I'll post some devilish stuff on Yea Forums

I'll post some devilish stuff on Yea Forums

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Lesbians in general are evil incarnate.

Post more

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No faggot, more Adora and catra

40 cakes edit when?

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Damn, Catra sure is bad.

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Lesbians bread?

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I like fanart of Catra being petty. It reminds me of those joker memes.

what show is this?

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>fan media is better than source

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Post more

Post the Shadow Weaver one

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i'll try

I'm kind of surprised that nobody nominated Mermista for Ms. Yea Forums.

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I tried

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I chuckled

That's as many as four tens!

Sauce on this?

and that's terrible

Remember when She-Ra villains were evil?

What's up with the disgusting fake-Avatar artstyle, the ultra-thin lines and the revolting pastel colors?

I also remember when I didn't want to turn Glimmer into my chubby li'l cum-catcher, but I ain't gonna complain.


You people will forgive anything as long as there's waifus

Explain Victor and Valentino, then.

What's that?

It's a bit much to ask for the "as many as four tens" but I think you could've included the "And that's terrible!"

A shitty, Mexican Gravity Falls with two top quality waifus. Everyone agrees that it's mediocre as fuck at best.

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I should be honored but in the words of Juan Pablo Escobar: es pura mierda

>two top quality waifus
Then my point still stands, Yea Forums will watch literally anything as long as there's waifus

I gave it a shot like I do most cartoons. Even the waifus weren't enough to keep my interest.

More of this and less lesbian faggotry

My God, I need more of these

I love you

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Isn't this basically the plot of Gabriel Dropout?

extremly Good

In the age of villains with tragic reasons, we need more villains just being petty.

Isnt it funny, in the 80s/90s we had vigilantes being big. late 90s/00s we had villanious heroes being big. In the 10s villians reform and get their own books.