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Can't wait for them to be retconned into being hookers who got the gang on hors episs hallocinogens

So dumb how they list the elements but say "earth, wind, fire and air". I get that "water" doesn't mix with the rhythm, but they just listed the same thing twice

I'm a Hex Girl > Trap of Love > Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air > their other shit


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Trap of love Is bad like every piece of Scooby-Doo media that is part of yet another highly redesigned 2010's reboot.

water, fire, earth and air?

Too many syllables

Beige frequency?

>trap of love
trap of love was unironically one of the most kino moments in the entirety of the already kino mystery inc literally what the fuck are you smoking


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How about "Earth, Ice, Fire and Air"

Ice is monosyllabic like Wind so it wouldn't mess up the rhythm

"dirt,steam plasma and fart"

"Earth, wind, fire, water"

If you drag out the last syllable it works-ish

This song is kino

The Hex Girls are one of my only memories of those weird VHS/DVD Scooby Doo movies.

That and the blue monster and new Scooby gang meeting the old Scooby gang from Cyber Chase (I think that's what it was called?)

The new gang meeting the old gang reminds me of that one TMNT special where the 2003 turtles met the 80s turtles. What other cartoons have done that before?

It has to end with air because of the rhyming scheme

"We may look bad
but we don't care"

I hope we never see the Hex Girls again, I like them but imagine what they would do with a group of eco goth girls

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I wouldnt put Trap of Love that high, when they go on auto tune it hurts my ears

Thorn is best girl.

also this. though i'd appreciate some high quality art or porn of them. They have almost nothing and it makes my dick sad.

Best Scooby Doo song:

post more thorn, dusk, and luna

They really did the Hex Girls dirty with their What's New Scooby Doo designs

Attached: Hex_Girls.png (1920x1077, 1.76M)

The designs were the same though, it was just that the artstyle made them look "cheap" compared to their original film counterparts. Though it was weird how Luna got whitewashed.

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Someone please tell me there's a version of this without the Hex Girls floating around somewhere

i love that song unironically, and i havent found one without them ruining it

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Earth, water, fire, air

Too many syllables

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Technically, wind isn't the same thing as air. It's the movement of air, and probably the song's attempt at using something similar to "energy"

Earth, fire, water and air

In the original, fire is stretched out into "fi-er" meaning water would fit in its place.

This thought just occurred to me
Is that line supposed to be a reference to Earth, Wind, and Fire?

Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water


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>eco goth
I don't see this version discussed too much.

Most people enjoyed them, maybe not as much as their original designs, but they were seen more favorably than their What's New designs and the ones from that other movie they were in.

Attached: Hex Girls sexy.png (1280x1858, 1.5M)

It’s cool to care about the environment

Finally someone else who appreciates this one

water, fire, earth and dirt

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How come there aren't more wiccan eco-goths in media? Even perky goths are more common.

We may look bad but we don't cirt

Attached: Dusk portrait.jpg (640x480, 161K)

So cute!

They were in What's New?

Indeed she was. Shame the Hex girls don't get all that much art, and what few they do usually isn't that good.

Attached: Hex Girls together.jpg (1024x768, 142K)

Practically nothing changed.

Yea, they were actually the most reoccurring characters in the show, they appeared more times than they did in MI.

That's cool. They're my second-favorite reoccurring characters behind Del

Ok maybe "design" was the wrong word but everything about them is so flat and bland compared to the movies. Plus they made Luna white.

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Yeah, seriously.

They work as Not Jossie and the Pussycats.

it was pretty forgettable since they didn't really do much in the series

Plus, they're technically witches/wiccan, who are almost always about environmental issues, and not the same thing as goths.

iirc they explicitly called themselves "Eco-goth" in The Witch's Ghost

Not like they can't mistakenly label themselves.

I think Thorn was the only one who was explicitly a Wiccan.

Did you actually listen to the song lyrics?

They did pattern the band after witchery though, and hexes are a witch thing, not goth.

Only part Wiccan, remember.
Because THAT’S how that works.

They never say goth in any of their songs.

But goth often includes the occult.

Goth is an appearance, not a mindset. 99 percent of people who see a picture of them will label them as goth by looking at them. 'Eco' is a mindset, which their songs back up. Hence eco-goth. How are they mislabeling themselves?

Maybe so, but there is a difference. Just like emo and goth aren't the same thing even if both are fond of wearing black, usually looking gloomy as fuck, and have similar tastes in music.

There's a scooby doo where the baddy is a ghoulish ska band?

