Did you like her Yea Forums?

Did you like her Yea Forums?

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What's the matter anons? Don't like fun?

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Preach user.

We love her so much we made lots of threads and recreated an Yea Forums version. I hope Ian knows this.

Yes. I am feeling actual romantic feelings for her and that is stressing me out. I have never felt this way about a character before and it sucks.

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Any fantasties user?

>i have a spinel gf and i really need to get rid of her because she's getting really annoying

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I love her bros. I replay this scene over and over and it never fails to make me smile

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Pinkie 2.0.

I started 4channing BECAUSE of the Spinel threads.

Sorry friends, but a gem this perfect must be admired. lol

>Great character
>Fun design and powerset
>Compelling backstory that doesn't remove the need to stop her because muh fee fees :(
>S+ voice acting and singing
Rebecca really did go all out for the movie.

No. You faggots have become worse then the ponies.

I have to say, credit where it's due, it would've been so easy to make her fucking irritating by accident.
But by having her actually listen when people say to stop, by having her clearly intend the best and by having her have emotions beyond bubbly childishness they actually made her really fucking wholesome without being terrible.
It's nice to see that balance done well.

What’re you trying to say that we’re the next mlp again?

what's he gonna do when Rebecca inevitably leaves him for another woman?

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if ian likes her now I want to see thicc spinnel

Yep. I've already asked for you guys to have your own board. /su/ sounds nice, doesn't it?

I begin to see why Pink did it.

Hey, I do that too. :D

No make it /ybfs/ instead

>heart ear spinel
Ian is no longer my nigga

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Daily reminder Steven pulled a scumbag move on her.

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Don't worry. You'll lose interest and those feelings will turn into nothing but memories; and soon enough those too will be gone, like tears in the rain.

She was literally the sole redeeming quality in that train wreck of a "movie."

He's got a point, reset-Spinel has a way of making herself the center of attention or being too noticeable in ways that are annoying in the final film. I think the moment at the end of "Who We Are" where Spinel does that really big 'here we are in the future and it's WROOO-OOONG' after everyone else had stopped singing, as an adult that was a totally cringeworthy moment executed perfectly. Overall though Spinel's character development following "Independent Together" really cements how enjoyable the character is to the audience, when you see a few montages of Pink Diamond subtlety looking more and more drained from being around Spinel's antics. Pink Diamond felt how annoying Spinel was more than anyone, and left her in the Garden for a reason even if it was an asshole reason.

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Steven was literally saying "someone in the galaxy will love you, not me, but someone!"

What is JQ going to do now that his show is over?

Once you go black...

yes and if you do anything to hurt her i'll kill you, everyone in this thread and then myself

I can't get her fucking songs out of my head and it is giving me a headache.

apparently he's taking a break for a bit
meanwhile Toby and Geneva are both involved on unnaounced projects (perhaps the same one?)

>Ian JQ
>Notable for being ourguy
>His own show, OK KO, is essentially Yea Forums the animation
>He loves Spinel
>the state of Yea Forums now
Makes sense.

why not steven? i believed in steven

>being this upset about character spam
Yes, because it's never happened before.

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but OK KO is shit

Not everything is his problem to solve. He'd already gone above and beyond by just listening.

Not everything sure, but his mom's fuck ups are his responsibility. He was born with her gem, powers, and right to rule. He is accountable for her actions.

The usual. Dates, kissing, cuddling, fucking, fighting off alien invasions to save the Earth. Normal things.

Good, because I’ve actually been looking for a Spinel in a heart cut and I hate it.

diamonds need to be versatile and have the ability to grow/change, unlike most single-purpose gems
when a diamond is first created they get a spinel to grow with them. spinels start out as extremely cute and playful, but mature with their diamond (like end-of-the-movie spinel)

Pink Diamond kind of fucked her spinel up by allowing her to stay in a super-playful state. She always just smiled instead of saying "you know im kind of sick of that". Yellow and Blue probably told their spinel "knock it off" and started playing simulated wars and stuff. When Yellow and Blue diamond grew out of their spinel, their spinel's were ready to leave them.
PD probably thought spinel would enjoy sitting in the garden forever just because she called it a "game". PD didn't realize Spinels were capable of more complex emotions.

I love spinel but oversaturation will just dull out conversations and awaken contrarians to talk shit. I do like the edit/draw threads tho.

You have to understand that you can't control popularity and people will dislike it for that very nature as well as it stemming from Steven Universe.

He never consent to being born.

>t. wasn't around when ponies happened



She's the best Yea Forums character of 2019.

I don't even like Steven Universe, but I loved the movie because of Spinel.

He didn't say no to being born either.

