Villains Steven can never redeem

I'll start us off with an easy one

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real estate

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But Dan's not a villain, that was never proven for a fact

Could the mods PLEASE just do something with the SU spam? Holy fuck

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I gave this show a 3-episode chance and they were all unfunny.

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Believe In Steven

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He did nothing wrong


Even in his own show!

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>ah, I now see the error of my ways, Steven.
>I shall dismantle my power structure, raise Commoragh to the ground, and free all the slaves held captive here
>we should celebrate our momentous occasion!
>how about a cultural exchange?
>by the by, what was that thing you said earlier about the Gems dismantling their military and leaving most of their planets defenseless?

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Why is he licking his lips?

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sauce please

it was by somebody called dop on pixiv, saucenao even gave the bad id and everything

>You're absolutely right, Steven. I should have considered that prostitute's feelings before I dropped that running chainsaw on her from 3 flights of stairs.
>I'm going to voluntarily commit myself now and donate my fortune to women's shelters to attone for my crimes.

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Now it’s been a long ass while since I saw this film but I’m pretty sure the chainsaw thing was all in his head

Dan Halen is easily the best part of Squidbillies along with Rusty, and the music guest stars. Tammy, Early, and the Sheriff drags the whole show down.

Tesler is just Yellow Diamond but more evil.

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>y'know, ya right, lil white boi.
>i aughta ease up on them niggas, theyse facin a lot of discrimination in society.
>im gunna go volunteer at ma local ncaap office

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>Tries to trigger The Cluster into forming just to see what would happen.

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Everything was

This fat bitch

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He's also on Baraag, but brace for lots of hard anal, and big veiny cocks both on lolis.

He'd trick him into cleaning his balls

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Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!

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Dan would actually be pretty easy to redeem, he's a greedy piece of shit but he also cares a lot about what others think about him and he's had moments of altruism here and there. He'd never do a full 180 but Stephen could probably get him down to maybe Mr. Krabs levels of greed.

And an actually effective villain.

Everyone in that picture is beyond redemption. I think even Steven would spend the next morning, thousand yard stare as his cereal goes soggy, thinking maybe the injectors and loads of gems would have been better than letting humans like that be created.

every time Oh Joy Sextoy gets posted I get angry about it, like even in the fucking cuck cartoon everyone's got to be ugly, as though the artist is angry at the very idea of beauty itself and can't even bring itself to use sex to promote a degenerate lifestyle. Like what the fuck if you're going to promote a cuck fetish the "bull" should at least be ripped and not a dude who looks like he locks his door when he passes a bum on the freeway, also that woman is way too fat she's cheating on both of those guys with Colonel Sanders. Also I hate the color scheme.

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>everyone's got to be ugly, as though the artist is angry at the very idea of beauty itself

She (and everyone else who considers themselves "sex positive") is

That is kind of up in the air but it is hard to believe the ramblings of a guy who described watching a talk show where the guest was a Cherrio.

Even when he was on the verge of dying form taint cancer, he was still one of the biggest assholes imaginable.

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>That bitch being considered sexy
>All the people in that comic

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Cuckoldry is high up in my list of things I will never understand no matter how much science and research progress. How can you find joy in letting others push you away, deprive you, and even degrade you?

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The man dressed in drag and starred in a cabaret, then shortly managed to get in Hitler's inner circle. He would easily make Steven taste the chain.

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>Gee Steven guess selling drugs to kids to further my ambitions wasn't that nice
>and the attempted murder of my daughter
>and my successful murder of my father
>and mother
>and a lot of people
>fuck Giorno though

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Of course she's a fucking whale, it's always a fucking whale

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Before the mask, maybe, definite no after though
>Pillar Men
Whamu is a maybe, if Steven proved he was a warrior, Esidisi and Kars are no
>Any of Dio's henchmen aside from Kakyoin and Pol
>Any of La Squadra or the Elite Guard
No. Doppio could definitely be redeemed however
Before Perla died, yes. After, no.
Maybe when he was a kid
>AU Diego
>Rock fags
Maybe, him and Steven are both manchildren

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Diavolo could probably be talked down from a distance. Nobody ever took the time to sit his ass down and explain why people wanting to know who he is wasn't worth killing them over.

I noticed this thread was incomplete

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Excuse me, but is that a house made out of cargo containers?

There's three I can think of, but I'm not allowed to post them

Some men just want to watch the grass grow

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The amount of worlds they’ve destroyed, the amounts of hearts they’ve stolen from sentient beings, and the amount of hearts they’ve turned into their own kind puts whatever the Diamonds did to shame. And to add onto that the above is LITERALLY their main instinctual drive, Steven would be lucky to escape with his life.

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Diego wouldve gutted Steven just because he's pathetic

AU Diego yeah. Regular Diego didn't really go around killing people unless he was getting something out of it.

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>They actually expect you to pay them for posting this

Steven has alot of things Diego could want.
like a guitar dad

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>Your nemesis is a supervillain who tricks people into cleaning his balls
>No...just me

>Humble Chamberlain become Steven's friend if Steven just lets us feed on your crystal. Skesis need life too, yes?

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>Any of Dio's henchmen aside from Kakyoin and Pol
What about Hol Hoarse?

Post the dog one

Diavolo after a few centuries of dying may be a little more open minded

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These fuckers

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The dog one?

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They just need to learn to use a 3 point turn satan

>he doesn't know
look it up user

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The puppy play or the furry watersport one?

The dude is a Schizophrenic maniac, and suffers from SEVERE D.I.D. Unless Steven can sneak some heavy meds to him, something tells me he'll be irredeemable...


The Beast.

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