More Godzilla High?

More Godzilla High?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no, she's cute
But I want more Godzilla in Hell

But Godzilla defeated Hell. It's time for him to move on and fight bigger and badder things.

>It's time for him to move on and fight bigger and badder things.
Ah, you mean Heaven, don't you?

Godzilla in double hell

Both are acceptable.

No. I'd rather talk about actual Godzilla shit instead of stupid high school autism. Mothra shipping is fine though

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The episode where Anguirus runs away...

It was too late, too late

Lol what? Anguirus was GAR as shit. The only time he ran was against MechaGodzilla after his jaw was broken, probably to tell Godzilla there was a fake running around destroying shit.

I will never understand the constant Mothra/Godzilla pairing aside from them being prominent and opposite genders. Any time Mothra stops being a larva and grows up, Godzilla wants her fucking dead.
>VS Mothra(Original)
Fucking dead
>Sea monster
Tried to make dead
>Heisei Mothra
Tried to kill her and would have if the black dude hadn't died first.
>GMK mothra
Fucking dead
>SOS mothra
Fucking, dead.
>Final wars
Never saw each other and he never got the chance to kill her, but if she hadn't exploded oh man!

Mothra is for Godzilla-hate and larva cuddles!

Like a puppy he doesn't want but keeps coming back

fixed that for you, in every instance he hunted her down. Sea Monster Motha was just chillin' on some rando island not even connected to the main one and he was having none of that shit. Battle For Earth Mothra was fighting Battra when he butted in and tried killing her, he was that worried someone would get to kill her first!

He's full, what's the Tsundere version where they try to kill you?

The new movie basically established this relationship, with Mothra being the sole reason why the humans weren't fucked at all.
Plus, as Godzilla is meant to be someone who maintains order and balance in the natural world, Mothra is all on board for that.
And the movie itself sorta hints at this when two characters have a discussion about her title as Queen of the Monsters.

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I get that, but its been around for a looooooong time, like pre-Final Wars I saw art with that pairing and it always confused me. I get KOTM hinting at it, but most pics use the version of Godzilla who non-stop hates moths and will find you wherever you are.

I find it funnier because he's weirdly cool with larva's in the Showa Era, if a larva showed up post Vs Mothra he was cool with them and teamed up with them, but even when one turned into a full moth in Sea Monster he wanted it dead before going right back to being cool with Larvas in Destroy All Monsters.

He likes them wormy.

is like that one episode from Spongebob with the butterfly

So what you're saying is that Godzilla is into lolis? Damn, what based taste Big G has

Larva Mothra is cuter no doubt

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Let me just be the first to say that all the human designs are complete shit except for mothra.

Technically with the new movie, Mothra is only a few days old, and is still in a relationship with Godzilla. And with the information she legit reincarnates with all memories, Godzilla has himself a forever waifu.

Any more? Or porn

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I love you.

>Technically with the new movie, Mothra is only a few days old, and is still in a relationship with Godzilla.

>Vs Mothra version was old and weak, he instantly murders her
>He is cool with the Larvas until one has a growth spurt in Sea Monster, remains cool with underdeveloped sibling
>Battle For Earth survives, is only a few days old
>GMK Mothra looks young but is actually several hundred years old like Ghidorah
>Tokyo SOS mothra is older, gets ended
>He never meets Final Wars Mothra
>KOTM Mothra is barely a couple days old, he's all for that.

I think you might be onto something.

I like this ones design, plus smol Mothra is the best.

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>a lizard and a bug
That's weird. And adorable. But also weird. But also adorable. Can it be both?

That's every relationship.

Godzilla versus God
Ultimate Showdown

Actually, in Godzilla vs Hell, he does take on Heaven and God and win. With himself become a God and recreating the universe itself.
At least according to the WoG

>Ultimate Showdown
Old Godzilla was hopping around

well obviously all he can do now is fight SUPER God, featuring God in a mecha

Making monsters into humans in funny outfits is the weakest shit and should be banned.


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go to Yea Forums


Godzilla is Yea Forums user, suck it up

go back to 2007 if you think anyone cares about establishing something as part of a subforum of an internet basket weaving forum

Post cute mother’s and Godzilla.

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She wants the G

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God I love these two.

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Wbo doesn't?

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Human mothra is really common.

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Oh you, Kevin

people who get the concept of the series? wow the aftermath of the atomic bombs sure is cute bro

If you want to talk about that part then post Shin Godzilla, and shut up

The word is kawaii.

Shin is cute too, gory and cute

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Never drawn bugs or gods before but... requests?

Could you please do this with Godzilla, Rodan and Mothra?

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Godzilla and Kong getting ready for their next match

Give me your fluffiest Mothra


Godzilla carry Mothra on his shoulder like pic related

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God, I love this dumb bird

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This user was right!

>dat tongue
Jesus Christ
I want her to swallow someone.

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>It's not unusual to find out I am in love with a giant ancestral moth

Seconded, Give him a physique like Maui.

I’m not good enough with these characters yet. Tried drawing it looked like shit. Give me a bit to get good with these please.
Here you go my guy.

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Take your time my dude, no hurry


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Oh yes that's fluffy!
Thank you drawfriend, appreciate it

Only Mothra can kiss his abs, and Anguirus, sometimes.

>Gamera never
No justice in this world

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I feel your pain, brother

I am sure you guys will get a new film series, soon

Messed up pose. Gotta get some more Godzilla practice.

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Be in touch with your internal giant radioactive lizard

Very good start my man, keep up the good shit.

This seems like fun but the image I want is gonna take some time. Give me a bit to get good. Godzilla and his waifu for now please.

Good luck, here take this

You know that meme with the cat and the lady screaming? that could be good with Godzilla, Mothra and Ghidorah

It could be worse

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I love you.

One day they will return, together, just like the old good days

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>t. Ghidorah

Last one for tonight.