Or Pink felt like she had to grow up into what the other diamonds wanted her to be and thought Spinel was holding her back

so is Yea Forums

There's a reason you were denied quads

Why do they have those shadows on their eyes?

life is misery

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Spinel is a great measuring stick. If any of my friends won't stop talking about her, have her as a Discord avatar or whatever, I can confirm they're susceptible to media brainwashing. This is extremely useful for determining which of them are likely to become trannies, cry about racism, sell their friends out to jews or the federal government, etc.

God bless this ugly pink fuck. I couldn't have asked for a better litmus test for insufferable faggots.

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Pfftt amateur


absolute despair
near-fatal exhaustion from three minutes with the murdercock

Just pass her off to someone here.

it's over user

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>Fell in love with her goofy corniness

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they work like mickey's ears? What are they? Either way going back to what she was before is dumb and gay. People grow and change and the past is the past. We can't go back to being young, innocent, and stupid

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>Yep. I've already asked for you guys to have your own board. /su/ sounds nice, doesn't it?
Good, keep asking bro. I'd unironically love a /su/ or /sug/ board. For now, just filter the threads.

Sounds like someone needs a new best friend

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you have no power over our dicks

Speak for yourself. Not everyone wants to fuck her

A board for a cartoon with only one season remaining doesn't really make sense user. Mlp was a special case something getting relatively popular doesn't warrant its own board.

>liking a cute character = goverment tranny brainwashing
Based Schizo

yes but also you are

he's not wrong tho

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fuck jew
fuck niggers
and fuck the federal government

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>spinel is alone at home
>after browsing your porn starts browsing /po/ for fun stuff to do
>one day she types /pol/ by accident
>won't shut up about the jew niggers from outer space

Did he create Spinel or was Spinel another member’s creation?

>tfw am the spinel gf
and this is precisely why my bf doesn’t love me anymore

Go back to /pol/

I have to agree with you, user. It'd be cool to have a SU board, but the show only has 1 season left. Which I think is kinda weird, because the movie felt like a good place to end the series with some closure. But whatevs. lol

And honestly, board or not, people are gonna be talking about Spinel for a good long time. And I have no problems with that whatsoever. :D

>Ian is happy that a movie theater full of fans cheered to the thing they are a fan of

Duh, Ian. That's kind of a biased audience if you were looking for a more genuine reaction.

>only 1 season left

Are you certain about that?

not him but it's nothing concrete actually we just know there still in production the board work for the movie finished last october, multiple fusion including the new ones we saw at season 5 and cast members have been in the booth, season 6 is definitely a thing that's happening, and well probably figure out more at nycc. but beyond that the only thing we really have to go on is the scoops leak from 17 claiming 9 seasons is currently planned.

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I can't wait until one of you stupid creepy queers makes a Spinel-themed manifesto before going on an extremely pathetic "killing spree".

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Well, I wasn't completely sure about what's coming after the movie.

Steven and friends are now BFFs with Homeworld, Spinel has a new home, the corrupted Gems are healed, the Earth isn't doomed anymore. What conflict is left?

this image contains a lot of power

Sneeple, creators of the Gems. They’ve been hibernating while the gems build an empire.

She ain't bad and I don't mind her, but I am still not touching SU with a ten foot pole.

Incredibly, absolutely, postiviely BASED

"It was a minor inconvenience when you stole my personal shuttle and crashed it on Upsilon 9. It was an insult when you impersonated imperial officers during a cosmic jubilee. But to steal my Sun Incinerator is unacceptable!"

There's a whole class of aristocratic gems with warships who won't want to give up their power and status.

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First Order then.

What if i like Spinel and hate trannies, am racist and an anti semite?

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You are sane

>I'd unironically love a /su/ or /sug/ board.
I wouldn't want that. Just take a look at the state of /MLP/, literally nothing but shitposting and autistic rants/ravings about headcanons, any kind of actual discussion about the show itself is dead or gets shit down.

>Doesn't know about trash generals

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So SU's version of Ayy Lmaos even though the homeworld gems were kinda like that already?

I do know of them, and I browse them.
They're garbage compared to the old co/sug/ threads

I miss Goeatatowel

Same. It's a shame he stopped caring about SU, but I understand why. The show hit a massive meandering lull for a while.

They're hilarious. There's this one nutjob who does nothing but spam in all caps about being banned from a discord.

he was active for like, five threads. ten tops.

I like how they handled her a lot. They definitely were aware "Oh hey, this is someone we never mentioned before appearing basically just for this movie" and in a lot of comedy ways is treated as out of place like that by the characters. More than just a few yucks though, that was also worked into the plot as well and motivated her in what could've been an out of the blue "one dumb misunderstanding" betrayal scene.

Good, she'll be less annoyed when I do it. We can be even better friends

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Close enough. Spinel is able to change, we saw that with Steven, Pink wanted a jester until she got a colony and decided she wasn't a child.
Then pretty promptly gave up because running a colony is not fun enough/too hard.

>she starts wanting to rebuild the gem empire by overthrowing the now weak and pathetic diamond rulers.
>Every day you come back home to find Spinel and Jasper telling you how much they hate the new homeworld government.

