JSA Storytime: Top 10

Good evening owls,

change of pace time!!!!

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and now: words words words

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Countdown to rape

Hello, Storyteller.

Okay, time to do a police procedural set in a world where everyone has superpowers written by Alan "capes are for babies, but most of my career is writing cape stories" Moore.

It's an Alan Moore comic so that's inevitable. I actually do like this one though, it has one of my fave lines in comics.

There's some alan moore hate i'm feeling in this thread and I don't like it!!

anyway hey OP. DC Insider showed up again last night so I decided to compile his last two stories.

i think he's just trolling me though with the wally and legion shit desu

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I'm laughing because the odds it's not true are extremely low

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IMO it's fine to give Alan Moore shit for the shit he obviously deserves to get shit for. He's still a good writer, like his understanding of comics and fundamentals are way ahead of the pack. But is unambiguously true.

>named after the confederate general

not a good look!

I am completely revved up to hate Tom Taylor Skwad, btw

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The gall of going grimdark ultraviolent on us and then giving a fucking lecture from his OC Donut Steel who never had to actually struggle to succeed is still fueling my pure, fiery hate

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Prepared to be reminded of how into Jack Phantom and Peregrine I was when I first read this.

I’d rather Taylor be on both Superman books than Suicide Squad

My hatred is so pure I don't want him on anything he so desperately wants as Supes.

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What would your choice punishment book be for Taylor?

Uh yeah, that's a thing in this universe

That's a good question. I suspect he'd be entirely too happy to try to write woke teenies.

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The problem with being a Suicide Squad stan is literally nobody has done it like Ostrander or carried over any of the good shit from Ostrander. People liked the Rob Williams stuff and it was garbage

I've seen discussions of the semiotics of the Gunn movie poster using the Ostrander font

it'll probably be lies, sadly

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also I see this is going to be a dense comic

and I love how casual all the batshit is

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Yep, there's usually a lot of stuff happening in the background, and some Altman-eqsue overlapping dialogue going on

My faith was definitely broken by the first movie. I'll still probably hate-read the TT stuff.

What I don't get is how people keep fucking up a book about a shady government agent forcing a bunch of supervillains to do her dirty work. This premise is so dirt simple, it should be difficult to do poorly, and yet here we are.

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whenever they don't show a guy's face there's a reveal coming

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>he's a big guy

Jeremy Whitley is sales poison.
Steve Rude got a rejection from Marvel a few months ago, so he's moved on to making tutorial videos and attempting to create a pitch for a Nexus animated series.

how the fuck do you reject Steve Rude

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I feel this right here is a key component of worldbuilding. This shit is completely mundane and unremarkable to these people, so it should be treated as such. It helps ease the audience into things without gratuitous exoposition because the 'camera' is telling you that this is normal and you don't need to ask questions.

I'd want to see the pitch, but you'd think he'd at least have something interesting

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I bet that dog's a killer

me too! everyone else I talk to is hype for it so I'm just an angry island

ferro-americans just brings back beep boop roboracism

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Is it wrong I just skipped out on reading all this

You might have done a good thing. I can't remember if it spoils some stuff because I haven't re-read it in years.

I actually liked Rob Williams Squad. It's not Ostrander but it's readable unlike the other tries

The thing about Gunn Squad is I genuinely can't believe it'll be worse. and if Elba is Bronze Tiger that fucking rules.

Nah, never read the intro before the work

lol I did too

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tfw you're a sucker for moore writing so you hoovered it up.

I've only read the first couple of issues so I dunno if there's any huge spoilers, just seemed like some background on the world to me.

Crimson Cape Catering
>Let us cater for your Crisis or Crossover

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Hi everyone.

How are you all? Sometimes it's nice to sit down and read something together.

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I appreciate all the burgers Smax has

Ah, my favorite Alan Moore work. Thanks for posting, Op.

I bet the water son died

Thank user who uploaded the good scans for me, and we needed a change of pace. And I like to think that Yea Forums doesn't have to be a font of bile constantly. Only partially.

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good but i'm behind on reading rn cause i took a break and might be leaving so i'm gonna miss all the talking.

>my dad made them
... Okay, fuck it, I'm starting this shit. That's really lame that she didn't make the toys. Hardly surprising given the writer, but come on, this instantly removes some of the protagonist's agency. I'll hold off on bitching too hard in case character development happens to make her come into her own as a mad toy maker, for the sake of fairness.

I haven't been in these threads for a really long time so it's nice to see they're still going.

Just because this is her first day on the job does not mean that she's the protagonist.