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Thanks user, I love it

He'll be back one day user... one day...

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This one looks pretty good

Something about Ghidorah eating a giant pile of spaghetti made me laugh really hard.

What?! i thought he was eating his own head!

Wtf is that supposed to be

M-M..-Mothra nee-chan..... What are you doing with Ghidorah nee-chan?

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Ghidorah nee-chan... No!!!

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Me and my friends had a random thought would ghidorrah have 3 dicks and two balls, or one dick

He'd have one dick with four (internal) gonads to balance his three heads and two tails

>Yuri detected.
>Protecc mode engage.

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Godzilla fans are just obnoxious powerlevel fags, maybe worse than Superman vs Goku spammers

Why do you say that you seem to be using more science then 4 guys after just seeing the movie


>tfw godzilla's straight
>tfw ywn get to wake up with your face against his huge pecs right before he burps out nuclear waste into your face

I dig that human Godzilla. But it'd be better if his jacket had the fins on the back.

Whatever happened to Mothra's son? Does he just not exist anymore?

Why does shin fanart always pair him with that Rei clone girl?

>the episode where they have to pair up and take care of an egg for a week, with Big G and Mothra acting like an old married couple
>the episode where Godzilla disappears and Rodan takes the chance to become the new KotM but finds it to be an EXHAUSTING position to be in
>the episode where Raphael of the Ghi-Do-Rah siblings gets fed up with the abuse from his siblings and tries and fails miserably to strike out on his own. Meanwhile Ghiselle and Donovan start to slowly go insane because their whole dynamic is shot and they can't function without thier dumb triplet brother
>that episode where Biolantte goes full yandere stalker in Big G but has to get through Mothra first because SHE DON'T LET NO ONE TOUCH HER MAN
>that episode where Godzilla and friends get into a bancho style school brawl with the rival high school from across town, led by the notorious Gamera
>that one where Zilla shows up as Big G's distant cousin and proceeds to embarrass the hell out of him
I honestly could see whole seasons of this shit working

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You guys ever notice how mecha Godzilla looks a little different then the rest of the students

>hey kid, wanna /kaiju/?

Fucking ruined.

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I want a Kaiju Musume no Iru Nichijō manga

He has a skin condition that turns it a shade of chrome, you insensitive prick

>watch this movie for the first time
>mothra is only in it to die
It's a meme at this point right?

> Godzilla as a fag shit shota
This should be napalmed

I'd watch that show.

Looks like Zilla doing a Jojo pose

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>generic pink-haired anime girl with gross tits

Mothra dying in almost every movie so far?
Yeah, I think Toho is waiting ro people to get used to the idea so they can make a movie where she doesn't die

Well he is Japanese

Except if that's Jr, Jr needs to learn the ways of his father

By the way, notice how they haven't used Jr neither Toho or Legendary

Its suspicious

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This is some heresy on several different levels

No one wants to use Jr because no one knows how to make a giant God Lizard cute

Mothra is Kaiju Kenny. She dies almost everytime she shows up

But they made Shin Godzilla! and two of his forms are quite cute!

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I need a source, not exactly for the shota but because that style reminds me to Kajawari and I always suspected he was into /ss/ and had a secret account

Burn this trash.

>gross tits
Physically, scientifically, measurably and morally impossible, user

She can't be helped

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leave zilla jr. alone he is a good boy with a loving gf and adopted family

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>Biolantte goes full yandere stalker in Big G

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Zilla Jr is fine, HIS FATHER, he sucks a lot
>can't even use atomic breathe
Nothing but shame to the family

Look at him and tell me there's a God

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>Imagine being so based that even Toho considers you more canon than the original Zilla

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This already happened once

>was proven at start of the series to be completely sterile
>has absolutely no discernible reason to persue a mate (not to mention his species natrual asexual reproduction makes it a moot point anyway)
>still goes out of his way to not only get some kaiju pussy but utterly NAILS it with his unbridled Chadness
Zilla may be the black sheep of the kaijuverse but his son is fucking BASED beyond belief

Even his opening was based

he's got some godly thighs I can tell you that
Does Toho have the final say on when Zilla can appear? I think they won't let Zilla or Zilla jr. see daylight ever again, but it'd be nice if they gave Jr. another shot.

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Oh shit, is that Mecha Zilla he's fighting?!

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Toho likes Zilla Jr but they hate Zilla like there's no tomorrow, so much that they killed him twice so far

As far I can tell, they wouldn't mind doing more content with Zilla Jr in the near future

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Cyber Zilla technically.
He's the reanimated corpse of Zilla sr.

Technically speaking they're the ones who own Zilla's rights since they shelled out the cash to buy him from Fox of whoever for the sole purpose of having OG Godzilla murder him onscreen. Japs reaaaaaally hated the '98 film.

They loved the animated series however, so who knows

Damn you user now you make me wish for a non-existent series, again!

>mom said its my turn to play xbox!!!

>that point in the film where it looks like he's finally using atomic breath during the taxi cab chase
>NOPE, he's just screaming really loud to the point that underground gaslines are bursting or some dumb shit
I honestly thought just the entire Jurassic Park portion of the film was asinine, and yet here we are

I think I remember seeing it back in the 90's, shipping Mothra with Godzilla almost as much as her with Battera. I think the original reason is because Godzilla is the male head of the franchise and Mothra started almost as early as the female head of the franchise. When two of your big 5 are more often protagonists, have been in the field for decades, male and female, and have legitimate personality, people tend to ship them, even if there's no legitimate reason they'd be together.

I do have a guilty pleasure love with the recent Mothzilla stuff though. Mainly because Legendary Godzilla/Mothra have the most reason for it and, again, it is cute

This has to be the most cursed image on Yea Forums right now.

Because autist-chan is best girl. The other option is the dirty happa bitch.

I hate it
I love it
I hate it
I love it
Fuck, which one do I choose?

