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Thrax? I don't even know what is that.
Why not cancer or Aids?

I think he’s supposed to be like Anthrax

the whole plot of the movie is that thrax is an unknown disease that wants to make a name for himself

people on Yea Forums seriously talk about shit they have never watched or read

i watched the movie but i forget most of it, like really how much of the movie is animated?

I prefer the cartoon.

I would say 71%?


well ur a fag

I read a theory that he isn’t even a natural disease, but an engineered one, as an explanation for why he just cares about killing, not reproducing like a regular pathogen.
Probably wasn’t intended though.

Anyone got funny feelings watching them fight an epic battle on a giant girls eye?

Does my eyes hurting count as a funny feeling?

I’m contagious

Didnt he blow up that ship with Jane Tarzan?

>tfw when you’re 7 and flip someone off for the first time

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It just me wonder what it feel like to live on a planet sized girl. Just like as random daydream.

I'm 30 and have never flipped someone off. I'm saving it for Death. Cocksucker's taken 21 swings, and they all missed.

> montage of user stubbing his toe 21 times

What do you think cancer looks like in Osmosis Jones? Like necromorphs invading?

Probably more like pod people that just sort of do nothing.

Well seeing as how they are simply cells that refuse to die. Just old people who stand around and do nothing. A few wont hurt anyone but imagine if the entire electrical grid stoped doing their job and no one ever replaced them.

That sounds genuinely unsettling

Watch Cells at Work

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What do you think Gonorrhea or Rabies look like?

>be me, nerve cell
>walking through brain doing usual rounds
>open door to the pumping station that pushes spinal fluid up and through the nerve tissues
>door won't open
>throw self against door to unwedge it
>door swings open a little and stops again
>clear liquid gushes out
>what the fuck.tiff
>squeeze head through crack to see what's going on
>discovered part of wall jutting out next to door
>used to be what I thought was a bulbous doorstop, suddenly ballooned
>same wall mass wedged in one of the pump stations, blocking fluid flow
>room is rapidly filling up with cerebral spinal fluid
>can't shut door now, wall warped the frame
>can't get inside to fix it

It doesn't fit with the rest of the movie, but I do like that theory.
I always figured he was supposed to be the Red Death from the Edgar Allen Poe story.

Thrax was scary that he could just one-shot you and pretty much everything he touched with his claws. The nigga burned through fake eyelashes.

I don't know why you'd focus on STDs when sex in general is probably fucking weird when depicted using anthropomorphized microorganisms.

Do the citizens of Frank wave goodbye to the sperm cells like they're astronauts, not knowing that he's just masturbating? How tragic.

>not knowing that he's just masturbating
It's one of the secrets that comes with the Mayor's office.

It's safe to say he was just a mutation.

Headcanon: Thrax could multiply, but was too arrogant to do it because he wanted to make that much of a name for himself and kill people solo.

kind of
I see it as one guy getting an "immortal god" complex and replicating himself to the point that the body can't support the population anymore and he is all like "why do you want to kill us, we simplely want to live forever" before the body gets chemoed and everything turns into system shock 2 the movie

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This tee bee que aitch


Cool death scene.

Attached: Osmosis Jones Thrax Death.webm (720x480, 562K)

>it's the movie's fault that I'm talking out of my ass

I imagine it's like a zombie apocalypse. The cancer cells are zombies that infect the healthy cells.

You fags don't understand what cancer actually is, Cancer is an error in a cell that causes it to go haywire, reproducing uncontrollably and not killing itself to prevent the accumulation of genetic flaws that come with cellular aging.

In essence all cancer is is broken cells that never stop reproducing and spreading throughout the body interrupting the bodies natural functions and systems.

its less of a zombie Apocalypse than a freak mutation that can duplicates itself very very quickly to the detriment of everything around it

I know what fucking cancer is, but cells in Osmosis Jones's setting don't reproduce like real life so cancer wouldn't work the same way either.
Something like necromorphs or a zombie virus to simulate the cancer's rapid spread fits the setting better.

>Weeb friend got upset when I told him Cells at work is just Anime Ozzy and Drix

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If the cartoon is at all canon they know exactly what the body is doing. There was a huge thing about the body getting sick and some of them realized that meant the body could stay home playing video games and stuff.

Sounds like a pussy

so Mr. Smith in Movie 3 "Me, me me."

Rubbing alcohol is scary

I think it really depend of the type of neoplasm, like for example if its a hematopoyetic cancer that its doing metastasis i would just make it so there are random cells whit dead eyes that you see constantly in the backgroud, they act and move like normal cells but as the movie advance you start to see more and more, in the background you start seeing randome disturbes, like one of the cancer cells just casually breaking a wall or some police oficcers taking one of the cancer cells, maybe at some point osmosis john is called to the bone medule and he see the place full of cancer cells, so full they are pushing each other to move and the "police" fighting againts this cancer cells, the walls are broken in some places and the cancer cells can be see everywhere

So it's a conspiracy

Anthrax was an engineered disease. Wouldn't fit with rest of the story but maybe there's something there.

>Anthrax was an engineered disease
Anthrax is a disease known for millennia caused by a soil-borne bacterium that mostly affects livestock. It was weaponized during the Cold War because its spores are particularly suitable for biological warfare. Refining production and delivery methods is not the same thing as engineering a disease.

Are there any known engineered diseases? I know there are poisons cooked up and used by intelligence agencies for assassinations but those are targeted one-offs like in the case of Wadie Haddad.

To be honest, I always skipped the bill Murray parts as a kid.

I can't even think about Thrax without thinking about that crack ship video. Shit was more or less normal until he appeared.