You can see the brief moment where Marten almost dared to have a spine again
Questionable Content
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Do not read Questionable Content.
Jeph Jacques
no you can't
Shut the fuck up Geoph.
Speaking of, did Marten finally fuck his sister?
No. You are stuck in this personal hell, writing bad comics for my lack of amusement.
I WILL read Questionable Content.
Once Marigold failed to bed her she disappeared for a while. Now she's butched up and joined the robo-dykes to try and wrangle a threesome.
pintsize is supposed to be marten's best friend
here's marten kicking him like a football
Is it true that girls with small feet have small penises?
based pintsize was about to go hard in the paint
And then he didn't, and nobody ever did again because it might make a patreon sub angry. The end.
Marten also had another friend whose name I forget but has long since been forgotten out of the comic.
Pintsize fell too far into Flanderization and has never resurfaced. At this point he probably needs a redemption arc.
Joke 2?
thank you for your service, terribleposter.
>it's a "Claire has an existential crisis because internet weirdos will pay more for videos of her feet in stiletto sandals than she will make at the job she got a masters for" episode
Ascended marten is getting real tired of this bullshit. He's gonna go ballistic on these niggas.
All he wants to do is go balls deep raw in that redhead ass every night but the internet memes won't let him.
There is nothing to look forward to anymore, why are we looking at this?
>Hey, partner and lover, I wonder if I have cute feet
>Hmm, let's ask someone else
Uh-oh! It's on the rocks!
>What if they're incredibly sexy?
You'd think Jeph could have put a few extra minutes into drawing them, then. Rather than leaving them as misshapen lumps with water retention, fresh from an old hiking boot after 10 hours hard use.
It's interesting that Marten can't even exchange banter with his boyfriend any more. I know Jeph likely intended the joke to be,
>Wow, Claire! You sure are behaving in an unusual manner! You're so quirky I can barely process it!
but it looks more like Marten's getting tired of his shit. His face says something more like:
>Jesus fucking Christ! Last week you were giving me shit for not wanting to drop my entire life so you can fuck around in a Library on the other side of the country - a job which you may not even get, by the way and haven't even applied for! - and NOW your bright idea is fucking foot-jobs?!
If Marten was a bit more savvy he should actually encourage this.
Looks like it'd be a piece of cake to convince Claire that it's definitely just the feet which would get the views of a livestreaming, red-headed transgender on a fetish site.
Why are people so intent on the narrative that trans-women have everything completely fine and shouldn't complain-
-and then reference the suicide statistics?
Wow... it feels almost like... you might just hate trans!
It's not a comment on trans-women in general; it's those in QC.
Jeph likes to say there's all this strife and drama for his pet minorities in transgenders and robots, but never shows it.
oh good we had too much of the ok characters I'm glad we're back with the d team
It is true. Testerone is responsible for feet and penis size.
I'm sure the fetishists would find man feet so sexy.
I think I might have cared like a decade ago about getting some strips with Marten talking to his girlfriend about how traumatic it was for him to grow up with an obnoxious sex worker for a mom, but not so much now.
where were you fucks for Ms .Yea Forums when we needed you? Claire got FIVE votes
>Why are people so intent on the narrative that trans-women have everything completely fine and shouldn't complain-
>-and then reference the suicide statistics?
Because it's clear to everyone with a brain that the problems Trans' face every day are problems of their own creation that could easily be avoided if they just went with the status quo and weren't in such a rush to mutilate their own bodies with experimental hormone treatments and clumsy plastic surgery.
>Marten comes from a broken marriage between a closeted faggot and a literal sex worker
>and that's a good thing
The whole situation is nightmare fuel but stabby plays it like a joke or that it gives marten liberal street-cred
>You will never have a hot porn star mom that you accidentally found out about by watching her video where she gets gangbanged by shemales
Marten is living the dream
Also, it seems trans people always avoid the amount of non-trans insecure people who kill themselves every year because they feel ugly.