Based thread for introducing Yea Forums to moths.

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>not posting the whole pic

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Hate-fuck. Combine the two

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>loli mothra spits your face
Would you eat the webs user?

I get it

Blue board, user! BLUE BOARD!!!!

>ywn have a qt tsundere kaiju-waifu to come home to every night
Just pull the fucking trigger already, lads

>realize the army destroyed more buildings than the lizard itself

I legit believe this is what would the government do if there weren't more wars overseas

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I already ate some Indonesian food with web
It taste good ngl

Could be worse and they go the opposite route like in Shin Godzilla where the government is so concerned about collateral damage they dont even shoot Big G until it's far too late to actually hurt him in any meaningful way

>the kaiju is inoffensive
>government goes full pacific rim
>kaiju approaches
>carefully tries to no step over anyone and even respects the traffic signs
>goes to sleep on the nearest park
>soldiers confused
>start jerking around with the robots and state of the art guns
>half of the city is destroyed
>beast wakes up confused, could swear there was a city over there when he went asleep

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I remember a Godzilla High pic of Zone Fighter that I really liked. Does somebody has it?

>as kaiju gets up from his nap he's gunned down in a hail of missiles fired by the assembled jaegers
>starts a nationwide debate about the role of giant robots in today's fractured society
>advocates go on news to talk about how the kaiju was a good boi, dindu nuffin
>gigantic protests with people shouting "Claws up, don't nuke!"

Several years after the battle of Boston, mankind and the Titans seem to have renewed the semi-peaceful coexistence they had in the ancient past.

Madison and Mark Russell now live in California; Madison now suffers from minor PSTD from the events of KotM and Mark has taken over Dr. Serizawa's role as “the Godzilla guy”.

Monarch has set up base of operations on Skull Island in order to search for a possible entrance to the Hollow Earth, and to keep watch on Kong, who’s been acting strangely since Ghidorah’s attack. G-Team is now a full force and military backed group that deal with Titans, each G-Team group is classed by which Titan type their team specializes in dealing with (Lessor, Major and Apex, movie follows Apex group).

A mechanical Titan resembling Godzilla has been built on Skull Island to detour Titans that had been trying to come to Skull Island. The robot has a built-in and modified version of the ORCA that releases a signal telling Titans to “stay back”. It’s basically a glorified scarecrow.

During this time, Monarch has become aware of seismic activity and sinkholes appearing at an increasing and alarming rate around the world. They decides to have their newly reformed "G-Force" travel around the world and investigate the sinkholes to find the cause.

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Ren Serizawa (the son of Dr. Serizawa) and Demián Bichir's character (a wealthy man who wants revenge on the Titans after what happened to his family in Mexico) are the human antagonists. Ren was also jealous of his father's attachment to Godzilla and blames the Titan for their estranged relationship and his ruined family. After hearing that his father sacrificed himself to save Godzilla, Ren makes it his mission to kill Godzilla at all costs. Keeping his mission secret, Ren is recruited by Monarch to work on the Mechagodzilla Project. Little does Monarch know that him and Alan Jonah have been in contact for some time; Jonah mentions how he obtained the head of Ghidorah from Mexico and that it “could" be used for something.

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Then suddenly aliens

This is Godzilla and Kong's first encounter with each other in-universe, but Godzilla has met and fought Kong's species numerous times in the past. The cave paintings discovered show and tell a story of Kong's kind being an invasive species and a major threat to ancient humans, causing fear due to their territorial nature and large numbers.

Godzilla arrived one day and attempted to control the situation, Kong's species would refuse to abide and submit to his dominance unlike the other Titans. This resulted in a war between Godzilla and Kong's species, Godzilla ultimately winning and forcing Kong's remaining species away from the main world and into the Hollow Earth. They would eventually arrive at Skull Island, where they would meet their end to the Skullcrawlers not long after, all killed off aside from Kong.

Kong is a special case for his kind, he's the first to actively protect humans that need his help. Kong sees humans similar to him, as he grew up alongside them on Skull Island.

Godzilla sees Kong as just another familiar foe from the past, but now is much bigger.

After Kong proves himself to be a formidable opponent, Godzilla takes Kong's existence much more seriously and a priority to exterminate. Kong sees Godzilla as a threat to humans and an invader of his territory once the Titans start converging on Skull Island more and more.

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FUTURE aliens

The Winner of their “fight":


Kong isn't meant to win in the end against Godzilla, but to prove that he can hold his own through multiple fights with someone much larger and stronger than him, gaining "respect" and his own spot in Godzilla's kingdom. In the end Skull Island is destroyed and sucked into the ocean, leaving Kong without a home and now hanging around Godzilla in the Hollow Earth.

Rodan doesn't die during the final battle, but does suffer another major injury fighting Mechagodzilla and is out the remainder of the film.

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>Rodan doesn't die during the final battle
Goddamn giant Kentucky Chicken

from HELL

Mechagodzilla’s design is based off the classic Showa-era design, with several built-in weapons on it's body and arms. It’s major weapons are Maser cannons and a Freon Cannon.

Mechagodzilla is a prototype Anti-Titan machine using a bio-computer for it's "Brain", which is powered by Ghidorah's brain with a few cybernetic enhancements. Ghidorah's brain is able to communicate with people similar to a Speak & Spell. (Example: Hello, Dr. Mark Russell). Very creepy and HAL-9000-esque, they make Mechagodzilla as much of an actual antagonist as the human villains.

In one battle Ghidorah's brain recognizes Godzilla and attempts to take revenge out on him, locking the pilots out. It's construction was approved as a joint project with the US government and Monarch, overseen by the UN. Monarch's reason for building MG was in the event Godzilla was to ever fall in battle, humanity would stand a fighting chance against rouge Titans, while the US government sees it as an equalizer weapon to keep ALL Titans in line.

