James Gunn's THE SUICIDE SQUAD Cast Announcement


>David Dastamalchian
Polka-Dot man.

>John Cena

>Jai Courtney
Captain Boomerang.

>Joaquin Cosío
"The Mayor", one of the movie's villains.

>Nathan Fillion

>Joel Kinnaman
Colonel Rick Flag.

>Mayling Ng
A "monstrous female alien" the Squad must rescue, rumored to be Rampage.

>Flula Borg
Unknown. Rumored to be Polka-Dot Man's boyfriend.

>Sean Gunn

>Juan Diego Botto
"The General", one of the movie's villains.

>Storm Reid
Bronze Tiger's daughter.

>Pete Davidson.
Unknown minor role.

>Taika Waititi

>Alice Braga

>Steve Agee
King Shark's voice.

>Tinashe Kajese
Ratcatcher's mother.

>Daniela Melchior

>Peter Capaldi
Unknown. Probably Psimon or The Thinker.

>Julio Ruiz

>Jennifer Holland
Unknown (James Gunn's IRL girlfriend, so probably a minor role).

>Viola Davis
Amanda Waller.

>Idris Elba
Bronze Tiger.

>Margot Robbie
Harley Quinn.

>Michael Rooker
Unknown. Probably a minor role considering he's also in FAST & FURIOUS 9, which is shooting at roughly the same time.

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>>Juan Diego Botto
>"The General", one of the movie's villains.

Joaquin Cosio? En serio? Wow, I did not expected that.


>Idris Elba
>Bronze Tiger

>Joaquin Cosío
El Cochiloco!!!???

>Peter Capaldi

Ok, wasnt expecting that.

>Flula Borg
>Unknown. Rumored to be Polka-Dot Man's boyfriend.
The funny naked German man from Conan? What the fuck

John Cena as fucking Peacemaker is something I didn’t know I wanted. Wonder if they’re gonna go with the cloned Hitler backstory

Daniela Melchior is in the movie... I wonder ir she was casted because She was found pissing herself naked in a train

Capaldi as Psimon would be uber cool

Pls Gunn give me Del Taco as VANDAL SAVAGE

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>Michael Rooker
>Sean Gunn
Don't get me wrong, these guys are awesome, but it get a little distracting when you see them in every movie from the same director.

Where's Condiment King

maybe sean gunn?

can't believe james gunn fucking outplayed rightwing twitter so hard
takes a pedo accusation and turns it into TWO blockbuster franchises

remember when they used to hire actual actors for the movies and not old youtube memes

Not happening.

>James Gunn's IRL girlfriend

Based Gunn.

Attached: Jennifer Holland.jpg (600x902, 81K)

Nazis are apart of the story, so maybe

>Joaquin Cosío
>"The Mayor", one of the movie's villains.

>Juan Diego Botto
>"The General", one of the movie's villains.

How are people so sure of this? If anything you would think it would be the other way around

DC can't get actual actors anymore

It's just hasbeens and no names from here on out unless you're friends with the director or killed off in a marvel movie

Are you fucking retarded? Do you see his name anywhere in the fucking cast?

>>Juan Diego Botto
>"The General", one of the movie's villains.
>>Joaquin Cosío
>"The Mayor", one of the movie's villains.
One of these is gonna be Vandal, calling it now.

But of the two which one could it possibly be

Such a mystery

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Michael Rooker

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Fucking Cochiloco in the suicide squad.
>Esto es el infierno y no chingaderas, mi Harley.

He looks like he is sabotaging DC even more

What would be the point? It's like trying to ruin Chernobyl

>storm Reid

Pornstar name wtf


My bet is Sean Gunn, Taika, Nathan Fillion, and Rooker are all D-list villain cameos that get killed off very quickly as a gag.

Insiders said those were the villains no one ever said which actor was which character

Add Pete Davidson to that

James gunn warned fans to not get too atttached. So who are all going to die with surprise headsplode? predictions?

i hate how fags think the squad has major bodycount when people rarely died in Ostrander's book

Ayer got the kill total right

Peter Capaldi is the new Joker.

Yes, they did.

This. Ostrander didn't kill his cast off just for shits and giggles. He used character deaths sparingly and wisely. Well, I guess that one annual would be an exception where he fucking murdered everybody, including Grant Morrison.