He never accidentally found out. His mother practically told him every night while tucking him into bed since birth.
>there is still no hard scientific evidence to distinguish transgenderism from a slew of other body identification disorders
Really percolates the peanuts
Apparently amputation has been used to treat body integrity dysphoria. I'm not sure how accepted that is. But hey, it's your body, I guess?
You forgot Steve!?
Was this the tranny? I need to know fast.
Still is
Wow, forgot this existed.
Is Marten still sleeping with the trans girl?
Is Faye still getting freaky with a robot?
Is Hanners still pure?
I've never heard of a case of a doctor performing an amputation exclusively for the treatment of that disorder. Generally those people will just damage the limb themselves in such a way that amputation is medically necessary.
Are you saying wikipedia lies?
I don't read this tranny comic, what's the joke here? Why would the guy have complicated feelings?
Wow, Claire was cute at one point. What the hell happened?
someone is gonna recognise that drawing style and get that guy fired sooner or later
Good thing someone always posts it here so we don't have to visit your site.
Just that I've never personally encountered it. That's a goddamn avalanche of malpractice suits waiting to happen.
It’s plebcomics. She was already fired from a job once for pissing off sjws, her new job probably doesn’t give a fuck.
It's played for laughs, but Marten has pretty consistently shown to have deep issues related to his parents. Honestly if Handstab wanted some drama that could be easily resolved he could simply have Marten and Veronica actually talk about how he feels regarding his upbringing in a non-accusatory way.
Based terrible poster.
>amputation of the benis is still amputation
My point stands.
>have Marten and Veronica actually talk about how he feels regarding his upbringing in a non-accusatory way
I've watched similar talks go down, it's never "non-accusatory." It's always a mess (as I'm convinced it should be.)
In this case "non-accusatory" is the stance of the writer; logically Marten would be accusatory. There is real meat to a familial drama in the setup. You could have Marten pissed about how Veronica raised him, worried that she's going to give Sam the same sort of hangups, and kinda pissed that Veronica is actively trying not to. You could have Veronica genuinely trying to be a better mother while downplaying or avoiding facing how badly she messed up Marten. You could bring in Claire's mom (who still doesn't have a name) and have try to present herself as better than Veronica, despite having her own terrible marriage history and a son who blew off his own hand. You could actually flesh out the relationship between Jim and Sam, and how her absent mother plays into everything. Whether or not Marten has actually gotten over his dad being gay and leaving or is he just so distant that it doesn't matter on a day to day basis.
No cooming then. Thanks, I dodged a shot.
Jeph switched to viewing her as his author avatar, so she got his body mods.
I am unhappy about the fact that this image is now on my computer
what a fucking beta, gets fucked by a tranny and now he's gonna let her do porn
is Jeg into feet now?
also Claire's left eye is too small in the last panel.
Issues that he gets shut the fuck down about. Right after the breakup with Dora his mother came to Mom him to death and before the day was out had abused his trust about 10 different ways. 15 minutes before this strip she had ducked out of dinner to go comfort Dora and lied to him about it.
Aw man, I forgot that Jeph would do shit like this.
Why do people read this still now that he has fucked the Tranny a long time ago? I remember Yea Forums was sperging out, thought this would die after that. Is this actually good or just a meme?
>4th post from the top
I may not like you Jeph, but I don't hate you.
What's the market for anonymous feet shots that isn't hardcore crushing? I'm fairly certain Claire would get a bunch more interest if was just a bunch of foot-focused cheesecake shots while wearing underwear that shows her bulge.
>Marten's mom will get Claire into porn
The memes were right
>Marten's mom becomes Claire's abusive porn producer and makes her fuck Momo until her warranty is voided
Martin has a sister?
He's got a little sister analogue in Sam.