They built and stationed MG on Skull Island to prevent detail leaks or any type of outside interference from the rest of the world. It's head is ripped off during the final battle, revealing it's “brain", similar scene from Terror of Mechagodzilla.

While not truly back, Ghidorah's blood and body has caused mutations in lesser creatures, making them larger and aggressive. It's blood is leaking out of Mechagodzilla after it's destruction.

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The Hollow Earth contains a enormous serpent Titan that circles around a large section of the Earth's core and has been kept as one of Monarch's biggest secrets. The Titan is listed as "The World Serpent” (Jörmungandr) and it's long body is absorbing energy from the Earth's core. Its theorized to be helping keep the planet stable.

They find out it's the cause of the increased seismic activity and there's something wrong with it, as it's finally waking up. It previously being dormant for an untold amount of years. Next film is Monarch and the hero Titans traveling through the Hollow Earth to fight an unknown apocalyptic force.

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That does sound pretty good, I just hope we get this classic now in glorious IMAX

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I like this one better

Teaser next month, attached with Joker. Extended version at NYCC exclusively for attendees.
It doesn't show much, scenes of destruction in Hawaii, and some new kaiju on Skull Island. Giant lobster is a notable one.
Titans from KotM rampaging.
Godzilla and Kong charging towards each other against the Hong Kong skyline.

Marketing is going to be more like Skull Island, less like KotM, last I heard. More older licensed songs used in trailers. Teaser is set to an unsettling remix of this:

Another leaker around here claimed to see almost the exact same trailer as me awhile back but set to the creepy score from the G14 score. Rumblings within Legendary make it sound like they’re going through a shift in marketing and aren’t sure whether to have promos be more like KotM or Skull Island, the latter being more successful at the box office. We’ll find out soon enough though.

Still waiting ...

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They do this exact scene.

Kong also has a giant axe. Uses a lot of tools.

Only Toho can save us

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Behold, how it actually should have gone

>giant lobster
Awww yeah, my nigga Ebirah finally getting his due

Attached: Ebirah2.jpg (453x240, 132K)

Gervais, Stephen Merchant and pilkington but as gamera & rodan as Gervais and Merchant laughin at godzilla Pilkington asking about how he thumped a monkey

For this world to stop hating?

Seconding this

Would you go for adult life autism?

He'll die 5 minutes in

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I'd like some heavy metal in my Godzilla soon..
Time to bring out the butter and bibs..

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Please be fucking true because oh fuck

Jörmungandr is inside the Hollow Earth being attacked by a countless horde of monsters with a currently unknown origin. A future sequel will have Godzilla, Kong, Rodan, the newly hatched Mothra, and an army of humans adventuring into the Hollow Earth to fight them. It's the Destroy All Monsters movie that leaked back in 2016; no one picked up on it being legit until the KotM artbook came out and the poster in the image matched up with unseen concept art. Cat's out of the bag now, but it's a little late; DaM will likely be shelved after the Monsterverse's poor box office numbers. GvK may save it though.

Legendary and Warner are also looking into, rather than shelving the Monsterverse, taking a break from film and having a TV series to bridge the gap between KvG and DaM. Time will tell though if that happens. The future is very unclear.

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Should note that by "the artwork matched up" I meant in the full timeline leak; KotM's poster was placeholder concept art. Was from an investor's meeting. The only site that ever noticed it was 2ch, funny enough.

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So we'll never see Biollante or Destoroyah? Sad.

Kill every fake fan in this thread

As some have suggested, Biollante could be made from Vera Farmiga’s remains somehow, you figure it out. Plus Destoroyah should be natural after the Oxygen Destroyer was detonated in the ocean. Only time and money will tell.

Ghidorah's head was writhing with shit when Tywin picked it up. Destroyah is a very distinct possibility, especially with the OD already in play

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No, this is bad. You should feel ashamed. I get hot anthropomorphic waifus, even though I dont like that kinda stuff. But this? Not this, never. eww.

She's the only kaiju who actually HAS what could be considered a human form. She needs to be a japanese girl

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What was her name, user? The black woman that wronged you?

Gonna take a shot in the dark and say.....Tynisha

Not for a long time no. The only things on the docket are Godzilla vs Kong, Destroy All Monsters, and a Monsterverse television series, the latter two are more of a "one or the other" situation.

I want to believe

>left head
his name is kevin

We were supposed to have one, like, five or ten years ago.

>Tywin got the retard head
>Entire thing regenerates from it
>Nu-Ghidorah is now fully retarded
I would watch it

Attached: 219.jpg (885x2047, 218K)

Looking at the face I feel like this artist is more used to ponys than dragons

don't say that word, they might come

I mean, this here was done by the lead designer on DC Super Hero girls, so this thread is already pony/ adjacent at the very least

Attached: 1565192412584.png (1018x779, 712K)

Why this Ghidorah incarnation so based?

So I’m up now. Guess I can do so sketches? Requests?

Why is Nu-Rodan such an autist?

Attached: 1566061158178.jpg (1125x1332, 177K)

Give me fluffy Mothra please

Draw one of the twins dressed up in a fluffy mothra costume?

Attached: 1547017805192.jpg (1860x2140, 319K)

Would you mind doing a sketch with Legendary Godzilla and Zilla Jr brofisting?

Do one of Mothra surprising Godzilla with their love child, Minilla, who is basically retarded. Don't even have to draw Minilla differently.

He's just waiting his moment to strike back

Rodan's always been an autist, what are you talking about?

Best Mothra comin through.

Attached: 1565190910221.jpg (664x500, 273K)

Because he's what he should have been power-wise all along.

