Any unseen on movies marvel character, story or design you still want to see announced someday?
Hard mode: no nova, no "mcu ended with endgame"
Any unseen on movies marvel character, story or design you still want to see announced someday?
The one that will never ever happen: Longshot/Mojo.
It hurts. Mojoworld is such a good concept.
Arcade. Make him the first X-Men movie villain, throw the heroes (presumably younger mutants at Xavier's School who are just starting to hone their powers) into Murderworld. Played by Bill Skarsgard.
Mole Man: First F4 villain. Hold off on Doom, just do something like Mole Man. Played by Steve Buscemi.
Before mcu there was a longshot project.
>much scarlet spider.
That is bit stretching it.
Stegron. I want a campy as fuck dinosaurs in New York kinda story. And I don't want Sauron to hijack the thing. Bringing dinosaurs back was always Stegron's MO but Sauron stole his spotlight by getting to drop that popular "csncer" line. Up until that story, when did Sauron ever even attempt a plan like that? He was always more about fucking with the x-men and Savage Land
I feel like X Men's first villain should be Cameron Hodge and The Right as anti mutant terrorists, if you're going to keep the whole thing about mutants being persecuted
Arcade has nothing to do with that concept so he can be the villain of any other marvel hero, or save him for the X Men sequel
Wolverine's classic costume and a Daredevil movie or series with Charlie Cox and the rest of the cast from the netflix show
Nah honestly with the way things are going, I could see a Longshot show someday. Specifically centered on Mojoworld.
Mister Sinister
Man-thing in a solo movie or as a cameo?
Na, just redo Trask and get sentinels right. At first they look like a regular human task force, but then tehy'll reveal they're robots with awesome claws and firebreathing powers, and also anti-powers for the mutants. Lots of robot gore, because if they're robots it's ok.
Then they get to the Master Mold base, Trask was long dead, it was the robots all along! And also MM unleash the giant sentinels, and an awesome fight ensues.
Mephisto, and Blackheart and keep it close to character. Galactus and make him not a cloud. I also wish to see Kang done well. Maybe played by Christoph Waltz. OR played by RDJ in the greatest Fuck You twist ever since Iron Man discovered time travel.
Post more old StarLord
Man Thing was already a cameo in Ragnarok
That's cool and all, but we already got Trask and sentinels in DOFP, I want anti mutant terrorists, I want human vs mutant, then at the post credit scene you tease that there's something called "Project Nimrod" being developed
1 billion dollars first weekend
I want this as a television and movie event. Amazing fight with a lot of heavy hitters.
>series with Charlie Cox
I had a confusing moment where I accidentally thought of Charlie Day instead.
Deaths Head
>Charlie Day as Wolverine
Well he did include designs and just looking at the costume you can tell it was obviously inspired by Ben’s costume just with the colors reversed aside from the mask
>wolverine costume
>death head
>man thing
I can't see Disney okaying something that centers around a fat disgusting movie executive enslaving people to provide entertainment. But hey, I didn't think we'd get Shulkie either.
For me it is squadron supreme
Something I think would be really cool is have Wolverine and Carol Danvers get a similar relationship as Hawkeye and Black Widow, they're not dating but they're close friends who know each other from way back, I liked their relationship in Chris Claremont's comics
Sentry/Hulk movie.
A Longshot and Dazzler movie would be great.
Vil-user: The Movie
You could play it a couple ways
Either an anthology of various villains telling stories about heists or plots they were engaged in that fell apart; OR a redemption type movie about a group of these villains trying to turn their lives around (either by superheroing or using their powers to get real jobs)
Either way, it would be more comedy oriented, and it would be a great way to use villains who we all know wouldn't stand a chance of being in a proper MCU film.
If you want to stick close to the comics, you could just cast Grizzly, Machinesmith, Looter, Dr. Bong, Armadillo, Mirage.