Sam is his semi-step-sister
>I wouldn’t want internet weirdos saying messed-up shit about you
It’s nice to be acknowledged sometimes.
so jeph is broke, right
Dating a tranny, mom was a dominatrix foot fetish model, half his friends are lesbians, or bang robots, or both ... is anyone NORMAL in Marten’s life?
there's still robots to be fucked
i used to be really into QC back when i read webcomics regularly. still seems like a cool comic all things considered, but whenever i think about going back there's like, a dozen new robot characters and shit to keep track of :/
I thought this was just gonna be the footfag arc, but apparently it's the Claire Gets Into Footfag Porn Then Probably Real Porn arc.
Its a tranny
Of course it doesn't have nice feet
This comic is terrible.
how is that not real?
where the fuck is he going with this
as if he knows
It won't be long until we know the canon size of Claire's dick
>wont outright say he doesn't want her to do it or condemn this in any way
>also goes out of his way to make sure his boyfriend knows that if they want to disregard his halfhearted attempt to have a spine, thats completely fine too
God I'm so tired of this shit comic why cant I stop
Yeah we really don't talk much about how Martin has obvious issues with women and it fucked his whole life up.
The only reason he even lives in this city is he was SIMPing some woman who moved and he chased after her.
Jesus, how's the art gotten worse!
I just don't anymore. We were watching cutebot getting surgery then LOL FUCK YOU HERE SOME DISGUSTING MAN FEET.
It would have been a good joke if he panned out and those were actually marten's feet but no, he just wanted more money.
Having a nose ring makes you look like cow Jeph...
then why is my dick so large when my feet are the size of childrens, user? btfo with your horoscope level BS
based tripfag comment, I approve
The best things Pleb is doing is Dobson related stuff.
I miss when jeph drew claire cute
she's not cute looking anymore
Stop it! Bad! Stop reading this shit, you simps! Put your time into something more valuable, or at least a more worthwhile webcomic.
>wah don't like something just because I don't like it
Ate you telling me you like it?
We can’t explore marten’s issues because to do so would possibly imply sex workers or even women could possibly be wrong about something ever. Best to just insist Marten is wrong to have a problem with anything because internalized patriarchy.
I'm gonna need some proof, user. For scientific purposes.
How many Stabbenings are we up to now? Three?
I remember when all discussion of this was just "when is the spineless beta gonna FUCK THE TRANNY?" for like three years.
Oh, Claire..
>How dare you robots have it so easy! We transgenders have such a hard time with a constant, never-ending barrage of discrimination making our lives hell!
>I know, I'll shamelessly whore myself to the online world for guys to wank to!
Does Jeph not going to the doctor for a long time while his ear was fucked up count as a stabbening?
You bypass that by having Claire agree that Veronica did something wrong.
That's more of an ignorance about the severity of the problem rather than intentional self-harm.
Everyone is canonically somewhere on the LGBTWTFBBQ spectrum, so no.
He watched "Once upon a time in hollywood" and tries to cope with Tarentinos footfetish in the movie.
And he realized that its a valid fetish and tries to bank in.
Do you have a slightly perverted mini bot too? If no... than i guess its not that normal?
I don't read this shit but panel 3 is especially exploitable if you just switch the o to an e
When did he have one in the first place
I haven't read this comic for years but I can't remember him ever nutting up about anything
He called Dora out for acting like a cunt back when they were dating... Hey wait a minute, Dora and Martin broke because she never fully trusted him, right? She would get pissed if another woman called him cute, look through his shit without his permission, all because she’d “always wonder if [he’d] rather be with Faye” right? What happened to THAT Dora?
Everything's fine except them.
Like Hanners, all her hang-ups were fixed off-panel.
...I-i-is handstab t-trying to say something?
becoming a sexual deviant fixes all your problems, see Faye, Marigold, Dora, Claire, Tai, and Bubbles
Wasn't the build-up to this that Dora had rushed to their house to look up Marten's porn history because she didn't believe he was telling the truth when he said he was just a vanilla porn kind of guy?