When Batman burst from out of the shade

The only thing I could think of when I saw this guy chimping out was "he's gonna get his shit kicked in by everyone, isn't he"
He lost to fucking Mothra. MOTHRA

Attached: 1543465007993.png (897x800, 382K)

>Minilla was actually a horrid cross-breed of kaiju akin to a mule
That.....would explain a lot, actually

Best parts of the Anime Godzilla trilogy, prove me wrong

Attached: 1547046776206.jpg (866x674, 384K)

Serizawa with a Godzilla shirt

he needs human nipples

They cute just like all the Toho twins, Legendary needs to use their twins more often

Yes but consider the following; tomodashi

Mothra's more than earned her stripes. There's a reason she's the go to kaiju for mankind whenever Godzilla is on a rampage: she's one of the few than can actually match Big G in direct combat. Hell, she once managed to web him up and completely immobilize him while only in her larva form

Second best after the new Godzilla and his offspring

>Best Mothra comin through

Attached: Mothra anime.jpg (1442x1076, 192K)

Earth is pretty cool, but Filius is an angry little sperg that lost to human rage and autism

Attached: 12.jpg (1430x1068, 161K)

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Oddly enough Legendary hasn't done cute merch of their universel


Attached: D8ANcaeXUAIp3Gv.jpg (962x680, 50K)

Attached: D8ANcaPXkAEUHsC.jpg (936x672, 37K)

love how the japs always portray human Goji as a Jotaro-like bancho instead of a boy band bishonen

Attached: gojira bancho.jpg (1000x714, 159K)

Attached: D8ANcbKXUAALgit.jpg (959x677, 59K)


when Bagan becomes canon

Attached: Bagan.jpg (336x352, 16K)

Godzilland Mothra is so pure, she has never been lewded.

They know the best
But I want a sukeban Mothra

Don't be so naive.

Attached: 1566545711149.jpg (600x809, 79K)

Get lost DFCunt.

Because they know a human Goji wouldn't take shit from ANYONE and would crack a dude's skull just for looking at him funny


Mothra is yamato nadeshiko, the ideal wife and mother by japanese standards

Truly the most based incarnation

Good shit. Also, my yuri radar is bleeping.

just check any gijinka fanart on pixiv except the ones where Godzilla is a bimbo

Attached: 1547112215450.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)


Attached: 4073790-desotroyah.png (924x1178, 1.68M)

And then thye fucked

Don't be salty just because they got new movies, atlantean turtle

Unironically, yes
Maina > Miana, prove me wrong

Attached: 1547051651560.jpg (1011x693, 317K)

The O2 Destroyer is already in play, you radioactive faggot. I'm coming

Attached: Godzilla-VS-Destoroyah-godzilla-34314622-1600-900.png (1600x900, 1.16M)

Man you have no idea how much I miss this nigga, his design sucks but the fights were neat

I cant you right
I hope those leaks are real, he. needs to come back

God I hope you are. I'm ready

Attached: rodan jew.jpg (2480x3508, 1.07M)

I love drawing Mothra.

Attached: 03FEEEA0-F30F-4714-A2D0-DE6FEC7FAE4E.jpg (2319x2839, 958K)

Attached: 1566052159129.png (339x476, 56K)

Rodan you cheesy flying seagull

I love it, thanks a lot!


She has that effect

That Mothra is suspiciously familiar looking........
You already know the doujin I'm referring to



>Ghidorah looks like Dio with armor
I dig it

>Oh, you're going to approach us?
>SKREEEOOOOOOOOOONK(I can't kick your asses if I dont!)
>[M E N A C I N G]

I like how you did both, kudos my dude

Attached: bara goji.jpg (2480x3508, 1.11M)


What would Star Platinum look like? Godzilla Earth?
Would The World look like Destroyah

What is this and is it Godzilla related?

New anime movie trilogy

It's from the absolutely shitacular Godzilla Netflix anime trilogy.

Mothra twins from the Godzilla earth trilogy. Real qts

Attached: 1547022839210.jpg (1101x614, 89K)

I actually don’t. It was just based on a little. I drew it from the thought of Pearl’s pose from Steven Universe. I don’t like the show it was just that pose.

Yea Forums being wrong about anime as usual.
Movies were a very solid look into the Godzilla universe in a new way.

Attached: 9806e9d106ec4b0209ca9ede5ae36560.png (838x1376, 1.35M)

Yeah but not enough Mothra or KG

>lets set it in the far future in a post-apocalypse!
>and have it involve space travel! No, not aliens again, humans! They live in space!

Fuck that shit, show me kaiju Gold Experience Requiem


Attached: 1566107040500.jpg (1920x800, 462K)

All of a sudden I have a craving for some soup.

Wasn’t sure if you wanted them in that style. So I drew one of them then thought you wanted something smaller. Looking again you probably wanted them in their og style.

Attached: BC1A5490-D2E1-44BD-B6F8-5A2A947CACA5.jpg (1741x1358, 713K)

Wow you stated things going on in the movie but in a tumblr post style, you sure got em.

Attached: dcx3nt6-4ce5ca0f-4e4d-46d9-ac14-f901a4f22b55.png (866x674, 832K)

Holy christ, that is fucking perfect. Thanks

Attached: 1537447720755.jpg (600x756, 77K)

Dude thay topnotch

Attached: like com des.jpg (2048x1248, 308K)

>Everyone compares Rodan to Starscream
>No one compares him to Terrorsaur
This just baffles me

Attached: file.png (1727x1004, 1.16M)

Dear god. Can someone vocaroo this?

No one likes Terrorsaur

I do

Terrosaur, stop posting on Yea Forums.

That's because only Terrosaur remembers that he existed.

This post is so cute, it gave me diabet

Wait what? How would it be a trilogy? Haruo hijacked their means of restoring civilization and an herod on Godzilla's big burly pecs.

References for style and position?
Someone’s about to end up dead in the next movie, and it isn’t going to be Mothra.

Attached: 96DD2FAD-3C3F-433A-A157-FE7C271212B3.jpg (1486x2008, 643K)

user, there's three movies

Thanks for all the love.

Yeah I looked at the stuff now and realized I never saw the second one.

Wait a minute, that's Anguirus!

