Whats celestial problem?

Whats celestial problem?

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They have tea and coffee cups as heads.

They're big guys

That such boring characters exist.

They want to shape the universe.
And for me they are the embodyment of writer and artists.
Look at their names, its all describing creative processes or management in the Marvel house.

They were never meant to be main characters.

Attached: Celestial-Host.png (1135x720, 1.15M)

>One Above All
Is the same as the one above all, writer/creator of the universe?

They have to deal with Knull

Its just a different aspect of One Above All. Like Jesus and God.

The Aspirants, their mortal enemies.

Everything else is secondary.

Attached: Aspirants.jpg (1100x846, 1015K)

...It is possible Knull is an Aspirant weapon. They do not seem capable of entering the Marvel multiverse proper. But he is inside it and their enemy.


Not at all.

No. Or, at least there has never been any indication of it.

They're assholes and too powerful, so they're usually kept unchecked.

The color scheme?


They were originally known as 'Death Celestials' when Matt Fraction of all people introduced them in his 'Defenders' mini which literally retconned itself out of existence.

The name 'Aspirants' comes from a Kieron Gillen-penned issue of Iron Man where they are stated to have used a weapon that destroyed the vast majority of the Celestials and that the ones we know are a bare remnant.

In Morrison's 'Marvel Boy' Noh-Varr mentions giant, armored Astro Gods 'from the First Firmament' who are powered by 'epic genocide' and attempt to destroy the fabric of spacetime.

And from this, Ewing baked his big baddies.

Fighting Jemiah is a pain in the ass

Never noticed before that Tefral is carrying a briefcase.

>has never been any indication of it.
You are right.
But its kinda obvious. Since Multiverse One Above All is depicted as a god, Jack Kirby type,
he created the Celestials,
the Celestials are writer/artist aspects,
the Celestial One Above All is the ratio that towers above all other writer/artist aspects
it is logical like the bible god and Jesus connection.
If its not stated otherwise, this is the explanation, since these are the facts or correlations betweeen them.

>Who watches the Celestials!

Attached: Celestial Creation.jpg (602x618, 271K)

You are kinda right. What if the Celestials are in fact a multiverse corporation similar to Marvel as a media company?


Attached: thor-387-16.jpg (909x1350, 398K)

>creative processes
and what would those be? no writer or artist analogs here.

I loved the Earth X plot point that Celestials initiated all superhuman activation on Earth to act as antibodies for a baby Celestial gestating in the planet's core.

>The color scheme?
joke about the hand gesture

Attached: untitled.png (500x362, 212K)

I hate it that they keep bringing this up in regular continuity now.

So, how does goldilocks deal with that situation?

he lost


welp, that was pointless


There is no narrative link between the One-Above-All and the Celestial named One above all.
In fact I move the One above all was simply the title of the Celestial in charge of the Fourth Host.

It was regular continuity a long time before that, arguably since the Eternal storyline from Thor which folded them into the main Marvel universe.

I see... I doubt that is a coincidence, heh.

You search for a story you want to tell
gather informations, plot, ideas
probe if the ideas fit
calculate how these parts fit or how to progress the plot
test you story/plot if it suits you
analyse how to change or adjust the story
survey if now the story is refined
measure these results
judge if the story is finished and publishable

Attached: Marvel_Comics_Celestials.jpg (1024x1024, 470K)

>There is no narrative
Thats where i agree with you. There is no narration that states they are. But the things we get told are facts and point to it that it is so. We have to take this as the theory that the celestial One Above All is his avatar in the MCU.

Attached: celestials.jpg (1200x570, 220K)

They're being depicted as jobbers by hack writers when before they were suppose to be a threat so big that made Odin wet his pants and him, Thor, and the combined forces of the other Earth Gods could not take them when the Celestials were coming to judge humans. It had to take Gaea rearing a group of Eternals to convince them to spare Earth and to fuck off.

>They were never meant to be main characters.
That's the other thing they were mainly suppose to be mysterious background characters and at best plot devices. Like Knowhere for example you were meant to wonder what the fuck could be powerful enough to kill a Celestial and just keep wondering but then Cates has to play his power level fetish and Aaron has to make his shitty Avengers mountain to one up Knowhere.


you're thinking the first host

I like nezarr's smiley face

Are they male or female? The S.H.I.E.L.D comic mentions one of them giving birth in ancient China.


Aside from that one in particular, there's no gender specific for them, not that they ever have need of it anyway since they can't reproduce. They're energy beings who are housed within these impervious armors, so they also have no specific age (aside from being born from every Big Bang after each Universe and Multiverse resets).
Celestials are also among many other primordial beings that fulfilled a purpose in the beginnings of the multiverse (at the very least, the 7th Multiverse), and many of them looked like Celestials, among them Tenebrous and Aegis, who have gendered features.

Attached: aegis_tenebrous-annihilation.jpg (739x927, 338K)

Even having them talk lessens the impressiveness of their appearance.
They just become another very powerful character.

Its a stretch, but the analysing and judging worlds fit also creative processes.
And i kinda like the idea that they represent or can stand for a 4th wall process.

Do we know names and professions of the other 3 hosts?

I sort of agree, but I like it when they speak in a very distorted way, because they're very intelligent beings who have to dumb down their motivations and manner of speech so lesser creatures can understand (or at least try to).
Like this, for example... In the larger scale, the universe is a lab and every planet, galaxy, nebula and star system is a Petri dish.

Attached: makkari_dreaming-celestial1.png (752x681, 555K)

I agree with
They are genderless and everyone could be pregnant.
It only was Hickmans need to give it a visual gender.
Best option is that eitehr they are hermaphrodites or everyone has his own gender like mushrooms.