Be honest lads

be honest lads
can it live up to the hype?

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Not really feeling any hype.

There is no hype
Unless you mean scenes to fap to, which it might deliver on

I think he means can it live up to the first movie. Will it make a billion? Will they have another smash hit song like let it go etc.

Disney hasn't been able to live up to hypes in anything, specially sequels.
Then again, with expectations getting lower and lower...

Judging how there's no hype anywhere relevant. I'll say it would need to be terrible to not live up to it. Yet I still think it won't live up even to its non existent hype.

They're probably going to redeem Hans, not give Elsa a girlfriend, and split up the sisters because #feminism. Also I don't trust Disney anymore.

no, because it'll find some way to be extra feminist and woke and piss Yea Forums and Yea Forums off

I'm honestly just looking forward to new songs.

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You're asking the jaded kids on Yea Forums if it will live up to the hype..? Why ask if you know what the likely response is?

Yes. Yes it will.

I can live with Helsa not happening if Hans at least gets a redemption.

And if Helsa is out, I'd like to see Elsa be aromantic asexual just to piss off lesbians.

I'm really digging Anna's new looks. I may have to bring a jacket & some hand lotion & take a seat at the back of the theatre during a sunday or monday matinee.

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Helsa is one of the worst ships I've ever seen

I literally keep forgetting it's coming out in less than 3 Months

No, the first one was a perfect storm. Doesn't mean it won't be good and won't make a billion. I'm looking forward to more frosty waifu and yuri incest porn regardless.

I don't think so but I want to believe

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Anna looks awesome in F2. Elsa is ironically not so much.

So, another animated flop incoming.

>get distracted due to fapping
>some mom notices you and thinks you're jerking off to all the little girls in the room
>Tyrone gets to fuck your ass for 5 years
>released but on the sex offender list for the rest of your life
Yep, sounds totally worth it. Not to mention it's fucking disgusting, like the floor isn't sticky enough.

Why do people want Hans redeemed so badly? He already betrayed them once, why should they give him another chance after that? What's to stop him from taking advantage of that second chance to betray them again? Don't try to tell me he wouldn't do it or that they wouldn't let it happen, soon as their guards are down he's stabbing them in the back both figuratively and literally.

Elsa looked ridiculously hot during and after her decision to just not give a fuck. That liberated expression and the skin-tight dress are what did it.

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>posting edits


It will be nice to see more of them as youngsters and their Mom too.

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I don't need Hans even mentioned
He's a disposable villain

Too bad, he's in the cast list for F2

Because Frozen 1 was about Elsa overcoming childhood trauma.

Hans is the way he is because of his extremely fucked up family, so redeeming him would fit in with the themes of Frozen.

I couldn't agree more. Perfect figures, nice legs...

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Boggles my mind why anyone would care in the slightest.

Dat rez

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Naw, he's coming back for revenge. Every fairytale needs a villain. Who do you think Anna is swinging the sword at?

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you pedo/milfophile

>dat rez
Yeah I like to collect them, i'm always on the lookout for more.

Fujos aren't people.

Only non-fanart pic of her I have. And it gets my point across. It's that happy and confident smile that really seals the deal. Obviously she won't be as hot if she's simply the reserved older sister in part 2.

This looks like a damn wuxia movie poster. They better have evening dresses and fanservice Elsa moments in there somewhere.

Bleh. They probably though all of that fanart and discussion comes from actual children and not women in their 30s with shit-tier taste in men.

Are you a woman?

Frozen got staff revolting during the project, story overhauled halfway through and even almost got cancelled; it was a fluke that captured thunder in a bottle.
There's no way that they could 'plan' a similar success.

Bigger image. I like Anna's gaze in this one.

Going by the trailers it looks to me that Elsa is a lot more self confident. I'm ready for a more feisty queen, I think it suits her well.

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Oh hell ya.

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What hype? Everyone I see talks about the film not needing to be made, especially after the plot was revealed as "They meet a girl with autumn powers"
How lazy can you get

Hans is not in the film

>Fish eyes
>Fetus nose
Why do I even bother coming here? You guys dont care about good design, you just wanna fap to anything with tits

When I saw the promo images with 4 characters I originally expected Frozen to be a family journey kind of plot very similar to The Croods. Or maybe Ice Age's plots.

This says he is

>Ice Age
Careful. Disney owns that now, and mentioning Frozen and Ice Age in the same thread might give them ideas.

first one was shit, sequel will be the same


why is this fucking movie so dark? is it a game of thrones episode?

anyone can edit that, user

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I'm just waiting for the daily salt threads when Elsa isn't gay

elsa isnt getting a love interest in the movie

Thank God

>with tits
Not even, judging by the image he posted.

>especially after the plot was revealed as "They meet a girl with autumn powers"

Really? Source? Can't find it on Google.

To be honest the first movie didn't have a lot going on. The villain was pretty obvious and never really felt like a threat. There was that one song and that's it. This one looks like it's going to have some world building and darker elements. I expect it to be better than the original, but it'll probably be impossible to make a song as popular as Let It Go (which I thought was overrated, so whatever).

>but it'll probably be impossible to make a song as popular as Let It Go
Is Alan Menken working in this?

Even hotter in the Kingdom Hearts scene

>split up the sisters because #feminism
More like split them up in order to give Anna and Kristoff something to do

>super empowering wow
>doesn't carry her own sword

I truly don't believe a single one of those things will happen in the movie. Unless break up you mean they'll probably have a single conflict in the movie but patch it up cause sister love.

It probably represents her mental state or some shit

she'll get autumn powers or some shit probably

I'm interested just because it seems by the trailers to be more of a fantasy adventure movie, which dont get made often enough anymore.

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Prince was brainwashed by trolls.

Reminder to not give disney a single cent and watch camrips.

Elsagate destroyed Frozen

it didnt kill spiderman

She's so perfect.

what hype? all I heard about this movie is gay Elsa and nudist Elsa

Remember when the Disney Animated canon only had one sequel?

Hard to say when we don't even know what it's about. Disney's being more secretive about this movie than usual.

Legit the only thing I care about this movie are the /frz/ threads it will create, and I'm sure the amount of cancer it will create will not reach the same levels of the first one

Rescuers Down Under?

of course it can't. in this version, elsa will actually have a personality instead of being a blank slate for neets to project onto

Stay salty. /frz/ will rise again

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what kind of perfume does she use?

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she smells like one of those pine tree air fresheners.