This is about them directly stating themselves to be "Eco-goth", not whether the song heavily implies their association with eco-activism


It's one of the later episodes of MI, like around the last 10 or so when the gang are getting the full picture of what's really going on below the town.

Goth can sometimes overlap with the occult, but it's not limited to it

Their appearance is goth and they profess to have an association with exo-activism. Again, how are they mislabeling themselves if they call themselves eco-goths based on that?

Because unless they directly say that, there's a difference between letting their music label them and directly claiming what they are/stand for.

This level of autism is kind of ridiculous. Sounds like no matter what they said, you'd be complaining unless there was a scene of them cleaning up an oil spill in goth dress no matter what they said. They're tertiary characters in a spinoff movie, user. You have to just kind of take their word for it most of the time.

Oh fuck off with that autism shit. The fucking conversation came from somebody saying that they directly called themselves "Eco-goth", not that their music implied what they're standing is. Get the fuck over yourself.

Anons dying on this hill

They called themselves eco-goth. Their song backs up their eco part and their appearance backs up their goth part. What the fuck is your argument/complaint exactly?

the best

The fuck are you on about?
Where? Because if it's just the song that we're going by, that's not exactly the same thing as stating something outside of the music.

Predicted this response.
26:14 They literally say "We're eco-goths."

But they literally say they're eco-goths, user.

Then why keep acting like it was just the song that indicated their fucking status? For fucks sake, people.

It was said, like, three times now that they explicitly called themselves eco-goths. Are you whining that you lack reading comprehension and can't follow a comment chain now?

We didn't?

I'm ready to be put into dark devotion

No, first time someone was assuming it was stated, then it was just said "oh, they did" over and over before now showing the exact goddamn scene, instead acting like it was just the song itself. Even fucking then, the point of the matter is that they aren't just regular goths, but goths with fucking witch influences in them.

So, autism after all then. Gotcha.

>hurrr, autism!
Whatever. If you're just going to spout meme insults, then we're fucking done here. Dipshit.

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We were done the second you were arguing about a movie you hadn't watched or even bothered looking up by pretending they never called themselves eco-goths in the first place. There's nothing more pathetic than being BTFO and then sticking around and arguing semantics to pretend you were actually right.

You can be an eco goth while dressing in a witchy goth style you autistic retard. It doesn't have to be one or the other, goth is a dynamic subculture that can overlap with a lot of things

>haven't watched
Gee, or maybe haven't seen in like 20 years, you fucking cretin.
>huuuuur duuuur
Get bent, retard.

Attached: Like, Scoob, you can't say that.jpg (749x759, 58K)

If I was arguing this hard about something, I would have taken five minutes to look up what I was arguing to make sure I wasn't coming off as a retard. You know you can stop posting at any point to save what little dignity you have left, right? This is an anonymous imageboard, no one will know what you said here if you go somewhere else.

>Huuuuur Duuur
Way to disprove my argument

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>No amber
Worthless list

Who is the second one?

Daphne. For some reason they made her look like a completely different character for 13 Ghosts

Isn't earth kinda too general to say? What about space or gravity

Could argue that water's redundant as well. I mean, it's just liquid air after all.


did rose wilson guest star in scooby-doo

Attached: Mystery Tits.webm (700x454, 185K)

Wind and Air is the same shit, way to be redundant you dumb cunt.

So why is she even in the image?

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Katara said it without any trouble.

>Water... Earth.... Fire.... Air...

That wasn't in rhyme or as part of a song.

Hoping for this song to be in GotG 3.

Might have been done for preference. Velma's designs have almost been all the same save for a few shows where the style radically altered her design. And while that's true of Daphne as well, she did have a few changes before either Velma or Fred since she (for whatever reason) was kept while the other two were dropped when the show was really experimenting with its cast roster.

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God every one shut the FUCK up about music shit and post more cute girls.

Yeah wtf, she was my favorite part of that movie.

>scooby doo dating sim
>play as shaggy
>Daphne route she's "dating" Fred but Fred is to busy with traps
>when you go on dates with Daphne she disguises herself

You shut up.

Where is the redhead from the space movie?!

Even though this special(?) had a bit of a pacing issue, and the bad guy reveal was a bit of an asspull because the characters literally didn't exist until the last 5 minutes of the movie, it was pretty aight.

This song is a fucking banger though.

TMS ruined Western animation

Earth, Water, Fire, and Air?

>water is liquid air

>1 KB, 640x480)
OMS lets have a group cutting session!!111111

Do you think they like Gerard Way?

Fuck You!

Mediocre dunces!

Poser preppy fags