*is a loving, supportive boyfriend who did nothing wrong*

*is a loving, supportive boyfriend who did nothing wrong*

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Sounds like a beta.

That's the point. PC, who grew up with a codependent alcoholic mother, and then spent 10 years in a relationship with Bojack, cannot handle someone who actually treats her well.

More or less, his own fault for leaving PC when she really meant for him to stay

I found it pretty shocking that he couldn't have the common sense to at least check on her after she had an obvious breakdown and acted uncharacteristic when finding out she couldn't have kids. He really would have never seen her again if they didn't run into each other accidentally.

Dude, he was right to split like he did. He dodged a hell of a bullet with PC. She cannot handle being in a healthy relationship, at all.

*is also the protagonist of a children's book series*

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He's either a beta or an emotional autist to GTFO of his girl's life the first time she tells him to. I would know since I did the exact same

It's a very common form of insecurity.

>Insecure person who hates themselves whether because of depression, abuse, bad relationships, all of the above.
>Meets someone kind who loves them a lot
>Insecure person feels guilty
>They feel like something bad is gonna happen and not make this last anyway
>Act passive-aggressive enough where that eventually comes true
>"See? I knew it! Bad things always happen to me!"

I feel attacked by this post, and you'll be hearing from my lawyer.

Holy fuck user. It is like my tumblr girlfriend never left.

Hey, not my fault my brain has made me incapable of forming healthy relationships

PC told him to fuck off in season 4 and still rejects him in season 5

s-shut up
but I will always remember this post

Don't remember the exact words, but she asked him why he didn't stay when she blew up at him at the apartment, and rejects him afterwards because she's already decided to do the mother stuff herself

PC spazzing out was definitely a strike against her, but her not being able to conceive was obviously pretty damaging to her. While I don't blame him for not reaching out, the series would've taken a much different turn if he refused to let PC push him away - though again, it's not like it was his fault in the first place.


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He knew the relationship was heading in a way that he did not prefer and would spell disaster for both. If your partner is going spastic and there is no feecable way to help the situation, best thing to do is walk away when you know there is no solution nor any happy ending to be seen.

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PC needs to find a better therapist than the one she’s seeing (I think she’s seeing one?) cause her neuroticism is going to make her an unbearable mother. She’s already projecting impossible ideals on the kid she just adopted.

My ex did this to me

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You're telling me.

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*Globally rich german-hating pro-Israel racist jewish familly*

You are not your brain, master it, kill the you in your head and body to live as the ego

>tfw I basically do this
>tfw have never been in a relationship because of this shit

Mine too. She would keep talking to the guy who said she should kill herself, but tried to ignore me until I went away during the ending of our relationship.

Look at the bright side. At least you haven’t fucked up multiple relationships In exactly that way, like I have. Cause that shit catches up to you.

He has ADHD and kidnapped a girl. Even though that would be tolerable in japan.

I'm still kicking myself for ghosting the one girl I ever dated for any prolonged amount of time earlier this year. The fuck was I even thinking.

Yes but he's just not what she wanted, and 30+ year old women all deserve Mr. Perfect.
Sex and The City told them so.

Wait, so its his fault PC freaked out and dumped him? You guys are next level retarded.

You flipped the fuck out internally when you caught yourself feeling happy. Been there bro. You gotta love yourself before you can love anyone else. That’s why I’m not getting back into the dating pool until I deal with my damage.

When women say no, you're meant to magically know when they actually mean "yes" because they sure as fuck aren't going to tell you. Their mind-games are designed to test you by criteria they don't understand themselves.

However you've always got a 90% chance of failing said mind-games. Especially when it comes to sex, because if you respect her saying no, you're a pussy. If you DON'T respect the no, then you're a rapist except if she actually wanted you to not respect the no because it was a test of how much you actually wanted her (and you can still be a rapist later if she changes her mind)

I think you just might be retarded bro.

Or maybe women are retarded, and you're a fag.

So... Do you prefer sex with retard or a fag? uwu


tee hee hee I'm both stupid and faggy

Every girl over thirty i know is batshit crazy. Its like they finally realise their stock is dropping for the first time in their lives so theu start over compensating like crazy.

Somehow it makes their already astronomical standards go up. God help you if it's a woman with a "career". She'll convince herself that she's beautiful, smart and successful and that her man NEEDS to be at least a millionaire investment banker of no more than 22 with a 9.5/10 body who's spontaneous yet predictable, obsessively in love with her yet never clingy, loves kids and animals (should as a minimum raise horses on his own ranch) and will treat her like the goddess that she is.

Ive had the opposite experience with girls over 30 having almost no standards but are super clingy, jealous and frighteningly in need of permanent commitment.

bitch lemme go

There's pretty much no middle ground when it comes to the crazies. They're either one extreme or the other.