I thought she was a great antagonist, but I definitely don't like her the same way Yea Forums does.

Yeah, like he said. Yea Forums the animation.

>people are gonna be talking about Spinel for a good long time
By 2020, she'll have 40 anons that still like her.

And we'll all love her a whole lot

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The lack of no doesn't imply a yes. Try taking that to court when you rape a girl in a coma.

It what ways is he right.
>inb4 he just is.
No, stop being a faggot and provide me proof that Spinel is a government brainwashing tool. I'll even throw you a bone and allow it to be ANY government, and not just the USA/China/Russian governements.
Convince me that this fucker isn't pulling shit out of his ass for (>you)'s or because he's legitimately crazy.
>Lol, you took the bait. What a faggot.
I don't even care anymore.

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I think the answer is quite obvious.

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it was kind of important to set up the third act - steven kept subtly pulling away from her not just because she previously attacked his home, but because she was fucking annoying. Steven can deal with any kind of evil but he struggles with fucking annoying, as you can see with Onion episodes

I thought he found Onion creepy, not annoying.

That's my favorite part. So many stories pull this "There was a misunderstanding and someone close to becoming good went back to square one". This movie if you were watching for it had Steven constantly trying to sideline and push away Spinel. Her snap back felt much more earned.

On the topic, I also really loved that the intro was her crazy and then we got her original self reverting back to crazy as we went along. It's like when a story shows you a scene in the third act in the beginning to build up the how did we get there, only without an arbitrary jump forward in time.

There's too much Spinel threads apparently, only for a long moment though.This shouldn't be surprising given that we're dealing with a fresh FOTM

Spinel was left to rot in a garden for 5000 years
Steven is slowly dying because his reset gem cant put out enough power to sustain his ridiculously overpowered teenage body.

>it's never happened before.


>she starts watching murdoch murdoch
oh God...

Have a clingy, bratty spinel gf fanfic
archiveofourown org/works/20529905


It's been two weeks exactly, and I still think she is too pure for romance and lewds.
I just can't see her that way.
Do any of you guys feel the same,
i can't be the only one right?

same here. I just see her as an icon that will piss off Yea Forums possibly for years (or they just move on and forget that ever happened immediately). personally, I barely like Spinel at all

Geez. I really like Spinel, but not in a sexual way.

Do you even have to ask? The Sneeple are still controlling humanity from the shadows.

>creators of the Gems. They’ve been hibernating while the gems build an empire.
It would be a cool plotwist if they are organic as well, it would be a even cooler plotwist if whoever created the gems looks like Pearl and every pearl is based on her.

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>Not posting the answers.

Why would they make Pearls resemble them?

...i hate to say it but...can confirm, my unironic best friend is super clingy and we fuck from time to time but she's sooo annoying i mean i love her don't get me wrong, but SHIT, stop touching me for 5 seconds. it's like they don't know when to stop, but i REALLY don't want to hurt her, what do?

YES. i've regained my autism thanks to her and been drawing stupid shit about spinel and channel the whole week

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She's so anoying. No wonder Yea Forums loves her.

Those two are not exclusive.

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Steven being a fucking asshole, for one thing.

Are you familiar with the concept of sarcasm?

I've never watched Steven Universe, nor have I ever cared about it.
Someone in a distant thread on /vg/ linked Other Friends, after seeing it I saw the movie and actually cried at the climax.
So yes, yes I love Spinel. Spinel is wonderful and beautiful and amazingly well written. Her story is sympathetic in the extreme. Her animation is memorable and her design is cute. And her voice actress is 10/10, the most supernal acting I have heard in years.

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you. i like you

god, me too


now you have to watch 5 seasons without her

I feel like I got the gist of the story from the intro and feel no pressing need to actually watch the show. Space war with jewel-nazis who need to get talked down (by half-man half-jewel song Jesus) because they simply do not have emotional scopes in line with humans, or something like that.
Only here for Spinel, I'll leave the rest of the fanbase alone.

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Good on you, user. You don't have to watch the past 5 seasons, but it might be worth keeping track of everything going forward in case Spinel pops up again.

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That's pretty much the gist of the series, yeah. If you are ever bored and want some occasionally provocative and complex themes in a cartoon, or just fun songs and silly antics with endearing characters, its worth a watch. Some episodes are better than others. But if that aint your cup of tea then glad you like Best Gem.

I'll keep it as an option for a slow day!

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Just talk to her about it? As long as you're not trying to break up with her it should be fine, just let her know you feel and she'd probably understand.

>tfw RS could be your gf

When do we get the Wizard of Oz homage in which Peridot must travel to the Emerald City?

She was good in the movie.
But I fucking loathe all of you.

So is your opinion

Like most shows these days, it takes them several episodes to finally find their stride. Just keep that in mind.

Shopping Steven with damage goods again.