Mega for the newest episode yet?

Mega for the newest episode yet?

Attached: https___i.cdn.tbs.com_assets_images_2019_06_FinalSpace-S02E01-1600x900.jpg (416x234, 27K)


I want to FUCK Quinn.

You and me both.

>Lord Commander return when?
>Gary's death when?
>Lil' Cato's takeover as the main character when?
>Tribore's death when?

Why people hate tribore?
I understand hating Gary and the robot but why triborw?

is there not gonna be a mega link today?


There should be one soon for Episode 12 Decent to Darkness

No, fuck you.

There was one last week! For episode 11

Wait this got a S2? Liked the format

Network meddling dicked a lot of the episodes up so it's not as tightly written as the first season, but they're doing well with what they have

Is it worth watching? I'll binge it once it's all out

I'd say yeah, mostly if you can binge it. It'll help keep the plot fresh.

Keep expectations low near the beginning but it definitely gets better sans a few questionable offshot jokes in later episodes.

Does it go all sjwoke or is it actually still good?
Keep in mind I just got off binging invader zim so it's gonna be hard topping that
God I hope enchantment isn't shit s1 was so uneven

Less sjwoke, more shit Adult Swim humor per higher-up demand from the network switch. I'd say make it to ep4 - that's when it starts feeling like S1 again

IZ's gonna be hard to beat though lmfao

>invader zim
Impressive but I don't think Zim was ever meant to be binge. Zim episodes aren't connected. Final space at least has a goal.

It was a slog
Was neat to see especially since I missed it.
Skipped two episodes the shit pig one and some other crap
Iz is what rick and morty should have been (like bushworld)
I don't mind randomness of the week if it's well done

so still no mega?



No ep 12 - no suffering

Please mega user, save us

Attached: waiting for mega.jpg (804x603, 73K)

The episode hasn't even aired yet. Calm your autism.

he's very annoying and a VERY one note character. He says things in a faux serious whispery voice with a silly sounding lisp. That's it. That's the character. It got old one episode after he first showed up in S1.

How did the Network screw up the episodes?

I think there was something out there where Olan was complaining about how they wanted this season to be more comedic and episodic than the dramatic and serial first season

how'd Episodes 1-11 get mega links on Sunday - Monday morning but we're on Monday afternoon and still no 12?

>let's gut the one thing that people praised and set this series apart!
great decision making

mega user died

There’s got to be hope

I hope you never get the episode. M-Mega when??! posters are the fucking worst.