It looks like the keikaku runs far deeper than was first expected.
Other urls found in this thread:
>First give me children
I do not like where this is going.
Man I read that sentence and knew where this was going. If this doesn't go that way I would be surprised.
I have concerns.
Pretty sure she meant the two-toes, folks.
Why is everyone scared? What's going to happen?
She's gonna eat em.
no one wants to deal with ara ara salt lizard mama. This is a simple concern.
Ah, newbies.
the floating skulls look like some day of the dead shit
... why on god's green earth would she do that? she loves the two toes
I know it moves the story along and explains why Duane's there, but why on fucking earth would you bring prisoners to the literal throne of all of your plots and ideas and barf endless exposition.
Why not just slit their throats shortly after catching them?
She loves them FOR DINNER
They have a possible use for them at this juncture. I think somebody mentioned something about extra rations, so they might be joining the children in a moment.
Because that's not how stories work, nimrod. Stop ruining it!
Yeah, this is about to get fucked.
Par for the course, really.
Check out the page title. Is this supposed to be like this?
They're literally about to feed them to the salt lizard and Alds are melodramatic to a fault.
>all the world hates roger foi-hellick
he really likes that line, huh.
There are weird alt tags in the index and forward links too. Creepy.
What do they say?
>is it alright to
>hate him
Is this the damma khert? Is it fucking with us so we'll kill the fag? I won't do your dirty work Alderode
It looks like salt lizard is smiling in the last panel, but I think it looks more like she's licking her lips in preparation of a meal
>people actually think she's gonna munch on her chosen people
Not everything in the comic is grim just because a couple kids died.
The salt lizard wants it's food alive.
If you people think that Ashley wouldn't have the nightmarish salt lizard eat her chosen for sustenance or to otherwise add them to her being, then you clearly don't know Cope.
Nothing we know about the Salt Lizard indicates that she would eat Two-Toes. She is revered and loved by all of them, which is unlikely to be the case if she's in the habit of munching on them.
>Implying they would not find being eaten by their God to be the highest honour
Weird thought but if the mmamont speak old tainish wouldn’t they accidentally cast pymary all the time?
This world has a religion that involves fattening up a twin so they can be eaten. That twin considers this a holy honor.
I still think they're jerky based on how the comic has framed this specific group of two-toes so far. Could have replaced the entire crowd of them with a walking, clacking muffin and it'd be the same.
Next page they are either suddenly imbued with plot relevance or they're mulch.
all pymary must be pre-faced with "heed me great khert"
Maybe she just wants to start a new tribe somewhere else, so at least one group of two toes can live like in the old days with her as their protector goddess
"Sure it makes the weather report interesting and syntactically literal but if he has to start each time screaming 'HASH BANG' and swinging a python around his head is it really worth it?"
The Khert is a bit full of itself, insisting on being called "great" every time. It sure isn't the humble Khert
>the curse is starting to take form in the back of their minds already
Cope, you absolute madwoman
Oh good. I thought I'd missed something and the comic had already explained why they wanted him cursed
Look at the last panel.
user please big old grandma lizard is just happy her lizlings are there and are happy to see her so she can start a colony with them
She only likes to eat human meat
>it was saltiest lizard's plan all along
That contextualizes a lot of things. I had been assuming Roger and Sonorie already had an idea of why the curse was useful, but knowing that they've been trusting the word of a crazy old monster makes things more logical. This helps explain why nothing much comes of their plan for a few years, as they'll probably be told the direction to take all of this, but not the means. So they'll have to find a way to get at and decipher something useful the Etalarche curse without knowing exactly what is needed.
It does, actually, make a good deal of sense to go to the Senet Beasts for advice on how to unmake Alderode. Whatever's going on there is likely not as old as reality, which is younger than the Senet Beasts. If there was any source outside of Alderode's locked up knowledge on how to unmake the country, it'd be with them.
Cope's always said she's disappointed people don't fully exploit the medium of the webcomics. This is right in line with that thinking and what she's done before.
>Salt lizard warmly smiling to see her children returned
What's the big deal user
>Or some say Shaensiginm
Also, makes me wonder how much this will grow over the next several updates. Will the words of the links themselves turn into hateful, insane rambling? Will it infect the url itself like when Sette fell into the khert? Will the background around the comic get filled with the hateful buzzing of a thousand violent impulses?
Can't wait to find out.
The fact that they need Ruck's venom to reverse engineer the curse probably means that Shaensigin's advice won't be useful, or that they're about to be interrupted. Or that she told them to seek him out.
It's prolly that she told them about Ruck. Every major Senet beast knows each other, so she knows how his venom works I assume
Also page title
T-that tongue scrapping her cheek is- concerning.
