Why didn't they just use Hank Scorpio, it's not like general audiences will recognize a new character anymore than him?

Why didn't they just use Hank Scorpio, it's not like general audiences will recognize a new character anymore than him?

Attached: SimpsonsEnvironmentalDisaster.jpg (618x412, 105K)

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Because that would kill the whole joke behind Hank Scorpio you nincompoop.

Attached: shut up.png (563x847, 478K)

We're talking about the same movie that used "President Schwarzenegger" rather than just "President Wolfcastle"

Attached: IMG_20190914_225336.png (714x622, 433K)

Because scorpio was a good guy

Yeah but that is a case of changing it so general audiences would get the joke, it doesn't work on context of Scorpio because they replaced him with an original character.

And "Moe's bar"
Seriously they had zero faith in the audience, even someone who has never watched The Simpsons before can understand things by context you know.

I dont even get the bar thing, do they think the masses don't know what a tavern is?

If they did you'd complain they ruined what was a good self-contained character

The voice actor refused because he didn’t think Scorpio would do that to Homer

The movie was a terrible mess. And the vice actor for Scorpio didn't want to tarnish the character's legacy.

That was especially weird since the movie came out on the tail-end of the medieval fantasy boom caused by LOTR. If there was ever a time that the general public knew of what a tavern was, it was then.

That's pretty based of him.

Even so, the sign in the show just says “Moe’s”. Was it really that important for the audience to know that it was a bar in shots outside of the bar where it didn’t matter?

that villian sucked

Hank Scorpio likes Homer
and wouldn't need to go to the government to enact his evil plans

They were going to, but I guess they were afraid of exactly that. That new audiences wouldn't know who he was.

Hank is in a twisted and ridiculous way too benevolent for that
Also, Hank is clearly not aligned to the goverment

When you're trying to make a movie appealing to the broadest audience possible, using a callback character who only appeared in a single episode 11 years prior doesn't make a lot of sense.

The change was made specifically for the joke where the barflies see the dome approaching and quickly hurry over to the church next door, while the churchgoers see it and head over to the tavern. It's a really lazy gag that requires the church to suddenly be right next to Moe's for some reason unlike in earlier shots, thus breaking continuity. Adding in the clarifying "Moe's Bar" text is just insulting the audience's level of intelligence on top.

I don't get this.
What's the point of making a Simpsons movie for PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE SIMPSONS rather than just making a movie for actual fans?
Everyone knows about The Simpsons, why would this be needed
The thing that pisses me off the most is Colin's creation, originally, Milhouse was planned to be Lisa's love interest once and for all, but the normalfags didn't like Milhouse.

Attached: 1567645413481.jpg (399x464, 159K)

NOBODY likes Milhouse!

>What's the point of making a Simpsons movie for PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE SIMPSONS rather than just making a movie for actual fans?
Bigger audience = more money. That's why capeshit movies and pretty much any sort of film adaptation is severely dumbed down so everyone can get into it no matter how unfamiliar you are with the series.

Can Yea Forums make a second simpsons movie fixing all the shit from the series and the first movie?

here's my take

>Russ Cargill running for POTUS
>Plotting his getting revenge against homer for destroying his reputation
>Finds everyone having a grudge against springfield and specially the simpsons
>Except for real skinner who changed his name to Armin Tamzarian and lives now as Herb's bodyguard in Shelbyville
>Also more bob, more bob is always good
>Scorpio contacts homer trying to tell him about russ plan's to destroy springfield again
>Homer still oblivious over the issue

>Colin and Spiderpig never appeared again
Well, at least the pig got a few cameos. But it still bothers me that nothing about the movie stuck out even though it has this aura of being a game changer, it's just a long boring episode. I'm sure there are epidodes with crazier plots.

The Simpsons comics did enough tarnishing, to be fair.

>It's a really lazy gag that requires the church to suddenly be right next to Moe's for some reason unlike in earlier shots, thus breaking continuity
You complain about that when they did this during the golden era?


By this point core Simpsons fans (who were probably always a really small part of the audience) had already spent a decade bitching about the show's decline.
The movie was aimed at people who hadn't watched the show since it was a cultural juggernaut in the late 90s/early 2000s, and people who were still watching it but were not very invested in it. It would have been a bad business decision to have any part of the plot hinge on references to older Simpsons material.
Aiming it at Simpsons fans would have been an awful idea.

I remember them saying that lots of things from the movie would carry on to the following seasons of the show but nothing did other than the first couch gag after the movie.

He showed up in the comics?

>The thing that pisses me off the most is Colin's creation, originally, Milhouse was planned to be Lisa's love interest once and for all, but the normalfags didn't like Milhouse.
Yeah weird how the unlikable nerd character with nothing to like is disliked. Better shoehorn him in as a love interest because he's existed long enough.

>Milhouse was planned to be Lisa's love interest once and for all, but the normalfags didn't like Milhouse.
How would that even work? The whole point of Colin was to be a pretty boy that Lisa wants to get back to Springfield to and to use him for Chad vs Virgin jokes against Milhouse.


>tfw the Simpsons Game was a better Simpsons movie than the actual Simpsons Movie

but this was funny