Bruh she got a strong moth puss

Hope thls helps

Source? No luck with Google Images, Saucenow or IQDB

>that kid

>that episode where Biolantte goes full yandere stalker in Big G but has to get through Mothra first because SHE DON'T LET NO ONE TOUCH HER MAN
I legit find the idea of Mothra being a prim and proper princess type 99% of the time but becomes an angry black woman at the drop of a hat to be utterly hilarious

Requested that, thank you, I love it.

Terrosaur was a poor man's Starscream, to the point that the actual Starscream showed up to slap his shit

You didn't miss anything beyond disappointment. Watch this instead, fan film of what should have been

Shit thats way better

nice, zombiezilla

fuck off OP your designs are fucking awful

Attached: 9af0333772d6c0c35267fba5.gif (325x244, 1.83M)

last time i saw posts like this, it was fucking 100% accurate...just saying

I hope so!

How longer 'til the first trailer shows up!

Attached: 1444629350397.png (405x344, 9K)

see IF this leaker is legit

Whatta douche!

Attached: 1558747874255.gif (540x540, 1.24M)

>Mechagodzilla’s design is based off the classic Showa-era design
I am sold

>Rodan fights MechaG
Getting deja vu there
This sounds dope as shit though, I'm in

Attached: 1563226174804.png (448x418, 181K)

Terrorsaur wishes he was Starscream, this is canon

Attached: IMG_873.jpg (238x239, 18K)

Never seen that before. Thank you.

Wish Godzilland would make a comeback, but with more story oriented plots rather than the educational aspect of the original OVAs.

I bet Anguirus tried to wreck Mechagodzilla's shit after that (and lost horrifically).

Attached: 024-7734211-MG4J.jpg (540x304, 41K)


I just wish to have the whole thing in glorious 1080p

Attached: 1562178124821.jpg (1600x1200, 885K)

Oh sweet lord jesus have mercy on me

MUMS n Roses....
*MUMS* n Roses...
you idiot !

Wait, her prehensile chest-arms ARE her boobs!?!?

I bet Japan has the whole series in BluRay and DVD

Attached: oh my.png (299x299, 161K)

Hey that's the "bubble tea challenge"?
I suppose

This looks like Chochi art. I thought he crawled off into the tundra to die after his shitty patreon webcomic flopped?

No. Bubble tea challenge is when a girl uses her tits/cleavage to rest a cup of bubble tea on and drink.

I'm going to need a source, famala

Attached: sicko.png (152x254, 40K)

Well, shes a bug, has no need for mammaries

I don't now if I'm into boobs that can strangle me (or segmented eyes).

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Attached: yfiz9lnwzfm11.jpg (498x376, 105K)

>Sequel never


Attached: 1566524300645.png (1024x1024, 167K)

Attached: 1542045861994.jpg (1200x793, 192K)

Why did it take until the Legendary series for audiences to realize that Mothra is Bae? I've known this for YEARS!

Attached: 1565575894073.jpg (384x384, 22K)

No one had access to other Godzilla movies besides those dub before Legendary made a new hit with Godzilla in the States

ironic to think it wasn't the Japs who shipped them but Americans

goddammit Yea Forums why you gotta go make me wanna fuck a moth

>made from japanese girl dna

Attached: 1494643332186.png (574x528, 46K)

Because Moth pussy is life

Moths are literally the fuck stage of life since many don't even have mouths and their only purpose is to breed. Course you also have weirdos like those vampire Russian moths.

>gamera being a fat gamer kid and not a Kuwabara-esque friend-rival.
>ghidorah being preppy triplet and not some giga-chad galo sengen dudes.
>mechagodzilla being a crotch rocket
>black biolante.

no sir i don't like it.

Attached: forgiveness stop.jpg (369x496, 33K)

Yeah, that's "never actually seen the movie" tier fanart.

But I guess the joke is "Biollante sounds like one of those retarded fake African names black people use lol".

I love this and want to see more of Godzilla and crew doing random mundane shit.

That's Shwa Ghidorah noises
How do you do the Heisei Ghidorah noises?

Attached: 117.gif (500x387, 2.91M)

>t. Marvel and Disneyfag who has never seen the Heisei films

If you can't tell who/what something is without labeling them it's bad design.

Secondaryfags are the worst.

Attached: 1544996824462.gif (992x720, 915K)

Then watch Godzilland!

>The American's "Destroy all monsters" is just Kong and Goji tag-teaming against bargain-bin Not!Baragon twins
Why do Americans have such tiny minds and think on such tiny scales?

I think it's more to do with how Toho licenses for each Godzilla monster so you have to buy each one separately if you want to use them

But I don't want to learn hiragana!

I dunno but at least Legendary tries to nail the Toho formula

Attached: 15545747870255.gif (362x270, 263K)

Yeah, the Legendary storyboard art for the "bowing sequence" in KotM included Gigan, Kumonga and Gamera. They got cut because Toho charges licensing fees for each trademarked monster and Legendary couldn't afford it.

>no lightning power kong
>no monster X, destroyah
>stranger things girl is still around
>getting showa style mechagodzilla in the

Attached: i guess.png (728x797, 238K)

Toho's DAM wasn't a measly FOUR MONSTERS, WHICH IS THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT AS KOTM. Their "finale is no greater than their sequel, which shows that they have plateau'd and are fine with it

>and Legendary couldn't afford it.
BOOHOO the multimillion dollar corporation is being a bunch of cheap Jews because a movie with more than 4 monsters or non-Showa kaiju would mean they couldn't market to the casual fake Goji fans that only expect Showa monsters

Then perish!

Attached: 15e78d10b535dd33f7dc1eb8cef367002a096.png (540x304, 81K)

Thanks user.

You know nothing of Mothra's sexual potential.

Attached: 463213.png (1829x922, 2.06M)

Is this real?! I need answers!

Yes. I didn't save the top half of the cover because it was GAY.