There's no tongue there dude
It's probably useful enough to get them on the right track. Far as we know, no one's gotten anywhere near where Roger and Sonorie are. After all, how many people would even think to get them self Etalarched? Under normal circumstances, it makes even your other rebels want to tear you apart with glee. Who would, as Roger echoes his future self here, want "all the world to hate them?" It's like poetry, it rhymes.
I imagine Salt Lizard will say something like the curse marks the soul, and if the mark can be studied, it can do... something. We still don't know what they want all of their current magic shit for, so it's a bit up in the air. This is actually making me wonder how much is going to be revealed here, since Duane is like, right fucking there. We know that, spoilers, Duane lives and continues to "live" for a good while longer. Whatever happens here must also be concluded in such a way that Duane doesn't have this worry that Roger's gonna, like, hate bomb his country's brains.
With how much Duane is learning here about Roger and Sonorie, his assassination makes more and more sense, he was remarkable before but we didn't know how much he was aware of the crescian plan. He just seemed to be a devout idealist who had been to war and might have reached above what his caste usually gets to. Maybe Sonorie was behind it somehow, since he knew about Cresce and the March's plan, and she got Lem to help somehow
Problem is Duane doesn't get got for several more years after this. Nor does any of his rambling about how the Queen was responsible for his death ever veer into "oh and I learned they were gonna explode the dammakhert." Whatever Duane grasps here, it doesn't seem to worry him much in the future. I would wager Shaesigin doesn't give Roger a wholly satisfactory answer and things go south for him. He escapes, but Duane and the other loyalist survivor's return with intelligence that whatever Roger and the Queen were planning, it didn't work out. And then it's years before they manage to figure out just how to make use of what they've done to Roger.
Duane's assassination stinks. We see "Crescians" attack him, but there's that masked fighter. And someone objects to what Bastion was doing to his corpse with the telling "you can't do that to a cleric!" line. I doubt we're close to knowing exactly what happened to Duane, but I don't think it was a simple false flag and I don't think it had much to do with this episode. The theater of Dunae's death stinks too much of the Foi-Hellick rebellion's own theatrics, actually. Such a bold statement of the Cresce and its Queen being responsible is the exact kind of "unite everyone against Cresce" shit that makes people think it was a standard false flag. If it was a Sonorie plot, I can't imagine she'd make it so obvious.
Friday’s thread had an interesting theory; Two Toes are unaffected by the Khert due to their souls be incompatible with humans’. If the curse comes down on the group and everyone starts trying to murder Roger, they’ll be unaffected and may be able to rescue him.
Not much of a theory, to be honest. By which I mean it's correct, but all of the non-dammakhert Crescians there likely with orders to see Roger safe to Cresce will be more helpful. Remember, the Etalarche Curse is a specifically Aldish/dammakhert thing. It's only going to after the dammakhert touched humans, which among the people present in this scene means Vampire and all the loyalists tied up there. Sans the Souds which I think are just Duane and Lemuel. This is why Vampire told the captain to not hold back if Vampire starts acting weird: he's the only Aldishman there who can both be affected by the Curse if it hits before they're ready and who isn't already restrained under guard.
No tongue. Her lip corners turning up cracked the salt scales that were there. So it seems this is the first time she smiles in a long time.
They literally said they're saving them for the Salt Lizard, probably some fate worse than death shit.
Duane was a shell shocked 21 year old scared out of his wits whose bell had been rung pretty hard by Dhampyr (Ash mentioned she could've easily killed him, causing a PARADOX) it's likely only now with the benefit of his crystal clear recall he's actually noticing significant details.
Vampire explained earlier, albeit incredibly verbosely. They play to do to them what they did to those dudes floating in Salty's headcrystals: literally salt them to death to preserve the corpse so she can snack on them later.
The Mmamont speak Mmamont Tainish, a derivation of Old Tainish. Anyways, even if they were all speaking Old Tainish, they'd all have to be wrighted, and be speaking a correct spell (ignoring the "Heed me O' Great Khert..." part, if your spell doesn't fit specific parameters it just doesn't get cast). From what we've seen of what Wrights actually say when they're talking to the Khert, this is not just an incredibly specific language, but an incredibly technical one with all sorts of weird ways of describing relations between two things (how strong is a smell; how far apart are two sounds).
She might just point them in the direction of Ruck and tell them you can use him to unmake the Dhammakert from there. Roger spergs out because he thinks Salty is running him in circles, Duane (who as we know loves to fit things in little boxes and forget the big picture) simply concludes that she is, which is why he's okay with telling this story to fucking Crescians and Two-Toes: he concludes that the Salt-Lizard was just using the traitors to get what she wanted.
