ITT characters who are literally you

ITT characters who are literally you

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Man I have to do that sometimes when I poop like seven times a day and I end up rubbing my ass raw from wiping

use baby wipes

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Personally I use toilet paper to start and then use baby wipes to finish. A clean anus is a good anus

Just wash your ass with water you filthy Americans

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>delusional to the point where I make myself out to be a victim or a hero every time even though I’m a smug, self centered asshole
>constantly cheats, tells girls exactly what they want to hear because... it is exactly what I feel. I fall in love fast, and I fall hard, and I fall constantly. I don’t mean to manipulate women, but I do it. I’m passionate. Obviously charming. Basically an old timey roustabout/rogue with modern gen x/millennial self depreciation.
>shallow as fuck understanding of my interests. Prefer to do a lot of reading and obtain a few niche facts than actually immerse myself in the show/movie.
>basically super good at everything I do but creep the fuck out of people until I charm them because I’m quiet and unapproachable

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>Good Vibes
Finally someone remembers that show

Is that Roger?

Why not use a small bucket of water to wash your ass? I don’t get people who shit and just use toilet paper, you need to take all the poop off with toilet paper than wash your ass using water, afterwards use toilet paper once again to remove wetness.

Literally me

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I am the queen of france

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>boom boom boom
>boom ba doom
>oom boom

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Where did you get this picture of me?

Post pics

>Snow White has brown eyes

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rent free

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I got an anal fissure cause I take big shits but I'm a skinny faggot

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Wipes + hemorrhoid pads gets rid of any possible rawness


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>Not being a jaded degenerate who drinks, fucks prostitutes, openly displays bigotry towards everyone and makes fun of other people for being well-adjusted and emotionally healthy

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Who's this? Looks familiar.

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has this joke gotten stale yet?

This sounds exactly like me atm but I would not attribute it to Scott Pilgrim as I’m not that socially adjusted or popular

Shut up Boco

Baby wipes aren’t as easily disposable
They don’t break down when wet

My upper neighbor ruined our fucking plumbing the fuckface by using those. Had to demolish the fucking wall so it could be fixed.