing flirty poses and giving kiss in her original or even west coast run.

This scene and the black lips make it feel like she merged with or is turning into her evil future self.

This is the beginning of evil Gwen, her pants will slowly get longer over the issues.

>I don't remember her doing flirty poses and giving kiss in her original or even west coast run.

You know that you can see that shit even on a Disney cartoon like Star vs, right?

That's not sexy at all, is just a character being into another character

>her pants will slowly get longer over the issues.

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The SJW writer hated the leotard look so she changed that.
What a fan, just change the character lmao

It's just not like her, she is not confident, she is childish and cute.

This is the saddest part of being a Gwenpool fan, all the threads that involve Gwenpool are all either about dumb theories that will never happen or ''muh dick likes Gwenpool, gotta share it on Yea Forums!''

>46,000 copies
>poor numbers
I remember when Archie was being kept alive solely due to Sonic selling 10,000 copies an issue.

>he doesn't know

She sure is confident, she talks with random people like is nothing, yells at robers, etc

YOU are the one that would like to meet a girl that is LESS confident than you, stop projecting your garbage self into Gwen

She is based on Superboy Prime so her slowly turning evil is not so absurd.

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I know that your fan fiction theories had nothing to do with her censored costume.

She is based on Gwen Stacy and Deadpool.

>Leah will keep sucking dicks and getting more series to ruin

This, that cunt has never written a single good book and when she got this one she went straight into memes and references, not even attempting to take advantage of knowing that you only get 6 issues.


>teenager nerd from the "real world" join comics universe
>find out they are a fictional character as well
>try to be a hero but constantly fail
>obsessed with being cancelled
>meet and fight their future evil self from an unstable always changing alternate future, end up deleting this version
>special powers caused by their "real world" origins
>suffer from depression
>constantly breaking the 4th wall

Dude they are the same

Yeah but at its core Gwenpool is just Deadpool but as a blond girl and watered down for the tumblr SJW era.

She can have whatever backstory she wants but her books are 99% excuses to reference memes, selfies and shit, then your character is shit and again, just a Deadpool clone.

Alright Mexicunt, you can go back to your siesta now.

For example, you will never see Superboy prime being randomly use out of nowhere in any given story, is a character that DC threats with care believe it or not.

He never showed again since New 52 started because when he returns, DC wants it to be special. Even when pre New 52 shit gets referenced all the time.

While Gwenpool just appears out of nowhere with her cell phone and social media references, writers never reading her previews books or caring, etc

You didn't read the first series.

Stop crying. You lost.

Fill up her bangs so I can have early 2000s girls flashbacks

People that work at Marvel have used Gwenpool in books and they didn't read her solo book either.

Stop posting, you keep repeating yourself.

the ''nuh-huh'' equivalent for comic book discussions.

When you got no arguments, go full manchild/weaboo/gwenpool fag.


for real, stop crying.

In which books did she "randomply appear with her cellphone and social media references" again? West Coast Avengers aaaand...?

Like pottery.

For one, that didn't happen in WCA. It happened in Champions and DP kills the Marvel Universe again.

>Mention one example other than this other example that you cannot bring because it would make your point to be right


Oh yeah, she did appear in those, didn't she. I already forgot again because she had so little impact.

FF should be brought back and traded for Gwenpool

garbage book

To my surprise I’m actually enjoying the new Gwenpool, more than her last mediocre book. The quest for relevancy is funny to me

Every positive Gwenpool comment feels so apologetic, like you can't bring yourselves to say that is good, it always has to be ''I personally find it funny''

Like you deep down know that the book is shit and you only like it because of the shitty waifu

Maybe fags like you should stop crying everytime someone voices their opinion.

I didn’t care much for the first series, hence why I said “to my surprise”. Fuck, the bar is low, at least now I’m getting a laugh out of it

their only opinion is "everything is shit"

I don't believe that you even find the comic funny, is just waifuism