In my book they say sharing is caring, so... source?

Is there a focus on Mothra, I need to know for ummm... for science yes, for science.

Attached: swtn.gif (346x195, 2.66M)

I need a Legendary Hedorah.

Attached: ddgc80f-e8e77172-d804-401a-bc1d-01d336c3c8b6.png (900x900, 552K)


yeah he just posted it today, yay for coincidences.

Fwoofy Mothra is Best Mothra.

Attached: D8LI_sEUEAAHXkm.jpg (1200x836, 95K)

Okay Yea Forums you win, I'll fuck some moth pussy

This is just a moth thread now

Attached: DC6E66E8-5B70-4994-9367-C5C374D53DCE.jpg (726x1100, 166K)

>I need to know for ummm... for science yes, for science.
You need to go back.

Attached: 1532292416570.png (1000x1000, 59K)

Welcome to the club

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She got legs!

Attached: 1544644816506.jpg (720x960, 98K)

Finally some classy Mothra

Attached: 1560044968294.jpg (2048x1538, 426K)

Sexy Mothra but goddamn look at that Rodan!

Attached: 1565572232736.jpg (774x1032, 104K)

Attached: 4db4d0fabd6c2c3a4ea298932af6e38f.jpg (768x647, 415K)

Might be my favorite designs in the thread. They're weirdly on-point to being both humanoid and looking very much like their monster form, I like it.

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Attached: 595d50d1c970469fc0b44ff130560f27.jpg (2048x1178, 261K)

Maybe it's the autism talking, but the left picture using the Heisei Ghidorah design while the right side is clearly referencing Ghidorah The Three Headed Monster is bugging me.

Attached: ebfec671470f611e4adec11e928c52f3.jpg (1765x876, 112K)

I feel your pain it bugs me too, but the text is fun

Attached: 744170e1f324966982072ec28ee5bdde.jpg (2048x1534, 242K)

You mean, The Best Head?!

Attached: 1544701900963.jpg (680x773, 114K)

That's kinda cute but needs more moth and less human

Attached: 1544817517864.jpg (1024x1062, 170K)


Attached: 1559607062768.jpg (900x900, 860K)

Classic gijinka is cute

The movie might have been just ok, but I haven't had this fun with Godzilla memery in years

Attached: 1547019395192.png (960x687, 489K)

The last movie was a giant pile of shit and this one sounds even worse. The first one was the best because it didn't have all this deep lore, Godzilla circle jerk, and magic future science SHIELD team bullshit. The only problem was it had too much focus on the human side plot. It was just, big monster fights other big monster for dominance. The second movie was the biggest Godzilla wank off of all time and the organization is just so over the top syfy it's comical. I get that the original movies where mostly big hokey fun, but I liked Godzilla 2014 because it seemed pretty grounded other than the giant monster aspect. It was a fun romp that was based around "How would humans deal with a situation where giant monsters exist and you can't hurt them by conventional means?"

Probably the greatest thing from the nee series

Attached: 1566492168762.jpg (2048x1815, 428K)

Ironically that's how he survived

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I want that plushie

Attached: D8ZVa_0UEAAjc8f.jpg (1024x910, 177K)

Have anyone done one of these with her brother?

Attached: chibi.jpg (1280x1874, 456K)

>Kong has a giant axe
Might have believed you until that one

on no
i love her

OP's mothra is classy and stylish,

My Nigga!!!

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Artist? Anymore? Sauce?

I began doodling human Godzilla character designs back in April and now it's gotten to the point having their own universe. Somebody please cure my autism, I need help.

Attached: scratch and grounder.png (454x547, 152K)

That depends is Mothra with Gozilla in your Au? More examples?

Shit as always. The shittiest thing here only second to OP's obsession with all this, and the posting of the same thing every single time.

Thank you, I love you.

Attached: BEA89D9F-3544-43B1-A054-931E1B8CDE5C.jpg (500x500, 61K)

Isn't Godzilla a girl? Why does everyone draw her as a boy.

Is that Rodan?

He, user, he's a God

you guys are fags this is good

>The only problem was it had too much focus on the human side plot
just like most Godzilla movies
>The second movie was the biggest Godzilla wank off of all time
just like most Godzilla movies
>the organization is just so over the top syfy it's comical
just like most Godzilla movies
>It was just, big monster fights other big monster for dominance
there was also lore in the 2014 movies that said exactly what KOTM did, KOTM just expanded on it
>but I liked Godzilla 2014 because it seemed pretty grounded other than the giant monster aspect. It was a fun romp that was based around "How would humans deal with a situation where giant monsters exist and you can't hurt them by conventional means?"
that's totally valid user, but the problem with that approach is you can only do that so much before it becomes boring/predictable. It also doesn't help that 2014's pacing was awful. KOTM even for its problems did do what a sequel should do and actually improved on what was good about the previous one (giant monster fights and the overall spectacle just from their presence alone)

Honestly I don't think KOTM is perfect but I'd honestly watch that over 2014 and a good amount of the overall franchise

it honestly just felt like a big budget Showa movie so it's kind of funny seeing people make muh Marvel comparisons

Attached: sprite.gif (480x291, 803K)

When is Paul Bunyan joining the monsterverse?

Attached: paul bunyan vs rodan.gif (320x213, 1.44M)

Who do you think was training Kong these last 40 years?

>its a gargantians reboot that inspired the tall tale

>Behemoth is Bessy
Fucking fund it.

fuck i dont remember my american tall tales.

>Mothra is a girl in all of these

Weebs, i fuckin swear man

Nigga Mothra is a girl, canonically you like or not
If you want dicks go for her brother, he likes them bara

Mothra is a girl

Her son, Mothra Leo, is the only Mothra ever that was a boy.