I bet it's red and coppery!
Alright, nevermind, that's kind of heartwarming.
Totally though it was a big blue tongue.
It's official, Ilganyag, salty lizard, Ruck and another Senet beast are the four twin gods of Gefendur
i can see how the other two would fit but which one is ruck?
I don't think Salty is one of the four. If the other three deities also correspond to Senet Beasts, I always thought that a typhoon whale would better fit Yerta.
>she is almost always depicted as fat and round with pregnancy, and with cloud-mottled sky-blue flesh
Didn't it say somewhere that typhoon whales are believed to carry living creatures within them?
Ashley just confirmed on Tumblr that the Salt Lizard having the same color scheme as Yerta was the "thing" she wondered if people would notice when she was introduced.
aw jesus don't do this to me
Not to mention that Bastion says both brothers left their mark on him.
Shit, do either of the male gods have a similar color scheme to Ruck?
>Didn't it say somewhere that typhoon whales are believed to carry living creatures within them
>carry living creatures within them
Salt lizard has people trapped in salt. Death isn't immediate...
>Color scheme
The brother I think
Doesn't look so much like it.
yeah but if you're the third caveman god has shat out into the world and you see the salt lizard how many generations of your descendants playing 'telephone' would it take for 'giant blue lizard who captures living things in it's salt' to become 'giant blue woman who has living things in it's belly?' It's becoming more and more obvious that the Gefendur faith is just a collection of creation myths early man made up mis-understanding what the senet beasts are.
What if the dammakhert is the base and every other country uses it's khert hubs to subtract the damma.
Oh no.
That'd be really disappointing desu. I'm normally all for anthropological explanations for fictional cultures but unsounded seems too fantastical for it to turn out that gods were just big scary monsters all along. Reality is just too fucking nuts for the Divine to have no basis in anything metaphysical
I think if the gods were just big scary monsters the titty bird would have said so. The fact that she doesn't have a clear idea of who the world creators were tells me that they're Gods.
senet beasts aren't really "just big scary monsters" though
Saltlizard has Yerta's colors, the pot belly, refers to worshippers as her "children" and has is the chthonic thing: putting corpses underground is a way to give back to her because she likes to eat human corpses.
Ilagnyag has the colors, closeness to humans and shadiness of Tirna.
Ruck, said Ash, was never really worshipped before. He stole his name from a different efheby. Maybe that guy inspired a Twin. There's also another efheby that screwed Bastion. But none of them has much to do with what we know of Riv or Baelar.
I'd rather there be no gods at all and humans just personified their interactions with the khert/metaphysical world than they turn out to have just been worshipping senet beasts.
That may still be mostly what happened. With how long the Senet Beasts have lived, and how powerful some of them are, it'd be a bit odd if nothing about them had gotten mixed into the Gefendur gods. Given how Titty Bird and Salt Lizard seem to behave now and treat people in comic, it may simply be four Senet Beasts were more active with humanity some time ago and these traits eventually became important parts of the Gefendur tradition. But they were never really gods, their deeds have just melted into the slurry of religious dogma. Ilganyag also mentions the gods to Duane, so something else may be going on too, but it's important to remember she's playing almost everyone she's talked too. She's got Duane doing something, ostensibly going to Alderode to stop the silver pain bomb, but she's also the patron of the guy who's directing it, or fearfully riding that tiger perhaps, and has Bastion working to keep his project going. It may be both are true (wants the pain bomb to go off at the place in Cresce but then be stopped from continuing on to Alderode), but still. We know she's not being entirely truthful already, so it can make one suspect of her other lore discussions.
Given how Ilganyag laments once being nice to humanity in a monolog where we have no reason to believe she's being deceitful, and some out of comic info about how she and Shaensigin used to be friends and now very much aren't, I would theorize that four Senet Beasts took a particular interest in humanity and gave them a hand, and now look upon it with regret as humanity has made a real hash of their kind and the two toes. And again the historical events got meleded into the traditions that eventually gave rise to the Gefendur, but not singularly.
The Gefendur may be Senet-worshipping pagans, but we'll always have the one true god, Ssael.
>we'll always have the one true god: some dude
ok, dammafag
Ssael banged Tirna, a.k.a. Ilganyag, a senet beast.
Both can be true; There is an unidentified creation force, a God or gods, and the senete beasts got folded into the Gefendur faith. It's would explain titty-bird's contempt for "paper gods," here she is the product of real intelligent design and she's watch little hairless monkey things killing each other over confusing her for it/them.
