This show was so unique with its premise and style. Why did it get screwed over by EVERYONE from advertisers, networks, to Batman fans?
This show was so unique with its premise and style. Why did it get screwed over by EVERYONE from advertisers, networks...
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because it wasn't very good outside a minute few designs.
>This show was so unique with its premise and style. Why did it get screwed over
Because of the first part. Batfags want the same thing over and over, and are averse to any change.
As for CN, I'm guessing it had to do with Mattel's superhero toylines flopping. The YJ line failed and due to that and the GL movie failing, Mattel got cold feet on the GL:TAS and cancelled any plans for this show. So, with toyline, CN, which already resents action cartoons and third-party cartoons, had no incentive to see it succeed and did the bare minimum with it, then wrote it off as a failure for tax breaks.
It looked too different and the atmosphere was barren, even considering Gotham being dangerous at night and no one wanting to be out I know there were some complaints in that regard; from what I recall it went a different direction in storytelling than just episodic adventures so a sequential show means you either get enough people hooked or people fail to take it; it purposely used "lesser known" villains and side characters which wouldn't really attract people who mostly know the ones that appeared in the earlier shows.
And as mentioned, DC Nation as a whole pretty much got screwed over, either because the toys weren't selling or because of some legal thing where CN wouldn't be getting the most money out of airing shows produced for the block.
There was nothing to it. It didn’t stand out in a good way or even in a bad way. It was the most vanilla, cookie cutter Batman cartoon to ever air.
>It was the most vanilla, cookie cutter Batman cartoon to ever air.
despite not even having most of his iconic villains.
Alfred was Jason Statham
CN was tanking all the DC stuff at the time. They really didn't give a fuck. DC Nation was another tragedy thanks to CN's shit.
You seem to have mistaken this with The Batman.
At least the Batman did some interesting designs and twists on classic characters
Anyone else love the voice acting on this show? Batman and Gordon in particular were particularly well cast.
So did Beware, and at least it wasn't cowardly about it like The Batman was.
>replace Yin with Gordon out of nowhere
>bring in the two usual sidekicks
>replace more interesting Clayface with a boring "comic accurate" one
Meanwhile, Beware genuinely had bold changes, like actual story arcs and tight continuity in a Batman cartoon, the obscure villains, the changes to the more traditional villains, the CGI, Alfred and Katana in general, Barbara as Oracle instead of Batgirl, etc. Not all of it succeeded, but I could at least respect it for sticking to its guns.
Bruce could be a little bit monotone, but I liked the more calculated, intellectual Batman. Gordon was great and I liked his developing relationship with Batman throughout the show.
I fucking loved this show
Its sad that The Batman, an absolutely insipid piece of Saturday morning drivel, still gets more respect than this decent show.
Unique doesn't automatically equate to good.
And frankly, Batman is at its heart a toy commercial. Eschewing that is going to mean a lack of support.
Your praise is that it's "interesting"? Doesn't sound like it made a great impression on you.
I admit I've only seen a little of either show, but Beware looks way more confident in its approach while The Batman was more self-conscious and gimmicky about any time it veered from the norm.
I appreciate the fact that they tried to use lesser known villains, but they just ended up being written as knock-off versions of more popular characters (Magpie=Catwoman, Anarchy=The Joker, etc.).
>bring in the two usual sidekicks
At least they went with Batgirl first. I'm thinking now how much cooler it would've been if they went straight to Nightwing, with a teen Dick Grayson.
Why do people keep forcing this meme?
>replace more interesting Clayface with a boring "comic accurate" one
They also replaced the BTAS version of Mr. Freeze that everyone loved with a more comics accurate one. Instead of being a tragic villain, he was a diamond thief who constantly made ice puns.
Female, wears all black, thief, "feisty", "sex appeal". The only difference was the obvious mental problems. She was more like Batman Returns' Catwoman, in that aspect.
The Lady Gaga makeover (versus her more punk rock look in the comics) worked really well for the character.
>Female, wears all black, thief, "feisty", "sex appeal".
Besides the black, all of those aspects are literally from the comic version of Magpie. And even with the mental issues, I wouldn't compare her to Batman Returns Selina. Even at her most villainous, she was portrayed as more sympathetic compared to Penguin and Shreck. In Beware, when Batman let his guard down around Magpie (more out of pity than love), she kidnapped and buried Katana alive.
