Could Steven redeem them?

Could Steven redeem them?

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No he’d think he did but they’d still do the same shit but witha Dennis justified spin.

Steven doesn’t redeem humans

I really wanna discuss It’s Always Sunny, but there doesn’t really seem to be any way to connect it to anything cartoon/comic-related. And I know the mods are gonna be anal about that.

Don’t even dare bring up Yea Forums. They don’t ever discuss anything without falling apart into racism and shitposting almost instantly. Not worth my time.

Philly can redeem Steven

Now’s your chance I guess

knowing the gang they would just end up dragging Steven down to their level, like Cricket

>The Gang Challenges Steven and the Gems to a game of Chardee Macdennis

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he redeemed mr frowney
he redeemed lars
he redeemed kevin (almost)

Dennis and Frank wouldn't be

Can the Gems survive the final Spirit round?

you mean the horror round?

The one where one teammate is insulted by their entire team and must not break

Just reset pearl and it’ll be fine.

But would anyone survive when Frank drugs them all and locks them in his basement?

They’re genuinely beyond saving. The one episode where a therapist offered help they called her names. They can’t admit they even have an issue.

Steven and the Gems are pretty durable so yes

Mr smiley redeemed mr frowny
Steven turned Lars into his purse
We will literally never see Kevin again

What you guys forget is that Steven benefits from fighting emotionally vulnerable trainwrecks, which fits The Gang to a T.

dies to Country Mac

I’ve seen threads on Yea Forums get turned into stealth IASIP threads. You just have to be crafty in starting them.

Although jannies have gotten drunk with power lately.

Except for Dennis they did nothing wrong, OP.

trips don't lie

Lucky Trips Confirm that Dennis is Bastard Man.

Frank just needs to vent

What you fail to see is frank drawing his gun.