Or if you want to just cherry pick fan fav c-listers, you could stick White Rabbit in there, maybe Grey Gargoyle, Stilt-Man, Diablo might be fun...etc
Best i can do to you is a thunderbolts movie
That's not what I want.
Not unless what you're going to actually do it as a movie about their villain alteregos (make a movie starring Screaming Mimi, Beetle and Fixer), have them actually start in the support group, and only have them segue into changing names and costumes in a sequel. Because that's what I want. One mention of Zemo, Masters of Evil or pulling a con to defraud the public and into the trash it goes.
Only works if you backdoor the idea into a larger movie about washed up supervillains just trying to get by like Spectacular Foes of Spider-Man.
the boys
Wolverine introduction movie that’s also a Hulk movie that’s set in Canada and features Wendigo and Sasquatch.
This or ROM but the latter ain't going to happen with Marvel.
What about a Sleepwalker movie?
Torch did get the cameo in First Avenger and Atlantis was clearly marked on the "incident map" shown back in Iron Man 2, phase 1 was setting them up and they got dropped somewhere along the way.
People like the character of Loki a lot, but they can't keep Hiddleston around forever.
I feel like doing a Lady Loki plot turn would allow them to keep the character around while using it as an excuse to change actors. Describe it as Loki trying to keep his head down because almost everyone who knows him (besides Thor) still wants him dead for various reasons.
Ragnarok even lampshaded that Loki can transform instead of being restricted to magic holograms. Whatever Loki can do, its convincing enough that he was able to turn into a snake and Thor could pick him up and then be surprised when he turned into a person. That certainly sounds like a physical transformation.
I'm not seeing what that adds narratively. If they absolutely want to keep Loki around and Hiddleston is out, it's a possibility but again, narratively there's no point to that
The point is that Thor is sticking around for a while longer and Loki is a popular character.
>Mole Man: First F4 villain. Hold off on Doom, just do something like Mole Man. Played by Steve Buscemi.
I dunno, I feel like Danny Devito would absolutely kill that role.
That's not a point, that's just saying something unrelated. What does Femloki add to the table that, say Loki now looking like Sam Jackson doesn't?
Bit close to his version of the Penguin though. Granted that's because that was basically Mole Man with a bird theme.
Danny Devito is 74. I think the main issue with Mole Man is that you need someone short and fat, which means you're pretty much going to have to gamble on a comedy actor.
I really want a proper Howard the Duck film that's true to the Gerber comics.
He finds the amulet, Talon comes to Earth looking for it, finds Christ using it without being possessed. Greets him as the newest member of the Fraternity of Raptors. Takes him to space to go be a part of the War of Kings and fight for the Shi'Ar and Emperor Vulcan against the Kree conqueror Blackbolt. He eventually learns he was fighting for the wrong side, Talon turns on him Chris wins and then becomes a space adventurer.
Easy having guest appearances of Carol, Guardians of the Galaxy, OG Guardians in the Ravagers, Nova Corps, and can set up some more stuff in the cosmic scheme of things.
He would make a perfect Puck, and sidekick to Warlock
I mean Pip the Troll
I'm not sure how one can do Android torch, seems like a lot of unnecessary baggage around him being a robot from the 40s, lights on fire for some reason, became self aware, lighting on fire is a superpower and can fly for some reason, acts perfectly human for all intents and purposes,
How is a MCU version supposed to work out without just making him a copy of Vision but with fire powers instead of density powers. Only place that can do it is Wakanda.
Speaking of hawks from space...
Probably one of my most favorite underrated Marvel characters of all time. Would love to see him in the MCU, yes?
Android Torch was seen as a cameo in The First Avenger, and I think that Namor's going to be the main antagonist of Black Panther II
Beta Ray Bill, no question.
I know his face was on The Master's tower, but that only makes me want him more.
So our list has
Wolverine costume
Mister Sinister
Man Thing
Death's Head
Squadron Supreme
OG Human Torch
Female Loki
Beta Ray Bill