When they brought in Robin, they sent Batgirl off to college and she was more of a guest star than a regularly occurring character.
It was also the only animated Batman series to ever suffer an early cancellation.
They only used Batgirl first because they weren't allowed to use Robin until Teen Titans ended its run.
Brave and the Bold
The Batman
Batman Beyond
everything else
On one hand, I always thought this show was a wasted opportunity to introduce Cassandra Cain to the mainstream by Barbara as Batgirl. But then I realize how that show wasted Babs as well.
I liked it personally, it starts out kinda bland at the beginning but things do pick up a bit towards the end of the season. I really wish they didn't have to use those stupid laser gun designs though, they just look so out of place.
A huge reason people like Batman is for his villains. Yea Forums can cry all they want about they much they hate the Joker but he's a major part of the series, he's as integral as someone like Alfred or Gordon.
Fuck me, that is some based casting.
That show was green hornet with a female kato. Prove me wrong.
Considering Katana's design and Glen Murakami is a big Green Hornet fan, I'm sure that was the intention.
Wasn't it blatantly anti-Joker during a period where the Joker was becoming more popular?
Even if that wasn't the exact cause, I doubt too many people cared about tuning in to see villains like Magpie or Mr. Toad.
To be fair, getting Catwoman's voice actress to play her doesn't help the comparison.
Grey Delisle has done a ton of roles beyond Catwoman. She's only done that role in the Arkham games and is far from the "definitive" voice actress for her. Besides, she was in the show because the showrunner also worked on Mystery Incorporated and brought on other voice actors from that show as well. That's why Udo Kier is Mr. Toad and Matthrew Lillard is Jason Burr.
More cookie cutter than the series with Bat Mite?
You shut your god damn whore mouth
There was the matter of the fact a shooting had recently taken place *at a theater showing a Batman movie* and Alfred appeared in promos wielding machine guns.
That caused a bit of public outcry and to be honest, even if Alfred was packing laser guns instead of gun-guns, I do find that that crosses some lines. But all that means is you turn him into a polite British boxer/ex secret agent or something instead. It doesn't necessarily mean you can the show, but it was bad timing among other issues...
Because it is true.
>This show was so unique with its premise and style.
No, it was genuinely bad. The Family episode proved that.
Just finished watching the first episode and pretty much this.
It was pretty much set up to fail. The format, villain choice, and other characters went in a completely different direction from what fans were used to. It's not that it was bad, it just had to be really good to be successful. When it aired, I tried getting into, but it couldn't hold my interest. Then there was all of the other stuff going on at the time that went against it.
There are TWO and ONLY two good things about this show; Magpie, and the detective skill focus. Everything else is crap. Alfred, Katana, Anarky, all shit. I can greatly appreciate giving literally whos a chance to shine but ultimately you need more than that
I can tell you didn't get to the Deathstroke episodes.
It was eh bretty good, I enjoyed that it didn't rehash the same shit over and over again, and characters grew as people from episode to episode.
Preach it.
Pleb taste
A lot of people didn't like the CG.
>I do find that that crosses some lines
Tough shit, it's cannon all over the place.
Of course that all has nothing to do with the fate of the show. That all happened before months before the premier, they (lazily) reskinned the guns into lasers. Frankly hardly anybody seemed to notice or care about the "controversy".
I really only found the Humpty Dumpty episodes interesting. It's as close to the comics as we'll ever get (removing the horror aspects from his character like what he did to his grandmother or the christmas kids).
He's a weirdly tragic figure; Broken by his experiences but there's the sense that there's something worse under the skin from before that, clearly developmentally disabled but a savant with numbers and engineering.
because it came after BatB
it just seemed so generic
user means Alfred looks like Jason Statham
Way to get my hopes high.
Not an argument.
I would’ve liked him more if he was Hush, like originally intended.
I know, but that wasn't what killed the show. CN has pushed shows with worse CG.
>removing the horror aspects from his character like what he did to his grandmother
Wasn't that implied in his first episode? The Batcomputer mentioned his mom disappeared in Star City and that his grandmother died "under suspicious circumstances".
>CN has pushed shows with worse CG.
Like The Annoying Orange.
i remember watching this show a few times, i don't really recall my opinions on it, but i don't remember being that shocked by any sort of quality. what made it so special to you guys?
The decision to focus on smaller villains, but some of them were just rehashed to be like the villains they distanced from.
What was the premise?
Same old, same old.