The whole 'gainful employment' thing has cut into our reading but we're still fucking here

she's a legacy, man, like almost everyone here.

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Nice graffiti there

assuming there's no reveal that text piece takes place before the main series, Moore mentions a ride along with Smax and his dead partner

LOL at the Dr. Demento joke

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Fine. Finally worked up the nerve to cut some bee infested branches. I like to take walks around the pool, and the flowers were way too close. Probably should've done that at dusk, but hey, it got done.


Thanks. Top 10 is one of my favorite series of all time.

Children, not babies. I believe his main gripe is adults who never make the leap toward literature and remain obsessed with characters primarily aimed at children and build an entire culture around it, only he was just being a cunt about it.

What are your thoughts about the series?

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Waitasec. When was Top 10 incorporated into Vertigo? I thought Moore's ABC line remained. Jeez, i really haven't been paying attention.

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This reprint attempt was, I think mostly because Wildstorm wasn't really reprinting anything in 2015.
It also says "vol 1." It sold so poorly that they didn't do a vol 2 (which would have been the OGN prequel and the SMAX mini)

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say is this /d/? giantess bullying prosthetic-armed dogman?

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The implication of course being that one medium of storytelling is somehow inherently superior to another. Additionally, that building a culture around characters primarily marketed towards children is wrong for whatever reason, as if building a culture around adult oriented characters doesn't carry the exact same set of problems. Not only is Moore being a cunt, he seems to not realize that his actual gripe may lie in the concept of fandom in general. He just specifies capes because that's what he's familiar with.

>What are your thoughts about the series?
First time reading it. It's okay so far. Digging the tone and atmosphere, but not much has happened yet, so it's hard to make a real judgement call.

this comic has plenty of /d/ so sure let's start here

Because of this, an omnibus (to be published under Black Label given the current circumstances) is unfortunately very unlikely.

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Do you not like to read or something? What's wrong with words? Remind yourself never to read Cerebus by Dave Sim, or basically ANYTHING ELSE MOORE HAS EVER WRITTEN, dunce.

this is escalating fast...

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Moore always tries to work in some /d/. There's implied bestiality in at least two of his works, for one thing.

lmao the fucking lawyer shark

oh shiiiit

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Pretty sure there's actual bestiality in a few too.

The lawyer being a shark is such a dumb joke but I love it.

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>but not much has happened yet,
It's the benefit of hindsight having read this before, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that 75% of the pages in this issue have set up all the future plot lines.

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Yes, literally every other line is setting up a mystery

>The implication of course being that one medium of storytelling is somehow inherently superior to another.
I'd alway figured his gripe was more against the industry, not the medium. Am I wrong about this? I do not think he's differentiated between the superiority of medium. However, you'll have a difficult time arguing that the comics medium has produced as many masterpieces as literature.

>that building a culture around characters primarily marketed towards children is wrong for whatever reason, as if building a culture around adult oriented characters doesn't carry the exact same set of problems.
I hear you. That's basically what ushered the Dark Ages.

> he seems to not realize that his actual gripe may lie in the concept of fandom in general
Yeah, I think you're on to something. But he does go out of his way to belittle adults who focus a lot of their time on superhero culture and how toxic it can get. I do think it's a rather myopic perspective but every once in a while I scroll through Yea Forums and agree entirely with that assessment.

Anyways, hope you enjoy. Top 10 has always been one of my favorites from Moore.

He’s complaining that comics readers reheat such a small set of characters and milk it to death

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surprise feeeeels

I gotta get some sleep tonight or else, so we'll be back wednesday, my good owls

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Yeah, it definitely feels like a set up issue. To make an odd comparison, it kinda feels like watching early episodes of Steven Universe, where all of this seemingly one off shit is so specific that of course it comes up again later.

This fuckin lawyer shark. Can't even hate.

thanks for posting!

Thanks OP. There are some really good single issues in this, looking forward to it

Hyperdog's true interracial love is the best story Alan Moore ever made.

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

Off to a decent start. The mundane tone is the best aspect so far, having all this wacky capeshit be utterly unremarkable is, for lack of a better word, charming.

Yeah, Moore's not even necessarily incorrect about a lot of his points(cape fandom can get toxic as fuck), but he's undermining those points by being a dick and coming off as kind of hypocritical considering his entire career history.

And yes, Top Ten is neat so far.

I look forward to rereading that amazing issue Nic Pizzolatto ripped off for True Detective. One of the best in the series. How Moore never sued him is beyond me.