To be fair, the human plot sucked and the constant struggle between where the camera would be "human perspective or monster focal" was distracting. I didnt notice shape of water was the one who was killed until a "kia" file popped up and I didnt notice she was eaten by Ghidorah until rewatch. But I'd rather the human plot been from Dr. Watanabes perspective than 11 and wolf dad.

fair point, though at the very least I was glad wolf dad actually had an arc of sorts going from hating Godzilla to accepting him though more Watanabe would have been preferable

Good, good, but Godzilland High?

Sauce? Can't find it on E621.

Godzilla University with Godzilla as the old professor and Mothra as his new intern

King Ghidorah as the rival and Rodan using the laboratory to fabricate meth

He'll be part of Phase 2

Attached: 156182292220.png (540x234, 138K)

I like this one

I really hope they do something with Kevin

To be fair the Jap that leaked everything about KOTM a year prior over on Tohokingdom has even said that.

Sounds pretty good but also I'm very sad that Godzilla didn't make a mark even though people enjoyed it. KOTM was as good of a Godzilal movie as the westerners could make it.

Kong's whole schtick is he's highly intelligent and is able to use tools like any primate worth thier salt can. I'm guessing it's not an actual handcrafted axe but a giant tree or something that has the same functionality as one. Odds are Kong is still going to be punching above his weight class with Big G so he would need some kind of edge to even the odds

>Not posting the followup

One of the few kaiju noises I can't do. I mean it's like a loud whisper, but my voice is too deep.

Can you do a ghidorah?

Okay, gonna blog an idea for a future movie:
Weird, I had about the same idea.
>Monarch make a kaiju with Gidorah, Rodan, and Godillaz's dna
>Call it Gigan
>After training it and raising it to defend cities they give it armor to better control it and give it weapons after it keeps getting its ass kicked
>Kevin is still alive, just dormant
>Monarch is doing tests on it and cause Kevin to wake up
>Kevin turns into a winged serpent (thanks to regenerative ability) and flies off to find the source of these weird alpha signals
>Turns out part of what made Gigan eventually successful was the mix of signals it could put out based on it's 3 sources of DNA
>Too bad that attracted Kevin
>Kevin fights Gigan and wounds him to the point of near death
>Then goes full John Carpenter's The Thing and combines with Gigan to form a new Emperor Gidorah

Attached: 56UM7sj.jpg (1200x612, 156K)

Wait, is she meant to look like Bellossom?

I love Kevin, he's too pure to be with the other two.

Attached: Cool Story Ed.jpg (475x263, 21K)

Where my BIOLLANTE chads at?

Top tier taste, but most importantly, where the FUCK is my nigga GAMERA at?

Sup bitches

Attached: 250px-Original_Gigan_1972.jpg (250x272, 22K)

>It was a fun romp that was based around "How would humans deal with a situation where giant monsters exist and you can't hurt them by conventional means?"

Shin and to a lesser extend '54 and GMK did that better desu.

Attached: __godzilla_godzilla_s_tail_crawling_with_creatures_monster_in_kamata_monster_in_shinagawa_and_shin_g (774x2000, 1.51M)

Sup leaked Rodan

Just rewatched KOTM with my dad and he really enjoyed it, he has watched G-movies from all eras and really enjoyed all the callbacks and references. It was my second viewing of the movie and I gotta say, I still thoroughly enjoy it and think the biggest minus is the human villains, as atleast the human good guy characters are always involved with the monster plot, the human bad guys just felt really seperate and kinda wasted Alan Jonah as a character, hopefully he is in the next movie and gets something to do.
We both had gripes with the first movie as it wasted Cranstons character and drama so early and made the watchers watch the boring as fuck son plot with the military.
In that aspect KOTM is a vast improvement as it has more even quality and feels much more as a love letter to Godzilla, especially the showa era.

Attached: 8codmkuryra11.png (506x608, 343K)

You can eat silk?

It’s his animal instinct. Larvae look sort of like like reptiles so he likes them like his buddy Anguirus. He probably felt betrayed when his destroy all monsters buddy turned into something that looks like what he killed and fucked off to an island to loaf around.

you know i would like if they introduced Zilla in this series as a failed godzilla clone made on a laboratory.

there is a suspicious lack of size content in this thread.

which I wouldn't normally inject into the conversation, but that's really fucking weird given the source material.

Attached: 1563049505.alanscampos_mothra05_pa.jpg (1280x720, 229K)

Humans could probably fight a kaiju, assuming they're not bullshit "lmao I'm LITERALLY immune to nukes because radiation".
Humanity's destructive potential is absolutely insane, especially when the entire humanity is forced into a collective fight or flight mode.

What are the names of the other two? ‘Cuz someone needs to do an Ed Eddn’ Eddy parody

I swear to God there's already one but never saved the pic, damn. anyway their names are 1-2-3 in Japanese. Ichi-Ni-San.

reminders that the only reason jet jaguar and gigan are so popular with westerners is because their movie was the easiest to find back in the day

So 3 has the same word as the honorific?
I should attach “3” to the end of all my friends’ names just to fuck with them.

Attached: Godzilla VS Kong leaked footage.jpg (1930x1080, 199K)

people pick on zilla for being much weaker than goji while not realizing he could be a massive threat due to his zerg rush potential

It's probably on par with Hulk making some bucklers out of a car when he fought Abomination.

Irish Rodan is on spot tho

Where the fuck is he?

fuck you gigan is an awesome retard

Waiting for a non-existent new film

In the book prequels to the anime they're stated as some of the most dangerous because their breeding will take over entire cities. So maybe we could have Godzilla fight a pack of Zillas so it's more like 5 or 10 on one. Godzilla kills them, with a newborn opting to follow in the real Godzilla's footsteps, Zilla Jr.


I started liking Gigan after his redesign in Final Wars.

okay but who's Big G side bitch?

is there any gijinka art of the new kaiju from KOTM?

Attached: titanus behemoth.jpg (1200x503, 83K)

Behemoth? nah, sorry chum