ITT: canon big dicks

ITT: canon big dicks

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Attached: Punisher Max - Naked Kill-005.jpg (696x2325, 624K)

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Is that green lantern batman?

what the fuck is actually happening here?
like...did his dick literally kill that girl?
What's the backstory and context?



Using the filename and google, It seems that this is a Punisher story that had him infiltrate this studio which was producing Snuff porn, and killing all the producers and freeing the slave actors.

He’s from an alternate Earth where heroes are fused. AquaFlash, SuperMartian and so on.


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Who was it that once said Azrael had the biggest dick in all of comics?

I think Steg's qualifies as a weapon of mass destruction

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Forgot how brutal Punisher Max could be

He probably has two of them, too

Weapon of *ass destruction

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Long-Dong from The Freshmen

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They actually acknowledged mr. Fantastic’s dick stretching abilities?