>no vol.2
Vertigo does this all the time. Just let me finish my animal man!!

oh fuck i forgot to post, BleedingCool says they're finally collecting WML Wondy

Rich's source: Penguin Random House/Amazon via Masterworks Discussion Forum

For some reason, korean publisher thought Top 10 was the essential Alan Moore equivalent of V and Watchmen. Actually, they promoted it as the trinity.

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Yeah, that was in their edelweiss catalog a few months ago. It's strictly WML, so it skips a few fill-in issues (I think by Priest)

take a peak at what else is coming that BC might not have reported on yet.
Each month DC has a few surprises in their solicitations, like the Batwoman omni

I would honestly put it up there with those two and Miracleman. It's that good. Amazing story. Amazing art. Amazing puns and jokes in it, too. In equal measure hilarious, heartbreaking, and bad ass. Top 10 is a friggin' masterpiece.

Top 10 should be at least as popular as V. Even fuckng True Detective ripped it off majorly for their season one ending

Never seen this before, so yeah, I'm intrigued.

Damn, this got to me.

Thanks for storytiming OP

Maybe it was actually really popular in Korea? Would be interested to know if that's the case or not

>sonic leprosy
I gotta remember that one.

thank you op that was a nice read

From Sandman to All Star Superman, they translated every good classics during 2008~2013. For now, american comics are strictly published by the movie schedule and promotion because it's a big deal.

Yup but no swamp thing yet :(

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For me, it's From Hell. I read somewhere that Bong Joon-ho used it for Memories of Murder.

Thanks mang, I really dig superheroes being casual.

D-do you like BnHA fanfiction *blush*

It's Moore. You either get WORDSWORDSWORDS or RAPERAPERAPE. Or if he's feeling saucy, both at once.

>Several young ladies have been subjected to his unwelcome
>A T T E N T I O N S
God damn it, Alan.

Caution:Those WORDS are spoiler. or maybe a clue.

Lets be careful out there!

Do I like what now?

Aren't those girls also have superpowers? They could R E S I S T

Yeah, I think he's smart but not as smart as his die-hard fans keep thinking him to be, but he still gets my respect for the work he's done.

He has absolutely no problem with the medium whatsoever, because he sees the potential it can bring, which is what makes him different from say, a Bill Maher.

Moore's issue is with the industry and the superhero-worship. But on the other hand it's like, I can agree with the problem with superhero-worship, but on the other hand it's regular people and their kids who are watching the films, not just the typical superhero comics fans he'd imagine.

DC owns all the ABC line except for LOEG.
I assume WB owns True Detective.

I don't think there's anything Moore can do about it.

I would put it up there, too.

well, they also own LOEG part one, two, and black dossier

Ah fuck, I forgot about storytime.

Once you notice the pattern, it's hard to ignore. Even short one off stories have rapes if he can get them in.

And underage girl's voluntary prostitution kek

Spin off based on that wizard dude, please!

Maybe they should get King to write it, ha. Ha. Ha.

Fuck yes, MONGOOSE BLOOD. He Whizzed has the best origin ever.

What's Hyperdrene from?

He might not care anymore.

>it's bad if you have sexual violence/rape in all of you work
>it's okay if you have murder in all of you work
I don't get it

Does fish rape count as bestiality?

>What's Hyperdrene from?

I don't know if there's an equivalent but the idea in-story is that using it causes you to see pixies and imps. I guess kind of like Alan Grant's take on Bat-Mite in Legends of the Dark Mite, maybe?

I'm pretty sure Gunn has outright said that he went back to the Ostrander comics for influence.

Well, Kowalski seems all but confirmed as the Ghostly Goose...

The Whizzer, god dangit.

Do you think that he's aware that he has this reputation and now he's just doing it on purpose to annoy people?

>griping on Moore for rape
How about Frank Miller?

Which of his works had it?

Every page of Sin City

I don't remember if season 1 had rape. I do know Smax has Smax's sister get raped. I hated that.

Liked top 10 season 1. Still think it's Moore's best work.

>I don't remember if season 1 had rape. I do know Smax has Smax's sister get raped. I hated that.
I remember that being the only instance of rape in the Top 10 series

based Ross

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Thanks OP, aleays liked Top 10 and enjoyed reading it again.

Never was a fan of the art though. It’s like both under- and over detailed. Detailed to the point facial expressions become hard to read for all the lines and wrinkles. At the same time the backgrounds often seem strangely empty and poorly filled out.

Anybody else feel this way?

The artists do the graphic novel and the Smax mini separately. Have you checked out them?