TRON: Legacy

Man that first season was really good I wonder when Disney will come out with the second one. Right you guys?

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Mara > All

And it gave us one of the few cartoon villains that legitimately scared me.

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>Lance Henriksen

No wonder Tesler was so awesome.

He's one of the few villains who almost killed the main character. Him and Paige have an interesting relationship that would've been explored more if the show wasn't cancelled.

Whatever fucking HAPPENED to CLU's army? They do nothing but kick ass and kill people in the movie, yet in the show they can be pushed around.

I guess it doesn't matter since in, the show clu has stupidly huge armies tho, like clone wars level shit

These guys were under Teslar who isn't incompetent but underestimated Beck abilities. With CLU coming to argon things would've gotten harder for beck

They're going up against Tron and Beck who's being trained to become the next Tron.

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Look at thethe scene in the club in Legacy,4 of these guys kill like 100 rebels

Yet in the show abel accidentally knocked one out, come on

Is this gonna be on Disney+ when it launches?

It was called Tron Uprising you fucking losers.

Hope so


the series was cool, but i feel like everything is pointless because the resistence will fail and the boy in the movie is the one that will save them all.

is like watching the Star Wars Rebel show, like whatever, they all will fail and die anyway, luke is the true hero.

The fan theory was that the show was leading up to the Uprising sending the message to Alan Bradley that triggers the events in Legacy, that would have been a nice meaningful thing for the programs to accomplish

I'd love it if Kingdom Hearts could eventually go to the Tron:Legacy world and provide it with some semblance of a conclusion

the continuity between this and the movie is a bit iffy, since in the movie the elite Mook working for CLU turned out to be a branwashed TRON. Many were convinced it had to end badly. I like to think it takes place after the movie, so Tron was able to break free of brainwashing but was badly injured in the process. CLU managed to weasel his way out of the explosion. Done.

Eeehhh his character was generic douchebag second-in command scheming villain. Honestly CLU would have been a much more worthy adversary.
Also Tron goes from personalityless Megaman into asshole Superman/Batman.

I know this is bait but I love Tron, so I’ll play along.

>Disney caring about its IP instead of ravaging purchased IP

If it's back at some point it would be cal-arts shit

Man, don't even joke. They made Boxleitner quit in disgust. If they suddenly got their shit together and announced a third film tomorrow with Tron in the lead role I doubt he'd even care to comment, let alone come back

I thought one of the many pseudo-prequels dealt with Legacy's version of Space Paranoids