Women are like kids user, you gotta tell them what they want.

I was late to the Season 5 party, just finished watching it right now. What's Yea Forums's consensus? How does it compare to the other seasons?

Diane was such an insufferable fucking cunt, and her checking in Bojack into rehab literally does not redeem her in any way from being a vindictive, pretty, downright evil character. Someone please convince me otherwise. She went from being an okay character, to a good character, to the downright most spiteful and unbelievably evil character in the show.
>Fucks with friend by dredging up dark painful memories he had not to his face, but through his work
>Constantly listening to other people (therapist) on what to do with friend she has trouble with at a drop of a hat without instead, say, talking to the friend about her problems first
>Doesn't allow friend to confide in her, doesn't help friend with rough times, doesn't have enough empathy to see he is hurting, or doesn't want to help despite seeing it
>Innumerable things she has done in the past seasons.

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Me three. We went through this routine, broke up and then she came running back saying how much she loved me. Rise and repeat. After the third time I just threw in the towel. Occasionally she calls me and asks to meet up and I just say no.

People like that are a nightmare to deal with and have an overall negative impact on your life.

Good but forgetable. Pretty much the only thing I can remember is Dianne acting like a deplorable, unforgivable cunt throughout the entire season.

A retarded fag.

It's only tolerable because he has status. Otaku does that and he hangs in the streets

why am I so broken ?

Because you don't work on changing.

Thats some tard shit. If she says no. Let it go.
If she's playing mind games with it you dont want it.

>realizing Bojack S6 is coming out around the same time as Reddit and Memey season 6

Oh well

It wasnt as strong as 2 and 4, but well enough
It just felt that the show wanted to end, but wasn't allowed to do so yet, so they played the status quo a bit much
Diane was by far the worst she's ever been
Todd was a lot better than last seasons, because he wasnt featured as much

>Season 5
Worse than S3. S3 sucked since they threw away some character progression to have Bojack suddenly care about winning awards when he realized at the end of S1 that fame wasn't going to fix his problems. In S5, they throw out almost all previous character growth. PC goes from being more or less sane and stable to being willing to fuck up some kids life just so she can play mommy. Diane goes from being destructive on her own life to destructive on the lives of everyone she claims to care about. Mr. PB goes from happy-go-lucky guy who would never let himself do something bad to a guy who cheats just because a woman spread her legs for him while constantly thinking the relationship he just started will fail. Bojack buried the whole Penny thing back in S3? Nope, apparently it's been bothering him this whole time but they just never bothered communicating that to the audience. Bojack is working hard on cutting back his addictions and cleaning up his life? LOL, just kidding, he's started a new addiction and is more addicted than ever! Because the plot of S5 only works if you retcon large parts of the previous 4 seasons.

It's quite telling that the best episode of the entire season was the episode that they could have stuck at the end of S4 without issues, since it had nothing to do with the rest of the season outside of a single line. This doesn't even cover the bullshit speech Diane gave to Bojack that ended up circling around and arguing against itself.

>It's quite telling that the best episode of the entire season was the episode that they could have stuck at the end of S4 without issues, since it had nothing to do with the rest of the season outside of a single line.

What episode?

>Fucks with friend by dredging up dark painful memories he had not to his face, but through his work
>Constantly listening to other people (therapist) on what to do with friend she has trouble with at a drop of a hat without instead, say, talking to the friend about her problems first
Nothing wrong with these. Also you portrayed what she did in the worst light

>gf comes home upset
>what’s wrong?
>ok then
>instantly makes her more upset because you dropped the issue instead of pursuing it.
Not that I agree with his second half but if you don’t believe women play mind games it’s obvious you’ve never been in a relationship.


Because you're a self-loathing cunt

Lmao sounds like someone who just picked up a "pua" book.

>it was all a "don't need no man" fantasy after all

whore from 13 reasons ,please.

>>Fucks with friend by dredging up dark painful memories he had not to his face, but through his work
>Nothing wrong with (that)

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not all women play mind games so you can just skip on those that do or call them out on it. calling them out on it has worked for me 70% of the time. basically you have to make her see that you too are human and not an accessory/tool

How is that related to 13 Reasons Why?

Except for being a filthy mouse!

Everyone does this. It's not a gender neutral thing.

The stereotype is that men don't show their emotions and say, "Nothing's wrong" when you ask them, hoping you don't ask what's wrong because they don't want to show emotions which is considered to be weak. And men don't want to appear weak (and therefore, unattractive) to their significant other.

Women's stereotype is that they say, "Nothing's wrong" because they don't want to be a burden, and want you to gently press them for information as a test to see if you are able to read their body language and demonstrate that you care enough to keep asking. Since women want stability and love and test their partners for that.

Either way, both partiers shrug and go "Nothing's wrong" even if the reason is different.