I am sorry Ssael deflowered the youngest sister and killed your gods, if they ever existed at all. In time you may reach enlightenment as well by following his teachings, and spend eternity at His side, outside this flawed constructed world.
Riv is associated with whales and the ocean, so if we'll meet "Riv" he'll be a typhoon whale. And I do believe Ashley has said that we'll meet one of those in time.
this gon be GUD
they literally explain that salt lizard wanted living meat to salt fresh
Between the idiots on Patreon and the idiots in the comment section this comic makes me feel super smart. You wouldn't think the best discussion and the most literate readers would be on fuckin Yea Forums but here we are.
Places that don't shame and berate their idiots foolishly give them the impression that their opinions are worth hearing
Well, don't keep us in suspense, user. What are they being stupid about?
All I see that is really puzzling is someone who thinks Vampire redirected the curse onto himself for some reason (no reason given)
But how can that be when there were multiples of the type of senet beasts?
I think it's more likely that, as has happened in some real-world religions, aspects of the senet-worshipping paganism were swallowed up by the much larger Gefendur faith, and ended up coloring modern perceptions of its gods.
Also, Ruck doesn't really fit. Wrong color scheme, and he has barely interacted with humans at all.
Not for all of them, I'd imagine. The water women, wind guys, mountain ogres, wandering roots, hurricane whales, rape snakes, yeah. But ones like Ilganyag and Shaensigin seem to have been unique. Perhaps they weren't, but the way things have played out so far seems to point that way.
Given this, it's likely if there is theme about certain Senet beasts eventually becoming the Gefendur gods through the centuries, Ruck may not be one of them. Not our Ruck, anyway. And even if he was, there's no reason to think an individual of a species of Senet Beasts couldn't have become such an origin of a god myth. After all, what most people seem to be thinking is not that these four were literal gods, but merely figures involved in something that led to them being considered gods. A skilled rape snake could have been one such Senet Beast, doing something significant at the right time to create a story passed down as myth and becoming a dogma in an organized religion.
This is the only reason I tolerate this place.
Ashley has talked about Salt Lizards being a species of which Shaensigin is only a member of, and has hinted at Lady I being just one of a species. They may be the last of their kind (that interact with humans), but I doubt that they're the only ones to have ever existed.
I also doubt the "Specific Senet Beats became Gefendur gods" theory as being anything other than a huge fuckup on its founders part if this is true because the explicit point of the Gefendur religion is human supremacy. Slaughtering Senet beasts to pave way for Humanity's manifest destiny is the central crux of the religion. The Gods literally gave humanity a casus belli to murder anything non-human that they want in order to advance themselves. That doesn't sound like something that, for one, could be blurred by a game of telephone, or for that matter something that could be easily influenced by two Senet Beasts that can control a total of two individuals at once.
We know that Paganism in Unsounded is the give-and-take worship of Senet beasts (Granny Ruffles description of what worship of Salty entails seems more like a business contract than any kind of transcendental experience or something). What would lead four Senet Beasts to ditch that and make a religion more or less centered around slaughtering their own kind? Burning down the whole place so they can rule the ashes? Hoping to direct humanity from the shadows?
We still don't know who Lady I's boyfriend is, and what the fuck the deal with Murkoph is. What'd they do, cram a typhoon whale in some dude's body and shove him in the Khert?
The theory wouldn't be that there's a direct, explicit creation point of Gefendur centered around four Senet Beasts. It's the four Senet Beasts formed the template for what eventually became the orthodox Gefendur religion. People have suggested the common real world practice of merging myths and gods from conquered territories into the dominating religion. Something similar may have happened here.
The thing I'd believe based on current information is that four Senet Beasts, maybe not even all in the same period, left their mark on humanity in such a way that their imagery, as distorted as it become, their philosophies, their skills, all mutated and merged into the current dominant religion on Kasslyne. Ilganyag gives us the most solid thing to go on, and how I read it is she went out of her way to help humanity out and was burned for it. Both by non-human forces capable of doing so and by her personal regret for her actons. This is what I'm thinking of. Not that Senet Beasts set out to make themselves almighty gods or constructed such a religion, but that a few took an active, helpful role in early humanity for their own reasons and this backfired spectacularly on them. Tirna is often credited with helping humanity with Pymary, as I recall, and of course Ilganyag can do the same. Help like that. Helping humanity, practically, in ways that led them to becoming the dominating force in Unsounded to the woe of everything else. And leading to the in story portrayed actions and feelings of Ilganyag and what's been intimated about Shaensigin being on the outs with Ilganyag and only concerned about two-toes. Also, eating humans.